Tips on trading.
16 years, 2 months & 14 days ago

28th Dec 2008 10:55
Right, just so you know, I don't go by any set guide.
And regardless of pet pricing guides, you will find that a lot of traders actually go by what I say below.
If you feel the need to be all 'zomg ur so mean blahblahblah' go ahead. I'm being honest and this is actually the realistic view of pet trading.
And this is also how I trade, so take it into account when offering on my pets.
You can repost this in your blog if you think it relates to you.
But please do credit me.
Most people just don't /care/ if a guide says your pet is worth more than theirs and that you're overoffering by 10 mill or whatever. If they do not like your offer, they simply won't accept. I know I woudln't.
Badly-named pets rarely/never get accepted. Example: ViolaRubyAnne is considered badly-named by me and a lot of other people.
Guess what? Stats are only important to people who battle. What use do others have for stats? None. The only thing people might possibly be interested in is school stats, because pets can get jobs or avatars.
But I have noticed how people love stats that are 100+, most people however, do not care for anything less than 100 unless it is on a high LE.
Latis just became more popular. Yay for lati owners.
Most people do not want 8 zoinks/phantys/whatever for their chibs. Low LEs are great if you like them, but nobody really wants to trade their High LE for them.
Just because your offer is worth about 300k more than someone elses pet, doesn't make it an overoffer. 300k is not that much, and personally, and I'm sure others will agree, I believe that a minimum difference of at least 1 million is required to be considered an over-offer.
Chibs are the most popular pet. You will most likely have to overoffer to get one. Harsh, isn't it?
For goodness' sake, just because a guide says a costume is say worth, 12 mill, and I can get my hands on it for around 4 mill (I don't care if a user has given me an extreme discount because I'm their friend) in my eyes, it's worth 4 mill.
Underoffers are hardly ever accepted. It is not too often that 'fair' ones get accepted either.
Name deduction? Taking off a certain percentage doesn't help. Try taking away the cost of a name certificate. That's right, take about 9-10 mill off your pet. Because people don't like badly named pets at all, and changing their name will cost them about that much.
Pet trading is difficult, and it is an addiction. Most people can't help it if they finally get their dream pet and trade it off again.
The use of ch@tsp34k is frowned upon, in fact, everyone HATES it. Do not use it. Ever. Unless you have a rofling, then people will probably overlook it.
Don't talk about prices if you know nothing about them, it really does you no favours if you don't own the pet or have no LEs to speak of.
University stats don't really appeal to anyone, fyi, because they can't be used anywhere yet. It just makes it more expensive for me to obtain heiroglyphics.
Credit to olliejr for the next part:
Zombie and Mutant costumes. They're borth selling for 250 mill+. Does that mean your Zombie pet is worth 250 mill?
Because hello, who'd spend 250 mill when they can just use a potion raging from 300-550k?
And Mutant, just buy some blue DNA or something.
Ditto mummy costume, You DO know that those dolls are there for a reason right? You get a pretty avatar too! (:
This applies to non-LEs and LEs alike.
Oh, and your seasonal fasoro is not worth 50 million. Neither is your angel one.
More coming soon (:
In conclusion;
'truth about pet trading: everyone is greedy' - gcgurl2256.