15 years, 6 months & 9 days ago

1st Sep 2009 06:58
I love my family and I'm very close to everyone of them.But what I don't understand is that some people run away from their family when they say they love their family.Maybe your family might treat you bad but it's for your own good.And if they're are not your real family then you're free to run away.Maybe if you were adopted you can run away.If you're sure their not family then have a talk at the next family reunion.It might be strange to say you hate your family, but you're nothing without them.They give you food and shelter and whatever you ask for.That's why I love my family(not everybody even though I said I do) and I hope they love me too
Being me
15 years, 6 months & 10 days ago

31st Aug 2009 15:56
Sometimes I think of myself being a different person but I like the way I am.People want to change the way the look but what matters is who you are and I think I like being me because I'm always myself
Being a celebrity
15 years, 7 months & 7 days ago

4th Aug 2009 08:01
I thought that being a celebrity would be fun that you get to meet other stars and travel around the world in a first class jet.I thought I'd get to do a million movies and have my own tv show staring me. I thought I'd have a fan club and my own website.I thought I'd always be on the red carpet paparazzis folowing me every where I go camera lights flashing when they see me.I thought I'd have a celebrity boyfriend and we'd have a lovely relationship that would be very popular. Then I'd love to sing and I have blonde hair instead of mouse and my hair would be everywhere when I'm singing on stage.And I'd pull just seven people on the stage to sing with me and I'd give them free V.I.P passes that never expired and they could bring it to my concerts any time. And I'd give them a big hug.And I was star of the month on Disney Channel. And I'd have C.D signings all the time. But that can never be real unless you have trust in yourself
15 years, 7 months & 7 days ago

4th Aug 2009 07:07
Girls are really special.i love being a girl but some times being a girl comes with a lot of challenges like periods,hair and stuff. if i could change something in my life about being a girl i wouldn't want to change anything but sometimes i would want to change something. some girls wish they were boys
15 years, 7 months & 29 days ago

13th Jul 2009 11:25
It's strange when you meet someone and that person likes you.But when that person is really fond of you that person could be a 'friend'.That is how the beauty of friendship starts.By fondness.By love.Sure maybe you might fight.That's what friends are supposed to do.If you don't fight with your friend then maybe you aren't friends at all.You have to show appreciation for your friend to become your friend because that person sat down to make sure that he/she is making the right decision.And he or she wants to be your friend through what he sees in you.Whether you like to gossip or whether you like to be alone that person would want you to be their friend.But following bad friends isn't the way to a good friendship.They'd do something bad,run away and leave you to take the blame.So it's up to you to choose a good friend.but just because you fight doesn't mean you can't be friends anymore.It's just a test to see if you can naturally correct your mistakes