xoxo Goals xoxo
13 years, 7 months & 15 days ago

31st Jul 2011 14:33
This is my second "Blog Entry" :') xoxo YEYY xoxo
So in this "Blog Entry" im going to say my Goals :') Help is muchly apprciated xoxo
xoxo [Chlothing Goals] xoxo
Have 500 items of chlothing in my wardrobe []
Have 750 items of chlothing in my wardrobe []
Have 1000 items of chlothing in my wardrobe []
Have all Male Celebrity clothing [X]
Have all feamle Celebrity clothing []
Have all items of chlothing in my wardrobe [male/female] []
Have all wigs in my wardrobe []
Have all Sunglasses in my wardrobe [male/female] []
Have all shoes in my wardrobe [male/female] []
xoxo [Pet Goals] xoxo
Get a Cottoncandy Chibs named HoneyBoo[]
Get a Cottoncandy Kidlet named BusterBoo []
Get a Cottoncandy Sindi named PeggyBoo []
Get a Cottoncandy Snookle named SarahBoo[]
Get a Cottoncandy Tasi named JohnnyBoo[]
Get a Cottoncandy Vixen named BuggsieBoo[]
Get a British Azul named Britanna []
Get a British Basil named BritBoo[]
Get a British Echlin named BritshEch[]
Get a British Lati named LatiBoo []
Get a British Leido named LeddieBoo[]
Get a British Reese named CarlyBoo []
Get a Elf Snookle named ElffyBoo []
xoxo Stamp Goals xoxo
Collect 50 Stamps []
Collect 150 stamps []
Collect 200 Stamps []
Collect 250 Stamps []
Collect 300 Stamps []
xoxo MP's Goals xoxo
Get 1 million MP []
Get 2 million MP []
Get 3 million MP []
Get 4 million MP []
Get 5 million MP []
Get 5 Million MP []
Get 6 million MP []
Get 7 million MP []
Get 8 million MP []
Get 9 million MP []
Get 10 million MP []
xoxo RP's Goals xoxo
Get 1000 RP []
Get 3000 RP []
Get 6000 RP []
Get 12000 RP []
Get 24000 RP []
Get 48000 RP []
Get 96000 RP []
Get 100000 RP []
xoxo BP's Goals xoxo
Get 1000 BP []
Get 3000 BP []
Get 6000 BP []
Get 12000 BP []
Get 24000 BP []
Get 48000 BP []
Get 96000 BP []
Get 100000 BP []
xoxo Reasons On my Pet Goals xoxo
Get a Cottoncandy Chibs named HoneyBoo - Because the cottoncandy Chibs Reminds me of My KITTEN Honey xxx
Get a Cottoncandy Kidlet named BusterBoo - Because i have a dog name buster and hes soo cute like a kidlet xx
Get a Cottoncandy Sindi named PeggyBoo - This pet would be in memory of my beloved pet dog Peggy 1997 - 2010 <3 xx
Get a Cottoncandy Snookle named SarahBoo - Snookies are the cutiest pet on marapets !! and i had a goldfish called sarahboo
Get a Cottoncandy Tasi named JohnnyBoo - I had a goldfish called Johnny

Get a Cottoncandy Vixen named BuggsieBoo - I have a baby rabbit called buggsie . hes white and fluffy <3 xx
Get a British Azul named Britanna - Because i remember on holiday i went on a boat called britanna :') xx
Get a British Basil named BritBoo - Because Its a british pet hehe xx
Get a British Echlin named BritshEch - because its a british Echlin pet

Get a British Lati named LatiBoo - Because LatiBoo reminds me of my little neice xx
Get a British Leido named LeddieBoo - Leddy is the name of my other little neice xx
Get a British Reese named CarlyBoo - My sisters friends baby girl is called carlybear but i find carlyboo VERYY cute <3
Get a Elf Snookle named ElffyBoo - Because im hoping Elf adds me as a friend on marapet so im dedicating an elf pet to her x