15 years, 3 months & 1 day ago

14th Dec 2009 11:15
This is just a poem i wrote a long time ago. I still really like it!
This pen is worn out, this paper barely covered
Not fully showing what i hold inside.
Its heart breaking, gut wrenching
Trying to show you that i care.
Its harder to explain than i thought
I see your smile
Your laugh
You warm embrace...
Its what keeps me going
It keeps me from completely crashing and never struggling to get back up
But now if i fall,
I know i have something to hold onto
Something that gives me strength
Something that i wish i could have,
yet i know i cant
That something is you
Now this pen has done its job and this paper is full of what i wanted to tell you...
I love you...
See why i tried so hard?
Some say we're crazy
Some say we have no life
but that's not true
We're just fun loving people looking for others like us
People will say we're looking for attention
Be we know thats not true either
We love to express ourself, no matter what the cost
Poeple say we're clingy
We're not just friends, we're a family.
We rely on each other
If one of us is backed in a corner by the darkness of our mind
The other will come running in with a huge torch to protect us from it
Life will throw many things at us
But at least well both be able to smile
even through the toughest of obstacles
I'm glad your my friend
I wouldn't have it any other way.