Chapter 2
16 years, 1 month & 5 days ago

6th Feb 2009 21:36
Rated T once again. I post this story on tokyopop first so I should have another chapter out when people start reading. I have been told that this chapter is better than the first but I highly doubt that was hard. Chapter 2 of If Only You Knew.
I leaned over the railing of the balcony, peering down at the line of traffic. Car alarms and vehicle horns filled the air, making New York sound peaceful for once, after you get used to the noise of course. I felt his warm arms wrap around me, he rested his head on my shoulder, looking up. I tilted my head back to watch the stars with him.
"I will always love you, Emi, no matter what happens."The last part came out as a growl as he spoke into my ear, giving me chills. I turned my head to look into his eyes. They seemed to be growing colder and more distant. Suddenly, I got this bad feeling. I was beginning to think that something horrible was going to happen that was going to change us. They way he looked at me, hurt me, like he was trying to push himself away...
He narrowed his eyes, but continued to stare up. I felt his breath on my neck, them moving up to my ear where he spoke to me in a whisper.
I knew I was awake, but I didn't want to open my eyes. I laid there, my back aching and my head spinning. Then it hit me. I sat up remembering where I was and what exactly was happening.
I was in a small white room with two chairs and a table that I was resting on. I saw a pile of clothes waiting for me on one of the chairs. Hopping off, I headed over to them and hugged them closely to my chest. It would be nice to have on normal clothes again.
I quickly stripped, not wanting anyone to come bursting in at that time, and slipped on my new clothes. It was just a plain black tank top, dark skinny jeans, black ballet flats, and a gray jacket with teal, purple, and orange patches over it.
I walked over to the door, about to open it, when voices stopped me.
"What the heck do you think you were doing?" A voice yelled. I quickly recognized it as Hiro's, the Asian from earlier.
"She was in trouble! I just wanted to get her out of there!"Damon yelled, his voice some what calmer.
"Well you could have ruined the whole freaking assignment, and you could have killed someone! If it wasn't Emi who engulfed the gas, than whoever would have instead, would be dead!" Hiro's voice rang through the hallways, echoing through the empty rooms.
"But nothing like that happened so there is no reason to freak out!"
"Yeah, you're right, we can thank Emi for that! She is the one who got all the evidence we needed, and she is also the one who is able to stand against the gas." I heard a fist smack the door, making me jump back. I knew Hiro had temper issues. "She could of died because of you! You just got very, very lucky! Don't take chances like that again because I highly doubt it will work a second time!" Damon didn't say anything but just listened to Hiro rant on. They opened the door and stopped when the spotted me, awake.
"Oh, uh, hey Emi, didn't know you were awake." Damon mumbled.
"I noticed."I muttered. Hiro brushed past Damon and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He led me towards the door and out into the hallway.
"Well you are finished here. Bet you are glad to get out." I didn't speak. I had spotted Lex walking with some of the other prisoners out of the cafeteria. Sam was hand cuffed so I guessed they finished the case. "Thanks to you we aren't screwed." He muttered. I watched Lex, who looked at me and the quickly looked away, pain showing in her eyes. I wanted to apologize but I knew it was already too late. Then I frowned. I had become too emotionally attached to this assignment. I promised myself I would never do so but looks like I broke that promise a long time ago. I shook Hiro's arm off and walked ahead. I was never going to let that happen again.
We exited the building, leaving behind any emotions I had earned for staying there for so long.
"We are going to take a plane back to New York. I figured you would need some rest after this case." I was about to protest, saying I could still work, but Hiro silenced me with a wave of his hand. "You will be taking a break back in New York." I halted, realizing what he was saying for the first time.
"No..."I whispered. He would be there. I had been doing good not to think about those memories after I woke up from them, but I wouldn't be able to if I would only be a few miles away from him. "I don't want to go back."
Damon grabbed my hand and pulled me along. I yanked myself away from him. He turned around to face me.
"You don't have to worry about anything. I will be there." He reached my for my hand again but I smacked his away. I had no clue what he was talking about.
"I don't want you there."I growled."I never have! I don't know why you are always pushing yourself on me when I want you to stay far away from me as possible!" I knew my words were harsh, but that was how I felt when it came to Damon. His eyes were wide, shocked. I only snickered something under my breath and followed Hiro to the black Honda waiting for us.
Damon caught up with us and slipped into the front passenger seat. He spoke once to the driver then turned to stare out the window. Hiro opened the door for me. I nodded a thanks and slid in. He was right in after me. The car was started, and we headed towards the airport.
I hadn't realized I had dozed off till Hiro was shaking me. I jerked up and he laughed at my reaction.
"Not funny." I muttered. We got out. The private jet just ahead of us. I ran all the way there, just wanting to get back, but wanting to stay far away at the same time. Once I entered, I found the best seat and plopped down. A few other agents waved or nodded at me. I did the same back. Hiro took a seat next to me on my right. Damon was about to sit on the other side of me but Hiro pointed towards the back.
"Kids who don't listen get to sit in the back." Damon scowled but made his way to the back of the plane. I sighed as I laid the chair back.
"Wake me up when we get there." I yawned. My eyes slowly shut. Ten seconds later I was asleep.
Nothing. All I could see was complete darkness. My mind wasn't going to let me remember what had happened next. The screaming, the arguing, the feeling that my heart was being wrenched out of my body. No. I was not going to feel that pain again.
I felt some one's warm arms around me. I was so comfortable that I never wanted to move from that position again.
"Hiro put her down! She doesn't need your help to do everything!" My eyes snapped open as I recognized my best friend's voice, Michelle. Hiro placed me gently on the ground, only for me to me hugged my Michelle. I wrapped my arms around her, glad to have the familiar warmth of friendship back. She clinged to me, jumping up and down.
"Oh gosh its been so long since I have seen you last! You are never allowed to leave me like that again!" I laughed at her, knowing it would be good for me to be around her. I hadn't laughed in so long.
Michelle dragged me over to her car. A gray Toyota, with a few dents due to her driving. She walked around to the driver's side while I slid into the passenger. Before I had shut the door, Hiro walked up to me.
"Be careful and if anything happens call me. I mean anything." He said. I knew what he was getting at. I nodded. He left me to go deal with Damon. We shut our doors and headed out.
Most of the ride I was watching the scenery. Remembering what it looked like when I last saw it and what it looked like now. My heart stopped once I noticed what neighborhood we were driving through.
"Michelle you-" My words got caught in my throat.
"Its just a quicker way home."She told me. I knew she was lying. I held my breath as we drew closer to his house. She seemed to have slowed down once we were passing. I noticed the light on up stairs so I figured he was awake. I searched for Hiro's car. Hiro lived with him because they were brothers. They shared the small house together here, but Hiro wasn't there yet.
We had almost passed it and my breathing was about to return to normal till I saw the curtain move to the upstairs bedroom. I saw a dark figure standing there, watching the car pass by. I knew that he knew I was back. I knew that was him in the window now. I had the urge to see him again. Then the curtain closed and we passed the house. Ten minutes later we arrived at the house.
It was Michelle's house, but we shared it since we thought it would be fun to live together. It was at times.
"You hungry?" She asked me, opening the fridge in the kitchen.
"Yeah." I answered, falling onto the couch. She brought a box of Pizza and I laughed. My favorite.
We both ate about five slices while watching House. I really wanted to tell her about my dreams of my memories I had been having and of seeing him at his window, but now wasn't the time.
We headed for bed after we finished eating. We had to share the same bed since she only had one room and the couch was lumpy. I was fine with it though, it reminded me of when we were kids always having sleepovers. I pulled the covers over me, trying to keep warm in the cold room. She hopped in and yanked most of the covers away from me. I sighed and tried to get as much as I could. Finally we settled down.
"I-I have been having memories of-well you know what, but I just cant stop thinking about him. I feel like an idiot. Then I saw him in his window today when we drove by. What am I going to do?"
"There is nothing you can really do. You love him still, but you probably blame yourself for what happened. Just remember he is the jerk who lost you. Nothing was ever your fault." She answered me, not really making me feel any better. I nodded.
"Night." I whispered.