xoxo Note To Staff <3 xoxo
13 years, 7 months & 11 days ago

4th Aug 2011 08:42
Hiii staff ,
My brothers - Dannytisamazing and daleisbangish send me items and also login to the same IP address as me we login from at least 5 diffrent IP addresses so please dont Ban us. They also give me and buy things they need in my club shop !! xoxo
My sister - gemma2k11 is the same as my brothers and logins from the same IP addresses as me and my brothers she also buys items out of my shop and helps me out with my missions
My 2nd bestmate - XoxoChelsoxoX has the same first name as me

and she sends me items and also buys items out of my shop and logins into 2 of my IP addresses !
MY ALLTIME BESTMATE - xmolzx2k11 who created her account when i created mine also logins into 2 of IP adresses !!!
Thanks Staff
xoxo ~*Wild*~ xoxo
13 years, 7 months & 12 days ago

2nd Aug 2011 14:49
Hi guys

! xoxo
Me again

and im here to tell you about the amazing club ive just joined !!
Ever thought of being A king or Queen ?? Well you can .. you can be Queen of The Tiger Team And the Cheetah Team or you could be King of Cheetah Team Tiger team OR lion team !! I am Queen of Lion Queen !! xoxo
Things happening:
New Updates
Loads of Quizzes
Loads of Polls
And much more !!
Check out the club to see many more of whats going on !
The owner of this club is very active ! So this is why we are hoping to get more active members and im sure you , would come join the club
Thanks Guys.
P.S: please maramail the owner when you join if you would like to be called something else but your username !!
xoxo My Role-Play characters xoxo
13 years, 7 months & 14 days ago

1st Aug 2011 08:22
Name~ Rein
Age~ 17
Species~ Vampire (my favorite hehe

Personality~ Rein is very sweet and innocent , she dosent have many friends but the ones she does have are amazing friends and care for her very much. she loves her family and if anybody says anything about her beloved family they would regret it. Shes very careing herself , she loves to draw and is taking GCSE in art , english and ict. She wanteds to be a graphic designer but the disadvantage of her being a vampire is no company would take her on .. just in case of incedents. Rein is a very KIND vampire she wouldnt hurt anybody but everyone is afraid apart from her 2 bestfriends who are also Vampires.
Apperance~ Her hair falls perfectly and is straight , she has a perfectly neat side fringe and her hair is a very light colour of blonde. shes petite and is smaller than most people at her school she stands on 5ft. her eyes are a deep blue the kind that makes you think WOW she has AMAZING eyes. her eyebrows neat and perfect. overall she is a very small pretty vampire.
Name~ Talim
Age~ 17 nearly 18.
Species~ Vampire ( 1 of reins bestmates)
Personality~ Talim is very diffrent from Rein she has loads of friends but sticks with rein and Reagan. Talim is very strong and dosent like people picking on her or her bestmates. Shes very good at PE as she loves sport. as a GCSE shes taking PE , English and Science. Shes an A* student in English and Science. She thinks the world revolves around her and is very spoilt she gets everything she wants ... But on rein and reagans birthday she gets them extra special presents

Apperance~ Talim is tall she stands at 5ft 5. she has short hair which isnt so easy to keep tammed so she normally wears a hat. shes skinny - anerexic even. her fingers are bony and long. her lips are permanatly pouted her eyes are hazel brown he nose is of normal size. her eyebrows are just as messy as her hair they take alot to be tammed .
Thanks to kerbecs for the names !
xoxo Staff xoxo
13 years, 7 months & 14 days ago

1st Aug 2011 01:59
My Brothers and sister play from the same IP address as me ! and sometimes my 2 necies come over and come on their marapets on the same IP address as my brothers sister and me
xoxo New Club YAYY xoxo
13 years, 7 months & 14 days ago

31st Jul 2011 15:37
Hi Guys :') xoxo
As you may know i have created a new club xoxo
My club is to help the AMAZING new members of marapets xoxo
If you new members of marapets join this club ! as soon as we get to 10 members you will all got 50000mp each

xx and ill do an LE giveaway xoxo
Also ill do member of the month and the winner will get 150000mp

Also when you join : after a week of you being active and entering competions and everthing you be assaigned a mission and if you complete that i will give you a newbie pack which will include :
A random Potion (LE or normal you've just gitta be lucky)
A special Note from me !
An upgrade from newbie to amazing in ranks
and many more gifts which are normal or rare !!
Thanks Guys
