So... yeah...
15 years, 3 months & 19 days ago

23rd Nov 2009 16:28
I know that you are probally not the type who pokes clowns. But you should! It's for the cause of my web page!!! See?! That is important! Well, I hope that you are reading this because you wanted to. Cause read my others to see whats up. You might get a little prize for answering a riddle! If my page becomes well known then everybody will know about my goodbyes!!!!

I know its been some time..
15 years, 3 months & 24 days ago

18th Nov 2009 15:34
... i haven't been on beacuse I've gone through a whatever faze. So all i did was watch Tv go on va ca and text... well now i'm ok with my new school i'm back online! I hope you shaved a hobo or a hobo shaved you cause hobos can't aford to shave themselves! Any way I'll post another riddle and i know it iss really corny so IM POSTEN' ET'!!!!

So i got around to another entrie.
15 years, 8 months & 10 days ago

3rd Jul 2009 15:31
Now who ever reads this must of found there way here somehow. So guess what? You know how to use a computer! Yay for all those who hadn't realized it. You also must be pretty bored if you are reading this. OR you didn't click this because you wanted to but you are glad you had. Either way you are reading this and should comment. *See first blog for deitails* Otherwise why are you reading this?! I really want to be know on the web so get going! E-mail your friends, family anybody! Just get the word out 'bout my rockn' blog. If you comment on mine I'll be sure to comment on yours or mara mail yah! Thats how I got a friend before. They read what I wrote! For instence. I said give me presents. That person did and now we talk all the time! So do whatever, shave a hobo, or have a hobo shave you, dance the worm, do something to stand out in this world. LIKE POST A COMMENT ON MY BLOG! And be happy. Chow!
This is my blog. Got a problem?!
15 years, 9 months & 17 days ago

27th May 2009 10:50
Yah, here is my blog. You can read it. Just back off or you'll get something in return. I'm just like you, no biggy. Leave any questions about me in comments. I'll be glad to answer. But first I have a riddle for you. The first to answer correct gets a secret prize. The harder my riddle the better the prize. The riddle is the first comment. Enjoy thinking! Mwa ha ha ha!