16 years, 3 months & 23 days ago

18th Nov 2008 17:52
if they accepted this is how it would go
edward- bella i really really like you
bella- i like you too eddy! hehehehehe
the meadow
edward- can i try something Belly
bella- of course eddy!
edward- ok HUG [hugs bella]
bella- oh that just tickled me pink!
oh i got one charlie will be played by the actor that plays arwin in sweet life
Bella- daddy poo im dating edward cullen
charlie- huh gasp!
bella- we havent done anything!
chalie- you better not [film freezes and turns to camera] doing stuff could cause teenage pregnancy and STD's if protection is not used children go to your nearest drug store before hanging with your bfriend and ask ffr the cherry flavored protection kit and have a happy time
cast list
edward- joe jonas
bella- miley cyrus
laurent- corbin bleu
james- lucas grabiel
emmet- zac efron
victoria- demi levatto
jacob- kevin jonas
jessica- Alyson stoner
BOTH BY,roxychick88
thanks!it's hillarious!!!
The whole fight would go something like this:
Edward: You're a meanie, James!
James: *gives raspberry*
Edward: *turns to camera and the movie freezes* Kids, you should never act like this to anybody. If somebody is doing this to you, it's called bullying and we don't like bullying!
also awesome!!!
honeymoon scene
bella:edward,can you change me now?
edward:*gasp*Bella!no way!!!I'm not so sure charlie would like that...
edward:It might hurt you!!!and i can't see you like that...i'll lose control*sighs*I'm not that strong
bella:I gave you time!!!now change me!!!
edward: ok,ok...if thats what you want...*throws bella on couch and try's to take top shirt off(don't worry!she's wearing 3 shirts)*
*shirt is too small,miley's head is too big*
bella:i said to change me!not strip me!!!
edward:huh?i thought you ment your clothes...
moral:this is how stupid miley and joe are to act in REAL movies
Rosalie:Emmet!!!Stop demolishing the houses that Esme builds us!!!
Emmet:What are you talking about?I haven't demolished a house with you*blushes*in 5 years!
Rosalie:*gasps*Nevermind...Emmet,my m-m-mistake
*looks around nervously*
Emmet:Hey!Wait,what's the matter?
Rosalie:*has horrified eyes* NOTHING!!!NOTHING HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!!!
Emmet:*puzzled*What DIDN'T happen last night?
Rosalie:*stammering*I d-d-d-didn't s-s-sleep in w-w-w-with s-s-someone...

h ok!*turns to leave*WAIT!!!If you didn't do that then Edward will tell me cause I know that he knows that you know that you DID do something last night!!!
Rosalie:What?NO!!!!!E-e-e-e-emmet...I am so s-s-sorry
Emmet:I won't be mad if you tell me what I know Edward knows that you know that I know you did or didn't do last night...
Rosalie:*sighs*I s-s-s-smacked J-a-a-a-a-cob l-l-l-l-last night...
Emmet: oh...*thinks a min.*HOW COULD YOU!!!!
Rosalie:You said you wouldn't be mad!!!
Rosalie:WHAT!?!? don't know,what I am?
Rosalie:I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE!!! feels good to come out of the closet*smiles*
Rosalie:WHAT!!!YOU ARE...YOU AND JACOB ARE... NO!!!!!!
Emmet:I thought you knew?
Emmet:*falls on floor laughing*
Rosalie:You LOVED me!!!
bella:edward,please slow down...
edward:*turns to bella*no,you don't understand
I have to be as far away from those guys as possible!
bella:keep your eyes on the rode!!!!!
edward:*takes hands off the wheel*distract me from thinking about how to hurt those creeps
and stop telling me what to do!!!
bella:edward!you're gonna get us killed!!!!!
edward:will not!
~lights flash behind them and sigrin goes off~
bella:edward!!!now look whats happened!pull over,it's probably charlie!!!
edward:bella*breathes deeply*i'm so sorry about this...
bella:what are you talking about?you saved me back there!AND I SAID PULL OVER!!!
edward:I mean...*closes eyes*I'm sorry for this*turns on cruise control to top speed and runs out of car into the forest,leaving bella in the car*
moral:if your in the car with a angry vampire just do what he says or you'll end up like Bella
Bella: Why cant I go in the woods alone?
Edward: Becuase Bella there are mutch worse things out there than me.
Bella: Like what?
Edward: well there is this one crature.
Bella: What is it? what is it called?
Edward: don't make me say the name please Bella.
Bella: Oh c'mon Edward please for me?
Edward: Alright fine the name
Bella: -Gasp- Even the name gives me shivers! What else is there?
Edward: Are you going to make me say the name of the other one?
Bella: Yes.
Edward: Okay its....Elmo. -Shuders-
Bella: -Faints of terror-
Bella: i love you
edward:i love you two
bella: ohh look theres miley
edward: huh[blushed]
miley: u were supost to call me
bella: what
edward: akward
miley: you were supose to kiss me before i went to rehab again
bella: you can have him
edward: sorry i like clumsy and retarded girls
Edward: You haven't kept guessing why I'm 'different.'
Bella: So it WASN'T a radioactive spider, then?
Edward: Nope. Not even CLOSE.
Bella: Hmm... You're a vampire?
Edward: No, I've got AIDS.
Jacob: You've been in my head, Edward. Let me into your's.
Edward: Good luck, I don't think a saw will cut through.
Edward:Bella i need to talk to you
bella: What is it now
edward:I have a daughter
bella:*gasps* OH MY GOD WHO IS IT
edward: i can't say
edward: its *shaking* you
Bella: I lost my dad years ago
To be continued...
edward: and i lost my daughter years ago
bella: yay*snorts*
edward: and your brother is barney
edward: Take this apple as a gift
bella:*munch much munch*
Okay, you know how werewolfs heal really quickly?
Carlisle: -In Emergency Room-
Okay...stay calm...I just need to re-break all of the bones to get them in the right postition.
Sam: WHAT?
I went through all that pain, and now I have to do it again? No! I AM NOT DOING THAT!
-Stands Up-
My arm looks fine like this! See!
-Arm is oddly bent backwards-
Carlisle: No...lay down again, I need to get your arm-
-Smacks Carlisle-
Carlisle: OW! -Grabs A Pointy ER thingy-
Sam: -Also grabs a pointy ER thingy-
-Nurse comes in room-
Nurse: -Gasp-
Carlisle: -Runs over to nurse and hands her a $50 dollar bill-
You didn't see anything.
-Starts fighting again-
Jacob: -Getting his clothes-
Bella: -Walking over to his house with her i-pod-
Jacob: -Is washing his long hair, turns on his radio-
Bella: -Knocks on the door-
Billy: Hey bella! Good to see you here, Jacob is upstairs
Bella: Thanks! -Walks up stairs-
Jacob: -Grabs hair brush- -Starts singing- SHE'S A MAINIAC! MAINIAC! OH WOAH WOAH! -Starts blow drying hair, letting it flow in the wind-
Bella: -Stares at him and then falls on the floor laughing-
"I want you to know something," he murmurmed in my ear.
I turned around, his golden eyes were staring right through me. "What?"
Edward sighed and looked up to the sky. "I secretly love to dance to Disney songs."
My eyes got wide. " aren't serious. Are you?"
He nodded. Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I heard the music for 'Bop To The Top' start playing loudly.
"What the hell" I asked, looking through the trees trying to find the cause for the horrid noise.
"Edward, what the-" I stopped. Edward was now wearing a top hat and a black tuxedo. He had a red rose clenched between his teeth.
"What...the..." I began.
"ARRIIIBBAAAA!!" Edward bounced from the ground and up to the tree tops where he began to tap dance.
"I believe in dreamin, shootin for the staaarrrrssss! Baby to be number one, you gotta raise the bar!"
He jumped down and tossed the rose to me.
"Kicking and a scratchin, grinding out my beeessstttt, anything it takes to climb the ladder of success!"
My jaw dropped.
"Work our tails off everyday!" He shook his butt in my face. "Gotta bump the competition! BLOW THEM ALL AWAY!"
Suddenly, Rosalie appeared wearing a slimming blue halter dress and a flower pin in her stunning golden waves. Emmett entered from the other side wearing a paper boy like cap and a tux.
"Caliente," Emmett wolf whistled when he saw Rosalie shaking her hips.
"Suave." Rosalie answered running her hands through her hair.
Suddenly out of nowhere, the entire Cullen family appeared dressed for success. The music got even louder.
"Yeah we're gonna bop bop bop, bop to the top! Slip and slide and ride that rythm!" They all sang together.
Edward stood in the middle, winking at me.
Jasper lifted Alice into the air. "SHAKE SOME BOOTY AND TURN AROUND!" She boomed.
Everyone turned around and shook their rumps.
I had already passed out by then.
The Honeymoon
-in the bedroom, Bella and Edward-having fun-
Bella: oh Edward!!!
-Bella???s father walks in quietly and sits down, watching them-
-Edward stops and hides Bella and him under the covers-Why are you here!!!!????
Bella???s father: I got bored and I decided to come and visit. Were you two just playing a game of tag because Edward, you kept randomly grabbing Bella?
Edward: -eyes popping out of head- Yeah, we were. In fact, I was winning.
Bella: -breathing heavy- yeah daddy, Edward was definitely winning.-giggles-\
bella???s father: well, lets add some music!!! -grabs C.D. player and puts on the song ???I like to move it.??? He jumps up and starts dancing randomly all over the room-
-Edward and bella proceed in what they were doing before Bella???s father came-
-Bella???s father stops abruptly, finally understanding something- HEY!!!! YOU GUYS AREN???T PLAYING TAG!!!!!
-Edward and bella stop and look at him- uh-oh -whispers bella-
Bella???s father: you???re playing hide and go seek under the covers!!!!! proceed!! -starts dancing again, leaving Bella and Edward gaping at him-
if anyone has another scene mm it to me and i'll add it!!!