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Hi, enjoying life on Marapets. Staff, I know you have a record of who my two sons and daughter are and understand that we share the same computer.Please also note that we may use several laptops, phones and tablets to access our accounts. Thanks for everything!

Hi, enjoying life on Marapets. Staff, I know you have a record of who my two sons and daughter are and understand that we share the same computer. Please also note that we may use several laptops, phones and tablets to access our accounts. Thanks for everything!

  1. Espacou
    27th Jul 2008 18:01
    16 years, 7 months & 15 days ago
  2. Pirate Tale by Wigglegirl
    13th Jun 2008 13:33
    16 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
  3. Goals, Dreams and Aspirations!
    12th Jul 2007 03:30
    17 years & 8 months ago
  4. Marada Book Of Legend Volumes 1, 2 and 3
    4th May 2007 02:18
    17 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
16 years, 7 months & 15 days ago
27th Jul 2008 18:01

Was given to me, by a very special friend,

None of my pets are for trade, and this especially applies to him, he is precious!

Thank you, dear friend!wub.gif

3oth July, Espacou became cheese! (with full approval from his former own, wouldn't have happened without)
I had been after a costume for him and somebody had offered me one for 5 million, I didn't have enough, so they kindly said they would put it in trades until I did.

I was very happy and started selling everything I had, then suddenly, something incredible happened.

I an act of complete generosity, the very same kind person just gave me the costume! I was completely overwhelmed.

Another reason why Espacou is SO special to me.

Thank you very muchwub.gif

Pirate Tale by Wigglegirl
16 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
13th Jun 2008 13:33

My humble tale is dedicated to my friends on Marapets and
a friend who is leaving and will be very much missed! <img src=>

Captain Sour, squinted into the sun and replaced her mystic looking tube into it???s poera skin case.
???I can see that Eleka???s minions are loading her ships with great piles of loot, I saw great chests of dukkas, cases of chibs potions, not to mention sacks of enchanted rofling plushies.???

She glanced at her crew, their eyes were wide, with awe or greed she wasn???t quite sure, but either was fine, for pirates. For a year she had led this crew of the best pirates of Marada. She had been entrusted with this duty after the former Captain stepped down due to commitments in the ???other??? World.

The Maraquise itself was a fine ship, carved from the finest trees of The Giant Paradise, with sails of silk from Lowlyhood itself twas embellished with the finest stardust of Enpiah. The crew numbered more than 50 and each crew member took pride in their tasks and contributed to the soul of The Maraquise in many ways, some were quiet supporters busy below decks, silent and dedicated, others were louder but no less capable, they were joined together by friendship and a shared love of Marada, treasure and rum!

Annatheace was first to speak, she looked the Captain in the eye and said, ???that loot will be ours!??? Her voice was steady and assured as she continued, ???We need to invest in cleaning products for Castell???s cabin and if there are a few nuggets of gold left we can have a pirate party!???

Castell blushed, her pink cheeks contrasted sharply with her pale green skin and mildew coloured clothes .
???Why clean my cabin, I love me mold, that is what makes me me! You all love me for it too, everyone knows that any smells or hideous stinks come from Sculley and nothing else!???
At such accusations being hurled in his direction, Sculley, the ship???s wayward parrot turned tail and headed for the Poop deck, a place with a name that had often confused him.
A chorus of pirate voices yelled warnings, but it was too late,
???I???ll get the mop!??? muttered Wigglegirl.

The Captain, rested her chin in her hand and gazed thoughtfully at the horizon, ???I think a raid would be justified,??? She said??? We will take a small crew to attack Eleka???s forces before dawn, Castell, Annatheace, Shyone, Chetahgirl, Easyrhino and Wigglegirl. Bring your largest pirate boots and your pet pendants. Rhino, head to your lab and make a vat of Minion Minimal Miracle???

???Aye, aye Captain!???

Captain Sour, then addressed the rest of the crew, they were all brave and capable, but a small crew was required for this mission .
???I am proud to have the greatest crew in Marada, I entrust you all with the precious gift of The Maraquise, your former Captain Freakytrekker will take the helm in my absence with the assistance of our beloved Hunnie, the wisest and kindest of all pirates! Be good and true pirates and don???t steal me rum.???

Several hours and barrels of rum later, the crack crew of pirates assembled on deck and checked their equipment, they wrapped their coats around them for warmth and pulled their hats low over their faces, as they climbed into the rowing boat, Sculley hopped aboard and settled on Wigglegirl???s shoulder, the pirates smiled, knowing the importance he would play in the mission.

The journey from the Maraquise mooring to Eleka???s castle would take some time, although the pirates had the run of Marada, they favoured a small cove to the North of Jenoa and this is where they rowed from.

After sometime, the purple haze of Eleka???s kingdom approached and the air was scented with Belladonna, poison ivy and nettles, giving the pirates a heady feeling as they got nearer.
They tied the boat to a skull shaped rock and headed for the castle, they passed the bubbling cauldronn of the Cave of the Fates, the poison shop with it???s hideous odour and heard to screams from Eleka???s prison.

Captain Sour, paused, her shoulders grew straighter as she listened, she could hear a rustle of grass or throttleweed and knew the time was near.
???Ready crew!??? She gave the order and almost as the words left her mouth they were under attack. Minion after minion came forward biting at the pirate???s ankles and head-butting their knees.

The noise was horrific, as a thousand minions pushed forward with much screaming and gnashing of teeth.

???Enough!??? Yelled Rhino, his handsome face creased to a frown. ???Minion Minimal Miracle???..Now!???

At his instruction each pirate pulled out a beautiful bejewelled can marked MMM! ???Spray!??? ordered Captain Sour, each can was depressed and a thick green mist filled the air, the pirates coughed and watched as the minions shrank before their eyes. ???Stomp!??? The next order was issued and pirate boots mashed the minions into jam like blobs.

???EEEEEWWWWWWWW!??? The terrible scream filled the air, Eleka herself had entered the arena.
With a glance at each other , the pirates knew what to do, in one voice they chanted,

???Quell???s Claw, Chib???s Paw, Blitzen Breath, Fasoro Roar, by the power in a Rofling???s spine, Sculley make a Phoenix sign!???

The pirates held their mystic pendants above their heads and a blinding beam of light shot from each, meeting in a great ball of light which surrounded Sculley???..The Phoenix!???

Hours later the crew were safe aboard the Maraquise satisfied that they had accomplished a great mission. The loot of dukkas, plushies and potions was safely stored in their ???safe??? amongst the Dukka Caves and a shopping trip to Candyland had ensured that Hunnie???s Pirate birthday bash would be full of Pirate treats. Even King Baspinar was happy with them and had given him his usual gift of Grassy Axes and assorted Baspinar swords by way of reward.

Happiest of all was Sculley, he sat in his Crow???s nest and munched on a leathery, purple tail, with visions of a furious Eleka, hobbling around without it. A tail to end my pirate tale!


Ode to A Friend!

A keen player of great account,
Many have tried to call him out,
The rampaging Rhino speaks his mind,
Or rants and raves to those unkind.

He brings colour and wit to the adult forum,
Refreshing our minds from tedious boredom,
His reputation is of a tough rhino hide,
True friends, I know see the other side.

He is off to pastures great and new,
The colours of the forum fade to blue,
The LAB has gone and so has the zoink band,
A sadness lingers on a quiet maraland,

There is a positive to this sadness though,
For Rhino brings wisdom wherever he will go,
To teach the young what the World is about,
A very good reason for us to cheer and shout!

Goals, Dreams and Aspirations!
17 years & 8 months ago
12th Jul 2007 03:30


Thursday 30 March 08:44 PM 2006

I have a rofling, I am so excited it was a goal I set and never thought I would achieve. ages ago I won an enchanted baby quell plushie and used it, had a sweet pet, but not one of my favourites.

Well I stumbled upon a thread where somebody was willing to trade a rofling for one.

Now for some reason I had an emotional attachment to having a quell, so I used a toddler chibs potion on my phanty and traded that for a decent quell and my baby quell for a rofling (confused yet? Cos I am ! )

So now I want to save for a male certificate to give my rofling a suitably inspiring name and an underwater costume for my new quell (very pleased with him by the way 61 books and a job too)

Friday 13th updates!

Well I managed to secure an underwater costume for my new quell and he looks very groovy indeed!

The BIG news of today was though that I got a phanty back! I was slightly disapointed that I had lost mine, during the great rofling quest! However today I managed to trade my portal pet for a very sweet ninja phanty, sweet name too.

I turned my huthiq into a pixie snookle, was very sweet, but I couldn't resist when I was offered a fire ercuw in trades for her, so we waved a fond farewell to Starsweeper and welcomed Chacoby to the fold!

I now have two viottos, I am equally proud of them both. My Sweet George (formerly Kobe Dog), became a red viotto, then put on a starry costume and changed his name to Glitzen! The whole process cost me 10.5 million MP, took some very hard work and saving and that is why he means so much.

Bedazzles story is different, but no less special to me. I had attempted Blitzen and failed many times, sometimes costing me several million MP. However this mission was different, he was unbelievably kind only asking for 2 unbuyables, an enchanted orange equilor and a 95 dukka coin, hardly earth shattering.
The result was the precious avatars an ice costume as modelled by Aspirations and a blue viotto potion.

King Thorton, my phanty became a viotto, put on a recycled costume and changed his name to Bedazzles!

Thinornis, joined the family after the undying festival I had one of the first recycled daisy pets. When somebody offered this beautiful witch quell with stats and an impressive collection of books, I couldn't resist. I love her!

Yuniverse was a present to myself, I had saved hard and wanted a treat, so I got a potion in trades. My husband suggested the name. She was originally red and then toddler for a short time. I think she looks cute as a mutant though!

April-Bliss was entrusted to my care and I adore her name, she is my much loved portal pet and gets lots of extra stats and interesting looks as a result.

Starswept was another treat, I wanted to give that name to a special pet and shortly after I made him I used a toddler chibs potion on him and then a snow costume somebody kind had given me. He and my other two chibs are working hard at the gym right now!

So what happened to Mummys-Pet?
Well look hard enough and my first pet is still there. She is my battle pet and as such I was willing to risk her in the portal.
She got a few stats, I few plain colours and then suddenly she was an angel chibs! So that's it then NO more portal for her, just hard work at the gym! She also changed her name Tinkertoo, is the pet name I use to my children when they misbehave!

Optimism was tired of his underwater look and wanted to get into the Halloween spirit Optimism the Nefarious Quell!

3rd October 2007

Abbies_magical is now truly magical!

I have 14 lovely LE pets and a treasured portal pet named
April Bliss. I am happy!

November 24th, I bid a fond farewell to April_Bliss, she had good stats and was looking very fetching as a devil azul. I decided to make somebody's day and put her up for adoption.

I found Tylos in the pound, an elderly pet in need of some TLC. I took him in for a couple of days, gave him books, CD's and DVD's and sent him to the gym. I put him up for adoption 48 hours later in a condition more fitting for his age!

26th November, I created Winterkiss as my new portal pet, I will work hard on his stats and will treat him to an LE potion when the time is right!

3rd December, Starswept has put on its new dressing-up costume!

Congratulations! You found the 'Old' Hidden Avatar!

He looks so lovely now, so dignified sniff!

As soon as I managed to get the cossie from the smuggler, I knew I would end up using it, had to get Starswept's defence stats up to 30. He looks a little off balance now, but I am working on that!

I decided to try for a rare costumed huthiq at the portal, was hoping for seasonal, gothic or baby. Took a few attempts and 3 potions, but a couple of minutes after midnight on the 1st of January, Winterkiss turned baby! Perfect for the new year. I fell in love with his socks and so changed his name to Babysocks!

Optimism was a bit tired of his girly look and when somebody gave me a robot costume, I thought he would enjoy his new look!

11th January and Yuniverse has found a new home, I know she will be very happy! We have welcomed Kirijo to the family, a lovely Mordo!

16th January we waved goodbye and good luck to Bedazzles, we welcomed Anastashai a lovely Royal chibs complete with great stats.

25th January and Optimism took a chance in the portal and turned angel!

27th feeling it was greedy to have two Angel pets I traded Optimism and Thironis for a space quell and a baby quell. I know they will be happy in their new home!thumbsup.gif

January 28th and the portal was generous again, it changed revire
my new space quell, blue and then baby!

February 14th, revire found a great new home and we welcomed the beautiful Cochetta to the family a CHEESE SINDI at last.

February 15th, I wanted to dowsize so waved a fond farewell to Kirijo and Anastashai and said hello to Satira a seasonal LE at last!

I also created a brand new portal pet named Genegenie after my favourite TV character (Life On Mars) although it seems to work as a portal pet too. I will enjoy using the portal again and will probably make him LE at some point.

17 February and revire came home!
Unbelievably I have my twin baby quells again! It's a long story, but one incredible player was leaving and traded his wonderful pet for a whole group including revire. I mentioned that he had been mine and this kind person said he loved fire ercuws and would trade him back for chacoby.
So we said goodbye to chacoby in the hope he finds a great new owner and welcomed revire home!

29th of February and time for a big update!

Kirijo and Anastashai have moved to pastures new and we now have a seasonal huthiq named Satira

I finally have a seasonal chibs, his name is doq but I am hoping to change that. I traded Aspirations and revire for him.

Now it gets complicated! I missed having a rofling, I tracked down revire again and discovered he was living with a good friend. This friend loved Starswept and agreed a trade.
I am convinced that revire is on elastic, it is fate and he will NEVER leave my account again.

I decided that two baby quells was greedy, so I thought of trading Miiyanna.

Today I traded her for a space rofling named Bikita, I have always thought that yellow roflings were pretty (the contrast of the blue eyes and the yellow), so yellow costume it was!

1st March and we welcome Seveon to the family, she was found in the pound, a little prison murfin with stats, weapons and her own blue gutur. I am very pleased with her wub.gif

Treated Seveon to a snookle potion, used random concoction on her to turn her male, gain a metre in height and then prison which is what I was aiming for.

Decided that Seveon deserved to be a chibs, so made him one and used concoctions to turn him prison, in the process he turned female, but there you go!

8th March and we said goodye to the seasonal huthiq Satira, off to a wonderful new home. Pleased to welcome Thermophobia the HOBO chibs to the family, he has stats and school stats and a name I adore

9th and 10th of March, decided to test Seveon out in trades, was quickly offered a well statted with lati named Shaelee. Traded as a gamble and is it was technically an excellent offer accepted. Now I know Latis are hard to trade but I didn't realise quite how hard! After many hours I was tearing my hair out and even thinking of accepting any plain coloured chibs, with bad name and no stats
(for a 40 stat Lati! ). I was just about to give up and a miracle happened. I was offered a beautiful HOBO chibs with good stats named SerenityJezebel!
So in less than 24 hours my 4 stat prison chibs has morphed into a 10 stat hobo, I am very happy indeed.

10th March and Starswept returned home (well sort of!wink.gif I wasn't sure of how my two obo chibs looked sitting side by side. I decided not to trade one, but save for a male certificate to change the name of one of my other pets, to sit in the middle and split them up. Well a friend told me that Starswept's new owner had changed his name. So when a wonderfully kind friend gave me a certificate the solution became clear. Doq became Starswept and now sits between his two hobo bodyguards, perfect!

14th March, waved byebye to Genegenie, he had a few stats so I decided to let a newer player benefitthumbsup.gif

Created a new portal pet named Ionopsis, this is the latin name for violet orchid.

TinkieDinkie was given to me by a very generous player, he has a wonderful collection of music instruments, some CDs and DVDs, best of all he has over 90 books so is perfect for me to work on as my book pet. I love him very much, I think he deserves to be an LE so I am saving for the perfect potion for him!

Marada Book Of Legend Volumes 1, 2 and 3
17 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
4th May 2007 02:18

Unofficial Marada Histories Vol 1 Elger's Story

Many years ago, in a time when sugar mists rolled across Candyland and Gigantic Paradise was still small there lived a beautiful Princess Knutt named Elger-Bella. Her beauty and compassion were well known and she was well loved by all who heard her name. She was the cousin of King Baspinar and her hand in marriage was promised to the handsome Knutt Knight.

She would spend her days rescuing mini-pets from trees and caves and taking food parcels to abandoned pets. A wise Knutt, she would teach younger Maradans the importance of education, strength of character and kindness.

Her life was happy and her future bright until one terrible day, when things went wrong. As it has been said before Princess Elger-Bella was well loved by all the people of Marada and this is true, however her life was observed by somebody beyond the realms of her safe World, somebody who watched her via ancient magic, somebody who had a shadow in their heart and was becoming more jealous everyday!

One day Princess Elger-Bella was making her daily trip to the Haunted Woods to take food parcels to the abandoned pets there and offer what comfort she could, she had no reason to be scared, she feared nobody in Marada, she was sure of her place in everyone's affections. Everything appeared as it should until she reached the centre of the woods. The Princess saw a small plushie lying on the ground, presuming it to be a child's toy she picked it up in the hope of returning it to it's rightful owner. She had barely realised that the plushie was in the form of a witch when it began to glow and the enchantment began, great clouds of mold green mist and the sickly smell of rotting turnips made her feel dizzy.

Minutes later Elger-Bella awakened , rubbing her eyes to clear her confusion she heard a shrill voice from far away.
"Princess of Beauty, Princess of Light, from all my darkness you can't take flight!"
Now terrified Elger-Bella looked at herself and soon realised she had been transformed into a witch!

Elger-Bella knew that Bella was not a suitable name any more, Beautiful she is not, but in her own way she continues to help those she can by sending them on quests in return for crystals to improve themselves. A heartbroken Knutt Knight threw himself into work at the castle setting challenges for all, little knowing that his love can be reclaimed by simply presenting the witch in the woods with a love diamond.

Eleka, has no regrets, but then you guessed as much didn't you?

Unofficial Marada Histories Vol 2 Paradise!

At his Court, Baspinar surrounded himself with the noblest of families to serve The King and therefore Marada itself. None were more noble than members of his own family and these included Earl McDoogle, a handsome knutt with saffron fur and chestnut eyes.

Like his twin sister Elger-Bella, the Earl was blessed with great intelliegence and a tenderness of heart. These qualities gave him a great interest in the flora and fauna of Marada. Even as a small child McDoogle would grow wonderful flowers in the Castle gardens assisting the many gardeners in their search for bigger and more beautiful blooms to delight all who saw them.

As he grew older the Earl's interest in agriculture took on a more practical form. Searching for ways in which to produce delicious and healthy foods for all Maridans to enjoy.

One dreadful day McDoogle's beloved sister, Elger-Bella vanished whilst walking in the Haunted Woods. No trace of the Princess was found apart from her whicker food basket containing a small witch plushie. Baspinar was convinced that terrible magic from far away had been used to enchant his beloved cousin and feared that other family members would be endangered too.

So it came to be that, for his own safety McDoogle was banished from The King's Court. Taking with him a sack of the seeds he had developed at the Castle and his rather lazy Page, Malcolm Murfin.

After many days searching the pair found a perfect place to start a farm. An area of outstanding beauty, richest soil and weather, so perfectly balanced that a permanent rainbow arched across the sky.

It took several long months to build a farm suitable for McDoogle's precious crops and during the time he realised that he would change his title to "Farmer" to reflect his new found passion.

The seeds he and the royal gardeners had worked so hard on thrived in the rich soil and prefect weather, growing to incredible sizes. McDoogle and Malcolm Murfin were so proud of their work that they wanted to let all of Marada experince it's beauty. They opened the farm to the public with several incredible attractions.

Visitors were able to purchase produce from the farm shops, have fun guessing the weight of Malcolm's prize potatoes. They could experience a virtual reality trip into the centre of the rainbow and see how different costumes might suit them. For the more adventurous Farmer McDoogle would set quests and reward with balls of organic yarn. This was specially prepared to dress mini-pets because their small size makes them feel the cold.

Malcom was never a very dynamic murfin so he found his perfect position "supervising" worm digging contests, between naps! If visitors enjoyed their time at the farm they were encouraged to bring themselves good luck by
donating to the less fortunate via the Pot of Gold.

The Gigantic Paradise is a wonderful meeting place for Maridians and it is the perfect place for them to trade their items, so a barn has been put aside just for that.

Farmer McDoogle has a very different life to Earl McDoogle. He sometimes lets his mind drift back to his time in Baspinar's court and to his beloved sister. He is happy now contributing to the good of Marada through healthy eating and out-door living. He is confident that the purity of nature within his Gigantic Paradise will protect it from the darkness that enveloped his sister many years before, I hope so!

Unofficial Marada Histories Vol 3 Pirate Truth

It is well known that there are dark and light sides to Marada, a fact that was recently highlighted with the start of the war. With most areas one can tell at a glance if their allegiance is towards the shadows or brightness, however there are one or two areas which fall into twilight.

Dukka Town and it's caves are one such area, a tantalising mix of respectable business people earning a living selling books, household tools or providing refreshment in a fine restaurant. There is another side though, look more closely and you will see others, Maradans who would prefer you didn't notice them, didn't acknowledge them and certainly didn't speak to them.

These are the pirates and the smugglers! Living life on the high seas around Marada and beyond, fighting great sea monsters, flirting with pretty mermaids and claiming great treasures. Tales of their great ships such as The Maraquise, The Baspinarella and the ghostly Espritebiala are legendary and other Maradans view them with a heady mix of vague disapproval and gleeful excitement.

Pirates are not as mistrusted in Marada as you might think, they are generally peaceful, with any swashbuckling antics reseved for terrifying creatures of the deep and protecting their treasures. In an effort to share their fortunes with all Maradans they have specially comissioned their own merchant ship to enable others to purchase pirate plunder in exchange for dukka coins, Maradan Pirate's greatest love.
Not all Maradans have good sea legs though. In order to allow opportunities for all, the head smuggler, Sam Stripes has a treasure franchise he runs onshore, although his supply is sometimes irregular!

The pirates and smugglers contribute to their own dukka fortune by running several other ventures too. They run their own exchange, charging a high rate of commision for Dukka coins to buy iconic items such as luxury pottery and precious jewellery.
Another source of income is the sale of powerful and mystical spells taught to them by the great sea witch of Jenoa and gambling activities to win dukkas or even DNA!
Finally they have a great store of treasure, which Maradans can visit for a price and deposit a list of their greatest desires

There is one obvious mystery surrounding the life of the shadow residents of Dukka Town, everyone knows they are there and yet there they remain, living a life just outside the law, undisturbed by Baspinar's guard or Marada City Police. Never having to be bailed from the city prison or escape the dungeons at Baspinar's Castle.

There is an answer though and it is answer which reveals the Marada Pirates and Smugglers to be amongst the brightest in Marada ( quite an achievement for those from the shadows).

You see Baspinar is a wise King and he knows that the Pirates are a useful to have between himself the darkness of Eleka, after all Twilight always comes between The Dark and The Light!

Part 2 Sculley's Flight!

Sensing that the voyages of the beloved Maraquise were to come to an end Sculley took flight for one last time.

He gave all his favourite crew members a farewell kiss (OK more like a peck) and flew out over the poop deck for one last time.

As the sun shone on his beautiful tail feathers he looked happy, proud and dignified.

The crew wiped a tear away as their precious mascot headed out across the ocean, hoping that his future would be bright.

Indeed it was.

Where Is Sculley?

He has found his own perfect paradise island, with tall fruit trees, beautiful flowers, golden sands and clear, blue water. There is a Mrs Sculley, a delightful green and blue feathered sweetheart and some beautiful eggs in a little nest indicate that there will be some junior Sculley's soon too.

Good luck Sculley and good luck to the Maraquise and all who sailed in her!

Happy voyages, wherever they maybe, keep in touch!

Raising a glass to my crew mates and an extra one to the Captain with love and gratitude.

(This is an unofficial history of Marada!

Dedicated with love and respect to the brave Captain and incredible crew of the Maraquise

  1. Espacou
    27th Jul 2008 18:01
    16 years, 7 months & 15 days ago
  2. Pirate Tale by Wigglegirl
    13th Jun 2008 13:33
    16 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
  3. Goals, Dreams and Aspirations!
    12th Jul 2007 03:30
    17 years & 8 months ago
  4. Marada Book Of Legend Volumes 1, 2 and 3
    4th May 2007 02:18
    17 years, 10 months & 8 days ago