Erin my heart and soul =)
15 years, 8 months & 24 days ago

21st Jun 2009 17:55
Wow ok this may be a little long becuase there is so much to say.
But its ok =)
So i met you a long time ago just asking you to bump my topics
then we started to talk and i realized that wow this is my new best friend
it just happened.. just like that
Thats called it was meant to be xD
We talk pretty much 24/7 even if its about stupid stuff
If either of us has problems we know we can trust the other to put a smile on our face or just to make us feel better.
Im not sure if i can go a day with out talking to you. It just wouldnt work out.
Sad,Mad or happy we are here for each other every step of the way