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  1. New quizes win many more cool super prizes
    3rd Nov 2009 04:14
    15 years, 4 months & 8 days ago
  2. Wanna know about me?
    18th Sep 2009 19:16
    15 years, 5 months & 22 days ago
New quizes win many more cool super prizes
15 years, 4 months & 8 days ago
3rd Nov 2009 04:14

Hey you guys, I'm bored so I figure out what to do now.

I'm giving you many quizes. Take a change to win cool super prizes, don't lost it. You can guess as many as you want.

Are you Ready? If you ready take a breath twice time. Ready for it:

1) What kind of fish that is RICH?

2) Why do man look cool?

3) Before you go to school, what will you do?(before 2 mins)

4) Why should we eat breakfast, lunch and dinner?

5) Teacher saw you had tears your textbook, what will teacher do?

6) If your computer stuck, it is mean your computer had virus?

7) Your sister/brother likes to eat food that have creams. What will you give your sister/brother when it is her/his birthday?

8) If you met a malay person. What language will you speak with her?

9) In christmas day, Santa Claus wants to give you a present so he comes to your home. When he got back, he saw his raindeers are missing. What will the Santa do?

10) If one of your friends love you but you didn't love him/her. What will he/she do everday to you?

1 - 5 question (1 gift each question)

6 - 10 question (2 gifts each question)

Just 10 quizes, WINS! WINS! WINS!

Wanna know about me?
15 years, 5 months & 22 days ago
18th Sep 2009 19:16

Hey u guyz! Want to know me so close? Heres some details of me:

Name: Sherine Chin Velove
Age: 15 years old (only for 2009)
Born Date: 15 March 1994
Hobbies: Singging, Playing guitar and basketball
Ambitions: Singer and Atress
Dream Pet: Chibs

I'm not been taken, I'm single.
And hope you all be my friendz!!!

  1. New quizes win many more cool super prizes
    3rd Nov 2009 04:14
    15 years, 4 months & 8 days ago
  2. Wanna know about me?
    18th Sep 2009 19:16
    15 years, 5 months & 22 days ago