Warrior Cats:A New Era(story by me)
15 years, 10 months & 16 days ago

2nd May 2009 19:17
Leader: Dapplestar-Black tom with a white dappled coat, muzzle tinted gray from age, her eyes are a bright golden
Deputy: Goldentail-Golden she-cat with a white chest belly and paws, her eyes are a forest green
Medicine Cat: Nightfrost-Black tom with frost blue eyes, has a small patch of white on his chest
Warriors (toms, and she-cats without kits) :
Sparrowflight-Furry reddish orange tabby she-cat with clear amber eyes, has a white muzzle and chest.
Apprentice, Cinderpaw
Rosepetal-Long haired small she-cat that is white, silver, and orange, her eyes are a beautiful golden
Apprentice, Sagepaw
Flamestep-Light orange tabby tom with darker orange stripes, his eyes are a deep amber
Apprentice, Heatherpaw
Darkflame-Handsome long haired dark orange tabby cat with black stripes. His chest and paws are white and he has large golden eyes
Apprentice, Ferretpaw
Lightstep-Beautiful white she-cat with sea green eyes
Apprentice, Brackenpaw
Scarface-Black and white tom with noticeable scars on his face, he has one blue eye and one yellow eye
Twistedjaw-Mute jet black tom with a extremely twisted jaw and white eyes
Hawktalon-Extremley large brown tabby tom with orange toes and bright golden eyes
Apprentices (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors) :
Cinderpaw-Half gray, half orange long haired she-cat with one eye that is yellow and on eye that is a yellow green
Sagepaw-Light brown she-cat with a white front right paw and light brown eyes
Heatherpaw-Creamy she-cat with a gray face and blue eyes
Ferretpaw-Slim brown tom with a black back and black feet, his eyes are golden
Brackenpaw-Gray tabby tom with darker stripes throughout his pelt, he has green yellow eyes
Queens (she-cats expecting or nursing kits) :
Featherwind-Beautiful white cat with calico patches and a long feathery calico tail and golden eyes
Mistfur-Pretty silver she-cat with silver eyes
Flowerpetal-Golden she-cat with leafy green eyes
Graywing-Long haired gray she-cat with blue eyes
Elders (former warriors or queens, now retired) :
Runningwhisker-Feiry orange tom with gray muzzle from age, oldest tom in ThunderClan, has forest green eyes
Crookedtail-Pale gray she-cat with a crooked tail and blue eyes, oldest cat in ThunderClan
Darkcloud-Black tom with silver eyes, oldest tom in ThunderClan
Gruffpelt-Long haired brown tabby tom with golden eyes
Goldenstripe-White she-cat with a golden stripe throughout her pelt, oldest she-cat in ThunderClan and has brown eyes
Leader: Halfstar-Light brown she-cat with darker tabby markings and dull yellow eyes
Lionclaw-Big muscular golden tom with blue eyes
Medicine Cat:
Ciderpelt-Ashy gray tom with amber eyes.
Apprentice, Stripepaw
Warriors (toms and she-cats without kits) :
Crowtalon-Black tom with small yellow eyes
Apprentice, Scarpaw
Duststorm-Sandy colored she-cat with very pale green eyes
Apprentice, Snowpaw
Jayfoot-White she-cat with gray feet and yellow eyes
Apprentice, Swiftpaw
Reedpelt-Big brown tabby tom with brown eyes
Apprentice, Beechpaw
Bramblepath-Brown tabby tom with green eyes
Apprentice, Moonpaw
Shinepelt-White she-cat with vibrant yellow eyes, her pelt shines brilliantly in the light
Sandeyes-Dark brown tom with light orange eyes
Bluejay-Gray blue she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentices (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors) :
Scarpaw-Small skinny black she-cat with amber eyes and a scarred muzzle
Stripepaw-Calico she-cat with a black stripe running down her chest, she has green eyes
Swiftpaw-White tom with gray stripes and blue eyes
Beechpaw-Sandy tom with brown eyes
Moonpaw-Silver she-cat with yellow eyes, pelt shines beautifully in the moonlight
Queens (she-cats nursing or expecting kits) :
Icestream-Beautiful silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Leafstem-Dull golden she-cat with vibrant leafy green eyes
Skycloud-Long haired creamy she-cat with blue white eyes
Spottedpath-Calico she-cat with black eyes
Elders (former warriors or queens, now retired) :
Brightpath-Dark brown she-cat with black eyes
Bramblefur-Dark brown tom with brown eyes
Rainfur-Black and white she-cat with ice blue eyes
Sripepelt-White tom with a distinct golden striped pelt
Ambergaze-White she-cat with bright amber eyes
Leader: Swiftstar-Agile thin white she-cat with gray stripes on her tails and she has one blue eye and one yellow
Deputy: Weaselfur-Thin white cat with gray splotches on back, legs, and tail, has blue gray eyes
Medicine cat: Mistriver-Silver she-cat with silver eyes
Warriors (toms and she-cats without kits) :
Whirlwind-Blue gray she-cat with murkey gray eyes
Apprentice, Rainpaw
Birdwing-White she-cat with a red tail, ears, and blue eyes
Apprentice, Dewpaw
Barkfur-Brown tabby tom with green eyes
Apprentice, Maplepaw
Rockfur-Large tom with a gray pelt and black eyes
Apprentice, Weedpaw
Rabbitpelt-Tan she-cat a mottled pelt, has white feet, chest, and tail-tip, eyes are green
Apprentice, Greenpaw
Cliffbreeze-Brown she-cat with blue eyes
Grayheart-Blue gray she-cat with a white underbelly and feet, has gray eyes
Stargaze-Ginger tom with dark blue eyes with a gold tint
Apprentices (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors) :
Rainpaw-Gray tom with black stripes and yellow eyes
Dewpaw-White tom with blue eyes
Maplepaw-Brown tabby she-cat with leafy green eyes
Weedpaw-Thin dull golden tom with amber eyes
Greenpaw-Golden she-cat with forest green eyes
Queens (she-cats nursing or expecting kits) :
Kesrtelshine-Beautiful pearly white she-cat with shiny blue eyes
Breezewhisper-Long haired golden she-cat with darker tabby markings, has golden eyes
Firefoot-White she-cat with a mottled pelt and flame colored feet, has amber eyes
Shadowfur-Jet black she-cat with blue eyes
Elders (former warriors or queens, now retired) :
Gorsefoot-Brown tabby tom with a white chest and green eyes
Deadeye-White and black tom with only one eye, the other eye is yellow
Flameflace-Ginger she-cat with a burned face, both eyes are missing
Sparktail-White tom with a gold tail and black eyes
Whitetail-Black tom with a white tail and golden eyes
Leader: Ravenstar-Pretty, graceful black she-cat with golden eyes and her front right paw is tawny orange
Deputy: Brightcloud-White she-cat with orange splotches and blue eyes
Medicine Cat: Oceanmist-Gray she-cat with white flecks and blue eyes
Warriors (toms and she-cats without kits) :
Mossnose-Gray tom with blue eyes
Apprentice, Brookpaw
Pebblefur-Gray tabby she-cat with yellow eyes
Apprentice, Gustpaw
Leafshine-Light brown tabby she-cat with leaf green eyes
Apprentice, Mousepaw
Blackstripe-Brown tom with black stripes and amber eyes
Apprentice, Quailpaw
Rockclaw-Gray tom with brown eyes
Apprentice, Chesnutpaw
Skarktooth-Gray tom with w white underbelly and blue eues
Spottedtail-Calico she-cat with dull green-yellow eyes
Snakehiss-Brown tabby she-cat with piercing green eyes
Apprentices (older than six moons, in training to become warriors) :
Brookpaw-Brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Gustpaw-Gray she-cat with white splotches and blue eyes
Mousepaw-Brown tabby tom with a white underbelly and vibrant green eyes
Quailpaw-Silver she-cat with a black back and a long feathery tail, has blue eyes
Chesnutpaw-Light brown she-cat with light brown eyes
Queens (she-cats nursing or expecting kits) :
Sparklefur-White she-cat with golden flecks and blue eyes
Frostgaze-White she-cat with frosty blue eyes
Moonlight-Silver she-cat with golden eyes
Micefur-Brown tabby she-cat with gold eyes
Elders (former warriors or queens, now retired) :
Halfeye-Ginger she-cat with half of one eye, eyes are golden
Starlingwing-Blind calico she-cat with cloudy amber eyes
Frogthroat-White tom with sightless green eyes and a voice that sounds like croaking
Rabbitleap-Tan tom with powerful hind legs and green eyes
Nightgaze-Brown tom with jet black eyes
Screeches of cats filled the cool night air. Cats were clawing, spitting, hissing and fighting each other. A large oak tree stood in the middle of the clearing, its branches leaning over the cats. Dark clouds loomed over to the moon, making the night black, the stars seeming to fade away into nothing. Thunder started to strike, rain pelting down on the cats as they fought. A large creaking made the cats freeze and stare at the large oak tree. It was swaying in the harsh wind. The cats looked up at the sky, a lighting bolt struck the tree, setting it on flames. The cats started to scatter, yowling in desperation, their tails between their legs as they ran. The cats stood behind bushes, marshes, trees, whatever they could find to shelter themselves. The tree burned, its lush green leaves blackening and falling. The rain pelted harder as the leaves in the tree crackled.
The cats slowly began to creep out of their hiding places, whispering to one another.
???This is a sign!??? A white tom with green eyes croaked, shivering in the rain, his pelt drenched.
???StarClan is angry!??? A gray blue she-cat said in a frightened voice, her ears flat against her head as she whimpered slightly. A light brown she-cat with darker tabby markings yowled, her voice ringing through the trees as she spoke.
???All clans must go back to their clan immediatly!??? She said, her dull yellow gaze sweeping over the cats.
???What if the fire spreads???? A tiny voice peeped up, and all cats turned to see and little apprentice cowering in fear as the fire reflected off his golden eyes. His brown and black pelt quivering with fear.
???As you can see, it is raining. It is already dying down.??? She growled, her fur standing on end. She bounded away, flicking her tail for her clan to follow, her eyes glaring and fierce as she padded strongly forward. The three clans left whispered in axiety to one another, speaking and then glancing at the burning tree. The rain grew light and then stopped and cats gazes looked up slowly at the tree. The beautiful oak tree with lush leaves was burned, all its leaves were on the ground, blackened and burned. Its branches were black, and no leaves hung on them. A black she-cat bounded over to the tree and looked over it. She turned and looked over the cats.
???From this day fourth, cats will no longer meet at Green Tree, we will meet at Fire Tree.??? She said and dipped her head, bounding back to her clan with a graceful bounce and padded away, flicking her long tail for her clan to get back to camp. A black tom with a white dappled pelt and a gray muzzle nodded slowly, scratches across his shoulder and flank. He limped away, his shoulders sagging in exhausted as a golden she-cat quickly padded up to him and supported him on her shoulder, the clan of cats following them slowly, casting glances at the newley named tree. A white she-cat with gray stripes nodded and swiftly padded away towards her own territory, her cats following her as well. Ashes fell down from the tree, the blackened leaves already being swept away from the wind. Embers were doused on the ground, and Fire Tree stood, where starry figures began emerging, murmering to each other.
???The cats need to stop fighting.??? A voice said, his eyes shining with much wisdom. ???They need to begin a new era.???
Chapter 1
Dapplestar sat in his den, looking at his paws. He got up slowly and then padded forwarded.
???I am going for a walk Goldentail.??? He rasped. Goldentail shot to her paws.
???Want me to assist???? She asked, her eyes full of concern.
???No. I am walking by myself.??? He said, padding out of the camp. He came towards the border by RiverClan and stopped by the river. He looked at his reflection. His muzzle was heavily tinted with gray streaks, and his whiskers seemed to droop. His pelt has become very faded, and his once jet black coat became more pale and dusty. He sighed heavily and started to pad back to camp. Goldentail would be a good leader, she had all the qualities, and unquestionable courage and loyalty. He was on his last life, and StarClan had already told him that he was today this very day. He had waited many moons in agony, waiting for this dreadful day. He felt calm, and as he padded into camp he smiled at every cat. He sat in his den, and closed his eyes. He drew in one raspy breath, and grew stiff. Goldentail padded into Dapplestars den, looking around and seeing Dapplestar. Tears swiftly glided down her cheek as she rushed up to her leader. She prodded him with her paw, but it only followed silence that echoed the large den. Her den. She dipped her head as the tears dropped to the smooth stone floor. She grabbed his body and lifted it into the clearing. Cat watched with stretched out wide eyes and gasps and grieving yowls, some accusing Goldentail of his death.
???I did not kill Dapplestar.??? She vowed in a tone that made every cat fall silent.
???As you can see, Dapplestar has no bite marks or scratches on him, nor on me.??? She said strongly, looking over every cat.
???He had lost his last life, due to his old age. I now am your leader. I greive deeply for the fallen leader, who gave up all his nine lives for his clan.???Goldentail dipped her head so low her ears brushed the ground. Her eyes were glazed with sadness. She would be leader now. How could she possibly be leader? She could never live up to Dapplestar. And taking the name???she swallowed the bile in her throat. Goldenstar. She sighed and sat next to Dapplestar.
???Oh Dapplestar, why did you have to leave me???? She whispered.
Goldentail padded into the medicine cat den.
???Er, Nightfrost???? She asked awkwardly, poking her head into the medicine cat den.
???Yes???? Nightfrost answered, looking up from his herbs to Goldentail.
???Ahh???traveling herbs, yes.??? He said, shuffling through the herb store.
???Yes yes, these shall do.??? He murmered. Goldentail sat down on the floor of the medicine cat den, staring at all the herbs. She took in a deep breath and looked at the wrap of herbs Nightfrost had gathered up for her.
???Alright, here you go. May StarClan light you path, Goldentail.??? He said as he smiled at her, his frost eyes glittering as the moonlight shafted in. Goldentail took the herbs and gave a thankful nod to Nightfrost. She ate them up quickly, licking away the disgusting taste. She padded out of the den and looked around the ThunderClan camp. She strode strongly out of camp, the cats watching her go with wide eyes, some not taking their eyes off the fallen leader. After the gorse tunnel disappeared behind her the forest burst out infront of her. The lush green leaves turned pale silver under the moonlight that peeked out from above the tree. She looked around at the shadows, and a chill shook her slender body. A strong wind gusted against the trees and fear crept along Goldentail???s spine. There was an uneasiness about the forest this particular night. ???It???s just my imagination??? Goldentail repeated to herself in her head, shaking her head as if to clear the bad thoughts away. She got to the border of ShadowClan and took a paw into their border. A rustle in the bushes made her jump, the hair on her neck rise. A frog hopped out and hopped along, croaking. Goldentail laughed quietly to herself and then turned around and saw the shape of a cat in the shadows. She stood frozen, her muscles tensing up.
???Oh Goldentail, hello.??? A voice said from beyond the shadows. Goldentail instantly relaxed, she had hear that friendly voice before.
???Hello. How is ShadowClan???? She said kindly.
???Oh, ShadowClan is just fine.??? The voice said, as the cat stepped out in the moonlight.
???Very fine.??? The cat growled, and leapt at Goldentail. Goldentail screeched as the cat bit hard into her neck. Blood welled from her neck.
???H-How could you d-do this.??? She choked out before she drew in her last ragged breath. The cat stood their, their jaws dripping with the blood of Goldentail.
???ThunderClan will now rot to the core as they try and find out who will be leader now.??? The cat growled and grabbed Goldentails body, bouding away.
Chapter 2
Nightfrost fumbled with his herbs, grumbling quitly to himself while he put some poultice on Sagepaw's cut shoulder.
"Alright, you are free to go Sagepaw but please, try not to try and find a secret entrace through a thorn bush next time." He mewed with a sigh. Sagepaw nodded and smiled.
"I will try!" She exclaimed, bounding out of the medicine cat den. Nightfrost sighed. Goldentail should be back by now. He was getting worried...'What if StarClan didn't give her nine lives to her?' He fretted, flicking his tail and shuffling his paws in anxeity. He heard a patrol coming through the gorse tunnel...maybe Goldentail was with them...or Golden/star/. He heard yowels and shocked mews and sat bolt upright, his fur standing on end. 'What is going on this time?' He thought to himself as he padded out of the medicine cat den to find out. He saw a body covered in dust, dirt, and dried blood. His blue eyes stretched as far as they possibly could. 'G-G-Golden fur? No, no, no, no...that...that couldn't be Goldentail!' He screamed to himself. He prodded the body and it turned over, revealing the shocked and still face of Goldentail. Nightfrost gasped.
"So now.....who is going to be leader?" Nightfrost asked, gazing at every cat with wide, shocked eyes. One single question drove everyone insane. People started clawing and spitting, arguing about being leader. Nightfrost watched the sudden angry dispute that had happened so quickly.
"Stop!" A cat yowled roughly. Every cat stopped their fighting and looked up at the demanding cat. Darkflame looked over the cats, his golden eyes searching.
"Nightfrost will simply speak with StarClan, they will tell him the right leader." He mewed strongly. The cats nodded and started apoligizing to the cats they had hurt. Their clanmates. Nightfrost nodded bleakly, still unaware of what just happened. It had started just a fast as it had stopped.
This is /all/ I have so far. Comments? Ratings? Advice?