School avs I need game score mps
17 years, 10 months & 9 days ago

3rd May 2007 14:34
Attach a hammy to a pet that has done 50 or more music lessons at the school
Complete a history lesson at the school when you are at level 152 or over for it
Complete a maths lesson at the school when you are at level 27 or over for it
Collect income on the Karaoke King job on a pet that has over 50 music stats
Complete a science lesson at the school when your pet is at level 52 or over for it
Complete a sports lesson at the school when your pet has already done 77 or more
RIP Trading Card
[11th Nov 05:48 PM]
Congratulations! You were in the top 500 for the 2007 Halloween Pumpkin Hunt!
You have just received a RIP Trading Card.
Thanks for playing Marapets!!
Playing Games daily(these earnings are for the Flash Games we currently have available):
1 play per day per game: 46 * 1500 = 69000
3 plays per day per game: 46 * 3 * 1500 = 207000
1 play per day per game for 30 days: 46 * 1500 * 30 = 2070000
3 plays per day per game for 30 days: 46 * 3 * 1500 * 30 = 6210000
This information is based on scoring the maximum amount of points you can(1500 MP) per game.
However, not all games award 1500 MP(very few games award less though).
As for not being able to make 1500 MP from each game...
Try this:
1 play per day per game: 46 * 500 = 23000
3 plays per day per game: 46 * 3 * 500 = 69000
1 play per day per game for 30 days: 46 * 500 * 30 = 690000
3 plays per day per game for 30 days: 46 * 3 * 500 * 30 = 2070000