Club Helpers
14 years & 7 months ago

12th Aug 2010 08:55
So, if you are in the club Venomous, and want to help fellow club members, listen here. This is for anyone that wants to tell people that they are willing to lend money, pets, items, etc for missions, goals, etc. Just mm zx77MLC13 with what you are willing to lend and your name will be put here. If you are the person looking ot borrow it, you can look to see if someone has what you need and you can mm them. But, if you fail to return the items after signing the contract listed below, you will be reported to marastaff.
zx77MLC13-Items, Money, Pets
Contract: I, ______________, understand that I am borrowing this ______________ from _______________ and I promise to return it in 24 hours, unless asked for more allotted time.
14 years, 9 months & 10 days ago

1st Jun 2010 18:01
Alot of my friends use the same computer to get on marapets. Please don't ban us.