15 years, 4 months & 16 days ago

1st Nov 2009 11:16
Hello, My name is Marty. I'm a teenager. I live on the west coast with my mother, father, and my two older brothers. I have 7 dogs, I love to draw, I love soccer and Improv, and I am nearly always in a good mood. I have a 16 r old boyfriend, that I love with all my heart and nothing less. He makes me smile everyday that we spend with one another. If I am exhausted he'll let me sleep on him, he'll kiss my forehead and tell me he loves me. I have nvr experienced a boyfriend like him, and I am happy that I get to after being teased for 8 yrs. If you'd like more information about me, please don't hesitate to ask. I don't get online much due to Soccer practice, and Improv practice.
=Monday-Wednesday: Soccer (5-8:30P.M.)
=Tuesday-Thursday: Improv(3-4:30P.M.)