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  1. voices in my head
    18th Feb 2009 15:26
    16 years & 23 days ago
voices in my head
16 years & 23 days ago
18th Feb 2009 15:26

Day 1
I was here (so was I) who r u (O,,..,,O idk I am a figment of ur imagination) really (yep) wow so i can erase u (O,,..,,O um no i double as ur conscious ~don't do it~ see) -,,..,,- ok u live today (phew thank god he is gullible) wat was that (eep O,,..,,O nothing)
Day 2
(hey wake up lazy bum) =,...,,= i don' wanna (get up or i'll nag u all day) its saturday (well i don't like ur dream i keep seeing u push an erase button) i think its subliminal -,,..,,- (wat do you mean ) i think u know X3 (O,,..,,O back to sleep you go) thats wat i thought (i hate u) hmm? 0,,..,,o (nothing!wink.gif
Day 3
(hey can u make me a girl friend) y should i (i won't annoy you as much) DEAL (ok i want her to be hott no fat chicks) u perv (u created me so who is the real perv) SHUT UP (ok dark hair) ur pushing it (ok ok just make her how u want) e,,..,,e ok *thinks* {hello} (woah good job) ok leave me alone (hi hot stuff) {get away freak} (hey) i didn't say she would like u ( U SUK) {do i have to live with him} go to sleep or i'll delete u {ok}
Day 4
{hey lets talk about something important} like wat {y do u park in a drive way and drive in a parkway} -,,..,,- that's important? {yep ^^} i need to remember to put more thought into my next person {y is it that wen u go to bed at 2:00 am u went to bed late but if you wake up at 2:00 am u woke up early} HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW {u created me} -,,..,,- where is that other dude i need help {hey he scares me} THATS THE POINT -,,..,,- u know wat g'night {u sleep alot} *glares*
Day 5
(hey we are bored lets do something ) {lets go to the zoo} y would i do that {cuz u r getting fat sleeping all the time} OK THATS IT *thinks* RELEASE THE HOUND [growls] (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh h) {look a doggie *pets*} [*wags tail*] now friggin way (nice doggie) [*growls*] (eep) {i like this dog} crap now i have a dog in my head at least it will keep her happy (WAT ABOUT ME) wat about you? (that dog will kill me) two birds with one stone (u ass) i'm goin bak to sleep (ok lazy ass) [*growls*] (eep)
Day 6
{hey look i trained the dog how to speak} (really what language) dummy (wat) she means it will bark on command (oh) {speak boy} [hello] wat the hell (i guess thats english) shut up smarty pants (i am not such a dummy now am i?) sick em boy [growls] ( YOU SUCK!!!!!wink.gif [*jumps on him*] u have any complaints? {none what so ever} good lets sit bak and watch {gladly} (HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLP) [*bites*] i have fifty bucks on the dog {i'll go in on that action} ( I HATE U TWO) [growl]
Day 7
{hey is that other guy alive} idk ever since the dog attacked him he hasn't said anything. go poke him with a stick {ok *pokes*} (*jumps*) {hes alive} The chickens have escaped {pay up} um i seem to have misplaced my wallet {suuure u did} (were u two betting if i would live) yeah (u dummy y didn't u help me) {we were laughing to hard} (i hate you two) we aren't all that fond of u either (-,,..,,-) ok i have to do something crazy ummm *thinks* (*poof* wth y am i buff) {O,,..,,O hes hot} (finnaly something good happens) no *thinks* (*poof* aw u suk i'm normal ) {and hes gross sik em} [grrrrr] (NOT AGAIN) g'nite

  1. voices in my head
    18th Feb 2009 15:26
    16 years & 23 days ago