16 years, 4 months & 5 days ago

18th Nov 2008 20:38
JohnCenaLoverwwe-she been my best friend since 1st grade we're super if u dont want to argue wit me dont
argue wit her
monkeyluver12345-she been my best friend since 2nd grade so we're close too.we hang out everyday.dont mess wit her either,again,u will have to mess wit me.
AlexLol-we barely just became friends.since he a guy,he could handle ot himself.............but ill still help him.he's really nice........really!

My Song...Bottom of the ocean by Miley Cyrus
16 years, 4 months & 21 days ago

2nd Nov 2008 15:41
its been in the past for a while i get a flash and i i crazy?still miss ya was real it was right but it burned to hott to survive.all thats left is all these ashes.(Chorus)where does love go i dont know when its all said and could i be losing u forever. after all this time we spent together.i have to know why i had to lose u just become like everything ill never find again at the bottom of the a dream u appeared for a while u where i keep sleepin.just to keep u with me.i draw a map connect thne dots with all the memories that i got.that ive been missing,ill kep re-living.(Chorus)