Loaning a pet for goals
16 years, 2 months & 27 days ago

15th Dec 2008 16:11
I am lending my voodoo pet for goals. I will also lend pets for other goals and missions. I require an email stating you only want to borrow them for goals or missions. You are responsible for trading fees. Normally there is a 2k tip but during the months of december and february I don't ask for the tip.
Shop and Trades
17 years, 1 month & 14 days ago

27th Jan 2008 22:32
A few rules when buying from my shop.
1. I am happy to try and work something out as long as you are not trying to get something for nothing.
2. Dont mm me complaining about my prices if you dont like them and are not trying to work something out with me then dont shop there. Marapets has lots of shops go elswhere.
3. If you mm me to complain I will not respond I will block you.
Rules about trades
1. Dont offer junk offer what it is worth or I will simply ignore your trade.
2. Don't mm me begging me to accept less than what it is worth I will block you.
3. If you want to work something out mm me first because some items are not negotiable otherwise your offer will be rejected.