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  1. >>>Bestest Muffin Heads EVER<<<
    29th Sep 2008 23:52
    16 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
  2. >>>>>>>NOVEMBER 25TH<<<<<<<
    6th Sep 2008 19:01
    16 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
>>>Bestest Muffin Heads EVER<<<
16 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
29th Sep 2008 23:52

Draiky - You are an adorable coconut cream pie and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! My first bestie on Mara - and one of the only ones to stay! I <333 you my draikypoo!

Keels - You are soo awesome! I'm glad that we became besties, because you're so cool and I was getting lonely. D: One of the best things I've ever done is buy you that Earth Fairy Costume. I <333 you. And yoooou are soooo beautiful!

Ryan - You are the cheese to my macaroni. Without you, I wouldn't have my Jasper! And well, that would just friggin SUCK, maan. I <333 you Flameyflames!

Justy - I know you're not playing anymore, but I want you to have a spot in this. Justykins, I miss you terribly, but I understand why you left. I <333 you more than you'll know.

Aquacat - Holy rainbow muffins you never come on anymore! But I still luff you, lots. You were the FIRST person to be nice to me on Mara. I think you're cooler than sliced papaya man. I <333 you! Cheers!

Dali - Oh dali.. I think of you quite often, and always when I look at Kindri. That you did 2 years ago was.. just amazing. It really kick started my Marapets experience. Remember when I promised to NEVER trade or give Kindri away?
Guess what? She's still here. :3 I <33 ya babe! Hope you come on soon!

You 6 are the best people I've ever known on Marapets. I thank you for everything you've ever done.
Srsly. You guys are THE BEST MUFFIN HEADS EVER! <33

>>>>>>>NOVEMBER 25TH<<<<<<<
16 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
6th Sep 2008 19:01

Is my BIRTHDAY! smile.gif

Don't forget!
Or it'll make me sad.

  1. >>>Bestest Muffin Heads EVER<<<
    29th Sep 2008 23:52
    16 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
  2. >>>>>>>NOVEMBER 25TH<<<<<<<
    6th Sep 2008 19:01
    16 years, 6 months & 6 days ago