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  1. My Relatives
    10th Aug 2010 06:58
    14 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
  2. Note to Staff
    10th Aug 2010 06:52
    14 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
  3. Donating Plushies
    10th Aug 2010 06:47
    14 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
  4. Marapets Undying Festival 2010 Answers
    10th Aug 2010 06:40
    14 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
My Relatives
14 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
10th Aug 2010 06:58

Mimosa357: my sister

Everyrainbow0: my cousin or Irene6's big sister

Irene6: my cousin or Everyrainbow0's little sister

Dapimpgrl21: Everyrainbow0's or Irene6's cousin

Ansiansensei: Everyrainbow0's or Irene6's cousin or Dapimpgrl21's brother

Min81: my niece(weird how it happened) but she likes her to be my cousin

Lucas789: my cousin

Note to Staff
14 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
10th Aug 2010 06:52

My sister and I sometimes shared a same computer or laptop. So please don't ban us! Remember that three of my cousins(everyrainbow0, Min81, and Irene6) occasionally come to my house and use my laptop or this computer. So please don't ban them too! And also, sometimes, my sister and I go to their house and use their computer. I hope you understand!


Donating Plushies
14 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
10th Aug 2010 06:47

My sister Mimosa357 has all the plushies in her gallery that she can afford. Donate any one or more plushie(s) now to help her increase her plushies collection. You can also send her any enchanted plushies or any rare ones to her. Or, any enchanted plushies or any plushies that she doesn't have in her collection. I'm sure that she'll be grateful if you do.


Marapets Undying Festival 2010 Answers
14 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
10th Aug 2010 06:40

Hi, did you know? the undying festival is on now. i'll show you ALL the answers. yes. ALL. not part. not some. AND VERY CLEAR ANSWERS. ok?

"To find what Addow is the same but not
Refresh the magic stars it has got "
Search addow then click "enchanted snowy addow plushie" -P

"Ewwww, I hate gumballs. Somebody else can have it!"
Donate gumballs to the Pot Of Gold -O

"As still as one"
Go to the statue is simeria and use it -D

"Could you be the next king?"
Pull sword from stone (random) -B

"Your loyalty will be tested"
Refresh A LOT at the loyalty page. -O

"Sometimes it is all about winning"
Win a battle. (Uyaul is the easiest trading card) -O

"Itsy bitsy"
Play a game of spider soltiare don't send score just refresh alot. -Y

"Slip and slide, what a prison ride"
Go to the newth racing and bet on newth 6 (the prison one) -E

"Guessing is no fun unless you are right"
Play keno. -L

"Mini Umbrellas might be needed"
Put your pet in fasoro falls. -U

"Nothing wrong with some extra weight"
Refresh at obese fairy alot. ???S

"Too much of the same gets old"
Search old costume in the search and click. (might need to refresh) -A

"Getting too vain will drive you insane"
Refresh at beauty contest alot. -A

"Take some time to wind down"
Refresh at clock tower. -R

"Slow or fast, just do not be last"
Enter pet to olympics -O

"From the leg to the ankle?"
Go grave robbing and find bones. -N

"Insane cuddles"
Go to the nutty tree and hug it. -C

"One, two, three, which shall it be?"
Try trash fairy -S

"The smell alone might make you sick"
Go to the trash heap

"You look simply gorgeous darrrling!"
Collect clothing from Clothing Rack -N.

"It???s all a game of apples and oranges?"
Spin the fruit machine -K

"Use it fast, you are breaking the law!"
Use the portal. ???S

"Are you my number one?"
Buy a lottery ticket -T

"Double it up"
Play double or nothing -O

Send score in the game 'Bounchy' -K

"Off with her head!"
Use guillotine -E

"Would you be interested in making a profit?"
Collect bank interest -A

"Witch house should you bring items to?"
Complete an elger quest -M

"WANTED - dead and alive???
Add a zombie tantua photo In your wishlist -O

???...(sorry, didn't get that one)???
Throw a coin into Eleka Fountain -U

???They wriggle while you giggle???
Do Worm Digging and find a worm -I

???If I was a rich man...???
Refresh at the millionairs lodge alot ???O

???Madness I tell you!???
Ride the Rollercoaster(maybe a few tries) -W

???Throw this fruit at the Worm Queen???
Send a wormy apple to indygo -F

???A pet giving this a try will not take very long to die???
Refresh at poison shop alot. (I forgot the letter, remember to memorize the last letter)

The sentence is: Marapets is now on facebook! Do you like us?

Congratulations! You finished! If you need any help, maramail me.

  1. My Relatives
    10th Aug 2010 06:58
    14 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
  2. Note to Staff
    10th Aug 2010 06:52
    14 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
  3. Donating Plushies
    10th Aug 2010 06:47
    14 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
  4. Marapets Undying Festival 2010 Answers
    10th Aug 2010 06:40
    14 years, 7 months & 2 days ago