Chibi Gold Account
10 years, 9 months & 5 days ago

7th Jun 2014 01:31
You have now purchased the Chibi Gold Account Upgrade. Your main prize was a Enchanted Chibi Chibs Plushie!
So freaking happy,as it was my first ever gold account upgrade that I purchased

Giveaway Apps for DaisyChainy
10 years, 10 months & 26 days ago

15th Apr 2014 19:47
A few days ago I found DaisyChainy in the pounds, and I have been reviving her back to health. As she is now happy I am holding a giveaway in which she will be given to someone who deserves her. The giveaway will be dedicated to helping new players who dont have an L.E pet to win one.
The application process is fairly simple:
1. Explain why you believe you need/want her
2. What do you wish to do with her if you win her
3. Why do you believe you are the best person for her
4. Tell me a story about yourself which demonstrates your ability to nurture and love pets
1. You must not have any L.E pets
2. Be polite an courteous to others
The application will begin at 20:00:00 EST and follow through til 0:00:00 EST (4hours apart)
Please commence the apllication.
Good luck and I look forward to reading the apps.
11 years & 13 days ago

28th Feb 2014 04:06
To all staff members,
Please be aware that I will be using multiple computers and laptops, due to my job position which requires me to move around quite often. The most used computers however will consist of my home computer, and that of my laptop. Due to changing computers please keep in mind that I am not doing anything to go against regulations, and I hope that nothing drastic comes from it.
Kind regards,
Best items from quests
13 years, 6 months & 8 days ago

2nd Sep 2011 23:16
Simerian Slate 4 : 03/09/11
Ant hill: Green Damaged!! 04/09/11
Simerian Slate 4 : 6/09/11
Simerian Slate B : 6/09/11
Simerian Slate F : 6/09/11
Simerian Slate 9 : 6/09/11
Simerian Slate C : 11/09//11 (313,900mp)
Simerian Slate M : 11/09/11
Simerian Slate T : 11/09/11
Simerian Slate M : 11/09/11
Simerian Slate 8 : 11/09/11
Simerian Slate 9 : 12/09/11
Simerian Slate E : 12/09/11
Simerian Slate 10 13
13 years, 6 months & 8 days ago

2nd Sep 2011 21:30

Adopted Abannon- 3/09/11 for 33,990mp

- Statistics -
Level : 16
Health : 30 / 33
Magic : 32
Charisma : 37
Strength : 36
Defence : 36
Speed : 36
Coordination : 3
Stamina : 3
Balance : 1
- Education -
Art : 13
Language : 14
Geography : 13
History : 12
Maths : 12
Music : 12
Science : 12
Sports : 12
Law : 3
Politics : 3
Sociology : 2
Humanities : 1
Computer Science : 1
Business Studies : 2
Molecular Science : 3
Environmental Studies : 2