dear staff..plz note
15 years, 3 months & 3 days ago

8th Dec 2009 23:24
Though till now I was using a single computer, but from now on I may log in from many different pcs as I am going outstation & will avail whatever pc is there...plz plz plz dont ban me...
Pet trades
15 years, 3 months & 11 days ago

1st Dec 2009 01:30
Currently only kyrilla and Jokimi are UFT
Jachu, Limpet and Zayphria are NEVER for trade..They are my battle, tarquin & first LE pets, dont ask
May trade Jakhu once he is out of temple, but chances are less.
May someday trade Ipshi if I get an over offer
Ashrashio is a troll pet, so will trade for LE
Not sure about Dorn...probably will keep her
My LEs...
15 years, 3 months & 11 days ago

1st Dec 2009 00:09
My first LE pet is a Dakota..thanx to Azveri for giving me my first LE...she is sooooooooooo cute...
Then Calarina turned into a cowboy lati...(traded)
Then I created Ipshi as a pink mordo & got her costumed...
Ruyel turned into mordo & I gave her to Brokens
Traded MarciaB(royal mordo) for Treyas(goblin mordo)
Then finally Jachu became le(prison rusty)
I bought vamp tasi potion & used on Limpet
After searching a lot I got yuni potion(ice fairy) & was given Carrolin to use it on her
Jokimi & Kyrilla were also with me for sometimes before they move on...I gave away Kyrilla to be someone's 1st le
Recently created Chellsa to use cowboy lati potion
people who owe me
15 years, 4 months & 2 days ago

9th Nov 2009 23:25
Starchild - 30k for 250 dc