Lost In Time
13 years, 9 months & 3 days ago

9th Jun 2011 11:05
River Song turned the crispy pages of the blue book she was flipping through. She was sat inside her prison cell in Stormcage on her bed. She sighed as the memories of last summer flooded back to her. She remembered the tall grass, the checked blanket, the glowing butterflies flying around her and...him. He was wearing a white shirt with a red bowtie and red braces. He had a floppy side fringe, which was hanging down over his moss green eyes. He had brown trousers and leather black boots on. His brown jacket was cast away behind him. He was laughing, playfully batting at the butterflies. He opened the small picnic basket next to him and pulled out a sandwich. He handed it to River and grinned as she bit into it and swallowed. She put the sandwich down, and leant closer towards him, her shoulder against his, her eyes sparkling. He'd leaned his head even closer towards her, their faces almost touching, he pressed his lips lightly to hers and...a loud clanging woke River up from her reminisce.
"Doctor Song! Lunch!" the guard yelled through the bars separating the two of them, bashing his gun against them. She closed the small blue book, stood up from the bed and walked over to him. She took the small dish from him, thanked him and went back to the bed. She picked up the spoon and took a sip of the soup. As the hot liquid poured down her throat, she went back to where she was happy...happy with the Doctor.
The Doctor twiddled his thumbs as he waited for Amy. She was in the shower. And she'd been in there for a long time. The Doctor sighed and stopped twiddling his thumbs. As much as he loved Amy, she could be pretty slow sometimes. He stood up and walked over to the main console in his Tardis. He pressed the small green button on the monitor and tapped several of the keys on the typewriter below. He glanced up at the monitor and twisted one of the dials on it. He frowned as it crackled and failed, leaving a black screen.
"Come on..." he muttered.
He flicked down a silver switch and typed in something else on the typewriter.
"Hah!" he shouted as the monitor sparked and fizzed back into life.
On the screen was a video of River. She was flipping through her blue diary, pausing now and then to read an entry. She came to one page that was obviously significant, and she grinned. She closed the diary, stood up and grabbed a brown bag from under her bag. She opened it, put the diary into it, picked up her time vortex manipulator and strapped it on her wrist. She walked over to a table in the corner, pulled a drawer open, and took out her gun, which she also placed in the bag. She slung the bag over her shoulder, clicked together the straps, looked up at the security camera which the Doctor had tapped into, and smiled as though she knew he was watching her. She waved at the camera and said something that looked curiously like 'Hello, sweetie'.
The Doctor sighed. He should've known that River was expecting him to watch her today. He grinned and flicked off the monitor. Just as he sat back down on one of the leather chairs, Amy walked in, drying her hair with a towel. She was wearing jeans, a white and red checked top and her trainers.
"You took your time. Did you have a party while you were in there?" the Doctor laughed.
"You seem too happy...what's happened?" Amy asked, ignoring the Doctor's silly question.
"Um...nothing." the Doctor said, immediately sobering.
"Okay..." Amy sighed.
Amy sat next to the Doctor and dropped the towel on the floor before dragging her fingers through her hair.
"You're bored, aren't you?" the Doctor asked Amy.
"Yeah...can we go somewhere? A planet maybe? Or go to see River?" Amy asked, excited.
"Oh, well, I might as well tell you." the Doctor sighed.
"Tell me what?" she asked.
"I tapped into the security cameras in Stormcage cell 106. That's River's cell. She was reading her diary and she packed a bag, looked at the camera and waved. I guess that means we have to go see her." he said quickly.
"You tapped into the security cameras. Really? That's sad, you know." Amy laughed.
"I just wanted to see her..." the Doctor said slowly.
"Well, that's sweet, but can we go? Please? I am so bored!" Amy persisted.
"Okay." the Doctor said.
He stood up, walked over to the console and tapped in co-ordinates for River's Stormcage cell. He twisted a dial, pushed down two buttons and pulled down a lever with green flashing lights on it. The heart of the Tardis flashed and began to move up and down. The floor shook, and the Doctor and Amy were thrown off their feet. Amy was laughing, and the Doctor pulled himself up, and pressed a small blue button that River had once said was the stabilizers. The floor immediately stopped shaking, and Amy recovered. She stood up just as the center of the Tardis stopped moving. The Doctor flipped up a switch and strode down the stairs leading towards the door.
River looked up as soon as the noise started. She knew exactly what it was. And she had been expecting it. She stood up and smiled as the blue Police box slowly materialized into view. She watched as the Doctor walked out of it and up to the bars on her cell. He smiled at her and she smiled right back, her eyes sparkling like diamonds.
"I knew you were watching me." River said quietly, so only he could hear.
"I know. That's why we came." the Doctor replied.
"Good. Right on schedule, as usual." she said happily.
"I suppose so. Amy!" he called.
"Yeah?" she asked.
"Can you go and get my jacket?" he asked her.
He was staring into River's eyes like they were a lifeline.
"Okay." Amy backed into the Tardis, watching them.
She went in and closed the door behind her.
"I've missed you." River said softly.
"You wouldn't believe it, but I've missed you too." the Doctor said.
River smiled and put her hand through the bars and stroked the side of his face. He lifted his hand and put it on hers. He closed his eyes and leaned closer to the bars. River leaned forward and pressed her lips softly to his. He responded with enthusiasm he didn't usually have. He dropped his hand and put it through the bars and around her waist. He pulled on her waist so she was pressed against the bars. She felt such lifting joy inside her that he was finally loving her the way he should, that she forgot Amy was coming back. The only thing she knew was the Doctor. She kissed him with a ferocity that she knew he wouldn't like. But he just responded even more fiercely.
"Hello?" Amy said.
River broke away from the Doctor and he spun around, facing Amy. He had the perfect bad-boy expression. Amy grinned at the sight of River peeking round the side of him.
"Hi, thank you, Amy." the Doctor said calmy.
He took his jacket from her and shrugged it on.
"And next time you want some alone time with River, just ask. I'm not stupid." Amy laughed.
River giggled and blushed. The Doctor just smiled at her. River looked into his eyes and saw that they were dancing. Then she faltered. Why did he kiss her like that? He would never. Not for a long time anyway. She ignored her doubts and slipped her hand into the Doctor's. He squeezed her hand lightly.
"I'm gonna go bail you for a while." he said.
"Okay." she said.
He squeezed her hand once more, beckoned to Amy, and walked down the corridor. River sat back on her bed and opened her diary.
River grabbed her bag off the bag and smiled at the guard as he unlocked her cell. He took a step away from her as she strolled out. The Doctor and Amy were stood next to the Tardis. Amy waved at her and smiled. The Doctor just stared at her. River was confused. He was staring at her like she was mad. The guard re-locked the cell and walked quickly away.
"Are you...okay?" River asked the Doctor.
"I'm...fine." he said nervously.
He turned and walked quickly into the Tardis.
Amy sighed and started to follow him. River grabbed her arm to stop her.
"What it wrong with him?" she asked.
"I told him that you kissed him, and he freaked out. He looked like I'd hit him." Amy replied.
"Oh..." River said sadly.
River remembered something. He was wearing a red bowtie when he'd kissed her. Now he was wearing a black one.
"Amy...did you leave him alone for any time?" River asked her slowly.
"Yeah, I waited outside while he bailed you." Amy said,"Why?"
"I think something is very wrong. He is wearing a different coloured bowtie." she said slowly.
"So?" Amy said.
"So, something happened to him. He'd never kissed me like that before. Well, never in his timestream. In mine...well...he has. But definately not in his." River said.
"That's...weird?" Amy said.
Amy was obviously confused, but River had the faintest idea what it meant. Not a very good idea, but it was an idea at least. River opened the door of the Tardis and tugged Amy inside. The first thing she noticed was the Doctor sat on one of the chairs. He was wearing a red bowtie again.
"Hello, sweetie." River said casually.
"Hey River." the Doctor said fondly.
He patted his hand on the seat next to him. River sat down cautiously next to him. He put his arm around her shoulders. She leant her head carefully against his shoulder and he kissed the top of her head. Amy smiled at the two of them, then walked up the stairs and left them alone. River watched her go, smiling. The Doctor shifted his position slightly, then he froze. River lifted her head up, concerned.
"What is it?" she asked him.
He was wearing a black bowtie again.
"I...I..." he stammered.
He stood up and took two steps backwards.
"Are you okay?" River asked.
"Fine." he said stiffly.
River stood up and stared at him.
"What's wrong with you? I kissed you, you leave and freak out about it! You practically tell me to lean on your shoulder, and then you freak out about that!" River said loudly.
"I'm sorry! I don't...I don't know!" the Doctor said back, looking quite shocked.
River turned away from him, a single tear leaving a track down her face. She lifted up her arm to wipe it away, then felt pressure on her shoulders. A pair of strong hands were slowly massaging her shoulders, releasing the tension. She relaxed and sighed, letting his hands release her stress. She felt a pair of soft lips kiss her cheek, and she fell into bliss.
"Just relax...I'll ease your pain..." a soft male voice whispered.
River closed her eyes and let her head fall forwards. She felt a great sense of peace. She sighed happily and let the Doctor's hands massage away her worries. He kissed her cheek, and she turned around. He looked into her eyes and smiled. She put her hands around his waist and pressed herself against him. He kissed her forehead and relaxed. She rested her head on his shoulder, and he kissed the top of her head again. She sighed and held him tighter to her. Suddenly, he froze. River sighed and kept her arms locked around his waist. He tried to take a step away from her and she released her arms. He stumbled slightly as he stepped away from her.
"Don't start again...just...forget it..." River sighed.
She felt tears burn her eyes, and she let them fall. The Doctor looked very sad and sorry. He took a hesitant step towards her and grasped her hand carefully. She let him hold her hand for a second, and then she let go.
"Something is wrong with you. Your bowtie keeps changing colour, and whenever it's red, you love me like you will in your future, but when it's black, you act like you don't know me." River told him.
"Yeah, it's pretty annoying." Amy called from the top of the stairs,"Before you ask, yes, I did see the whole thing."
River frowned. She thought Amy had gone out of the control room.
"Thanks a bunch for spying." she called back.
"No problem!" she said casually, but she did look genuinely sorry.
The Doctor was staring at River.
"What?" she asked.
Then she noticed. He had a red bowtie on again. River sighed and stepped away from him as he went to put his arm round her waist.
"What's up?" he asked her.
"How old are you, Doctor?" River asked.
"I am nine hundred and fourteen." he replied.
"Oh..." River sighed.
"That age significant?" Amy called.
"Yes. That's the age he is when he realises he loves me. I was there. It hasn't happened to him yet, though." River called back,"When you picked me up, he was only supposed to be nine hundred and twelve."
"Whoa. Where did two years go?" Amy asked.
"I don't know." River said.
She walked in a circle around the Doctor, scrutinizing him. He was wearing the same suit as when he picked her up, obviously. But the bowtie had changed again. It was black.
"Amy, ask him how old he is." River called to Amy, who was still at the top of the stairs.
"How old are you?" she called to him.
"Nine hundred and twelve." he said.
"Knew it. Temporal displacement." River said.
"Ooh, where?" the Doctor asked.
"Inside you." River said.
The Doctor said nothing. He looked shocked. But maybe he thought River was joking.
"Inside...me?" he said slowly.
"Apparently. We need to get it out of you." River told him.
"First things first, then, lets go speak to Tempora." the Doctor said.
"Who?" Amy asked as she walked down the stairs.
"Tempora. I know, it's a cheesy name, but she is the one who controls and monitors temporal displacement." the Doctor explained.
"I know her. Let's go." River said.
"Okay." he said.
The sparkle was back in his eyes again, and he was wearing a red bowtie once more.
River wiped the tears away from her eyes, her sobs bursting out of her. She was sat underneath the main section of the Tardis, her knees brought up to her chin. She was crying like a small child, but she didn't care at all. She'd lost her Doctor. He was gone. She hadn't felt sadness like this since she'd met up with him, and he hadn't known her. She felt every beat of her heart thudding through her chest, she felt every breath enter and leave her lungs, she felt it all with pain. She felt her heart break, over and over as she watched the scene in her head. They'd gone to Tempora and she'd declared the Doctor as dangerous, locked him up in her personal prison, and sent her and Amy away. Amy had cried too, but only a bit. River knew she'd have no chance at getting him back. The prison was too well guarded. River let out a loud sob, and covered her face with her hands. She wished Amy hadn't decided to go home. She could really use some comfort. Yet, here she was, alone in the Tardis. She lowered her legs and pulled out her diary. She stroked the blue cover and saw her tears drip onto it. She flipped it open to the first page and read her first entry. It was the day that the Doctor had met her. He'd taken her away in the Tardis, impressed her with his knowlege of her and then taught her how to fly the Tardis. She saw him again, lots of times. But there was one time she remebered clearly. He came to her on her birthday. He took her away, they ate a picnic under the stars. He'd kissed her and told her that he loved her. She'd kissed him. Bliss under the night-sky. He'd given her a sonic screwdriver, much like his own, and told her she'd need it one day. The next time she saw him, it was in The Library. He hadn't known her. She'd felt unimaginable pain that day. And then...she'd called him to her, they battled Weeping Angels, lost friends, formed new friendships. She'd met Amy. The Doctor had realized how special he was to her, although he pretended not to know. Next time they met, the Pandorica opened. She tried to not remember those days. And after that, she'd been summoned, along with Amy and Rory. They'd seen the Doctor die. She'd cried that day too. But then, he was back, only it was a younger version of him. Bad things had happened that month. Many, many, bad things. But then, he'd returned her to Stormcage. They'd shared one, blissful kiss. It was going to be her last. Apparently. This...future Doctor...he'd kissed her. River closed the diary with a soft thud. She slipped it back in her pocket, stood up and walked up the stairs to the control room. She pulled down a lever, and the Tardis slowly shut down. She yawned and walked up the stairs towards the bedrooms. She wandered absently-mindedly into the one that was hers, collapsed onto the bed, and fell into a restless sleep.
"I don't understand it either, Rory!" Amy shouted, exasperated.
She'd been trying to explain to Rory where the Doctor had gone, and why, but he just didn't get it.
"But...where's River?" Rory asked.
"She's in the Tardis. She says to leave her alone until tommorow. She must be really upset." Amy told him.
"When was that?" Rory asked.
"She told me that last night...oh." Amy said.
"Let's go and get her." Rory said confidently.
They ran out of the door and into the garden, where the Tardis was currently. They got to the door. It was locked. Amy knocked on the door.
"River! River!" Amy shouted as she pounded the door.
"River!" Rory shouted.
They heard footsteps from inside the Tardis and the door swung inwards, revealing a red-eyed River, who had tear tracks running down her face. She had dark circles under her eyes and her hair was messed up.
"Oh River..." Amy sighed.
"Come...come in." River sobbed.
She turned around and walked slowly up to the main part of the Tardis, where a steaming cup of coffee was sat. She picked it up and drained it. Amy and Rory shut the door behind them and walked silently up to River.
"River...we'll get him back." Amy promised.
"I...I miss him..." River cried.
She plopped down onto a chair and buried her face in her hands. Amy put her arm around River's shoulder and whispered comfort to her. Rory sat down on the other set of chairs and waited for River to calm down.
"How would we get him back? We don't have infinite knowlege of the universe." River said to Amy, her voice much steadier.
"I know. But we'll get him out. I promise." Amy said.
"Good..." River said quietly.
She stood up and walked away from Amy. She walked down the stairs and sat on the floor. She pulled out her diary and flipped through it. She went to her last entry, turned a page, and began to write.
Amy grabbed the woman by her shoulders.
"Have you seen what you've done to River? Let him go! Just get rid of the temporal thing!" Amy yelled angrily into Tempora's face.
"No. He is a threat." Tempora replied.
"Just remove the threat then! Take away the temporal displacement!" Amy shrieked.
"I cannot." Tempora said calmly, obviously not bothered by Amy.
"Why?!" Amy yelled.
"Leave!" Tempora said loudly.
She flung her hand out and Amy felt the air rushing past her. She felt the concrete wall collide with her back and she groaned. She slid down the wall to the floor. She felt a hand grasp hers, and she was pulled up off the floor. She swayed slightly as the room shook and spun. She blinked several times and stared into the worried face of River Song. Amy rubbed her eyes and River turned Amy around slowly. Amy felt pressure on her back and she groaned.
"It's okay...just relax. You've just bruised your spine." River said quietly,"Come on."
River pulled gently on Amy's hand and led her towards the Tardis. She opened the door, told Amy to go in, and shut the door behind her. River spun around and strode over to Tempora.
"Listen, I don't care what you think. Let him go now!" River hissed at Tempora.
She pulled her gun out of her belt.
"Let him go, and remove the temporal displacement. I know you can, so don't lie to me. Let him go, then let me have him back." she said angrily.
Tempora laughed and threw her head back.
"You can't force me." she said.
"Wanna bet?" River said.
She flipped a switch on her gun and pointed it straight at Tempora's head.
"It's set to kill. Let him go and fix him. Now!" she hissed.
Tempora raised her slightly, as she had with Amy, looked at River's face, reconsidered, and put her hand down.
"I will try to repair the damage." Tempora said, defeated.
River smiled and put her gun back into her belt.
"Just...let me speak to him first." River said slowly.
"Okay. He's in cell four. I'll open it for you." Tempora replied.
River nodded at her and walked towards the door with 'Cells' on it. She walked in and looked for the number four on a door. She spotted it and proceeded to open the door. She saw the Doctor sat on a bed. His head snapped up when she walked in the room. River almost laughed with happiness. And she noticed he was wearing a red bowtie. She ran over to him and threw her arms around his neck. She pressed her lips to his. He responded and grabbed her round the waist. He stood up as they kissed and she pressed against him, her lips shaping round his. He froze for a second, and she almost broke away, but he unfroze and kept on kissing her. He put a hand on her cheek and she ended the kiss. She looked at his neck, he was wearing a black bowtie.
"You think, that just because I'm a younger version of myself, that I don't love you?" he asked her, his eyes dancing.
"Well...yes." she said slowly.
"Liar." he said.
He kissed her softly, stopping her reply. She kissed him back and held his face between her hands. He put his hands back around her waist. She broke the kiss and stared into his eyes.
"We need to get you back to normal." River said.
She slipped her hand into his, and together they left the cell.
The Doctor's hands were clenched into fists as his whole body spasmed. He cried out in pain and collapsed onto the floor. His image stuttered and flicked.
"What's wrong with him?" River cried out.
"He's switching between timestreams." Tempora explained.
"Which one will he stay in?" River asked.
"Probably the youngest." Tempora replied.
River sighed with relief. Relief that didn't last long. The Doctor's head bowed and he curled up in a ball on the floor, sobbing in pain. His body spasmed once and he lay still.
"No!" River cried out.
She ran towards him and grabbed his shoulders. She turned him over and stared into his face. His mouth was lolling open slightly and his eyes were closed.
"Wake up! Please...please! Wake up!" River sobbed.
"He'll recover. Probably." Tempora said. She walked over to her chair, sat down, crossed her legs and watched.
River sobbed and put her head on his chest.
"Wake up...please..." she sobbed quietly.
She noticed he was wearing a black bowtie, so he was in the right timestream. His hand that River was closest to twitched, and he groaned.
"Ow." he said quietly.
"Doctor! You're alive!" River cried.
She lifted up her head and kissed his cheek.
"Of course I'm alive, River." he said quietly.
She sighed and kissed his mouth gently. He kissed her back softly, but he didn't seem to have the strength. River broke away from him and curled up beside him. Soon after, he started to snore quietly, his breathing slowed and deepened. River sighed and stood up. She walked over to Tempora.
"Thank you. This means a lot." River said.
"My pleasure, River Song. Take him to his Tardis. He will recover slowly." she said, smiling slightly.
River shook the Doctor's shoulders gently and he opened his eyes.
"Hmm?" he asked sleepily.
"Come on, sweetie. Into the Tardis." River said quietly.
She helped him stand up, and supported him as he stumbled towards the Tardis. She opened the door and he walked carefully in. River turned, waved to Tempora, and followed him, shutting the door behind her.
The Doctor slept for an amazing length of time. He didn't wake up all day, and he only stirred the morning after. River hadn't left his bedside once. She slept with her head on the side of the Doctor's bed and she only ate what Amy and Rory brought to her. When he woke up, River cried. Tears of utter joy flowed down her face and when he looked into her eyes, she smiled. And he smiled back. He raised his hand out of the sheet covering him and took River's hand in it. He raised it up and kissed her hand. She smiled and handed him a cup of Earl Grey tea. He smiled and sipped at it.
"Thank you." the Doctor said quietly.
"For what?" River asked.
"Saving me. You were the one who came and saved me, right?" he asked.
"Yes. I am. And Amy suffered." River sighed.
"Amy? Is she okay? And Rory?" he asked, panicked.
"Yes. Calm down." she laughed, pushing down on his shoulders as he struggled to sit up.
"What's wrong with her?" he asked.
"Bruised spine. She'll be fine in a few days." River replied.
"Oh, good." the Doctor said, leaning back in his bed.
"You just need to get well. That whole experience will have tired you out." she told him.
River lifted her hand and stroked the Doctor's cheek. She moved her hand away and looked at his neck.
"Black bowtie. Good." she said quietly.
"Good..." he said slowly.
She watched him as his eyes closed and his breathing deepened. She smiled and kissed his lips softly.
"Get well soon." she whispered.
River stood up, walked out of the room, and went down the stairs into the main part of the Tardis. She noticed Amy and Rory were sat next to eachother, drinking cups of coffee.
"River?" Amy asked when she saw River walking in.
"He's been awake. But he's back asleep." River told them.
"He'd better get well soon. We need him." Rory commented.
"He'll be back on his feet soon. But, anyway, I need to go back to Stormcage. My bail ended about three hours ago." River said.
"Aw. That sucks. It's so much fun when you're around." Amy said sadly.
"Well, you'll be seeing me soon. In about, oh, two months?" River said.
"Oh, good." Rory said.
River walked over to the console, typed in co-ordinates for her cell, pushed up a switch, pulled down a lever and pressed down the stabilizers. The center of the Tardis moved up and down, but the usual rocking motion didn't occur.
"I don't want to wake him up." River explained.
There was a slight bump as the Tardis materialized, and River picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulders.
"Amy, press the big green button and you'll go back the way you came." River told her.
"Okay. Bye River." Amy replied.
"Bye." Rory said.
"Bye. See you soon." River said, smiling.
River walked out of the door, and right into her cell.
"Home sweet home." she muttered.
She closed the Tardis door behind her, walked over to her bed, sat down, took out her diary, and began to write once more.