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    12th Jun 2010 10:28
    14 years & 9 months ago
  2. 1000 questions!
    11th Feb 2010 00:04
    15 years & 1 month ago
  3. MSN...
    11th Aug 2009 20:30
    15 years & 7 months ago
  4. Ich liebe Sie.
    14th Jun 2009 17:38
    15 years, 8 months & 27 days ago
  5. My mara family... :/
    6th Jun 2009 09:00
    15 years, 9 months & 5 days ago
  6. Hello. *farewells.
    30th Apr 2009 15:04
    15 years, 10 months & 11 days ago
  7. Do you think epic has overstayed it's welcome? =D
    28th Apr 2009 12:40
    15 years, 10 months & 13 days ago
  8. I fell for it! xD
    26th Apr 2009 18:19
    15 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
  9. <3
    25th Apr 2009 10:48
    15 years, 10 months & 16 days ago
  10. Does barney scare you?
    24th Apr 2009 10:22
    15 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
14 years & 9 months ago
12th Jun 2010 10:28

Here are the players:


I will keep track of the scores. =D

1000 questions!
15 years & 1 month ago
11th Feb 2010 00:04

The Basics
1.) Your name: Isobel
2.) Nicknames: Bella, Mills, Bow
3.) Do you like these nicknames?: I suppose. xP
4.) Location: Currently, The UK
5.) Age: ... Eh, What the heck, I will tell ya. 22.
6.) Birthday: June 3rd.
7.) Zodiac sign: Gemini
8.) Parents names: Laura & Robert
9.) Siblings?: 1 sister
10.) Pets: 2 cats and a dog
11.) Number of rooms in your house: 8
12.) Religion: I would not share that...
13.) If so-practicing?:..
14.) Male or Female?: Female
15.) Is your family close?: For the most part

What are your favorite
16.) Foods: Noodlesss.
17.) TV shows: Family Guy
18.) Movies: Jennifers body, Step brothers, anchorman. x]
19.) Actors: Hmmm... that's hard.
20.) Actresses: I guess... I don't know this either. xP
21.) Books: No more dead dogs. XD
22.) Artists: Adam Lambert ;D
23.) Types of Music: All EXCEPT rap and country
24.) Video Games: This is gonna be long,Crisis Core; the prequel to final fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts : chain of memories for nitendo advanced and PS2, Kingdom hearts 2 & Oh, Final fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus
25.) Computer Games: marapets
26.) Outfits: Hmmmm... Am I supposed to name the specific outfits?
27.) Stores: Forever 21, Delia*s, Hollister, Abercrombie/& fitch, American Eagle, Aeropostale, Wet Seal, & Charolette Russe
28.) Sports: Not really into them.
29.) Colors: Light pinks. :3
30.) Numbers: 13 & 6
31.) Websites: Mara, Youtube,, MSN, Myspace
32.) Cartoons characters: Chowder x3
33.) TV Channels: E! ,Mtv,Cartoon Network. xP
34.) Made For TV Movies: Made for TV movies are good. xP

35.) Comedians: I am not gonna say. Let's just say, It ryhmes with shane shmook.
36.) Comediennes: Huh?
37.) Hair products: comb, hairspray, brush, shampoo, conditioner
38.) Makeup Products: mascara, concealer, eyeshadow, and a little blush
39.) Kind of Pens: The ones that write? ;P
40.) Kind of Shows: ?
41.) Pieces of Jewelry: This pretty crystal key necklace & a gold ring.
42.) Kinds of Soap: Why? xD
43.) Kinds of Shampoo: SunSilk
44.) Game Systems: PS2,PS3,Gameboy advanced, DS, & A psp.
45.) CD s: All the All American Rejects CDs. :3
46.) Snacks: icecream
47.) Past times: ...?
48.) Things to do on the weekend:Stay at home...?
49.) Magazines: Vogue. ;P
50.) Animals: Cats

51.) Favorite Brand of Clothing?: Hmmmmm, I would havve to say Delia*s
52.) Favorite sweatpants: Any kind
53.) What is your everyday outfit?: Usually jeans and a top..
54.) Do you wear a uniform to school?: I don't go to school anymore. But I did have a uniform in High School.
55.) Do you like it?: Ehhh
56.) What is your favorite clothing store?: Maybe... H&M? xD
57.) Do you try to dress like other people?: Nahhh.
58.) Do you consider yourself to be trendy?: In my own way. xP
59.) What kind of shoes do you wear?: Converses & Flats
60.) Do you like funky shoelaces?: Yusss
61.) Do you wear hats?: Sometimes.
62.) Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: Noooo.
63.) If so, what?:.
64.) Do you wear belts?: Yes & sometimes waist belts
65.) Do you wear skirts?: in the summer.
66.) Do you wear revealing clothing?: Ehhhh Sorta. It doesn't have my butt cheeks or b00bs sticking out so no. xP
67.) Do you like the Eskimo look?: Yep
68.) Do you wear big pimpin coats?: No. XD
69.) Do you carry a purse or bag?: Yes
70.) If so, what is it like?: Dooney & Bourke and sometimes this coach one I have.

71.) What are your grades like?: They were A's & B's
72.) Do you wish you could change your performance in school?: Not at all.
73.) Are you failing anything?: I was failing Gym. XD
74.) Do you take a language?:I took Spanish.
75.) If so which language?: Spanish.
76.) Who is your favorite teacher?: Mrs. Boguz =P
77.) Do you decorate your locker?: Yup
78.) Do you decorate your bookbag?: I did. xD
79.) If so, with what?: markers & craft stuff.
80.) Do you draw on yourself in school?: nope.
81.) Do you doodle all over your notebooks? Yes
82.) Do you take art?: I did
83.) Do you walk to school or are you driven?: Walked
84.) Do you like school?: Ehhhh.
85.) How big is your school?: Smallish.
86.) Do a lot of your friends go to your school?: Yes
87.) Do you wish you could change schools?: Nope
88.) Are you on the Honor/Merit roll?: Honor roll. =D
89.) Do you participate in school plays?: Nooo.
90.) Are you in any clubs/which ones?: Not anymore. xP

Your Room
91.) What color is your room?: Tan
92.) Is it messy or clean?: Clean
93.) What are on your bedsheets?: Different shades of Brown.
94.) Do you have posters on your wall?:Nope
95.) If so, of what?: A tan wall.
96.) Do you have a TV in your room?: Flatscreen.
97.) A computer?: Not In my room..
98.) A radio?: have an Ipod. xP Not a radio.
99.) An alarm clock?: Yes
100.) A stereo?: no...
101.) What is under your bed?: Carpet & shoes
102.) Do you have a big closet?: It is sort of.
103.) Do you write on your walls?: No, I am not 5.
104.) Do you have any beads hanging up?: no
105.) If so, what design?: none..
106.) Is your ceiling decorated?: no
107.) If so, of what?: tan ceiling
108.) Do you decorate your door?: no
109.) With what?: with white paint. xD
110.) What color is your carpet?: A sandy color.

111.) What are you favorite bands?: All American Rejects, The Clarks, Lady Gaga, Led Zepplin ( I think that's how you spell it)
112.) Do you own a lot of CD s?: Nup.
113.) How many exactly?: like 10.
114.) Do you download music?: yus
115.) What are your favorite songs?: To many..
116.) Do you listen to the radio?: in the car
117.) Do you like loud music?: yepp
118.) Do you think its obnoxious when people drive down the street with their stereos all the way up blasting the kind of music you loathe?: YESSS
119.) Do you like rap?: I hate it.
120.) Do you like country?: I HATE ITTTT.

121.) What TV shows are you glued to?: Family Guy
122.) Are you a couch potato?: Sorta.
123.) Do you watch the news?: Yes.
124.) Are you easily influenced by the people on TV?: sometimes.
125.) Who is your favorite TV star?: No one.
126.) Do you watch late night TV?: yes.
127.) Do you have more than 100 channels on your TV?: Yes.
128.) Do you actually care about any of those above 100?: Yes
129.) Do you watch the Spanish channel just for fun?: Lol, yeah spanish soaps.
30.) What is your take on commercials?: They are sorta pointless, Everyone skips by them anyway.
131.) How big is your TV?: I would have to look at the bow. xP
132.) Do you use a remote or change it manually?: Remote
133.) When you see something on TV do you run out and buy it as soon as possible?: Maybe..
134.) Do you like dramas?: No
135.) Do you like comedies?: Yup
136.) Comedy Central-good or bad?: good.
137.) Are you obsessive over anyone on TV?: Adam Lambert. xD
138.) Do you watch any sports on TV/which ones?: not usually
139.) Do you watch music videos?: Oh yeah.
140.) Do you like watching I Love the 80 s even if you weren t living in the 80 s?: Yes. x]

141.) Religion?: Not gonna say...
142.) Do you go to church regularly?: UGHHH. I will not sayyy.
142.) Pro-life?: For the most part.
143.) Pro-choice?: Only under one thing, Which I will not say.
144.) Are you a virgin?: GEEZZZ. I WILL NOT SAYYY.
145.) Do you believe in God?: Yessss.
146.) Jesus?: Yes.
147.) Allah?: no
148.) Buddha?: no
149.) Do you have crosses hanging in your house?: no..+
150.) Do you believe in the true meaning of Christmas ?: Yes.

151.) Who are your best friends?: Nate & Racheal
152.) Do you have a lot of friends?: Yup
153.) Who is your funniest friend?: He isn't exactly my friend anymore, but Sean. xP
154.) Craziest?: Whitney
155.) Weirdest?: Whitney
156.) Prettiest: ... Adrienne
157.) Fanciest?: Kelly
158.) Sportiest?:Mellony
159.) Girliest?: Ally
160.) Mellowest?: Norah
161.) Stupidest?: None
162.) Smartest?: Mellony
163.) Thugest?: Idk...
164.) Do you have a lot of acquaintances?: I have a couple
165.) Are you friends with any of your teachers?: Yes. :-D
166.) Are you friends with any friends parents?: Of coThis word is blocked. :3
167.) Are you really outgoing only around your friends?: nahhh
168.) Are you comfortable around your friends?: Yes.
169.) Are you easily influenced by your friends?: somewhat
170.) Are you part of a clique?: Noooo.

171.) Do you make new friends easily?: yes
172.) Do you have a lot of friends online?: Yes,
173.) Where did you meet them?: marapets
174.) Do you have a lot of LJ friends?: What? xD
175.) Do you sleep over at friends houses a lot?: yep,
176.) Do you make yourself at home when you go to other friends houses?: Yup.
177.) Do your friends rub off on you a lot?: Oh yeahhh..
178.) Could you live one day without your friends?: No, I don't think I could.
179.) Rate your social life on a scale of 1-10: 8
180.) How is this survey so far?: Funn

This or That
181.) Book bag/Messenger bag: Messenger
182.) Punk/Emo: Emu. x]
183.) Rock/Rap: rock
184.) Jay-Z/Nas: What?
185.) Justin/Clay: ?
186.) Ruben/Clay:??
187.) Cat/Dog: cat
188.) PS2/Xbox: ps2,
189.) DVDs/VHS: DVD
190.) Cds/Tapes: CD
191.) Big screen/small screen: Big screen
192.) Movies at home/in the theater: Home
193.) Popcorn/Candy: Popcorn
194.) Jacket/Coat: Jacket
195.) Real fur/Fake fur: fake.
196.) sister/brother: sister
197.) Home/House: Home
198.) Espanol/Deutsch: neither
199.) Art/Computer: both
200.) Laptop/Desktop: laptop.
201.) Pepsi/Coke: coke.
202.) Orange/Apple: APPLE.
203.) Phone/Computer: computer.
204.) Email/Letters: email.
205.) Big/Small: depends.
206.) Pizza/Ravioli: pizza
207.) Baby/Toddler: Baby :3
208.) 16/21: 21. xD
209.) CSI/24: Neither.
210.) Superman/Spiderman: Spiderman
211.) Kilborn/Conan: ?
212.) Letterman/Leno: ?
213.) SNL/MadTV: SNL
214.) Flinstones/Jetsons: neither
215.) Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter: neither
216.) Boxers/Briefs: Bikini(:
217.) Pants/Skirts: Pants
218.) Skirts/Skorts: Skirt
219.) Fork/Spoon: spork ftw
220.) People/InTouch: people

Are you
221.) Gothic?: Nahh
222.) a freak?: I wouldn't say a freak.. :/
223.) a computer nerd?: Ehh
224.) a science freak?: Noo
225.) a sports fan?: sorta sorta
226.) One of those people that sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniff the whole time?: LOL No
227.) a class clown?: Oh yus.
228.) funny?: Yes
229.) serious?: I can be.
230.) intellectual?: Ehhhh. Sorta.
231.) an LOTR nerd?: I used to be in high school. XD
232.) a failure?: Noo.
233.) a success?: For the most part.
234.) a loser?: Nahh.
235.) popular?: It was off and on.
236.) lazy?: sorta.
237.) outgoing?: yes
238.) shy?: noo
239.) friendly?: yeah,
240.) easily annoyed?: yea
241.) tolerant of others views?: noo
242.) addicted to crack?: noo
243.) addicted to any other drug?: Nope.
244.) a partier?: Nooo.
245.) naturally hyperactive?: ^^ Yes.
246.) wild?: errrr no.
247.) sporty?: not really.
248.) smelly?: Noo.
249.) an insomniac?: Yesss. xD A self proclaimed one atleast.
250.) a procrastinator?: Yes
251.) a criminal?: no
252.) a crackpot?: no
253.) a bookworm?: no.
254.) hairy?:
255.) good at playing basketball?:no
256.) in high school?: not anymore
257.) in prison?: no
258.) from mars?: no,
259.) straight?: For the most part. xDD
260.) I have NO taste ?: Censor block. xD

Random Questions
261.) Do you like frosted flakes?: Nope.
262.) Are you easily mistaken as being someone of the opposite sex?: Once.. xD
263.) Do you like nuns?: Yeah.
264.) Is this survey getting on your nerves?: nooo
265.) Do you use correct English?: mostly
266.) Hablar Espanol?: Hola. xD
267.) Spien Deutsch?: Noooo.
268.) Speak English?: Hola. No crap. xP
269.) Do you know what an aphrodisiac is?: Ehh sorta.
270.) Do you know what Draculas first name is?: Wish I did. xD
271.) Do you like Russian names?: Yeah. xD
272.) Like Vlad?: Isn't bad
273.) Homer?: xD
274.) Are you a busy body?: YESSS.
275.) Do you like to glue quarters to the floor and see how many people try and pick them up and proceed to fail?: =DD That sounds like fun.
276.) Do you like to go mini golfing dressed as old men?: I did once. ^^ With the hat and shoes. XDD
277.) Do you like to roller skate?: Sorta.
278.) Who do you wish was president?: LADY GAGA =D
279.) What do you think of Pres. Bush?: I wish I could block him.
280.) Do you play Roller Coaster Tycoon?: Nope.
281.) Are you insecure?: sometimes.
282.) Are you influenced by ancient Greek culture?: yes
283.) Roman culture?: yes
284.) What kind of architecture do you like?: What? xD
285.) What style architecture is your house?: It is a house with 8 rooms, not including bathrooms.
286.) Do you like to shop in big cities?: yes.
287.) Do you like to clean your room?: yes.
288.) Do you hate when people sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniffle the whole time to break your concentration?: Yess.
289.) Do you think that clocks are dumb?:no
290.) Does anybody really know what time it is?: 12:51 here, and it would be 5:51 in england since I am in NY.
291.) Does anybody really care?: Yesss. XD
292.) Who sings that song?: ?
293.) Do you like Chicago?: Never been there.
294.) Does Nevada have a football team?: Idk...
295.) What did you get on the last big test you took?: I don't remember... that was 4 years ago.
296.) Do you pace in circles when you get nervous?: yes
297.) Do you play with dolls?: nope.
298.) Do you like Star Trek?: Ehhh.
299.) Whats 2+9+9?: 84 or 20.
300.) Do you like filling out these surveys?: yaaa

301.) Do you have a job?: yes
302.) What do you do?: fold clothes
303.) Does your boss like you?: It's a love hate relationship.
304.) How much do you get paid?: Minimum wage
305.) Do you have your own bank account?:Yup
306.) Do you have a credit card?: No, i don't want one.
307.) a checkbook?: yes
308.) Are you a big spender?: YES.
309.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: Atleat once a week. xP
310.) In an average week, how much money do you spend?: I am not saying..
311.) Do you know how much a peso would be worth in the United States today?: I have no Idea. xP
312.) How about a Franc?: no...
313.) Do you really care?: No
314.) Do you like your job if you have one?:I hate it.
315.) If you don t have one, do you wish you had one?: ..
316.) Do you wish you had more money?: Sorta, but I don't get spoiled with that sorta stuff.
317.) Why?: Bills & family. xP
318.) Would you rather be filthy rich with no friends or dirt poor with tons of friends and a dog?: Poor. =P
319.) Do you have a cool wallet?: Yep.
320.) What is the largest amount of money you ever had in your possession at one time?: 217 dollars. xP
321.) What are you wearing?: A tank top with lace at the very top & bottom with plaid pajama bottoms.
322.) What are you listening to?: The wind blows by All American Rejects
323.) Who are you talking to?: Sean. xP
324.) What are you doing other than filling out this survey?: Trying to restock.
325.) How is your hair?: Curly. xD
326.) Do you have anything on your feet?: Socks.
327.) Are you cold or warm?: coldd.
328.) Do you have any jewelry on?: A ring.
329.) Do you have any makeup on?: nothing
330.) Name 4 things laying around your desk: Phone, a picture, lamp, and Ipod
331.) Pick up a book laying near you and type a random sentence from a random page: "From the start Mary Decker was running all alone"
332.) Open a cabinet near you and describe whats in it:
Pictures of me and my sister and other people sinces this is my aunts drawer.
333.) What time is it?: 1:04 a.m
334.) Should you be doing something else now?: Calling Sean. :-P
335.) Why aren t you doing it?: Because he is busy. =.=
336.) Is your room a mess now?: Nooo.
337.) Is your mom nagging at you to clean it?: no
338.) What are any people around you doing?: Sleeping.
339.) Who are you thinking about right now?: Sean. :3
340.) Are you doing anything illegal?: Nope.

341.) How much time do you spend on your appearance in the morning?: 1 1/2 hour at the most. xP
342.) Do you wear makeup regularly?: Yes
343.) If so, what?: mascara, concelaor, eye shadow, and a little blush
344.) Are your looks important to you?: Sorta.
345.) Do you want to change the way you look?: Not at all.
346.) What would you change?: nothing
347.) How do you usually wear your hair?: down.
348.) Do you dye your hair?: Yes
349.) Do you straighten you hair?: yes
350.) What color is your hair naturally?: Hazel
351.) What is your eye color?: a light green
352.) Do you wear colored contacts?: no
353.) Do you look like your parents?: Yes,
354.) Is that good or bad?: Not at all.
355.) Do you turn strange colors sometimes?: Purple when holding my breath. xD
356.) Why?: Cuz I am holding my breath..
357.) Do you have any piercings?: ears & belly button. XD
358.) Any tattoos?: A little music note on my back.
359.) Ever gotten a makeover?: yes
360.) Do you experiment a lot with new looks?: yes

361.) Have you ever been out of the country?: yes
362.) Out of your state?: Yes
363.) Out of your city?: Yes.
364.) Do you go on a vacation every year?: Yes
365.) If so, to where and for how long?: depends
366.) Have you ever ridden in a plane?: yes
367.) In a boat?: yes
368.) Do you visit relatives that live far away from you at all?: I do
369.) ON average, every week how many miles do you travel?: I don't keep track..
370.) Do you drive?: yep.

371.) Favorite car?: Range Rover. :3
372.) Color for that car?: White. xP
373.) Do you have your liscense?: Yup
374.) Permit?: yep
375.) Do you like fast cars?: yes.

376.) How long so you sleep each night on average?: about 3-5 hours.
377.) Is this enough?:For me, I guess it is.
378.) Do you dream every night?: yup
379.) Describe a weird dream you had: I did something horrible to my dog.
380.) Do you sleep in awkward positions?: yes. XD
381.) Do you sleep in school?: Nopeee.
382.) If so, do you wake up with different patterns all over your face from whatever you were laying on?: no
383.) What position do you usually wake up in?: Side.
389.) Does your alarm clock wake you up?: sometimes
390.) What kind of alarm clock do you have?: A digital one.
Has Left:
Going Out
391.) How often do you go to parties?: Alot. xP
392.) Are you a crazy party hopper?: Not all the time..
393.) Do you like wild parties with lots of people?: Nooo.
394.) Are you a social butterfly?: Yes
395.) Do you go clubbing?: I did once, but it is not my thing.
396.) Ever been drunk?: Yup
397.) Ever get kicked out of a party?: Nooo.
398.) For what?: Nothing
399.) Do you throw a lot of parties?: Sorta.
400.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: yes
401.) Do you go with a lot of friends?: yeah
402.) Do you like going to arcades?: yess
403.) Is DDR a cool game?: yeah xD
404.) What about those racing games?: I get so peeved when I lose but yeah
405.) How many parties have you been to in the last 3 months?: alot
406.) How many formal dances have you been to in the last year or so?: about 7
407.) Do you dress up when you go out?: Sorta
408.) Do you go to see a lot of movies on the weekend?: noo
409.) Who has the best parties?: Barrack Obama.

Dating and Stuff
410.) Are you involved romantically with anyone right now?: Yes
412.) Do you wish you were with someone right now?: No, Cuz I am already with that person.
413.) Do you have a secret crush?: Nahhh
414.) Who?: Noone
415.) Do they know? I don't have one. xD
416.) How many people have you dated in the passed year?: 1 person. I am dedicated.
417.) Kissed in the past year? Alot
418.) Do you know what 143 means?: W33d? xD I don't know.
419.) How many people have you said "I love you" to?: lots.
420.) Did you mean it?: Yes.
421.) If you didn t mean in, why did you bother saying it?: I don't know why someone would say that. xP
422.) Do you say I Love You to your friends all the time?: Sometimes.
423.) Where do you go out on dates?: ...Places.
424.) Whats the most fun date you ever had?: Do the beach. :3
425.) If you break up with someone do you cry your heart out while listening to breakup songs and then in an hour your fine again with a new love-buddy?: It depends, I would have had to love that person alot.

Who Would Win In a Fight?
426.) Britney or Christina: Brit.
427.) Justin or JC: ?
428.) Frodo or Sam: Sam. ^^
429.) B2K or Nsync: B2K
430.) Cartman or Bart Simpson: Cartman. XDD
431.) Dracula or Frankenstein: Dracula
432.) Triumph or Simon Cowell: Simon. ^^
433.) Conan or Jay:??
434.) Rosie O Donnell or Boy George: Rosie I guess. xP
435.) Carmen Electra or Pamela Anderson:?
436.) Tommy Lee or the guy whos married to Carmen Electra right now: xDD
437.) Bill O Reilly or Chris Matthews: ?

438.) Who are your heroes?: Idk. :/
439.) Why do you look up to them?: ?
440.) Do you wish you could be just like them?: =.=
441.) State the most inspiring quote you know: To many, I can't just name one.
442.) Do your parents inspire you?: Yeah
443.) Do any of your friends inspire you?: Sorta.

More Random Questions
444.) Are nutri-grain bars good or bad?: gooddd.
445.) Do you eat a lot of donuts?: YES.
446.) What kind?: The kind with icing and sprinkles.
447.) Do you like chocolate?: Yusss.
448.) Has your uncle ever gone to jail for unpaid parking tickets?: My Cousin Marty did. :/
449.) Do you see dancing giraffes and living gnomes in your sleep?: I see fat people. xD
450.) Do you like headphones that go in your ears or stay out?: In
451.) Do you like mini blinds?: Yuss
452.) Have you ever broken your mini blinds with a hanger?: I did by throwing something at them.
453.) Have you ever gotten into a violent fit of rage and tried to murder someone?: No...
454.) How is this survey so far?: Interesting. ^^
455.) Do you like the movie Fantasia ?: Sorta.
What s Your Take On
456.) Life: Live life to the fullest, Cuz you don't get another chance to do it when you die.
457.) The world: Needs to stop wars. :-P
458.) President Bush: Ughhhh. /throws off cliff
459.) Ahhhhnold: AHHHHHH
460.) Gary Coleman running for governor: /votes yes in mind. ^^
461.) Howard Stern: WhO? xD
462.) The war in Iraq: It's making stuff worse. =.=
463.) the economy: It sucks.
464.) jay-z retiring: Go to the fiery pitts of the devil's land.
465.) school: Glad I don't go anymore. ^^
466.) going to college: More fun than school
467.) marriage: It has it's ups and downs (Trust me, I know)
468.) football: Dirt.
469.) baseball: OWWWW! PAINNNNN
470.) people cutting themselves for pleasure: Emo. :3

Do You
471.) Pick your nose?: Nope
472.) Untie your shoe laces everytime you take your shoes off?: No
473.) Fart a lot?: NO
474.) Burp a lot?: No
475.) Do stupid things in public?: Yes.
476.) Terrorize innocent people on golf courses?: Yesss. :3
477.) Have random hallucinations?: Yup. :-P
478.) Wear shirts with quotes on them?: Yes. ^^
479.) Wear patches and/or pins on your clothing?: I have some on my tote bag.
480.) Wear leg warmers?: Sometimes.
481.) Sing in the shower?: Yes.
482.) Play any card game?: no
483.) Sleep with a teddy bear?: yeah. xP
484.) Take your pet for a walk?: Yes
485.) Have a snake?:no
486.) Have webbed feet?: no
487.) Wear colorful socks?: yes..
488.) Have a life?: Yes
489.) Drink coffee?: Yes
490.) Drink tea?: yes

491.) What are your screen names?:Bilemo, Bilemo, and Oh, bilemo.
492.) Emails?:
493.) Do you have a website?: NO
494.) Do you have a live journal or dead journal?: Neither
495.) Do you ever get off the computer?: Yeah
496.) What are your favorite websites?: Marapets & Msn.
497.) What are your favorite online stores?: Abercrombie & delia*s
498.) Do you buy a lot of stuff online?: Yesss
499.) If so, what?: Clothes.
500.) Whats the last thing you bought online?: Bras :S
501.) Do you have a lot of online friends?: Yeahh
502.) Have you ever met any of them in person?: yeah
503.) Whos the best person to talk to online?: Deanna. :3
504.) Do you ever catch yourself using computer language outloud? Yup.
505.) Do you use AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN ?: Msn & AOL
506.) Whats your desktop background?: A turtle.
507.) Whats your AIM icon? : My face. :S
508.) How many hours do you spend online in a week on average?: To many
509.) Do you have a webcam or a mic?: no
510.) If your computer shut down for a week, would you die?: Dieeeee
511.) Whats the best present you've ever received?: Friends and my sister.
512.) Whats the worst present you've ever received?: I can't call any gift I get bad.
513.) Do you think its better to give than to receive?: Give.
514.) Do you feel guilty when people get you a great present, but you didn t get them one?: yep
515.) Do you make up a lie to cover it up?: No, I go get them something.

More Favorites
516.) Favorite radio station: I think it is 105.9
517.) Favorite day of the week: Friday
518.) Favorite fruit: Apple
519.) Favorite vegetable: Potato
520.) Favorite lunch meat: Chicken breast. xD
521.) Favorite candy bar: Hershey's kiss
522.) Favorite nail polish: silver
523.) Favorite chair: the swirly one. :-D
524.) Favorite early morning show: I dont really watch tv in the morning.
525.) Favorite morning talk show host: none
526.) Favorite writing paper: n/a
527.) Favorite section of the newspaper: =P
528.) Favorite sibling (if you have any): Liza (I only have 1)
529.) Favorite distant relative: none.
530.) Favorite dessert: cake
531.) Favorite weather: winter weather.
532.) Favorite season: winter
533.) Favorite shoe brand: converse
534.) Favorite lunch: Chicken sandwich
535.) Favorite breakfast: Scrambled eggs.
536.) Favorite author: n/a
537.) Favorite place to see concerts: ?
538.) Favorite band to see live: ?
539.) Favorite survey you've ever gotten: Any other ones than this.

More This or That
540.) Nike/Adidas: Nike
541.) Alone/With friends: With friends
542.) Work/Have off: Have off
543.) Pomegranate/Perssimon: neither.
544.) Raspberry/Blueberry: Neither
545.) Cheech and Chong/Abbot and Costello: ?
546.) Acid/Shrooms: ... Neither.
547.) Who/The Who: The who.
548.) Older/Newer: Depends.
549.) Regular pretzel/Pretzel log: regular pretel
550.) Have sex/Make love: Why would I answer this..

Have you ever
551.) Used a swear word the wrong way and made it sound completely stupid?: Yup. ^^
552.) Skipped school?: Nope
553.) Done drugs?: nope
554.) Been drunk?:Yes
555.) Been so drunk you couldn t remember your own name?: Not that far. xP
556.) Had to look after someone who was on drugs?: My frind mollyanne after she did shrooms. xP
557.) Gone insane?: no
558.) Been in the hospital over night?: yep for about 4 days. Best 4 days of my life. :3
559.) Been in a car accident?: Nope.
560.) A bike accident?: Nope
561.) Broken a bone?: nooo
562.) Sprained a wrist or an ankle?: nope
563.) Been online for more than 8 hours at one shot?: yes
564.) Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: yes
565.) Watched TV for more than 11 hours straight?: No.
566.) More than 12 hours?: No.
567.) How about 5 hours?: i think so.
568.) Slipped in public and had everyone laugh at you?: no
569.) Passed out from hunger?: No.
570.) Been to a LAN party?: no

Other Stuff
571.) Do you like going to basketball games?: no
572.) How about swim meets?: no
573.) Tennis matches?: no
574.) Do you like Family Feud?: no
575.) The ones with Richard?: ?
576.) How about Match Game?: no
577.) Do you watch Game Show network regularly?: Maybe.
578.) Do you believe in dream catchers?: Yes.
579.) Do transvestites appeal to you?: By mistake once. xP I THOUGH IT WAS A MAN, OKAY?
580.) Have you ever been to New York City?: I am here right now.
581.) Do you wish you could live somewhere else?: No
582.) Do you dress in different ways to look like other people?: No
583.) Yes or No: Christina Aguilera has talent: Yes
584.) Do you like TiVo?: yes
585.) Do you have a TiVo?: yes
586.) VCR s or DVD players?: DVD.
587.) Are you an animal rights activist?: NOPE.
588.) A vegan?: No.
589.) Vegetarian?: No.
590.) What do you want to be when you grow up?: Something better than a person folding shirts at abercrombie. :-P I like the clothes though. ^^

Do you know
591.) Who won the Super Bowl last year?: Nope. :/
592.) Two years ago?: Nup.
593.) Who hosted Family Feud after Richard?: I DON'T KNOW.
594.) The author of "Frankenstein"?: ..?
595.) Who the Canadian Prime Minister is?: noOOO.
596.) The Queen of England?: I know who she is. xP Never met her though.
597.) Prime Minister of Britain?: Oh geezzzz. I should know this..
598.) Espanol?: no.
599.) Deutsch?: no.
600.) Japanese?: no.
601.) Fran??ais?: no.
602.) Chinese?: no.
603.) Portuguese?: no.
604.) (If you don t, do you wish you knew any of these languages?): yessss
606.) The capital of the US?: Washington DC
607.) All of the Canadian provinces?: Nooo
608.) The two most commonly used languages in the world?: English & spanish? :/
609.) How to fly a kite?: Yes
610.) How to surf?: Yes
611.) Skateboard?: a little xD
612.) How about rollerblade?: kinda
613.) What year the Korean war started?: I don't remeber...
614.) What is the one thing in the world that makes you teary eyed?: when people cry or die.
615.) Happy eyed?: When people smile. ^^
616.) What song always makes you sad?: Kelly clarkson's Already Gone.
617.) Happy?: To many to say.
618.) Which person always makes you really happy?: Sean <3
619.) Really depressed?: Xaenthe. xD
620.) Are you a really emotional person?: Yes.
621.) Are you a naturally depressed person?: Not really.
622.) A naturally happy person?: Yes
623.) How long does it take you to overcome a bad emotion?: Depends on the situation
624.) What do you do?: Go on with whatever im doing.
625.) What song do you think was written about your life?: LOL I don't know! =P

The Last Person To
626.) Who was the last person to hug you?: My aunt
627.) Talk to you?: My aunt
628.) IM you?: Deanna
629.) Touch you physically?: I guess my aunt?
630.) Touch you emotionally?: Sean
631.) Hurt you?: My friend nate, said some mean things.
632.) Make you feel gooooood?: Sean. xDD
633.) Scold you?: Sean. =.=
634.) Praise you?: Noone. xP
635.) Say "Hello" to you?: Sean.

636.) Are you secure with yourself?: Most of the time.
637.) What do other people think of you?: That I am caring. xD
638.) What kind of person do you see yourself as?: I dunno.
639.) What is your one maaaaajjoooorrrr weakness?: WATERRR
640.) Do you consider yourself to be a strong person?: yeahhh
641.) A weak person?: not really.
642.) Are you stressed out?: often
643.) If someone insults you, can you just brush it off or move on?: brush it off.
644.) Do you hold grudges against others that insult you?: sometimes.
645.) If you are sitting in class and you say something really dumb or do something really stupid and everyone starts laughing at you, can you brush it off easily?: yeah

MORE Random Stuff
671.) Name all the Teletubbies in order right now no thinking: ummm red yellow green and purple. ^^
672.) Do you like to blurt out random sayings in a conversation for no reason?: yup
673.) Do you talk Simmish?: Errrr what?
674.) Oday ouyay peaksay igpay atinlay?: esyay? xD
675.) Isn't pig latin the best?: Yup. =D
676.) Do you have a distinct smell?: What?
677.) Do you know anyone who has a distinct smell that you wish you could bottle and make a perfume or something?: Sean. xP He smells like vanilla. :S
678.) Have you ever read Gone With the Wind?: No, But I would like to.
679.) Did you ever have a crazy eighth grade teacher?: YESS
680.) Are you in an asylum?: Maybe..
681.) College?:Yup
682.) What is your favorite scent?: Flora by Gucci & Ryder by Hollister.
683.) Do you eat chocolate?: Yesss.
684.) Where is your favorite restaurant?: Arby's. XD
685.) What is the best feeling in the world?: Love
686.) What is the worst feeling in the world?: Depression.
687.) Do like Spongebob?: yesss
688.) Do you think he s I have NO taste ?: OH YOU GOT BLOCKED. XD
689.) How about Squidward? no, he plays a flute like instrument.
690.) Do you like to make up stupid excuses in school like "I was too busy getting raped by a bull to do my homework"?: Sometimes. xD
691.) Do you do your homework every night?: For the most part.
692.) Do you usually get a lot?: no
693.) "OOOOOO poor baby": WANT A LOLLY? :3
694.) Have you ever been French kissed by a dog?: yes. I was screaming rape the whole time.
695.) Have you ever fed a dog or cat out of your mouth?: No
696.) Ever eaten a doggie biscuit?: Lol no
697.) Don t you wish they would make them for humans too?: Yeah ;-;
698.) Where is your second home?: Over here, at my aunts. ^^
699.) Are dollar stores cool?: Yes
700.) How many phone numbers do you have memorized that you don t need to look up?: 5, My mom's, Dad's, Sean's My cousin's, and my sister's. =D
701.) Do you wish your teeth would get whiter?: Yesss
702.) Can you do the limbo?: No, I fall everytime.
703.) Do you make New Year s Resolutions?: yep.

Which Friend
704.) Has the best taste in music?: Sean
705.) Has the coolest name?: India.
706.) Has the best taste in movies?: Ann
707.) Has the nicest hair?: Amber
708.) Has the fittest body?: Hmmmm... Maybe Sean. xP
709.) Do you hang out with most?: Sean
710.) Has the coolest parents?: Amber
711.) Lives closest to you?: Sean
712.) Lives the farthest from you?: Amber
713.) Can you relate to most?: Rachel
714.) Is the best for advice on anything?:Carol
715.) Can you make you laugh the easiest?:Sean
Word Association!
716.) blow: airplaneeee
717.) lollipop: lick
718.) obnoxious:kill
719.) cold: Nate
720.) hot:stove
721.) smell: garbage
722.) car: blue
723.) rain: water
724.) wet: pool
725.) steamy: shower
726.) bite: yum yum
727.) beer: martini
728.) rock: speechless
729.) hard: owww
730.) soft: sleep

OK Here s the dirty part
731.) Have you ever played a game that required the removal of clothing?: yes =.-
732.) What s your favorite place to be kissed?: Lips? XD
733.) Are you a tease?: No
734.) Spit or swallowSo.o...
More "Do you"
735.) Twirl your hair?: Yep
736.) Hate yourself?: nah
737.) Want to kill yourself?: i have before >.>
738.) Dream of death and blood and gore?: Yeah
739.) Go into frequent fits of depression and/or rage?: lol yes
740.) Touch your face a lot?: Yes.
741.) Watch MTV?: yes
742.) Have any I have NO taste in pet sites/I have NO taste /bi friends?: yes
743.) Consider yourself tolerant of other people s differences?: Absolutely.
744.) Wish you could fly?: oyus
745.) Wish you could be invisible?: Yes.
746.) Read minds?: PFFFT yes.
747.) Watch wrestling?: No
748.) Like filling out love surveys?: sure
749.) Work out?: yes
750.) Play any sports?: no

More Have You Ever
751.) Gotten a DUI?: No.
752.) A speeding ticket?: yes.
753.) Been in a fist fight?: Nope
754.) Participated in a backyard wrestling match?: No.
755.) Considered a life as a criminal?: No.
756.) Held a gun?: no
757.) Considered prostituting yourself for money?: No.
758.) Been used?: Yes
759.) Been rejected?: Yes.
760.) Experimented with homosexuality?: Yeahhhh. xP
761.) Threw up on a roller coaster?: No.
762.) Laughed so hard you peed your pants?: Yeah
763.) Slept more than 13 hours straight?: yeah
764.) Tackled the mailman?: No (=
765.) Laugh so hard you cried?: Yes.
766.) Been on the phone for more than 5 hours straight?: Yes
767.) Done crack?: No.
768.) Done cocaine?: No.
769.) Passed out during school?: no
770.) Had unprotected sex?:... Maybe...

More Random Questions!!!!!!!!!!
771.) Do you know what boricua/moricua/morena mean?: No.
772.) What language is spoke in Brazil?: Brazilian?
773.) Can you name all 32 football teams in the NFL?: No.
774.) How about every baseball team in MLB?: No.
775.) Do you like hot dogs?: yes
776.) Are baseball games fun?: noo
777.) Is 7 a lucky number?: nahh
778.) Do you believe in Ouiji boards?: Nooo
779.) Have you ever played a guitar?: Yes
780.) Do you have dreams about becoming famous?: Once.
781.) Do you like U2?: Sorta.
782.) Has anyone ever asked you about U2 and you responded "I LOVE U2!" and the other person got really confused?: No. xD
783.) Do you own a CD by the Beatles?: YESS =D
784.) Do you straighten your hair?: yes
785.) Do you wear sweat pants?: yes
786.) Do you wear black lipstick?: nope.
787.) What kind of headphones do you have?: the ones that go in your ears?
788.) Do you use your portable CD player a lot?: i use a ipod
789.) How often do you need to buy a new CD player?: I don't..
790.) What is the CD in your CD player right now?: I dont have one..
791.) How often do you change your underwear?: Every day.
792.) Are you addicted to popping pimples?: Nooo
793.) Do you ever slip and accidentally say "pimping popples" instead of "popping pimples"?: Lols no
794.) Do you have a walk in closet?: Yes
795.) Did you ever get stuck in a closet while listening to "Harder to breathe" or whatever by Maroon 5?: Nooo XD
796.) Do you pray daily?: Noo.
797.) If you die right now what will happen to you?: I would be on the floor.
798.) Are you paranoid?: yess
799.) Do you go to thrift stores to shop?: No
800.) Have you ever seen a used pair of underwear for sale?: Yeah. xD

Which One Are You?
801.) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: none
802.) Power Ranger: The black one. xD
803.) Rugrat: I haven't watched that in a long time so I wouldn't remember. XD
804.) Powerpuff Girl: Bubbles
805.) Villain: SEPIROTH. :-D

Do You Own
806.) A cell phone?: yes
807.) A CPR certification card?: no
808.) A Member s Only jacket?: No.
809.) A book over 900 pages long?: Yes
810.) A I have NO taste in pet siteso?: blockeddd
811.) A gun?: no
812.) A pair of toe socks?: yes
813.) A portable DVD player?: Nope
814.) A Michael Bolton CD?: nope
815.) A car?: Yuss
816.) A trucker hat?: Yes
817.) A pair of cut-off shorts?: Yes
818.) A wife beater?: Sorry, I don't allow Chris Brown into my home.
819.) A butcher knife?: yes
820.) A pocket knife?: yes
821.) A Rolex?: no
822.) A bike?: yes
823.) A thong?: yes...
824.) A bikini?: yes
825.) A speedo (guys)?: N/A
826.) Anything from Tijuana?: No.
827.) A drum set?: Yes ^^
828.) An electric guitar?: Nope
829.) A signed photo of anyone famous?:Yes, Brenda Song. xD
830.) Any of the "Rocky" movies?: Yes
More Random Questions .No they will not stop
831.) Do you have fleas?: No.
832.) Quote Aladdin in any way: I don't remember quotes. xP
833.) Did you ever play backyard baseball in real life?: no
834.) How big is your backyard?: As big as the guest room in my house. =P
835.) Do you like hairy backs?: no
836.) Hairy chests?: no
837.) Are you attracted to older men/women?: Only if they are 5 years or less. xP
838.) Do you wish you had more hair?: no no no.
839.) What does Prilosec treat?: ...
841.) Are you on any medication?: Yes, Nausea meds.
842.) Do you have asthma?: No.
843.) Do you have an inhaler?: No.
844.) Do you use your inhaler more than 5 times a week?: N/A
845.) Do you think you need to take medication for this disorder?: n/a?
846.) When was the last time you got a haircut?: 2 weeks ago.
847.) What is your hair length?: shoulder length
848.) Do you know how to change a tire?: Yes
849.) Do you know how to change oil in a car?: No
850.) Did a ring ever turn your finger purple/blue/green?:Yes. xDD
851.) Have you ever taken a bus ride to another state?: No.
852.) Have you ever taken a bus to the mall?: No.
853.) Do you like the show Recess?: I hate it. =.=
854.) What s your take on the show Judge Judy?:WILL YOU MARRY MEH?
855.) When did WW2 start?:?
856.) When did it end?: ?
857.) What is your nationality?: Irish, Polish, and britain xP
858.) Where did your family come from?: England
859.) Have you ever been to Hell?: NO
860.) Do you believe there is a Satan?: Yea
861.) Do you believe in angels?: Yea
862.) Do people always tell you that you look stoned?: Nooo
863.) What percentage of the time are you actually NOT stoned?: 98%
864.) Do you like to say random words during conversations
865.) Do you own any NKOTB merchandise?: no...
866.) Have you ever gotten the urge to bang any member from Menudo?: lols no
867.) Aren t those Menudo kids soooooooooooooo sexy?: maybe. :-P
868.) Do you constantly use away messages even if you are gone for 3 days at one shot?: Nope
869.) Do you collect anything?: Yep
870.) Have you ever made a bong from an exhaust pipe?: nopee.
871.) Do you have pothead neighbors?: My aunt does. :/
872.) Which is your favorite toe?: pinky
873.) Favorite finger?: middle
874.) How many wisdom teeth do you have?: None.
875.) Do you have a Kidz Bop CD?: no
876.) Do you like to watch the Kidz Bop commercials just because they re so sad and stupid?: It makes me crack up. xP
877.) Have you ever made out with someone of the same sex?: No.
878.) If you answered yes to 877, WHY????????!!!: I didn't
879.) Do you grind a lot?: No.
880.) Do you like to grate cheese?: yes. ;D
881.) Can you sing the Oscar Meyer jingle?: Yep.
882.) Are you related to someone famous through only 3 degrees of seperation?: No.
883.) How about 5 degrees of seperation?: no
884.) OK be honest hows the survey so far?: Long
885.) Do you usually like to answer all the questions on surveys?: I try.
886.) What time is it?: 2:47 a.m
887.) Do you use the word uber a lot?: yep
888.) Do you pretend like you know other languages when you really don t?: yep. xD
889.) Can you take a crap in other people s houses without feeling awkward?: No, I feel uncomfortable. xP
890.) Have you ever overflowed a toilet in public?: No
891.) What did you do?: N/A
892.) Have you ever heard an old lady say "Fire trUCK"?: Yep. x] Referring to my Gramma
893.) Do you swear like a sailor?: yes
894.) Do you think it s sassy when people of the opposite sex swear every once in a while when they usually don t?: ohyus
895.) Can you sit on the toilet and take a poo?: no i need meds for that. xP
896.) What term do you like to use for poo the most: Poo.
897.) What does PMS stand for?: paul mason skylay :-D
898.) Do you like to inhale potpourri?: I like smelling it.
899.) Can you say the alphabet backwards without stopping?: No.
900.) How far can you count on your fingers?: to 5.
901.) Are outhouses or porta potties ok for you?: Nope.
902.) What is the funniest portapotty company name you have ever seen?: Portajohn. xP
903.) How many people are on your AIM buddy list?: 13
904.) Do you like the Godfather movies?: they are alright
905.) How about Good Fellas?: dunno. xP
906.) Watch the Sopranos?: I sorta used to.
907.) Does the mobster life appeal to you?: no
908.) Do you know anyone in the mob?: No
909.) Have you ever woken up to find a horse head laying in your bed?: Nope. xP
910.) If you could rename your town to be anything you want, what would you name it?: Dontcomehere
911.) Osama Bin Laden: dead or alive?: DEAD,
912.) Do you wear a lot of bright colors?: yeah
913.) Do you watch day time soaps?: no
914.) Do you watch Cartoon Network?: yes.
915.) Do you use a calculator?: in math class
916.) What kind is it?: Idk?
917.) Do you like pizza to be delivered to you?: yup
918.) Did you ever have to do a science project?: yes
919.) Don't they suck?: yess
920.) Did you ever have to help a family member with a science project?: yes
921.) Do you help out at the Special Olympics?: No.
922.) Do you know anyone with mental disabilities?: Yes.
923.) Are you a racist?: no.
924.) When you go to restaurants do you eat a lot or try and minimize you intake?: It depends.
925.) Do you diet?: Sometimes.
926.) Do you have trouble sticking to promises?: It varies.

927.) How often do you shower?: Every day
928.) Do you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom?: Yes.
929.) How often do you wash your face?: Every day. In shower
930.) When you bleed do you use a band aid?: Yes.
931.) Do you wash your cuts out with soap and water?: Nooo, to painful
932.) Do you wash your hair every day?: yes
933.) Do you blow your nose a lot?: Yesss.
934.) Do you cough a lot?: Sometimes.
935.) If so, do you cover your mouth or let the germs fly?: I cover my mouth to be considerate.
936.) Do you wear deoderant regularly?: Every day.

937.) Do you have any type of mental disability?: No
938.) Do you have OCD?:no
939.) Do you have ADHD?: I might.
940.) Are you on any medication for any mental disorder?: no
941.) Do you suffer from anxiety or depression?: sometimes.
942.) Do you get sick really often and for long periods of time?: Yes. it's rare though.
943.) Have you ever had the chicken pox?: No.
944.) The monkey pox?: lol
945.) The mumps?: No.
946.) The measles?: No.
947.) Did you ever have a hole in your heart?: No.

The Last Set of Random Questions
948.) Have you ever been on TV?: Yes
949.) Have you ever been on the radio?: no
950.) In the newspaper?: Yes.
951.) Have you ever been quoted by anyone at all?: A few times by family and friends
952.) Do you watch Saved By The Bell?: i did. xD
953.) Did you cry when Mr. Rogers died?: no. He scarred me for life. xD
954.) Did you ever see the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit?: no
955.) Do you think Frank Zilinski is a moron?:Yes
956.) Throw me some Polish names: ... Windex? xD
957.) What size shoe do you have?: 8 1/2
958.) How many pairs of shoes do you have?: 10
959.) How big is your wardrobe?: pretty big
960.) What are you wearing ?:I am still wearing my fricking tank top with the plaid pants.
961.) How tall are you?: 5'5
962.) Do you have cankles?: No lol
963.) Do you have fat wrists?: no
964.) Fat thighs?: no,
965.) Do you like how you look? ehh
966.) Do you shave your legs?: Yes.
967.) How often?: every 2 days.
968.) How about those armpits?: Uhhuh
969.) Are you a germaphobe?: Uhyeah. I has 10 hand cleansers. xP
970.) How many legs does an octopus have?: 8
971.) How many legs do you have?: 2
972.) Do you have braces?: no
973.) Are you getting sick of these questions?: No
974.) Do you snort when you laugh?: Yes. xD
975.) Do you snore?: People I say I do. :s
976.) Do you have your own room?: Yes.
977.) Do you have an overactive bladder?: Noo
978.) How about an overactive pooper?: No
979.) Have you ever had an out of body experience?: xD
980.) Do you know who Tim Burton is and/or do you like him?: Yes & yes
981.) How about Tim Curry?: Lol
982.) Are you ticklish?: Yes.
983.) Do you have a I have NO taste uncle?: blockedddd.
984.) A I have NO taste in pet sites aunt?:blockeddd.
985.) Do you like salad?: Yes
986.) Have you ever been to a Farmers Market?: Yes
987.) Ever been to a pig auction?: nono
988.) Are you artsy?: Yes, very.
989.) Do you like to eat pie?: Yes.
990.) Do you like to say "no pun intended" for no reason?: Yes. =D
991.) Whats your favorite pie flavor?: apple
992.) Do you like ice cream cake?: Yes
993.) Is the glass half empty or half full?: Half full.
994.) Who was the Lone Ranger's, nephew's, horse?: The nephew had a horse?
995.) Do you like cheese?: yes
996.) Do you know Eric Shaun?: Who? x.x
997.) Do you think that last question was really lame?: Yes
998.) Did you think this whole survey was really lame?: No, but its long .
999.) Was it a waste of your time?:nahhh.
1000.) Do you waste a lot of time doing stupid pointless things when you should be doing more important things?: Yesss.dribble.gifdribble.gif

15 years & 7 months ago
11th Aug 2009 20:30

I do have one, But I only would give it out to people I know.
Most people probably wouldn't want it though.
But if you do just mm me. ;D

Ich liebe Sie.
15 years, 8 months & 27 days ago
14th Jun 2009 17:38


My mara family... :/
15 years, 9 months & 5 days ago
6th Jun 2009 09:00

I need people to be me family. xD

    12th Jun 2010 10:28
    14 years & 9 months ago
  2. 1000 questions!
    11th Feb 2010 00:04
    15 years & 1 month ago
  3. MSN...
    11th Aug 2009 20:30
    15 years & 7 months ago
  4. Ich liebe Sie.
    14th Jun 2009 17:38
    15 years, 8 months & 27 days ago
  5. My mara family... :/
    6th Jun 2009 09:00
    15 years, 9 months & 5 days ago
  6. Hello. *farewells.
    30th Apr 2009 15:04
    15 years, 10 months & 11 days ago
  7. Do you think epic has overstayed it's welcome? =D
    28th Apr 2009 12:40
    15 years, 10 months & 13 days ago
  8. I fell for it! xD
    26th Apr 2009 18:19
    15 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
  9. <3
    25th Apr 2009 10:48
    15 years, 10 months & 16 days ago
  10. Does barney scare you?
    24th Apr 2009 10:22
    15 years, 10 months & 17 days ago