Warriors story
15 years, 6 months & 25 days ago

30th Aug 2009 13:05
A story about Warrior cats. Please read.

Leader: Rockstar- a pale brown tabby tom
Medicine Cat: Ashfleck- Pale gray she-cat with a long tail
Apprentice: Whistlepaw
Thistlefur- Grey she-cat with crystal blue eyes
Apprentice: Redpaw
Blackfeather- Smoky black tom with hazel brown eyes
Apprentice: Bluepaw
Darkclaw- A black tom with white paws and green eyes
Harefoot- Brown tom with large, white paws
Apprentice: Yellowpaw
Stripetail- Sleek white she-cat with a black-striped tail
Poppypelt- Ginger she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice: Gingerpaw
Tornfur: Brown tom with a shredded tail
Spottedheart: Beautiful tortiseshell
Gorgepelt- Mud colored tom with blue eyes
Whistlepaw- Pure white she-cat
Redpaw- Ginger tom with green eyes
Bluepaw- Blueish gray she-cat with blue eyes
Yellowpaw- Creamy white she-cat
Gingerpaw- Brown tom with ginger paws
Riverpaw- Beautiful gray she-cat
Queens (nursing or expecting kits):
Swiftfoot- Fast she-cat, tortiseshell
Yarrowleaf- Pretty tabby she-cat, mother of Gorgepelt's kits: Mudkit, and Leafkit
Longstripe- Grey tom with a black stripe on back
Heathertail- Pretty brown she-cat
Chapter 1
It was a cool new-leaf morning and the breeze ruffled as Bluepaw stepped out of the apprentices den. Her sister Yellowpaw, and her brother, Redpaw, were already out of the den on the morning patrol. She wish she could go with them, but Rockstar had punished her for straying off of the camp without permission.
Still working....