2010 Xmas Wishlist
14 years, 3 months & 19 days ago

23rd Nov 2010 20:25
Bed Time Book
Book of Love Stories
Fried Egg on Toast
Pink Azul Photo
Pink Feliz Photo
Pink Ushunda Photo
Pink Tasi Photo
Howling Hits
But as always anything PINK is fine with me

Dream Pet
16 years ago

14th Mar 2009 14:32
I would really love a snookle. Only problem is I need a potion lol, since I already have the limit of pets. So a Pixie Snookle Potion is my dream!!
Reasons why I should get one, well I am obsessed with Marapets so it will definitely get spoiled! I take care of all my pets and try to put them in different costumes often. I keep all of them healthy and happy. I am active member and friendly to everyone.
The reason I love snookles, and you will laugh, their eyes. They stand out and its cute on their little face. People say when they meet me, my eyes are the first thing they see, since they are kinda big lol. Its true. So my reason is pretty simple, but honest.
But I know this pet is really expensive so I understand

Thanks! Myrabi
My Thanks....
16 years, 4 months & 30 days ago

12th Oct 2008 18:48
Thank you Cocobean2007 and Shellovesmike for helping me understand Marapets and being there when I need help

16 years & 5 months ago

12th Oct 2008 13:32
Simerian Key Temple =completed 112908
Runes Temple = 16
Hieroglyphics =
My Goals
16 years & 5 months ago

12th Oct 2008 13:30
[x]Own a Mordo -- Dream Pet
[x]Own a Snookle
[x]1 Million MP
[x]5 Million MP Thx to AU's
[]10 Million MP
[]Collect all the Pearls
[]Collect all the Gumballs
[]Collect all Jacket Potatoes
[]Own all pink items on Mara (the word pink must be part of the name of the item....not just look pink)