What color am i??...
14 years, 8 months & 22 days ago

8th Jul 2010 11:39
[br][br]*Green=Boring[br]*Blue=Cute[br]*Pink=Sweet[br]*Red=Sexy[br]*Orange=Hot[br]*Yellow=Fun[br]*White=Crazy[br]*Black=Evil[br]*Purple=Stylish[br]*Aqua=Unique[br]So what color am I?
??????My best friends i love them all?????????
14 years, 8 months & 27 days ago

3rd Jul 2010 07:19

ne of my best freinds [br]and a kind lovely great person thanks mizzy for all that you have done for me333[br][br]c43002:A great friend and a funny person to talk to[br][br]4220563:A great friend lots fun to talk to.[br][br]alantas28:A great club leader and a friendly really kind person.[br][br]Chipchop:you are a loving friend.[br][br]kimmyjimmy:You are really kind and I love to mm you when I am bored. You are a great friend.[br] [img]http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT5Qhx0jMxs-2V6kcM23XVw9au6_A805CRzbJIAuxZfqEALxwLtQQ[/img][br]Swing14:You're a great friend! Thanks a lot.[br][br]sexylozygal-one of the kindest person i know and you soo funny. [br][br]Biker69:Thanks for all the things you gave me. You are a true star![br][br]MonarchButterfly:Your a great friend

[br][br]Kionna:A great person to talk to.[br][br]diverstyisboss:A funny and also kind person.[br][br]Shadow171717:a lovely person.[br][br]trix9470:lol you make me laugh.[br][br]Smate:Your a great drawer.[br][br]baotienduong:Am funny and great person.[br][br]And all the rest of my friends thanks every one33333333333333
How sad.
14 years, 9 months & 27 days ago

3rd Jun 2010 06:52
My name is Syd
I am three
my eyes r swollen
i cannot see
i must be stupid
i must be bad
what else could have made
my daddy mad?
i wish i were better
i wish i weren't ugly
then maybe my mommy
would still want to hug me
when im awake im all alone
the house is dark
my folks aren't home
when my mommy does come
ill try to be nice
so maybe ill just get
one whipping tonight
dont make a sound!
i hear him curse
my name he calls
i press myself
against the wall
i try to hide
from his evil eyes
im so afraid now
im starting to cry
he slaps me and hits me
and yells at me more
i finally get free
and i run for the door
he's already locked it
and i start to bawl
he takes me and throws me
against the hard wall
i fall to the floor
with my bones nearly broken
and my daddy continues
with more bad words spoken
"I'm sorry!", i scream
but its much too late
his faced is twisted
in unimaginable hate
the hurt and pain
again and again
oh please god have mercy!
oh please let it end!
and he finally stops
and heads for the door
while i lay motionless
sprawled on the floor
my name is Syd
and i am three
tonight my daddy
murdered me.<------copy-and-paste this to ur profile if u r against child abuse