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06:16:17 MST
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3ZJibSS.png Silence is Golden
  1. Crawling... slowlyy..
    13th Jan 2014 15:31
    11 years, 1 month & 28 days ago
  2. Doing some experiment
    11th Jan 2014 06:35
    11 years & 2 months ago
  3. Collecting non-enchanted
    5th Jan 2014 04:30
    11 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  4. Required your opinion for mission
    13th Oct 2013 19:33
    11 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
  5. Required your opinion!
    13th Oct 2013 18:40
    11 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
  6. Any Question(s)?
    19th Sep 2013 03:37
    11 years, 5 months & 23 days ago
  7. Since Figaro Demanding
    16th Sep 2013 19:02
    11 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
  8. slowly expand
    5th Sep 2013 21:05
    11 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
  9. Ian kindly please fix
    30th Aug 2013 03:10
    11 years, 6 months & 12 days ago
  10. Like and Dislike Baby Pet [Poll]
    22nd Aug 2013 03:40
    11 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
Ferments Transmogrification journey
5 years & 19 days ago
24th Feb 2020 00:29

Will base on market/trade value for Hieroglyphic...

Level 1
W - 119,726
A - 144,999
Y - 159,914

Level 2
M - 229,942
M - 229,942
T - 97,983

Level 3
D - 124,671
L - 369,975
Y - 147,983

Level 4
U - 214,925
F - 94,950
G - 45,000

Level 5
O - 149,978
N - 99,993
L - 369,900

Level 6
W - 125,382
Y - 144,862
V - 82,739

Level 7
S - 68,946
V - 94,969
L - 363,978

Level 8
E - 83,997
F - 94,954
M - 179,872

Level 9
K - 63,883
C - 97,984
Q - 87,984

Level 10
M - 175,996
K - 63,979
A - 114,995

Level 11
D - 119,697
C - 489,988
D - 119,697

Level 12
Z - 235,980
Y - 114,850
O - 149,990

Level 13
B - 434,995
F - 148,979
B - 434,995

Level 14
L - 194,987
D - 124,620
J - 460,966

Level 15
S - 449,988
E - 285,000
A - 119,994

Level 16
J - 460,921
F - 231,892
O - 219,729

Level 17
J - 460,875
K - 249,769
P - 109,928

Level 18
Z - 235,983
P - 99,997
D - 124,638

Level 19
V - 184,383
L - 100,730
W - 297,996

Level 20
F - 172,423
U - 104,988
G - 193,973

Level 21
E - 275,335
M - 155,987
B - 209,999

Level 22
V - 182,421
J - 460,402
F - 169,966

Level 23
M - 155,989
D - 124,643
J - 460,323

Level 24
L - 363,610
F - 169,884
L - 363,609

Level 25
Q - 124,998
S - 349,579
P - 109,778

Level 26
W - 43,300
L - 362,486
Y - 109,988

Level 27
P - 108,812
M - 148,777
O - 49,978

Level 28
W - 149,901
A - 68,805
K - 49,971

Level 29
D - 56,962
S - 328,776
E - 94,997

Level 30
S - 287,388
Q - 94,424
N - 34,884

Ferments is now Blue Basil

Vortex Park Reservoir - Others
5 years, 9 months & 4 days ago
9th Jun 2019 05:17

Decapod Usage

changed colour to Galaxy... but then changed back!
changed to Floral Renat... but then changed back!
changed colour to Brown... but then changed back!
gained 1 strength stats
picked up 621MP
gained 1 Music stats
picked up 746MP
picked up 2,328MP
picked up 1,796MP
picked up 934MP
gained 1 defence stats
picked up 2,474MP

Administrative usage

gained a Health Stat
gained a Level Stat
gained a Speed Stat
Administrative changed to Baby Rofling... but then changed back!
Administrative changed to Camouflage Renat... but then changed back!
Administrative gained a Level Stat
gained a Art Stat

Rangle Usage

gained a Speed Stat
gained a Speed Stat
changed to Candle Leido... but then changed back!
changed to Witch Justin... but then changed back!

Arbert Usage

gained a Maths Stat
changed to Olive Figaro... but then changed back!
changed to Valentine Figaro... but then changed back!
gained 1 Environmental Studies Stat
gained 1 Sociology Stat
gained 1 Health Stat
changed to Headless Figaro... but then changed back!
gained 1 Music Stat
changed to Purple Figaro... but then changed back!
changed to Millionaire Bolimo... but then changed back!
changed to Teal Figaro... but then changed back!
changed to American Kidlet... but then changed back!
gained 1 Health Stat
changed to Chibi Figaro... but then changed back!
Accounting Usage

changed to Lilac Walee... but then changed back!
gained a Law Stat
changed to Alien Dakota... but then changed back!
changed to Blue Speiro... but then changed back!
changed to Dalmatian Kidlet... but then changed back!
Accounting gained a History Stat
Accounting changed to Burnt Dakota... but then changed back!
Accounting gained a Defence Stat
Accounting gained a Science Stat
Accounting changed to Snow Tantua... but then changed back!
changed to Australian Dakota... but then changed back!
changed to Silver Dakota... but then changed back!

Freelancer Usage

gained 2 Speed Stats
gained a Speed Stat
gained a Sports Stat
gained a Speed Stat
gained a Art Stat
gained a Level Stat
changed to Digital Ike... but then changed back!

Krispe Usage

changed to Navy Grint... but then changed back!
gained 1 Science Stat
gained 1 History Stat
changed to Mad Scientist Kidlet... but then changed back!
gained 1 Science Stat
changed to Chinese Ercuw... but then changed back!
changed to Blue Zetlian... but then changed back!
changed to Splatter Flab... but then changed back!
gained 1 Health Stat

Programmer Usage

gained a Level Stat

Lurette Usage

gained 1 Defence Stat
gained 1 Geography Stat
gained 1 Music Stat
changed to Pink Rusty... but then changed back!
gained 1 Law Stat
changed to Checkered Walee... but then changed back!
changed to Blue Rusty... but then changed back!
changed to Christmas Leido... but then changed back!
changed to Millionaire Crindol... but then changed back!
changed to Plushie Feliz... but then changed back!
changed to Earth Fairy Tantua... but then changed back!
changed to Tiger Rusty... but then changed back!
changed to Baby Rusty... but then changed back!

Vadrin usage

changed to Burnt Renat... but then changed back!
gained 1 Strength Stat
gained 2 Level Stats
gained 1 Level Stat
changed to British Vlad... but then changed back!
changed to Breeze Vlad... but then changed back!

Jurong usage

changed to Fade Echlin... but then changed back!
changed to Strobe Azul... but then changed back!
changed to Digital Knutt... but then changed back!
changed to Pinata Echlin... but then changed back!
changed to Midnight Echlin... but then changed back!
changed to Midnight Echlin... but then changed back!
changed to Injured Reese... but then changed back!
changed to Millionaire Osafo... but then changed back!
changed to Invisible Echlin... but then changed back!
changed to Lilac Echlin... but then changed back!
changed to British Echlin... but then changed back!
changed to Advent Echlin... but then changed back!
gained 1 Speed Stat
gained 1 Strength Stat
changed to Cheese Echlin... but then changed back!
gained 1 Health Stat
gained 1 Computer Science Stat
changed to Strobe Echlin... but then changed back!
gained 1 Level Stat
gained 1 Strength Stat
gained 1 Art Stat
gained 1 Sociology Stat
changed to Camouflage Echlin... but then changed back!
Valentine Echlin... but then changed back!
changed to Headless Echlin... but then changed back!
gained 1 Art Stat
changed to Coral Feliz... but then changed back!
gained 1 Defence Stat
gained 1 Level Stat
changed to Navy Echlin... but then changed back!
changed to Burnt Echlin... but then changed back!
gained 1 Strength Stat
gained 1 Defence Stat
gained 1 Level Stat
changed to Purple Echlin... but then changed back!
changed to White Walee... but then changed back!
changed to Millionaire Echlin... but then changed back!
gained 1 Geography Stat
changed to Cheese Flab... but then changed back!
changed to Insideout Jessup... but then changed back!
gained 1 Strength Stat
gained 1 Speed Stat
gained 1 Speed Stat
changed to Olive Echlin... but then changed back!
changed to White Echlin... but then changed back!
changed to Black Jessup... but then changed back!
changed to Love Echlin... but then changed back!
gained 1 History Stat
gained 1 Language Stat
changed to Nefarious Echlin... but then changed back!
gained 1 Defence Stat
gained 1 Sociology Stat
changed to Polar Echlin... but then changed back!
changed to Galaxy Echlin... but then changed back!
gained 1 Music Stat
gained 1 History Stat
changed to Leopard Echlin... but then changed back!
gained 1 Speed Stat
changed to Tiger Echlin... but then changed back!
gained 1 Strength Stat
gained 1 Art Stat
changed to Firework Echlin... but then changed back!

Ferments usage

gained 1 Level Stat
changed to Injured Crindol... but then changed back!
gained 1 Health Stat
gained 1 Humanities Stat
changed to Radioactive Addow... but then changed back!
gained 1 History Stat
gained 1 Geography Stat
changed to Grey Grint... but then changed back!
gained 1 History Stat
changed to Radioactive Basil... but then changed back!
gained 1 Sociology Stat
gained 1 Environmental Studies Stat
changed to Black Basil... but then changed back!
changed to Love Xoi... but then changed back!
gained 1 Science Stat
changed to Glass Basil... but then changed back!
gained 1 Level Stat
gained 1 Strength Stat
gained 1 Sports Stat
gained 1 Strength Stat
gained 1 Music Stat
gained 1 Science Stat
gained 1 Business Studies Stat
gained 1 Sports Stat
gained 1 Language Stat
gained 1 Level Stat
changed to Millionaire Kaala... but then changed back!
changed to Digital Newth... but then changed back!
is now White Basil
changed to Purple Basil... but then changed back!
changed to American Basil... but then changed back!
changed to Insideout Kaala... but then changed back!
changed to Snow Reese... but then changed back!
gained 1 Geography Stat
gained 1 Geography Stat
changed to Defective Basil... but then changed back!
gained 1 Speed Stat
gained 1 Defence Stat
gained 1 Health Stat
changed to Fade Basil... but then changed back!
gained 1 Language Stat
gained 1 Health Stat
changed to Seasonal Reese... but then changed back!
changed to White Kaala... but then changed back!
changed to Cheese Crindol... but then changed back!
changed to Magenta Kaala... but then changed back!
changed to Bronze Basil... but then changed back!
gained 1 Strength Stat
gained 1 Music Stat
gained 1 Music Stat
gained 1 Health Stat
gained 1 Health Stat
gained 1 Defence Stat
gained 1 Sports Stat
changed to Thunder Basil... but then changed back!
gained 1 Geography Stat
changed to Balloon Leido... but then changed back!
gained 1 Sports Stat
gained 2 Politics Stats
changed to Rainbow Gonk... but then changed back!
changed to Snow Kidlet... but then changed back!
changed to Navy Gonk... but then changed back!
gained 1 Strength Stat
changed to Red Basil... but then changed back!
gained 1 Music Stat
gained 1 Level Stat
changed to Galaxy Basil... but then changed back!
changed to Glass Basil... but then changed back!
gained 1 Defence Stat
gained 1 Law Stat
gained 1 Health Stat
gained 1 Speed Stat
gained 1 History Stat
gained 1 Law Stat
changed to Midnight Xoi... but then changed back!
changed to Fade Walee... but then changed back!
changed to Orange Xoi... but then changed back!
gained 1 History Stat
gained 1 Speed Stat
changed to Party Basil... but then changed back!


gained 1 Art Stat
gained 1 Sports Stat
changed to Halloween Newth... but then changed back!
gained 2 Language Stats
changed to Toddler Troit... but then changed back!
-------------discontinue with effect 04 Sept 2020--------------------

Puny Puny
5 years, 11 months & 17 days ago
25th Mar 2019 09:24

Lvl 1 - 1,8,1
Lvl 2 - 2,M,T
Lvl 3 - T,G,X
Lvl 4 - M,T,K
Lvl 5 - M,K,Q
Lvl 6 - G,D,P
Lvl 7 - S,7,3
Lvl 8 - 0,5,Z
Lvl 9 - I,A,F
Lvl 10- N,6,Z
Lvl 11- P,0,N
Lvl 12- U,7,E
Lvl 13- Y,6,K
Lvl 14- T,Z,2
Lvl 15- J,7,6
Lvl 16- E,X,A
Lvl 17- A,C,T
Lvl 18- V,B,H
LvL 19- 7,J,V
Lvl 20- F,U,D
Lvl 21- P,R,2
Lvl 22- M,K,K
Lvl 23- 7,Z,O
Lvl 24- 9,0,M
Lvl 25- H,Q,G
Lvl 26- I,R,0
Lvl 27- D,3,9
Lvl 28- E,N,2
Lvl 29- 1,M,Q
Lvl 30- K,R,F
Lvl 31- 1,8,G
Lvl 32- N,9,2
Lvl 33- I,1,Z
Lvl 34- 9,B,T
Lvl 35- W,2,6
Lvl 36- I,6,Z
Lvl 37- M,C,C
Lvl 38- B,P,S
Lvl 39- 0,V,U
Lvl 40- G,6,S
Lvl 41- A,0,4
Lvl 42- D,X,W
Lvl 43- 1,C,B
Lvl 44- V,6,8
Lvl 45- E,9,A
Lvl 46- W,Z,H
Lvl 47- 5,U,H
Lvl 48- 8,M,H
Lvl 49- R,F,0
Lvl 50- 7,T,1
Haunted Moon Glowing Egg has been added to your Nest.
Lvl 1 - I,D,E
Lvl 2 - A,5,D
Lvl 3 - V,6,V
Lvl 4 - A,8,H
Lvl 5 - Q,B,5
Lvl 6 - W,P,D
Lvl 7 - V,H,K
Lvl 8 - 2,P,R
Lvl 9 - A,R,J
Lvl 10- L,9,C
Lvl 11- M,K,Y
Lvl 12- Z,0,M
Lvl 13- E,P,9
Lvl 14- K,A,V
Lvl 15- 5,4,Z
Lvl 16- P,R,7
Lvl 17- V,D,I
Lvl 18- 4,6,W
Lvl 19- P,Y,X
Lvl 20- 4,B,B
Lvl 21- 1,U,F
Lvl 22- V,8,J
Lvl 23- 1,J,9
Lvl 24- E,S,U
Lvl 25- R,I,W
Lvl 26- 6,F,3
Lvl 27- 3,D,Z
Lvl 28- A,G,M
Lvl 29- D,F,Z
Lvl 30- T,X,D
Lvl 31- J,N,0
Lvl 32- 2,5,B
Lvl 33- K,I,M
Lvl 34- X,Y,R
Lvl 35- D,Q,A
Lvl 36- 8,T,9
Lvl 37- 3,A,Y
Lvl 38- 9,7,F
Lvl 39- 7,X,R
Lvl 40- G,9,Y
Lvl 41- 0,G,J
Lvl 42- C,Q,K
Lvl 43- U,W,C
Lvl 44- Z,Z,0
Lvl 45- Q,4,C
Lvl 46- G,N,S
Lvl 47- 7,9,E
Lvl 48- Y,S,A
Lvl 49- E,B,1
Lvl 50- J,Z,N
Snowman Glowing Egg has been added to your Nest.
Lvl 1 - L,F,R
Lvl 2 - T,I,C
Lvl 3 - 3,A,0
Lvl 4 - 6,T,K
Lvl 5 - X,U,L
Lvl 6 - J,N,6
Lvl 7 - 1,I,E
Lvl 8 - Y,I,X
Lvl 9 - R,R,I
Lvl 10- A,B,W
Lvl 11- Q,5,B
Lvl 12- I,H,7
Lvl 13- C,M,I
Lvl 14- M,S,X
Lvl 15- B,B,B
Lvl 16- 9,0,G
Lvl 17- E,V,3
Lvl 18- 7,L,A
Lvl 19- Q,F,9
Lvl 20- 9,P,P
Lvl 21- A,P,X
Lvl 22- Z,E,M
Lvl 23- J,F,F
Lvl 24- 9,F,Z
Lvl 25- 9,X,X
Lvl 26- -missed-
Lvl 27- C,G,K
Lvl 28- Q,F,2
Lvl 29- C,H,E
Lvl 30- 7,L,B
Lvl 31- O,J,0
Lvl 32- 9,C,7
Lvl 33- O,F,0
Lvl 34- 5,O,N
Lvl 35- J,6,I
Lvl 36- 8,7,V
Lvl 37- Q,W,A
Lvl 38- 7,I,Y
Lvl 39- H,V,K
Lvl 40- X,A,O
Lvl 41- R,P,3
Lvl 42- F,C,O
Lvl 43- 9,Y,N
Lvl 44- F,V,L
Lvl 45- -missed-
Lvl 46- R,B,T
Lvl 47- W,E,J
Lvl 48- -missed-
Lvl 49- 0,W,R
Lvl 50- X,0,H
Candycane Glowing Egg has been added to your Nest.

Drew - Dress 4 Less Voucher
7 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
28th Jul 2017 23:41

46th quest
63rd quest
77th quest
79th quest
81st quest
83rd quest
94th quest
104th quest
-You have used 8 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Atheistic into Calico Vixen-

111st quest
122nd quest
130th quest
165th quest
168th quest
170th quest
219th quest
248th quest
282nd quest
298th quest
-You have used 8 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Krispe into Mummy Ercuw -

313rd quest
317th quest
325th quest
326th quest
327th quest
344th quest
349th quest
368th quest
386th quest
389th quest
- You have used 7 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Krispe into Neon Ercuw -

401st quest
409th quest
423th quest
456th quest
465th quest
482nd quest
486th quest
- You have used 9 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Arikyo into Sleepy Nino

502nd quest
509th quest
518th quest
525th quest
527th quest
- You have used 8 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Sanda into Bronze Lorius

535th quest
542nd quest
545th quest
564th quest
569th quest
589th quest
591st quest
611st quest
633rd quest
638th quest
648th quest
- You have used 8 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Arbert into Grey Figaro

657th quest
689th quest
694th quest
708th quest
719th quest
745th quest
748th quest
750th quest
761st quest
- You have used 9 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Arikyo into Sleepy Nino

784th quest
791st quest
810th quest
817th quest
822nd quest
846th quest
847th quest
849th quest
860th quest
866th quest
869th quest
872nd quest
885th quest
886th quest
893rd quest
906th quest
911st quest
912nd quest
959th quest
960th quest
-You have used 4 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Sanda into Yellow Poera

964th quest
965th quest
-You have used 3 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Sanda into Maroon Poera
-You have used 5 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Sanda into Blue Quell

971st quest
-You have used 9 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Deiz into Baby Snookle
974th quest
1004th quest
1010th quest

-You have used 6 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Sanda into Navy Lorius

1028th quest
1061st quest
1083rd quest
1099th quest
1122nd quest
1123rd quest
1175th quest
1178th quest
1221st quest
1332nd quest
-You have used 11 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Administrative into Baby Rofling

1343rd quest
1344th quest
1371st quest
1377th quest
1388th quest
1416th quest
1418th quest
1448th quest
1478th quest
1490th quest
1522nd quest
1547th quest
1566th quest
1567th quest
-You have used 3 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Sanda into Olive Poera

1592nd quest
-You have used 4 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Sanda into Blue Astro

1615th quest
1653rd quest

-You have used 11 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Rangle into Witch Justin
------------------------------------------ zeroed

1672nd quest
1681st quest
1688th quest
1708th quest
1709th quest
1717th quest
1725th quest
1731st quest
1734th quest
1737th quest
1782nd quest
1808th quest
1812nd quest
1830th quest
1841st quest
1844th quest
1855th quest
-You have used 7 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Krispe into Pampered Ercuw

1927th quest
1931st quest
1936th quest
1946th quest
1966th quest
1967th quest
1975th quest
1989th quest
1995th quest
2056th quest
2119th quest
2137th quest
2182nd quest
-You have used 5 Dress 4 Less Vouchers and Drew has changed Programmer into White Zoosh

2251st quest
2269th quest
2284th quest
2296th quest
2331st quest
2342nd quest
2346th quest
2357th quest
2366th quest
2368th quest
2403rd quest
2446th quest
-Sanda is now Beige Lorius. You have used 3 Dress 4 Less Vouchers

2452nd quest
2486th quest
2524th quest
2527th quest
2600th quest
2602nd quest
2619th quest
2631st quest

- Sanda is now Maroon Lorius. You have used 3 Dress 4 Less Vouchers

2657th quest
2730th quest
2731st quest
2786th quest
2794th quest
2871st quest
2891st quest
- Lurette is now Baby Rusty
You have used 8 Dress 4 Less Vouchers

2920th quest
2967th quest
2981st quest
3014th quest
3075th quest
3107th quest
3139th quest
3167th quest
3184th quest
3213rd quest
3296th quest
3305th quest
3342nd quest
3387th quest

-Arbert is now Chibi Figaro
You have used 11 Dress 4 Less Vouchers

3398th quest
3530th quest
3532nd quest
3575th quest
3588th quest
3589th quest
3611st quest
3637th quest
3648th quest
3678th quest
3719th quest
3722nd quest
3733rd quest
3744th quest
3750th quest
3793rd quest
3806th quest
3829th quest

- Ferments is now Party Basil
You have used 8 Dress 4 Less Vouchers
- Patient is now Toddler Troit
You have used 8 Dress 4 Less Vouchers

3860th quest
3899th quest
3917th quest
3924th quest
3974th quest
3978th quest
4024th quest
4028th quest
4046th quest
4069th quest
4073rd quest
4105th quest
4127th quest
4203rd quest

- Sanda is now Negative Kujo
You have used 6 Dress 4 Less Vouchers

4289th quest
4326th quest
4370th quest
4376th quest
4433rd quest
4467th quest
4476th quest
4490th quest
4500th quest
4514th quest

- Sanda is now Plushie Limax
You have used 9 Dress 4 Less Vouchers

4587th quest
4598th quest
4599th quest
4670th quest
4739th quest
4793rd quest
4815th quest
4860th quest

- Sanda is now Red Figaro
You have used 7 Dress 4 Less Vouchers

4882nd quest
4905th quest
4909th quest
4972nd quest
+2 (forgot to record)
4975th quest
5000th quest
5032nd quest
5036th quest
5061st quest
5089th quest
5151st quest
5154th quest
5166th quest
5169th quest
5171st quest
5183rd quest
5203rd quest
5219th quest
- Sanda is now Emo Phanty ~You have used 5 Dress 4 Less Vouchers

5230th quest
5252nd quest
5298th quest
5300th quest
5363rd quest
5423rd quest
5448th quest
5473rd quest
5491st quest
5536th quest
5542nd quest
5595th quest
5654th quest
5665th quest

- Sanda is now Red Basil ~You have used 4 Dress 4 Less Vouchers

5716th quest
5720th quest
5758th quest
5784th quest
5805th quest
5824th quest
5837th quest
5840th quest
5851st quest
5855th quest
5861st quest
5868th quest
5899th quest
5918th quest
5919th quest
5921st quest
5960th quest
5986th quest
5993rd quest
6002nd quest
6024th quest
6031st quest
6057th quest
6163rd quest
6181st quest
6194th quest
6206th quest
6246th quest
6255th quest
6257th quest
6295th quest
6353rd quest
6362nd quest
6403rd quest
6484th quest
6486th quest
6489th quest
6513rd quest
6526th quest
6542nd quest
6572nd quest
6614th quest
6744th quest
6757th quest
6789th quest
6916th quest
6949th quest
6971st quest
7014th quest
7025th quest
7067th quest
- Sanda is now Skater Sindi~You have used 9 Dress 4 Less Vouchers

7116th quest
7127th quest
7169th quest
7206th quest
7212nd quest
7214th quest
7256th quest
7271st quest
7276th quest
7305th quest
7317th quest
7318th quest
7331st quest
7346th quest
7349th quest
7355th quest
7373rd quest
7428th quest
7375th quest
7396th quest
7432nd quest
7439th quest
7485th quest
7486th quest
7487th quest
7499th quest
7519th quest
7556th quest
7578th quest
7627th quest
7660th quest
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9785th quest
9797th quest
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9821st quest
9833rd quest
9885th quest
9899th quest
9955th quest
9963rd quest
9971st quest
You have completed 10,000 Drew quests
- 451 (used 206;currently 245)

Sanda is now Mummy Yuni
You have used 7 Dress 4 Less Vouchers

Diluted is now Light Fairy Yuni
You have used 8 Dress 4 Less Vouchers

Sanda is now Starry Crikey
You have used 8 Dress 4 Less Vouchers

Vortex Park Reservoir - Sanda usage
7 years, 7 months & 27 days ago
16th Jul 2017 02:55

gained 1 Humanities stats
changed colour to Sketch... but then changed back!
picked up 1,406MP
changed to Nefarious Paffuto... but then changed back!
changed to Brown Yakubi... but then changed back!
picked up 1,787MP
picked up 4,216MP
gained 1 strength stats
gained 1 speed stats
picked up 2,114MP
changed colour to School... but then changed back!
picked up 2,279MP
picked up 926MP
changed colour to Chocolate... but then changed back!
picked up 518MP
gained 1 level stats
gained 1 Maths stats
changed to Pink Speiro... but then changed back!
picked up 679MP
changed to Gingerbread Knutt... but then changed back!
gained 1 Humanities stats
gained 1 health stats
gained 1 defence stats
picked up 1,314MP
picked up 1,204MP
changed colour to Earthfairy... but then changed back!
picked up 6,415MP
gained 1 Sports stats
picked up 1,604MP
gained 1 level stats
gained 1 Music stats
changed to Wizard Equilor... but then changed back!
changed colour to Light... but then changed back!
picked up 2,200MP
gained 1 Science stats
changed to Stone Ideus... but then changed back!
picked up 658MP
gained 1 Art stats
picked up 1,363MP
gained 1 Sports stats
gained 1 Maths stats
gained 1 Sociology stats
--------- W giftbox ------
picked up 2,101MP
gained 1 strength stats
changed colour to Green... but then changed back!
picked up 1,910MP
changed to Sketch Ideus... but then changed back!
gained 1 speed stats
picked up 1,904MP
picked up 1,522MP
picked up 864MP
gained 1 Art stats
gained 1 level stats
changed colour to Spy... but then changed back!
changed colour to Green... but then changed back!
picked up 1,665MP
picked up 1,302MP
picked up 1,805MP
picked up 1,734MP
gained 1 speed stats
picked up 1,788MP
changed colour to Skeleton... but then changed back!
changed colour to Redpanda... but then changed back!
gained 1 History stats
gained 1 health stats
gained 2 Art stats
changed colour to Floral... but then changed back!
picked up 1,904MP
gained 1 health stats
picked up 2,4
picked up 995MP
gained 1 Sports stats
gained 1 defence stats
picked up 1,916MP
gained 1 defence stats
picked up 1,832MP
changed colour to Red... but then changed back!
gained 1 Language stats
picked up 1,295MP
gained 2 Sports stats
gained 1 health stats
gained 1 level stats
gained 1 speed stats
changed colour to Australian... but then changed back!
gained 1 Geography stats
picked up 1,758MP
gained 1 health stats
changed colour to Brown... but then changed back!
picked up 2,399MP
changed colour to Bug... but then changed back!
gained 1 Humanities stats
changed colour to Purple... but then changed back!
changed colour to Silver... but then changed back!
gained 1 health stats
gained 1 speed stats
gained 1 Language stats
gained 1 Art stats
changed to Floral Knutt... but then changed back!
changed colour to Magenta... but then changed back!
changed to Swamp Yakubi... but then changed back!
picked up 897MP
picked up 1,932MP
picked up 1,927MP
picked up 1,534MP
changed to Snowman Kidlet... but then changed back!
picked up 2,3
gained 1 speed stats
changed colour to Black... but then changed back!
picked up 2,360MP
changed to Millionaire Paffuto... but then changed back!
picked up 2,174MP
changed colour to Yellow... but then changed back!
gained 1 Art stats
picked up 1,278MP
picked up 1,547MP
changed colour to Seasonal... but then changed back!
changed to American Feliz... but then changed back!
gained 1 Science stats
gained 1 Law stats
gained 1 Art stats
gained 1 Geography stats
gained 1 strength stats
changed colour to Seasonal... but then changed back!
changed to Icecream Walee... but then changed back!
gained 1 Science stats
changed to Purple Doyle... but then changed back!
picked up 1,618MP
changed to Fat Osafo... but then changed back!
changed to Green Knutt... but then changed back!
gained 1 speed stats
changed to Digital Walee... but then changed back!
changed colour to Rainbow... but then changed back!
picked up 1,504MP
gained 1 Music stats
gained 1 defence stats
changed colour to Yellow... but then changed back!
changed colour to Yellow... but then changed back!
changed colour to Stone... but then changed back!
picked up 1,024MP
picked up 1,085MP
picked up 1,049MP
changed colour to Negative... but then changed back!
changed to American Fasoro... but then changed back!
gained 1 level stats
changed colour to Pink
gained 1 Maths stats
changed to Polar Leido... but then changed back!
gained 1 level stats
picked up 888MP
picked up 1,923MP
gained 1 History stats
gained 1 Music stats
gained 1 Art stats
changed colour to Elf... but then changed back!
picked up 2,448MP
picked up 722MP
changed to Sparkle Kidlet... but then changed back!
picked up 1,255MP
changed to Calico Tantua... but then changed back!
changed to Halloween Renat... but then changed back!
picked up 1,930MP
gained 1 speed stats
picked up 1,2
picked up 1,070MP
picked up 2,382MP
changed to Yellow Reese... but then changed back!
gained 1 speed stats
picked up 2,411MP
changed colour to Rainbow
picked up 1,183MP
gained 1 health stats
changed colour to Sketch... but then changed back!
changed to Negative Grint... but then changed back!
gained 1 level stats
picked up 2,310MP
picked up 1,493MP
picked up 2,064MP
changed colour to Ice... but then changed back!
gained 1 Geography stats
gained 1 Computer Science stats
changed colour to Snow... but then changed back!
picked up 1,596MP
gained 1 health stats
picked up 2,141MP
picked up 1,779MP
gained 1 health stats
picked up 749MP
changed colour to Sparkle... but then changed back!
picked up 934MP
changed colour to Midnight... but then changed back!
picked up 2,227MP
picked up 549MP
changed colour to Redpanda... but then changed back!
gained 1 speed stats
picked up 1,483MP
gained 1 strength stats
gained 1 Maths stats
picked up 4,417MP
changed to Yellow Grint... but then changed back!
gained 1 strength stats
picked up 2,226MP
changed colour to Burnt... but then changed back!
gained 1 health stats
picked up 1,671MP
picked up 1,873MP
gained 1 Maths stats
picked up 2,028MP
picked up 2,044MP
picked up 972MP
gained 1 Music stats
changed to Insideout Zetlian... but then changed back!
gained 1 Science stats
gained 1 Politics stats
picked up 1,548MP
picked up 1,798MP
picked up 1,422MP
gained 1 speed stats
gained 1 Sports stats
picked up 2,150MP
changed to Gold Zetlian... but then changed back!
picked up 789MP
gained 1 Politics stats
gained 1 Science stats
gained 1 level stats
picked up 1,290MP
changed to Strobe Kaala... but then changed back!
changed to Rainbow Ideus... but then changed back!
gained 1 speed stats
picked up 1,190MP
picked up 1,892MP
gained 1 level stats
picked up 616MP
gained 1 health stats
changed colour to Negative... but then changed back!
picked up 1,926MP
colour to Rainbow... but then changed back!
picked up 2,096MP
picked up 989MP
picked up 559MP
gained 1 level stats
changed to Hobo Reese... but then changed back!
changed to Blue Newth... but then changed back!
gained 1 Sports stats
gained 1 History stats
picked up 1,502MP
picked up 1,422MP
gained 1 strength stats
changed to Halloween Bolimo... but then changed back!
picked up 500MP
changed colour to Gothic... but then changed back!
picked up 2,263MP
changed to Pastel Newth... but then changed back!
picked up 1,995MP
changed colour to Gold... but then changed back!
has picked up 939MP
gained 1 speed stats
changed to American Jessup... but then changed back!
has gained 1 Humanities stats
changed to Skeleton Xoi... but then changed back!
picked up 1,138MP
gained 1 speed stats
picked up 994MP
changed to Ice Feliz... but then changed back!
picked up 1,219MP
gained 1 speed stats
picked up 1,071MP
has gained 1 Law stats
changed colour to Pastel... but then changed back!
changed colour to American... but then changed back!
gained 1 strength stats
picked up 795MP
changed colour to Redpanda... but then changed back!
gained 1 Art stats
changed colour to Breeze... but then changed back!
changed colour to Insideout... but then changed back!
gained 1 health stats
gained 1 Environmental Studies stats
picked up 1,956MP
changed colour to Fat... but then changed back!
picked up 703MP
gained 1 History stats
gained 1 Music stats
picked up 2,319MP
gained 1 strength stats
changed colour to Green... but then changed back!
picked up 1,364MP
picked up 2,084MP
changed to Toddler Kidlet... but then changed back!
changed colour to Scout... but then changed back!
picked up 2,190MP
picked up 1,692MP
picked up 2,132MP
gained 1 defence stats
picked up 2,448MP
picked up 1,940MP
gained 1 health stats
picked up 978MP
picked up 2,493MP
gained 1 defence stats
gained 1 History stats
picked up 2,160MP
picked up 705MP
changed to Magenta Addow... but then changed back!
gained 1 Science stats
changed colour to Gingerbread... but then changed back!
gained 1 Maths stats
gained 1 Art stats
picked up 1,380MP
picked up 1,986MP
picked up 1,349MP
changed colour to Beige... but then changed back!
changed to Tiger Ideus... but then changed back!
colour to Rainbow... but then changed back!
gained 1 Sports stats
changed to Bootleg Knutt... but then changed back!
picked up 814MP
gained 1 Geography stats
changed to Digital Yakubi... but then changed back!
gained 1 Sociology stats
gained 1 level stats
gained 1 defence stats
gained 1 speed stats
changed colour to Navy... but then changed back!
changed colour to Tornado... but then changed back!
gained 1 speed stats
picked up 1,375MP
gained 1 Art stats
picked up 1,292MP
changed to Invisible Fasoro... but then changed back!
picked up 1,847MP
picked up 2,484MP
changed colour to Valentine... but then changed back!
changed colour to Radioactive... but then changed back!
gained 1 defence stats
picked up 801MP
changed to Easter Leido... but then changed back!
gained 1 strength stats
changed colour to Bug... but then changed back!
changed to Bronze Lorius... but then changed back!
changed colour to Headless... but then changed back!
gained 1 defence stats
changed colour to Sketch... but then changed back!
changed colour to Purple
changed colour to Headless... but then changed back!
picked up 710MP
gained 1 health stats
gained 1 History stats
picked up 2,218MP
picked up 2,427MP
picked up 2,367MP
picked up 1,925MP
picked up 2,088MP
picked up 833MP
gained 1 strength stats
picked up 714MP
gained 1 defence stats
gained 1 Science stats
picked up 958MP
gained 1 speed stats
picked up 1,245MP
changed colour to Silver... but then changed back!
picked up 2,268MP
changed to Underwater Zetlian... but then changed back!
picked up 1,406MP
picked up 1,023MP
picked up 895MP
picked up 1,177MP
changed colour to Navy... but then changed back!
changed to Magenta Addow... but then changed back!
changed colour to Love... but then changed back!
changed colour to Bronze
gained 2 health stats
changed to Sparkle Addow... but then changed back!
picked up 530MP
gained 1 health stats
gained 1 Sociology stats
gained 1 Humanities stats
changed colour to Aqua... but then changed back!
picked up 2,304MP
gained 1 strength stats
picked up 1,966MP
gained 1 Environmental Studies stats
picked up 1,159MP
changed colour to Purple... but then changed back!
changed to Darkfairy Flab... but then changed back!
changed colour to Beige... but then changed back!
picked up 1,330MP
gained 1 Molecular Science stats
picked up 7,540MP
gained 1 health stats
changed colour to Tornado... but then changed back!
picked up 2,434MP
changed to Maroon Flab... but then changed back!
gained 1 Maths stats
gained 1 Geography stats
gained 1 health stats
changed colour to Sparkle... but then changed back!
picked up 5,709MP
changed to Grey Doyle... but then changed back!
changed to Glass Addow... but then changed back!
changed to Breeze Newth... but then changed back!
picked up 2,109MP
gained 1 Science stats
picked up 770MP
picked up 2,451MP
gained 1 health stats
picked up 2,451MP
changed colour to Blue... but then changed back!
gained 1 Art stats
gained 1 Language stats
picked up 637MP
picked up 974MP
changed colour to Blue... but then changed back!
changed colour to Silver... but then changed back!
changed colour to Snow... but then changed back!
picked up 2,202MP
picked up 1,462MP
gained 1 level stats
picked up 562MP
picked up 2,180MP
picked up 733MP
gained 2 Music stats
gained 1 defence stats
gained 1 health stats
changed colour to Pixie... but then changed back!
picked up 635MP
gained 1 level stats
picked up 508MP
picked up 1,914MP
gained 1 health stats
gained 1 History stats
changed colour to White... but then changed back!
picked up 1,229MP
gained 1 strength stats
changed to British Doyle... but then changed back!
picked up 1,953MP
picked up 1,779MP
picked up 1,617MP
picked up 2,365MP
picked up 1,415MP
picked up 878MP
gained 1 Geography stats
picked up 1,987MP
gained 1 History stats
picked up 551MP
gained 1 Language stats
picked up 617MP
changed colour to Yellow... but then changed back!
changed colour to Maroon... but then changed back!
picked up 950MP
picked up 569MP
picked up 1,387MP
colour to Gold... but then changed back!
gained 1 Language stats
picked up 1,093MP
picked up 1,308MP
picked up 1,445MP
gained 1 strength stats
changed to Headless Xoi... but then changed back!
changed colour to Sketch... but then changed back!
picked up 941MP
changed to American Speiro... but then changed back!
picked up 1,622MP
picked up 2,270MP
picked up 2,124MP
gained 1 strength stats
changed to Insideout Addow... but then changed back!
changed to Blue Jessup... but then changed back!
gained 1 strength stats
changed to Dalmatian Feliz... but then changed back!
changed to Blue Xoi... but then changed back!
picked up 1,055MP
gained 1 Environmental Studies stats
picked up 2,200MP
changed colour to Starry... but then changed back!
changed colour to Gingerbread... but then changed back!
gained 1 Science stats
picked up 617MP
picked up 712MP
has gained 1 Business Studies stats
picked up 1,277MP
changed to Tiger Grint... but then changed back!
picked up 717MP
picked up 2,466MP
picked up 2,180MP
gained 1 level stats
changed colour to Insideout... but then changed back!
picked up 1,869MP
changed to Cupid Walee... but then changed back!
gained 1 Geography stats
picked up 685MP
gained 1 Maths stats
changed to Cottoncandy Kidlet... but then changed back!
gained 1 Maths stats
gained 1 level stats
gained 1 Geography stats
gained 1 strength stats
picked up 1,831MP
picked up 1,196MP
picked up 1,170MP
picked up 686MP
changed to Leopard Ideus... but then changed back!
picked up 911MP
picked up 997MP
picked up 6,081MP
gained 1 speed stats
changed colour to Camouflage... but then changed back!
picked up 720MP
changed colour to Rainbow... but then changed back!
changed colour to Orange... but then changed back!
picked up 2,426MP
gained 1 Sports stats
gained 1 Geography stats
changed to Cupid Renat... but then changed back!
changed colour to Stone... but then changed back!
gained 1 strength stats
picked up 1,855MP
gained 1 defence stats
changed colour to Radioactive... but then changed back!
picked up 1,390MP
changed to Teal Jessup... but then changed back!
changed to Yellow Speiro... but then changed back!
changed colour to Christmastree... but then changed back!
changed to Snow Jessup... but then changed back!
gained 1 level stats
picked up 1,668MP
has gained 1 level stats
changed colour to Orange... but then changed back!
picked up 893MP
colour to Stone... but then changed back!
picked up 2,354MP
gained 1 Humanities stats
gained 1 strength stats
changed to Pastel Walee... but then changed back!
gained 1 Sports stats
gained 1 strength stats
gained 1 Music stats
gained 1 defence stats
picked up 1,241MP
picked up 1,355MP
changed colour to Pastel... but then changed back!
picked up 672MP
picked up 2,490MP
changed colour to Sketch... but then changed back!
gained 1 Language stats
changed to Halloween Azul... but then changed back!
changed colour to Lightning... but then changed back!
picked up 2,134MP
picked up 1,401MP
picked up 1,868MP
gained 1 Sociology stats
changed colour to Leopard... but then changed back!
changed colour to Grey... but then changed back!
gained 1 Art stats
picked up 822MP
gained 1 Business Studies stats
gained 1 Music stats
picked up 1,375MP
picked up 1,813MP
picked up 1,540MP
changed to Radioactive Walee... but then changed back!
picked up 1,853MP
changed to Orange Jessup... but then changed back!
picked up 1,020MP
picked up 1,665MP
picked up 1,9
picked up 2,066MP
gained 2 level stats
picked up 1,276MP
picked up 6
gained 1 Geography stats
gained 1 strength stats
gained 1 defence stats
changed colour to Ghost... but then changed back!
picked up 1,744MP
gained 1 defence stats
changed colour to Grey... but then changed back!
picked up 7
picked up 1,585MP
changed colour to Dalmatian... but then changed back!
gained 1 defence stats
picked up 2,399MP
gained 1 health stats
gained 1 speed stats
gained 1 strength stats
gained 1 Science stats
gained 1 speed stats
picked up 2,456MP
picked up 535MP
gained 1 health stats
gained 1 Music stats
picked up 1,0
picked up 633MP
changed colour to Camouflage... but then changed back!
gained 2 strength stats
changed colour to Australian... but then changed back!
gained 1 Music stats
gained 1 speed stats
changed colour to Pinata... but then changed back!
gained 1 speed stats
gained 1 Science stats
gained 1 health stats
picked up 935MP
changed colour to Tiger... but then changed back!
picked up 2,364MP
picked up 865MP
changed colour to Maroon... but then changed back!
picked up 1,747MP
changed colour to Blue... but then changed back!
picked up 1,211MP
changed colour to Angel... but then changed back!
changed to Fairy Murfin... but then changed back!
gained 1 Science stats
changed colour to Insideout
gained 1 Music stats
gained 1 health stats
picked up 1,836MP
picked up 1,199MP
picked up 2,348MP
changed colour to Grey... but then changed back!
gained 1 Maths stats
changed colour to Stone... but then changed back!
gained 1 defence stats
gained 1 level stats
changed colour to Aqua... but then changed back!
gained 1 health stats
changed colour to Calico... but then changed back!
picked up 871MP
gained 1 strength stats
gained 1 level stats
picked up 1,990MP
changed colour to Earthfairy... but then changed back!
picked up 1,444MP
changed colour to Earthfairy... but then changed back!
changed colour to Blue... but then changed back!
picked up 1,863MP
picked up 769MP
changed colour to Cheese... but then changed back!
picked up 860MP
picked up 2,325MP
changed colour to Goblin... but then changed back!
picked up 721MP
gained 1 Sports stats
gained 1 History stats
picked up 1,389MP
picked up 2,025MP
picked up 2,449MP
picked up 598MP
changed to Sparkle Newth... but then changed back!
gained 1 Music stats
changed colour to British... but then changed back!
changed to Radioactive Addow... but then changed back!
gained 1 Geography stats
gained 2 Sociology stats
picked up 1,202MP
changed to Galaxy Addow... but then changed back!
gained 1 health stats
gained 2 Geography stats
picked up 1,127MP
picked up 1,793MP
picked up 2,349MP
picked up 743MP
gained 1 Maths stats
gained 1 History stats
gained 1 Humanities stats
changed to Brown Feliz... but then changed back!
changed colour to Grey... but then changed back!
picked up 2,276MP
gained 1 strength stats
gained 1 Music stats
picked up 1,958MP
picked up 2,317MP
changed colour to Starry... but then changed back!
picked up 1,968MP
picked up 1,521MP
changed to Chinese Yakubi... but then changed back!
picked up 2,112MP
picked up 1,479MP
picked up 706MP
changed colour to Musical... but then changed back!
changed colour to Strobe... but then changed back!
picked up 633MP
changed to Brown Leido... but then changed back!
gained 1 Geography stats
changed colour to Angel... but then changed back!
picked up 9
picked up 1,002MP
picked up 660MP
gained 1 Sociology stats
changed colour to Purple... but then changed back!
picked up 1,167MP
picked up 827MP
gained 1 strength stats
changed colour to Mermaid... but then changed back!
changed to Snow Murfin... but then changed back!
gained 1 Sports stats
changed to Digital Zetlian... but then changed back!
picked up 2,388MP
gained 1 speed stats
gained 1 Computer Science stats
picked up 1,970MP
changed colour to Stone... but then changed back!
picked up 1,720MP
gained 1 Maths stats
picked up 2,105MP
picked up 958MP
changed colour to Radioactive... but then changed back!
changed to Beige Gonk... but then changed back!
gained 1 speed stats
gained 1 defence stats
changed colour to Advent... but then changed back!
picked up 1,287MP
gained 2 strength stats
gained 1 Business Studies stats
picked up 1,410MP
changed to Magenta Reese... but then changed back!
picked up 1,639MP
gained 1 health stats
picked up 2,388MP
changed colour to Gothic... but then changed back!
changed to Red Knutt... but then changed back!
picked up 1,748MP
changed to Starry Kidlet... but then changed back!
changed to Sparkle Leido... but then changed back!
picked up 1,5
picked up 1,599MP
changed colour to Strobe... but then changed back!
gained 2 health stats
picked up 1,517MP
gained 1 Language stats
gained 1 strength stats
gained 1 Molecular Science stats
changed to Punk Tantua... but then changed back!
gained 1 level stats
changed colour to Stone... but then changed back!
changed colour to Funky... but then changed back!
gained 1 Sports stats
picked up 1,840MP
gained 1 health stats
picked up 1,506MP
gained 1 level stats
gained 1 Sports stats
picked up 1,000MP
changed to Green Equilor... but then changed back!
gained 1 Environmental Studies stats
picked up 1,040MP
gained 1 Art stats
changed to Purple Equilor... but then changed back!
gained 1 health stats
picked up 2,1
picked up 792MP
gained 1 strength stats
picked up 1,278MP
picked up 2,303MP
gained 1 Science stats
gained 1 speed stats
gained 1 Art stats
picked up 1,759MP
gained 1 speed stats
picked up 832MP
gained 1 health stats
gained 1 Language stats
changed colour to Red... but then changed back!
picked up 500MP
changed colour to American... but then changed back!
picked up 1,324MP
picked up 2,457MP
gained 1 strength stats
gained 1 Sports stats
gained 1 health stats
changed to Leopard Ideus... but then changed back!
gained 1 speed stats
picked up 1,428MP
changed colour to Bronze... but then changed back!
changed colour to Snowman... but then changed back!
picked up 2,127MP
gained 1 health stats
picked up 1,432MP
gained 1 Maths stats
picked up 1,014MP
changed to Camouflage Xoi... but then changed back!
gained 1 Business Studies stats
hanged colour to Insideout... but then changed back!
picked up 608MP
picked up 516MP
gained 1 speed stats
picked up 1,998MP
gained 1 Science stats
changed colour to Headless... but then changed back!
picked up 706MP
changed to Silver Kidlet... but then changed back!
picked up 5,931MP
picked up 2,385MP
picked up 1,630MP
gained 1 defence stats
changed colour to Rainbow... but then changed back!
gained 1 Geography stats
changed colour to American... but then changed back!
changed colour to Digital... but then changed back!
picked up 562MP
changed colour to Teal... but then changed back!
picked up 1,139MP
gained 1 speed stats
gained 1 health stats
changed colour to Chinese... but then changed back!
gained 1 speed stats
gained 1 speed stats
gained 1 strength stats
changed colour to Killer... but then changed back!
gained 1 Environmental Studies stats
gained 1 Geography stats
picked up 741MP
gained 1 defence stats
gained 1 Law stats
gained 1 health stats
changed to Radioactive Flab... but then changed back!
picked up 1,547MP
picked up 2,395MP
changed colour to Beige
gained 2 health stats
changed to Moonlight Bolimo... but then changed back!
picked up 879MP
gained 1 Maths stats
gained 1 Sports stats
picked up 1,489MP
gained 1 History stats
gained 1 Science stats
Yellow Osafo... but then changed back!
changed to White Feliz... but then changed back!
picked up 1,565MP
gained 1 strength stats
changed colour to Strobe... but then changed back!
gained 1 Language stats
changed colour to Baby... but then changed back!
changed colour to Bronze... but then changed back!
picked up 1,974MP
changed to Navy Crindol... but then changed back!
gained 1 Music stats
changed colour to Navy... but then changed back!
changed to Gold Paffuto... but then changed back!
changed to Daylight Renat... but then changed back!
picked up 1,7
gained 1 Music stats
gained 1 health stats
gained 1 Art stats
changed to Pirate Newth... but then changed back!
picked up 1,251MP
changed colour to American... but then changed back!
gained 1 Maths stats
picked up 2,449MP
gained 1 Computer Science stats
gained 1 Sociology stats
gained 1 strength stats
picked up 1,124MP
gained 1 strength stats
picked up 2,271MP
gained 2 strength stats
gained 1 Art stats
gained 1 Language stats
changed colour to Summer... but then changed back!
changed colour to Starry... but then changed back!
changed colour to Dragon... but then changed back!
picked up 2,035MP
gained 1 Maths stats
picked up 1,857MP
picked up 2,342MP
changed colour to Coral... but then changed back!
changed colour to Cupid... but then changed back!
changed colour to Pixel... but then changed back!
gained 1 level stats
gained 1 Sports stats
changed to Villain Xoi... but then changed back!
picked up 1,103MP
picked up 1,074MP
gained 1 health stats
picked up 664MP
gained 1 level stats
picked up 1,739MP
gained 1 strength stats
changed colour to Bronze... but then changed back!
picked up 1,010MP
changed colour to Navy... but then changed back!
changed to Pixel Xoi... but then changed back!
changed colour to Love... but then changed back!
picked up 1,710MP
gained 1 strength stats
changed to Dragon Speiro... but then changed back!
gained 1 speed stats
gained 1 strength stats
gained 1 Art stats
gained 1 Art stats
picked up 1,134MP
gained 1 speed stats
changed colour to Camouflage... but then changed back!
gained 1 defence stats
picked up 602MP
gained 1 defence stats
changed colour to Witch... but then changed back!
gained 1 Molecular Science stats
picked up 972MP
picked up 2,495MP
picked up 1,128MP
gained 1 level stats
gained 1 Maths stats
picked up 1,523MP
changed colour to Firework... but then changed back!
changed colour to Digital... but then changed back!
gained 1 level stats
picked up 876MP
changed colour to Maroon... but then changed back!
gained 1 Sports stats
picked up 9,780MP
picked up 1,837MP
picked up 630MP
changed colour to Beige... but then changed back!
gained 1 Language stats
gained 1 health stats
changed colour to Stone... but then changed back!
changed colour to Eleka... but then changed back!
gained 1 health stats
gained 1 Geography stats
changed to Halloween Jessup... but then changed back!
changed to Ghost Kidlet... but then changed back!
changed to Lightning Bolimo... but then changed back!
gained 1 Geography stats
-new format-
changed to Balloon Addow... but then changed back!
gained a Sports Stat
gained a Business Studies Stat
gained a Level Stat
changed to White Feliz... but then changed back!
gained a Maths Stat
gained a History Stat
changed to Galaxy Grint... but then changed back!
gained a Speed Stat
gained a Level Stat
changed to Pink Speiro... but then changed back!
gained a Defence Stat
gained a Level Stat
gained a Music Stat
changed to Pink Gonk... but then changed back!
gained a Music Stat
gained a Speed Stat
changed to Bee Kaala... but then changed back!
changed to Purple Yakubi... but then changed back!
gained a Music Stat
gained a Science Stat
gained a Speed Stat
changed to White Paffuto... but then changed back!
gained a Language Stat
changed to Snow Feliz... but then changed back!
changed to Angel Jessup... but then changed back!
gained a History Stat
changed to Snow Addow... but then changed back!
changed to Robot Jessup... but then changed back!
gained a Maths Stat
gained a Defence Stat
changed to Cartoon Kaala... but then changed back!
changed to Eleka Newth... but then changed back!
gained a Health Stat
changed to Floral Feliz... but then changed back!
gained a History Stat
changed to Red Yakubi... but then changed back!
gained a Geography Stat
gained a Level Stat
changed to Glass Kaala... but then changed back!
changed to Olive Kaala... but then changed back!
gained a Health Stat
gained a Speed Stat
changed to Minipet Zetlian... but then changed back!
changed to Elf Fasoro... but then changed back!
changed to Pastel Crindol... but then changed back!
changed to Orange Speiro... but then changed back!
gained a Science Stat
changed to Easter Reese... but then changed back!
gained a Language Stat
gained a Level Stat
gained a Defence Stat
gained a Defence Stat
gained a Environmental Studies Stat
gained a Business Studies Stat
gained a Geography Stat
changed to Minipet Leido... but then changed back!
gained a Art Stat
changed to Teal Tantua... but then changed back!
changed to Light Bolimo... but then changed back!
changed to Digital Grint... but then changed back!
changed to Beige Flab... but then changed back!
gained a Level Stat
gained a Art Stat
changed to Olive Knutt... but then changed back!
gained a Strength Stat
gained a Speed Stat
gained 2 Speed Stats
changed to Tundra Jessup... but then changed back!
changed to Anime Jessup... but then changed back!
changed to Digital Bolimo... but then changed back!
changed to Ice Kaala... but then changed back!
changed to Pastel Flab... but then changed back!
gained a Sports Stat
gained a Defence Stat
gained a Science Stat
changed to Redpanda Gonk... but then changed back!
gained a Health Stat
is now Rotten Addow
changed to Poison Walee... but then changed back!
changed to Cheese Tantua... but then changed back!
gained a Science Stat
changed to Armoured Newth... but then changed back! 949MP
changed to Coral Paffuto... but then changed back!
changed to Tornado Paffuto... but then changed back!
is now Blue Kidlet
gained a Science Stat
changed to Cartoon Feliz... but then changed back!
gained a Music Stat
changed to Snow Flab... but then changed back!
gained a Music Stat
gained a Art Stat
gained a Language Stat
gained a Level Stat
changed to Doll Jessup... but then changed back!
gained a Speed Stat
gained a Language Stat
gained a Speed Stat
changed to American Ideus... but then changed back!
changed to Maroon Equilor... but then changed back!
changed to Sparkle Flab... but then changed back!
gained a Defence Stat
changed to Panda Feliz... but then changed back!
gained a Speed Stat
changed to Pirate Grint... but then changed back!
changed to Sewers Crindol... but then changed back!
gained a Health Stat
changed to Monster Leido... but then changed back!
changed to Minipet Flab... but then changed back!
gained a Health Stat
changed to Gold Paffuto... but then changed back!
changed to Black Jessup... but then changed back!
gained a Art Stat
changed to Brown Yakubi... but then changed back!
gained a Strength Stat
changed to Love Knutt... but then changed back!
gained a Health Stat
gained a Science Stat
changed to Magenta Knutt... but then changed back!
changed to Balloon Murfin... but then changed back!
gained a Level Stat
changed to Camouflage Flab... but then changed back!
gained a History Stat
changed to Cheese Addow... but then changed back!
changed to Fancy Walee... but then changed back!
gained a Molecular Science Stat
changed to Maroon Yakubi... but then changed back!
changed to Moonlight Walee... but then changed back!
changed to Millionaire Ideus... but then changed back!
gained a Computer Science Stat
gained a Strength Stat
gained a Health Stat
gained a Maths Stat
gained a Geography Stat
gained a Geography Stat
gained a Strength Stat
changed to Beige Feliz... but then changed back!
gained a Molecular Science Stat
changed to Insideout Tantua... but then changed back!
changed to Lava Doyle... but then changed back!
changed to Bee Crindol... but then changed back!
gained 1 Health Stat
changed to Slime Grint... but then changed back!
gained 1 Maths Stat
gained 1 Level Stat
gained 1 Speed Stat
gained 1 Speed Stat
changed to American Equilor... but then changed back!
changed to Bootleg Equilor... but then changed back!
gained 1 Sports Stat
changed to Floral Ideus... but then changed back!
changed to Beige Equilor... but then changed back!
changed to Strobe Equilor... but then changed back!
gained 1 Maths Stat
gained 1 Strength Stat
gained 1 Level Stat
changed to Royal Tantua... but then changed back!
gained 1 Business Studies Stat
changed to Emo Paffuto... but then changed back!
gained 1 Language Stat
gained 1 Art Stat
changed to Spring Crindol... but then changed back!
gained 1 Defence Stat
changed to Christmas Ideus... but then changed back!
changed to Strobe Quell... but then changed back!
changed to Snow Ideus... but then changed back!
gained 1 Science Stat
changed to Lilac Ideus... but then changed back!
gained 1 Sports Stat
gained 1 Defence Stat
gained 1 Health Stat
gained 1 Level Stat
changed to Black Reese... but then changed back!
changed to Camouflage Fasoro... but then changed back!
gained 1 Language Stat
changed to American Murfin... but then changed back!
gained 1 Science Stat
changed to Voodoo Fasoro... but then changed back!
changed to Green Troit... but then changed back!
changed to Pink Ideus... but then changed back!
gained 1 Art Stat
gained 1 Language Stat
gained 1 Sports Stat
changed to Digital Reese... but then changed back!
gained 1 Environmental Studies Stat
changed to Fade Osafo... but then changed back!
gained 1 Computer Science Stat
gained 1 Level Stat
gained 1 Strength Stat
gained 1 Geography Stat
changed to American Newth... but then changed back!
gained 1 Language Stat
gained 1 Humanities Stat
gained 1 Strength Stat
changed to Ice Newth... but then changed back!
gained 1 Defence Stat
changed to Party Speiro... but then changed back!
gained 1 Speed Stat
gained 1 History Stat
gained 1 Geography Stat
gained 1 Speed Stat
gained 1 Defence Stat
gained 1 Environmental Studies Stat
gained 1 Geography Stat
gained 1 Strength Stat
changed to Maroon Newth... but then changed back!
changed to British Paffuto... but then changed back!
changed to Brown Addow... but then changed back!
-------------discontinue with effect 04 Sept 2020--------------------

  1. Crawling... slowlyy..
    13th Jan 2014 15:31
    11 years, 1 month & 28 days ago
  2. Doing some experiment
    11th Jan 2014 06:35
    11 years & 2 months ago
  3. Collecting non-enchanted
    5th Jan 2014 04:30
    11 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  4. Required your opinion for mission
    13th Oct 2013 19:33
    11 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
  5. Required your opinion!
    13th Oct 2013 18:40
    11 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
  6. Any Question(s)?
    19th Sep 2013 03:37
    11 years, 5 months & 23 days ago
  7. Since Figaro Demanding
    16th Sep 2013 19:02
    11 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
  8. slowly expand
    5th Sep 2013 21:05
    11 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
  9. Ian kindly please fix
    30th Aug 2013 03:10
    11 years, 6 months & 12 days ago
  10. Like and Dislike Baby Pet [Poll]
    22nd Aug 2013 03:40
    11 years, 6 months & 20 days ago