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  1. barbie quiz and life quiz
    20th Nov 2008 08:41
    16 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
  2. sad blind story
    25th Sep 2008 09:32
    16 years, 4 months & 27 days ago
  3. cool stuff
    8th Sep 2008 15:59
    16 years, 5 months & 13 days ago
  4. !!
    6th Sep 2008 09:10
    16 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
  5. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    29th Aug 2008 20:38
    16 years, 5 months & 23 days ago
  6. no girl deserves this
    12th Aug 2008 17:12
    16 years, 6 months & 9 days ago
  7. *wierd thing*
    12th Aug 2008 09:00
    16 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
  8. wishes
    11th Aug 2008 16:27
    16 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
  9. 1 scary way to break up
    1st Aug 2008 18:49
    16 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  10. Welcome to my marapet account
    15th Jul 2008 21:21
    16 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
barbie quiz and life quiz
16 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
20th Nov 2008 08:41

Take as you please =]

How Barbie Are You?

[x] you own curlers
[] you own a straightener(i dont need one my hair is naturally straight)
[x] you have foundation
[] you have 3 different colored eyeliners
[] you have mascara
[] you have a eyebrow brush
[x] you have a nail file
[] you have heat protection spray
[x] you have a hair dryer

[] your room is purple or pink
[] you call yourself Barbie haha
[] you have blonde hair
[] you have blue eyes
[x] you have brown eyes
[] you have brown hair
[x] you own more than 10 pairs of shoes
[] your bed is pink or purple

[] your friends call you dumb
[] people call you barbie
[x] you own a designer perfume
[] you have designer clothes
[] you've dyed your hair
[] you had/have highlites
[] your hair brush is designer

[] you have your own bathroom in your bedroom
[] you look in the mirror at least 5 times a day
[x] you wear a lot of pink
[x] bet you have a lot of stuffed animals in your room
[] you have pink fluffy lights in your room
[x] you have a pink teddy bear

[x] you have pink photo frames(only 1)
[] you have a pink nintendo DS/GB
[] you have a mobile phone
[] you have had/ have a pink mobile phone
[x] you have a laptop/ computer(what do you think im taking this quiz on?)
[] you have a tv in your room(i had one)
[x] you have an ipod/mp3
[x] you had to use a calculator to add up this quiz(lol)

Totalx3=percentage of "barbie"

42% Barbie.
Life Grade (I doubt this but I just put it here for fun)

[] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[x] You have your own room.
[] You own a cell phone.
[x] You have an mp3 player/ipod/discman.
[x] Your parents are still married.
[x] You love your family
[] There is a pool/spa/lake in your backyard.

[x] You dress the way you want to.
[x] You hang out with friends more than once a week.
[] There is a computer/ laptop in your room.
[x] You have never been beaten up
[x] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to
[] Your room is big enough for you
[x]People don't use you for something you have
[x] You have been to the movies.

[] You have over 500 friends on myspace
[] You have pictures on myspace
[x] Your parents let you have a myspace
[x] You get allowance/loan.
[x] You collect something normal.
[x] You look forward to going to college/university
[x] You don't wish you were someone else.
[] You play/have played a sport.
[x] You want to do something after school/college/university

[x] Your family owns a car/truck/van.
[x] You usually don't fight with your parent(s).
[]You have never got a failing grade on a report card in your life
[x] You have friends.
[] You've never had a detention

[x] You know what is going on in the world.
[x] You are happy with your life
[] You usually aren't sick.
[x] You know more than one language.
[] You have a screen name.(huh?what do you mean by that?)
[x] You own/owned a pet.
[x] You know the words to more than 5 songs
[x] You don't have any enemies

Times it by 3 = 66 i have a d lol that sucks
101%+: A+
90-100%: A
80-89%: B
70-79%: C
60-69%: D
00-59%: F

sad blind story
16 years, 4 months & 27 days ago
25th Sep 2008 09:32

A blind girl hated herself because she was blind.

She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend.
He was always there for her.

She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world,
I will marry you.'

One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came
off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend.

He asked her, 'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?'

The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind.

The sight
of his closed eyelids shocked her.

She hadn't expected that. The
thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to
marry him.

Her boyfriend left in tears and days later wrote a note to her
saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, before they were yours,
they were mine. '

This is how the human brain often works when our 'status changes'.

Only a very few remember what life was like before and who was always
by their side in the most painful situations.

Life Is a Gift

Today before you say an unkind word -
Think of someone who can't speak.

Before you complain about the taste of your food -
Think of someone who has nothing to eat.

Before you complain about your husband or wife -
Think of someone who's crying out for a companion.

Today before you complain about life -
Think of someone who went too early to heaven.

Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep -
Think of the people who are living in the streets.

Before whining about the distance you drive -
Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.

And when you are tired and complain about your job -
Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job.

But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another -
Remember that not one of us is without error and we all answer to God.

And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down -
Put a smile on your face and
Thank God you're alive and still around.


cool stuff
16 years, 5 months & 13 days ago
8th Sep 2008 15:59






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16 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
6th Sep 2008 09:10

Its pretty funny that you opened this because in the next seven days you will:

* have someone fall in love with you

* find a $20.00 bill on the ground

* find out that the person you like likes you

* your best friend will get you a really nice gift

* ur gonna get a gf/bf

* ur gonna get an A+ on all ur tests

* ur gonna get 10 new friends

* ur gonna find a 50 dollar bill


first you will have to repost this with one of these titles:




"I HAVE A G/F or B/F"







16 years, 5 months & 23 days ago
29th Aug 2008 20:38

hi people that visit my profile *waves*happy.gif

  1. barbie quiz and life quiz
    20th Nov 2008 08:41
    16 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
  2. sad blind story
    25th Sep 2008 09:32
    16 years, 4 months & 27 days ago
  3. cool stuff
    8th Sep 2008 15:59
    16 years, 5 months & 13 days ago
  4. !!
    6th Sep 2008 09:10
    16 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
  5. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    29th Aug 2008 20:38
    16 years, 5 months & 23 days ago
  6. no girl deserves this
    12th Aug 2008 17:12
    16 years, 6 months & 9 days ago
  7. *wierd thing*
    12th Aug 2008 09:00
    16 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
  8. wishes
    11th Aug 2008 16:27
    16 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
  9. 1 scary way to break up
    1st Aug 2008 18:49
    16 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  10. Welcome to my marapet account
    15th Jul 2008 21:21
    16 years, 7 months & 6 days ago