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320 Players Online
23:50:39 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly

My Info Page, Blogs, and Wishlist are always up to date.

💚 Glisters is in the Transmogrification Temple to become a Rofling and then will be costumed Sparkle!! 💚
4N25IRg.gif NOTE TO STAFF 4N25IRg.gif
My husband Magicone98 and I use the same IP address.
Sometimes I log in from my phone.

You joined Marapets on May 23, 2011, 3:39 am.

I'm an adult player.
Birthday (10/9)

My user names are Anthy, AnimeGirl247, Amalthea, Legendaries, Partay, Easters, Revenant, and Gifter.
You can call me Anthy.

My name pretty much says it all. I am a huge fan of Anime.
My favorite Anime is Utena, hence the name Anthy.

I also love Unicorns and Dragons.

4N25IRg.gif CLUB 4N25IRg.gif


4N25IRg.gif TRADES 4N25IRg.gif
(Accepting MP/Wishlist)
MM/MT open, online daily.

4N25IRg.gif CURRENCY 4N25IRg.gif

4N25IRg.gif GALLERY 4N25IRg.gif

4N25IRg.gif PETS 4N25IRg.gif
If you need to borrow any of my pets for Goals MM/MT me.
Please keep in mind some of my pets may have expensive transfer fees.

If you need a photo of any of my pets MM/MT me to swap.

My MM/MT is always open if you need help.

  1. My Pets Info
    22nd Mar 2014 21:01
    10 years, 11 months & 20 days ago
  2. Pet Jobs
    30th Sep 2018 14:25
    6 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  3. Current Dream Pets
    29th Mar 2015 17:40
    9 years, 11 months & 13 days ago
  4. Retired Plushies Needed
    14th Aug 2024 22:41
    6 months, 27 days & 1 hr ago
  5. Retired Stamps Needed
    14th Aug 2024 22:28
    6 months, 27 days & 1 hr ago
  6. Retired TC's Needed
    14th Aug 2024 22:06
    6 months, 27 days & 1 hr ago
  7. Selfies
    22nd Mar 2024 08:55
    11 months, 19 days & 14 hrs ago
  8. Art / Graphics
    21st Mar 2018 12:24
    6 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
  9. Monthly Checklist
    1st Mar 2015 01:44
    10 years & 13 days ago
  10. Mara Special Events
    28th Nov 2014 15:29
    10 years, 3 months & 14 days ago
Retired TC's Needed
6 months, 27 days & 1 hr ago
14th Aug 2024 22:06

Acne Trading Card
Agent Trading Card
Azul Swarm Trading Card

Bad Chocolate Trading Card
Bailiff Trading Card
Balloon Trading Card
Bomb Trading Card

Cake Trading Card
Candy Floss Trading Card
Caveman Trading Card
City Accountant Trading Card
City Banker Trading Card
City Hobo Trading Card
City Mayor Trading Card
City Realtor Trading Card
Conker Trading Card
Cowboy Trading Card
Cracked Trading Card
Cremated Trading Card
Crinkal Trading Card
Cupty Trading Card

Daemon Trading Card
Dark Knight Trading Card
Double Peck Trading Card
Drab Army Trading Card

Ekard Trading Card
Elger Trading Card
Evil Tree Trading Card
Explosive Trading Card

Felicia Trading Card
Flitter Trading Card
Frostbite Trading Card
Fungus Trading Card

Gargoyle Trading Card
General Scrooge Trading Card
Gobble Knight Trading Card
Gobble Voodoo Doll Trading Card
Goblar Trading Card
Gross Trading Card

Hasani Trading Card
Hero Trading Card
Hot Dog Trading Card

Ice Gnome Trading Card
Inflate Trading Card
Insomniac Trading Card

Karate Trading Card
Kevadra Trading Card
Krick Trading Card

Lightning Gobble Trading Card
Lightning Trading Card
Lotus Trading Card
Lxi Trading Card

Magic Trading Card
Meager Trading Card
Mini Gobble Herd Trading Card
Monsoon Trading Card
Murderer Trading Card
Muskit Trading Card
Mutant Gobble Trading Card

Naunet Trading Card
Newth Knight Trading Card
Newth Nurse Trading Card
Nightmare Trading Card
Nocto Trading Card

Operative Trading Card

Party Animal Trading Card
Party Pooper Trading Card
Plutonium Trading Card
Pumpkin Ghost Trading Card
Punk Xoi Trading Card

Reisand Trading Card
RIP Trading Card
Runty Trading Card
Rusty Trading Card

Sandman Trading Card
Sniffer Trading Card
Snot Newth Trading Card
Snow Fight Trading Card
Snowball Trading Card
Sorcerer Trading Card
Stellar Trading Card
Sultan Trading Card
Swondor Trading Card

Test Tube Trading Card
Thunder Trading Card
Tichu Trading Card
Troogle Trading Card

Undying Trading Card

Villain Trading Card

Waste Trading Card
Wee Trading Card
Wizadrip Trading Card

11 months, 19 days & 14 hrs ago
22nd Mar 2024 08:55

(Cosplay Dolls)

Amalthea (The Last Unicorn)


Utena Tenjou (Revolutionary Girl Utena)


Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena)


Goku (Dragon Ball Z)


Ryuk (Death Note)


Grelle Sutcliff (Black Butler)

Misty (Pokémon)


(Cosplay Fan Dolls)

Pokémon Trainer 1


Pokémon Trainer 2


Male Cruella Deville


(Heroine Dolls)

Samurai Warrior


Kitty Guardian


Moon Goddess

Guardian Angel


(Sci-Fi / Fantasy Dolls)

Unicorn Princess


Mermaid Princess

Dragon Guardian

Legendary Creatures






(Party Dolls)

Party 1


Party 2


(Seasonal / Holiday Dolls)




St Patrick's










New Years


(Mara Trend Dolls)

Megaverse Megan Take Over September - October 2024


Art / Graphics
6 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
21st Mar 2018 12:24






Avatar Art by RVT


Avatar Art by M0thra


[img][/img] [img][/img]








Pixel Art by Zed


Watercolor Nametag Art by Gothel






Siggie Art by Greywaren


Siggie Art by Wylan


Custom Doll Portrait Art by valyria


Custom Doll Portrait Art by Eno


Headshot Art by Sincerely


Headshot Art by inkray


Cartoon Doll Art by dd9k


Chibi Ych Art by inkray


Chibi Doll Art by Polaris




Doll Portrait and Pixel Art by Calathea


Full Body Doll Art by Hyde


Doll Doodle Art by Bu


Doll Art by chocolumi



Doll Art by Polaris
Doll Art by asirpa


Custom Bust Shot Art by Spooked


Doll Sketch Art by Nim


Chibi Doll by Memoria


Custom Halfbody Art by ruemika


Pixel Doll Art by Eno


Chibi Head Art by Sincerely


Custom Chibi Art by jadion

Pet Art by Iphis


Rainbow Bunnie Art by Zan


Cursed Cat Art by inkray


Teddy Bear Art by Morpheus


Custom Unicorndragon Adopt Art by unicorndragon


Baby Dragon Art by Jamison


Baby Dragon Art by Zan


Cute-sy Dragon Art by leochick123


Custom Blob Art by FrigginJay




Pet Art by classick


Pet Headshot Art by Shovels


Pet Art by Lark

Pet Sketch Art by Vibera


Dragon Straya Costume Concept Art by Eos_



Pixel Unicorn Art by Teng


Pixel Unicorn Art by komorebi


Unicorn Sketch Art by Floffy


Cute-sy Donutcorn Art by leochick123


Digital Art by Zi


Custom Boba Tea Art by Polaris


Custom Boba Tea Art by Meringueapples


Costumed Mushroom Adoptable Art by HenleyAnne

Monthly Checklist
10 years & 13 days ago
1st Mar 2015 01:44

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £10 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £10 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £10 Account Upgrade Credit!!!
Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £10 Account Upgrade Credit!!!
(Win x 2)

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £5 Account
Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £5 Account
Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £5 Account
Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £10 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £2 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Congratulations! You won £5 Account Upgrade Credits at the Monthly Checklist

Congratulations! You won £15 Account Upgrade Credits at the Monthly Checklist

Congratulations! You won £10 Account Upgrade Credits at the Monthly Checklist

Congratulations! You won £5 Account Upgrade Credits at the Monthly Checklist

Congratulations! You won £20 Account Upgrade Credits at the Monthly Checklist

Mara Special Events
10 years, 3 months & 14 days ago
28th Nov 2014 15:29

Trap Event...

Congratulations! The trap you left at Illegal Concoctions caught an Evil Clown and you won £20 Account Upgrade Credits

Congratulations! You left one or more traps at the correct location and have received your bonus prizes

War Event...

Congratulations! With your help the Dark Side and Queen Eleka have won the war event.
You earned enough points for your team to receive a bonus prize of 100,000MP and a Queen Eleka Trading Card!

Super Hero Society Event...

Congratulations! Team Hypnotic Huthiqs came in 2nd Place at the Super Hero Society. Your bonus prizes are now in your Items. You've also won an extra 2,250 Event Points to spend at the Event Shop
before it closes August 10th

Scout Event...

Congratulations! You were in the top 20 highest Scout Winners.
You have been given 1,000,000MP, an Enchanted Eyru Plushie and a Team Maple Leaf Trading Card.

Safari Event...

Congratulations Camp Pamba!!!
You were part of the winning team and your Inventory is now filled with bonus prizes!

Band Camp Event...

Congratulations! You were in the top 150 highest Band Camp Event Winners, earning lots of points for your band! You have won 1,000,000MP and Tunes Trading Card.

Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry Event...

Congratulations! You were in the Top 250 players earning points for your team in the Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry event. Your prizes are now in your Inventory.

Pool Party Event...

Congratulations! You were in the top 250 highest Pool Party Ticket Winners.
You have been given 1,000,000MP and a Lord Splishy Splashy Trading Card.

Palladium Jubilee Carnival Event...

Congratulations! You were a winner of King Baspinar's Palladium Jubilee Carnival. Your Wallop Enchanted Plushie or Potion is now in your Inventory and you've been awarded 2,500,000MP.

Marapets Birthday Events...

Congratulations! You were in the top 100 highest Birthday Hunt Winners.
You have won 1,500,000MP and a Party Popper Trading Card.

Congratulations! You were in the top 100 highest Birthday Hunt Winners.
You have won 1,500,000MP and a Partysaurus Trading Card.

Congratulations! You were in the top 100 highest Birthday Hunt Winners.
You have won 1,500,000MP and a Party Monster Trading Card.

Congratulations! You were in the top 430 highest Birthday Hunt Winners.
You have won 15,000MP and an Allerjee Trading Card.

Congratulations! You were in the top 430 highest Birthday Hunt Winners.
You have won 1,000,016MP and a Gladys Trading Card.

Congratulations! You were in the top 430 highest 17th Birthday Hunt Winners. You have won 17,000MP and a Grampy Trading Card.

Congratulations! You were in the top 430 highest 18th Birthday Hunt Winners. You have won 18,000MP and a Norma Trading Card.

Congratulations! You were in the top 19 highest 19th Birthday Hunt Winners. You have won 19,000,000MP and a Spree Trading Card

Congratulations! You were in the top 20 highest 20th Birthday Hunt Winners. You have won 20,000,000MP and a Tiny Terror Trading Card

Undying Festival...

(Undying Festival 2015)
Chibimoo changed into a Prison Daisy!
You have claimed your 750,000MP!!

(Undying Festival 2016)
Lazaros changed into a Blue Daisy!
You have claimed your 500,000MP!!

Valentine's Day Events...

You were in the top 250 highest Valentine's Day Hunt.
You have been given 1,000,000MP and a Cupid Female Costume, Cupid Male Costume and Crush minipet!

Congratulations! You were in the top 250 highest Valentine Hunt Winners.
You have been given 1,000,000MP and a Bunnysaurus Trading Card.

Congratulations! You were in the top 250 highest Valentine's Day Hunt Winners.
You have been given 1,000,000MP and a Pembe Trading Card.
You have also won a Romantic Guitar as a bonus prize!

Congratulations! You were in the top 250 highest Valentine's Day Hunt Winners.
You have been given 1,000,000MP and a Shelley Trading Card.

Halloween Events...

You were one of the lucky Pumpkin Hunt Account Upgrade winners.
You now have 2 Account Upgrades Credit. Congratulations!

You were in the top 250 highest Pumpkin Hunt Winners.
You have been given 1,500,000MP and a Halloween Elger Trading Card.

Congratulations! You were in the top 250 highest Pumpkin Hunt Winners.
You have been given 1,500,000MP and a Witch Doctor Trading Card.

Congratulations! You won Green Candy Glowing Egg bonus prize from the 2015 Pumpkin Hunt.

Congratulations! You were in the top 250 highest Pumpkin Hunt Winners.
You have been given 1,500,000MP and a Terrorantula Trading Card.

Congratulations! You were in the top 250 highest Pumpkin Hunt Winners.
You have been given 1,500,000MP and a Carvey Trading Card.

Congratulations! You were in the top 250 highest Pumpkin Hunt Winners.
You have been given 1,500,000MP and a Possessed Ian Trading Card.

Congratulations! You were in the top 500 highest Pumpkin Hunt winners. You have won a Meltin John Trading Card.

Congratulations! You were in the top 250 highest Pumpkin Hunt Winners. You have won 1,500,000MP and a Jasper Trading Card.

Congratulations! You were in the top 500 highest Pumpkin Hunt Winners. You have won 100,000MP and a Pumpkinstein Trading Card.

Congratulations! You were in the top 500 highest Pumpkin Hunt Winners. You have won 100,000MP and a Phampyre Trading Card

Congratulations! You were in the top 500 highest Pumpkin Hunt Winners. You have won 100,000MP and a Fester Trading Card

Congratulations! You were in the top 250 highest Pumpkin Hunt Winners. You have won 1,500,000MP and a Ravage Trading Card

Thanksgiving Events...

Congratulations! You were in the top 250 highest Turkey Hunt Winners.
You have been given 1,000,000MP and a Gargoyle Trading Card!

You were in the top 100 highest Turkey Treat Event Winners.
You have been given 750,000MP and a Gobble Skin!

New Year Santa Claws Raffle...

Happy New Year! You are a lucky winner of the Santa Claws Raffle.
You have won random bonus prizes. (2017)

Happy New Year! You are a lucky winner of the Santa Claws Raffle.
You have won random bonus prizes. (2018)

Happy New Year! You are a lucky winner of the Santa Claws Raffle.
You have won random bonus prizes. (2019)

You are a lucky winner of the Santa Claws Raffle. You have won 5 Account Upgrades Credit. (2020)

You are a lucky winner of the Santa Claws Raffle. You have won 1,000,000MP. (2020)
You are a lucky winner of the Santa Claws Raffle. You have won 1,000,000MP. (2020)
(Win x 2)

You are a lucky winner of the Santa Claws Raffle. You have won
random bonus prizes. (2020)

You are a lucky winner of the Santa Claws Raffle. Bonus Prizes are now in your Inventory. (2021)

Congratulations! You were a lucky winner of the Santa Claws 2022 New Year Raffle and your prizes are now in your Items.

Congratulations! You won 1,000,000MP from the Santa Claws 2025 New Year Raffle

Congratulations! You were a lucky winner of the Santa Claws 2025 New Year Raffle and your prizes are now in your Items

Items sent to me from Tweetly...

You have been sent White Nicky Pinata from Tweetly

Items sent to me from Easter Bunny...

Dear Anthy You have been sent a Easter Cupcake from EasterBunny!

Dear Anthy You have been sent a Carrot Pearl from EasterBunny!

Dear Anthy You have been sent a Easter Bunny Pearl from EasterBunny!

Dear Anthy You have been sent a Eau de Carrot from EasterBunny!

Dear Anthy You have been sent a Easter Pearl from EasterBunny!

You have been sent Marapets Colouring Book from EasterBunny!

Items sent to me from Beelzebub...

Dear AnimeGirl247 You have been sent a Gobble Chef Trading Card from Beelzebub!

Dear AnimeGirl247 You have been sent a Severed Horn from Beelzebub!

Dear AnimeGirl247 You have been sent a Beelzebub Summoning Circle from Beelzebub!

Items sent to me from Elf...

Dear AnimeGirl247 You have been sent a Angelic Costume from Elf!

Dear AnimeGirl247 You have been sent a Elf from Elf!

Dear AnimeGirl247 You have been sent a Elf Sugar Cookie from Elf!

Dear AnimeGirl247 You have been sent a Elf Sugar Cookie from Elf!

Dear AnimeGirl247 You have been sent a Elf Potato Chips from Elf!

Dear Anthy You have been sent a Fire Diamond from Elf!

Dear Anthy You have been sent a Elfember Costume from Elf!

You have been sent Elegant Elf Dress from Elf!

You have been sent Elf Hat Pearl from Elf!

  1. My Pets Info
    22nd Mar 2014 21:01
    10 years, 11 months & 20 days ago
  2. Pet Jobs
    30th Sep 2018 14:25
    6 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  3. Current Dream Pets
    29th Mar 2015 17:40
    9 years, 11 months & 13 days ago
  4. Retired Plushies Needed
    14th Aug 2024 22:41
    6 months, 27 days & 1 hr ago
  5. Retired Stamps Needed
    14th Aug 2024 22:28
    6 months, 27 days & 1 hr ago
  6. Retired TC's Needed
    14th Aug 2024 22:06
    6 months, 27 days & 1 hr ago
  7. Selfies
    22nd Mar 2024 08:55
    11 months, 19 days & 14 hrs ago
  8. Art / Graphics
    21st Mar 2018 12:24
    6 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
  9. Monthly Checklist
    1st Mar 2015 01:44
    10 years & 13 days ago
  10. Mara Special Events
    28th Nov 2014 15:29
    10 years, 3 months & 14 days ago