Yeah, so I kinda friggin love you guys. <3
15 years & 9 days ago

6th Mar 2010 17:20
You guys are my world, you I'd do anything for you guys. All you gotta do is ask. Love you hotties. ;]
Why hello there best friend. ;]
Yeah, so your like really really hot.
EVERYONE should be jealous of, I don't understand how anyone can NOT love you !
Your one heck of a girl and you know I love you. <3
I'm so glad your back, those few months without you were quiet boring.
You always cheer me up and make my smile with your awesomeness. ;]
I've got your back forever and you can tell me anything.
BAHAHAHHA, la-la-la-love you. <3

Yeah, so I kinda love you so so much.
Ohh and your David Drool too. =P
HAHA, you always make me laugh and I just can't ever get enough of you.
You brighten up the darkest days of my life.
Just like you love your camouflaging frog, I love my eighty year old honkey.
NO ONE in the world can ever replace your awesome-ness, well except maybe me. XD
Haha jokes, love you homie. Your just so "Oh hot damn" with your "Awwies" and your "<3," which are turning you gey. =P
Your beautiful, and that's for sure. <3
Hehe, that's also from a song. ^

For you, I honestly don't know where to begin.
Your the most understanding guy ever, and sweet at that too. (:
It's so awesome that I know you, because I can come to you for anything and I know you will always be there for me.
It's amazing how close we are, when we just met over a forum.
THANK GOD, I was on forums that day. XD
There are no words in this WORLD to describe you.
I know you love me lots, and I'm just letting you know, I love you too.

First off, your the best club leader in the whole wide world. <3
I miss you though. :[
You always make me smile with how cheerful and happy you always are.
There is no way someone could NOT have fun when you are around.
I love you too much, I hope you know that. ;]
Your very special to me in ways not imaginable.
Once again, I love you. <3

YEAH, so I kinda love them all a little more than I should. These 4 people are amazing. They are always here for me through thick and thin. I friggin love you guys tooooo much, don't EVER forget that.