Le Pet Quiz
15 years, 4 months & 13 days ago

29th Oct 2009 19:01
1 Your owner gets a way better and expensive pet, than you what do you do?
A Do nothing, as long as they love me.
B Cry somewhere.
C be happy you have a owner.
D Tell your owner off.
2 Your owner thinks about disdowning you, what do you do?
A Tell your owner how much you love them (even though you don't.)
B Tell them how much you will miss them.
C Tell them how much you love them.
D Get mad and run away.
3 The new pet your owner gets is mean what do you do?
A Leave it alone let your owner handle it.
B Tell them to stop and try to act tough.
C Act tough and try to fight.
D Fight them.
4 Your owner loves the other pet more, what do you do?
A Know that somewhere they still love you.
B Cry.
C Try to talk to your owner but get to nervous.
D Yell at your owner to love you to.
Mostly As: Snookle
Mostly Bs: Yuni
Mostly Cs: Rofling
Mostly Ds: Chibs