My Info Page, Blogs, and Wishlist are always up to date.
💚 Glisters is in the Transmogrification Temple to become a Rofling and then will be costumed Sparkle!! 💚 NOTE TO STAFF
My husband Magicone98 and I use the same IP address.
Sometimes I log in from my phone.
You joined Marapets on May 23, 2011, 3:39 am.
I'm an adult player.
Birthday (10/9)
My user names are Anthy, AnimeGirl247, Amalthea, Legendaries, Partay, Easters, Revenant, and Gifter.
You can call me Anthy.
My name pretty much says it all. I am a huge fan of Anime.
My favorite Anime is Utena, hence the name Anthy.
PETS (SORRY, NOT FOR TRADE.) If you need to borrow any of my pets for Goals MM/MT me. Please keep in mind some of my pets may have expensive transfer fees. (NO TIPS NECESSARY.)
PHOTO SWAPS WELCOME If you need a photo of any of my pets MM/MT me to swap.
Glisters is in the Transmogrification Temple to become a Rofling and then will be costumed Sparkle!!
Basil x 2
Chibs x 7
Daisy x 1
Dakota x 1
Decadal x 13
Ercuw x 3
Eyru x 1
Figaro x 2
Gizmo x 2
Gobble x 2
Kujo x 3
Limax x 2
Lorius x 1
Mordo x 3
Nino x 4
Oglue x 2
Poera x 2
Pucu x 3
Quell x 3
Raulf x 2
Rofling x 3
Sindi x 4
Straya x 14
Vixen x 1
Vlad x 3
Wallop x 1
Willa x 3
Yuni x 6
Zoink x 1
Zola x 8
Portal Pets x 4
*** Portal Pets ***
Metamorph - Main Portal Pet / Photo Album Filler / Battle Pet / Olympian / Job Agency Pet / Random Stats Pet
H Halloween Quell Plushie
Halloween Tasi Plushie
Halloween Zoosh Plushie
Hand Made Brown Bunny Plushie
Hand Made White Bunny Plushie
Handmade Seasonal Kaala Plushie
J Journal Rofling Plushie
K King Baspinar Plushie
M Musical Azul Plushie
Musical Quell Plushie
N Nightmare Sindi Plushie
P Party Quell Plushie
Polar Bear Plushie
Punk Kaala Plushie
Punk Knutt Plushie
Punk Limax Plushie
Punk Tantua Plushie
R Robot Quell Plushie
S Sad Quell Plushie
Sleepy Quell Plushie
Snow Snookle Plushie
Space Quell Plushie
Spring Crindol Plushie
Spring Equilor Plushie
Spring Knutt Plushie
Summer Jessup Plushie
Summer Sybri Plushie
U Underwater Daisy Plushie
Underwater Ideus Plushie
B Beach Stamp
Bee Stamp
Birthday Ice Cream Stamp
Blizzard Stamp
Burning Christmas Tree Stamp
C Chewed Up Stamp
Chick Stamp
Chidder Stamp
Christmas Dinner Stamp
Christmas Tree Stamp
Christmas Trees Stamp
City Recession Stamp
Cowboy Potato Stamp
Cursed Stamp
G Geek Stamp
General Scrooge Stamp
Gingerbread People Stamp
Gingerbread Stamp
Gobble Music Lover Stamp
Gobble Stamp
Goblin Huthiq Stamp
Gumball Machine Stamp
H Halloween Stamp
Happy Easter Stamp
Hobo Stamp
K Kamilah Desert Stamp
Killer Stamp
L Light Side Stamp
Lightning Stamp
Lush Lake Stamp
M MaraJournals Stamp
Marasites Stamp
Masterpiece Stamp
Mountain of Biala Stamp
Mutant Gobble Stamp
N Native Stamp
New Years Stamp
Nightmare Stamp
P Polar Stamp
Princess Rapunzel Stamp
Pumpkin Stamp
Q Queen Eleka Stamp
S Santa Sleigh Stamp
School Stamp
Shell Stamp
Simerian Stamp
Skater Stamp
Sleepy Stamp
Snowflake Stamp
Space Fairy Stamp
Spring Bouquet Stamp
Spy Stamp
Staff of the Fire Fairy Stamp
Sunny Side Up Stamp