14 years, 3 months & 7 days ago

5th Dec 2010 08:03
Bath, Pledges, and Regular! And maybe some things in my gallery!!!! I have too much going on in my life right now, and have no more time left for Marapets. The people I have met on here, well... MOST have been absolutely amazing. I will miss all my friends. Following are the statistics and details of the giveaway:
I am giving:
570,173 MP (TO ONE PERSON)
Bath the Royal Tantua
Pledges the Minipet Dakota
Promises the Lightfairy Lati
Regular the Gothic Zetlian
Sing the Red Crindol
Wisps the Angel Poera
sugar the Halloween Ideus
Trailer Costume
For the record, those are ALL REAL WORDS, common too. With the exception of sugar, THEY ARE ALL CAPITALIZED. Therefore, although some are non-le, I expect nice applications please. I offered a lot to get some of these pets, and I don't want them going to irresponsible users who don't know what to do with them. In your application for a pet, please state:
Why you want the pet
What you would do with the pet (be honest, I don't mind if you trade for something good)
Why the name strikes you
For the MP, please state in your application the following:
Why you want it
What you would do with it
And anything else you find important
THE TRAILER COSTUME IS A WHOLE DIFFERENT PART OF THE GIVEAWAY. DO NOT APPLY FOR THE COSTUME. Here's how it works: I'm going to do one of those number guessy things between 1-3000. Now I know that seems like a lot, but the first person within 25 of the number gets the costume! If you guess the EXACT number before someone guesses within 25, I'll let you have ANY one of the pets I'm giving away for FREE, without an application, as well as the costume. Only ONE number guess per post.
HOWEVER, YOU MAY ONLY APPLY FOR ONE THING. IF YOU APPLY FOR A PET, YOU MAY NOT APPLY FOR THE MP TOO, OR ANOTHER PET. The contest is separate and does not count as an application.
If you start to annoy me, I will disqualify you. NO MAILING ME. Post your applications on the blog, and you can guess numbers and chat here.
If you read all the way down here, put 'I sincerely enjoy candy corn' at the top of your application.
I don't know when this will end, but I wish you all luck! Thanks guys!