15 years, 11 months & 12 days ago

4th Apr 2009 10:36
I am in desperate need of the following items!
*Love Dress
*Summer Dress
*Celebrity #199
*Brown Hair Dye
If you have any please send them to me and I will be so thankful! I might even be thankful enough to send you something in reward!
Cell Phones
15 years, 11 months & 12 days ago

4th Apr 2009 10:34
Ok. I want a new cell phone, and I am going to get one very soon. I know I am getting the T-Mobile Gravity, but should I get it in black and green or white and aqua? Write your answers below!
15 years, 11 months & 12 days ago

4th Apr 2009 10:32
Ok. Many of you guys might think Twilight is SO retarded, but if you thik that, then you have no purpose in life! No offense though. But I am the biggest twilight fan EVER! I am totally on 'Team Edward'! Everyone should be on that Team. I am going to get started on reading the second book soon! Yay me! Now I need you to do me a favor, write all of your feelings about Twilight down below. I will check them every day!