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  1. 2018 Events
    13th Feb 2018 17:46
    7 years & 28 days ago
  2. 2017 Events
    12th Feb 2017 17:40
    8 years & 29 days ago
  3. 2016 Events
    12th Feb 2016 11:19
    9 years & 30 days ago
  4. Easter Egg Hunts
    4th Apr 2015 12:37
    9 years, 11 months & 7 days ago
  5. 2015 events
    15th Feb 2015 11:47
    10 years & 27 days ago
  6. microwave
    12th Aug 2014 08:59
    10 years, 7 months & 1 day ago
  7. 2014 Events
    27th Jul 2014 08:08
    10 years, 7 months & 17 days ago
  8. marasite html
    22nd Jul 2014 08:58
    10 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
  9. Missing top links
    18th Jul 2014 04:19
    10 years, 7 months & 26 days ago
  10. **lending battle pets**
    2nd Dec 2013 17:07
    11 years, 3 months & 9 days ago
2018 Events
7 years & 28 days ago
13th Feb 2018 17:46

14th Birthday Party
- August 24, 2018 - September 15, 2018
- Invite a player who is currently online and can only invite the same player once every day.
- Each player can only be invited once every 30 seconds.
- You will receive MP or one of 25 new Pinatas as a prize.
- Hit any of the new Pinatas and you will find one of these new prizes inside.

14th Birthday Party
14 Years Cake
14th Birthday Cupcake
14th Birthday Present - x1 (kinko collection)
14th Birthday Red Velvet Cake
Belt Pants
Blue 14th Birthday Candle
Bow Balloon
Bow Pearl
Buckle Overalls
Chibs Doll
Corset Top
Cupcake Plushie
Cupcake Skirt - x2 (in wardrobe)
Cupcake Sweater
Emo Bangs Wig
Falling Cupcakes
Frilly Glowing Egg - (in collection)
Frily Cake
Gothic Cake
Gothic Party Horn - x1 (kinko collection)
Gothic Present - x1 (kinko collection)
Green 14th Birthday Candle
Purple 14th Birthday Candle - x1 (kinko collection)
Red 14th Birthday Candle
Shredded Stockings
Twisted Rose Balloon

Blue 14th Birthday Pinata
Blue Bow Pinata
Blue Cake Pinata
Blue Cupcake Pinata
Blue Rose Pinata
Green 14th Birthday Pinata
Green Bow Pinata
Green Cake Pinata
Green Cupcake Pinata
Green Rose Pinata
Purple 14th Birthday Pinata
Purple Bow Pinata
Purple Cake Pinata
Purple Cupcake Pinata
Purple Rose Pinata
Red 14th Birthday Pinata
Red Bow Pinata
Red Cake Pinata
Red Cupcake Pinata
Red Rose Pinata
Yellow 14th Birthday Pinata
Yellow Bow Pinata
Yellow Cake Pinata
Yellow Cupcake Pinata
Yellow Rose Pinata

14th Birthday Gift Hunt
- August 24, 2018 - September 15, 2018
- browse and play the site as normal, a 'Birthday Gift' may show up in a box.
- You are guaranteed a prize.
- You can win all of these new Gift Bags below, MP and if you're lucky, Account Upgrades Credit!
- The top 100 players who collect the most gifts will receive 1,500,000MP and a Party Monster Trading Card!
- The next 300 players will win a Party Monster Trading Card.
- 15 random players who find 100 or more Gifts will also randomly win a retired Party Costume.

14th Birthday Chocolate Cake
14th Birthday Pearl
14th Birthday Vanilla Cake
Blue 14th Birthday Balloon
Blue Party Horn - x1 (kinko collection)
Bow Stamp
Buckle Book
Cake Popup Book
Cream Hat
Droop Top
Frilly Boots
Frilly Cupcake
Frilly Headband
Frilly Necklace
Frilly Party Horn
Frilly Pig Tails Wig
Frilly Present
Frilly Skirt
Frilly Stockings
Gothic Lantern Stamp
Gradient Droop Top
Green 14th Birthday Balloon
Green Party Horn
Pink 14th Birthday Balloon
Pleather Jacket
Purple Party Horn
Red 14th Birthday Balloon
Red Party Horn
Shredded Gloves
Twisted Rose Glowing Egg
Twisted Rose Pearl
Yellow Party Horn

Beige 14th Birthday Gift Bag
Black 14th Birthday Gift Bag
Blue 14th Birthday Gift Bag
Brown 14th Birthday Gift Bag
Dark Blue 14th Birthday Gift Bag
Gold 14th Birthday Gift Bag
Green 14th Birthday Gift Bag
Grey 14th Birthday Gift Bag
Maroon 14th Birthday Gift Bag
Orange 14th Birthday Gift Bag
Pink 14th Birthday Gift Bag
Purple 14th Birthday Gift Bag
Red 14th Birthday Gift Bag
Teal 14th Birthday Gift Bag
White 14th Birthday Gift Bag
Yellow 14th Birthday Gift Bag

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Safari Event Prize

- free art to use -- credit goes to Delinquent


Belt Pack - x1 (in wardrobe)
Binocular - (in wardrobe)
Blue Gummy Grub - x1 (kinko collection)
Cheetah Jacket - (in wardrobe)
Green Gummy Grub - x1 (kinko collection)
Happilo - x1
Jessup Blanket - x1 (kinko collection)
Jessup Doll - x2 (in wardrobe)
Jessup Hand Puppet - x1 (kinko collection)
Jessup Sugar Cookie - x1 (kinko collection)
Lafter - x2
Man Bun Wig - (in wardrobe)
Mara Crackers - x1 (kinko collection)
Meat Lover Stamp - (in collection)
Phanty Hand Puppet - x1 (kinko collection)
Phanty Sugar Cookie - x1 (kinko collection)
Plastic Tree - x1 (kinko collection)
Poera Hand Puppet - x2 (kinko collection)
Poera Scarf - (in wardrobe)
Poera Sugar Cookie - x1 (kinko collection)
Purple Gummy Grub - x1 (kinko collection)
Red Gummy Grub - x1 (kinko collection)
Ripped Jessup Plushie - x3 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Ripped Sybri Plushie - x3 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Rising Sun
Safari Badge - x2 (kinko collection)
Safari Boy Doll - x2 (kinko collection)
Safari Girl Doll - x2 (kinko collection)
Safari Camp Jessup Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Safari Camp Poera Plushie
Safari Camp Sybri Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Safari Camp Tantua Plushie
Safari Compass - x1 (kinko collection)
Safari Glowing Egg - (in collection)
Safari Pearl
Safari Postcard - x3 (kinko collection)
Safari Skirt - x1 (in wardrobe)
Safari Smoothie - (kinko collection)
Safari Tantua Book - (kinko collection)
Safari Tantua Glowing Egg - (in collection)
Safari Vest - (in wardrobe)
Savannah Tales - x1 (kinko collection)
Snake Print Gloves
Steak - x1 (kinko collection)
Steak Cupcake - (kinko collection)
Steak Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Sunset Sonnets - (kinko collection)
Sybri Blanket - x2 (kinko collection)
Sybri Book - (kinko collection)
Sybri Hand Puppet - x8 (kinko collection)
Sybri Sugar Cookie - x1 (kinko collection)
Tantua Burger - (kinko collection)
Tantua Doll - (in wardrobe)
Tantua Hand Puppet - x1 (kinko collection)
Tantua Pancake - (kinko collection)
Tantua Sugar Cookie - x4 (kinko collection)
Wild Contact Lenses - x1 (in wardrobe)

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

St Patrick's Day 2018
- March 17, 2018 i- March 30, 2018
- When you complete an Leprechaun you will win one of these new prizes.
- When you receive a prize from him, he will tell you how many minutes you should wait before you will win another bonus prize from completing a quest.

Behind the Rainbow - (kinko collection)
Charmer Summoning Stone - (in wardrobe)
Clovers - (in wardrobe)
Curious Contact Lenses - (in wardrobe)
End of the Rainbow Stamp - (in collection)
Glitter Boots - (in wardrobe)
Lightning Storm - (in wardrobe)
Lucky Curls Wig - (in wardrobe)
Lucky Horseshoe - x1 (kinko collection)
Lucky Jacket - (in wardrobe)
Lucky Pants - (in wardrobe)
Lucky Tunes - (kinko collection)
Lucky Vest - (in wardrobe)
Mushroom Garden - (in wardrobe)
Patrick - x1
Pot of Gold Pearl - x1 (kinko collection)
Rain Storm - (in wardrobe)
Rainbow Donut - (kinko collection)
Rainbow Mobile - x2 (kinko collection)
Rainbow Sweater - (in wardrobe)
Shamrock Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Shamrock Shake - (kinko collection)
St Patricks Day Cupcake- (kinko collection)

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Valentine\'s Candy Tree 2018
- February 12, 2018 - February 28, 2018
- The Candy Tree has taken a break from his quests and is rewarding everyone who visits him.

Broken Heart Pearl - x1
Broken Heart Skirt - (in wardrobe)
Charming Heart - (in wardrobe)
Chocolate Bouquet - x1 (kinko collection)
Dark Cupid Bow - x1
Loser Tank Top - (in wardrobe)
Love Trumpet - (kinko collection - x3)
Loveless Corset - (in wardrobe)
Meh Candy Heart - x1 (kinko collection)
Romantic Sunset - x1 (kinko collection)
Songs of Love - (kinko collection)
Sweet Hair Buns - (in wardrobe)
Valentine Azul Ears - (in wardrobe)
Valentine Bouquet- (in wardrobe)

Valentine\'s Day Hunt 2018
- February 13, 2018 - March 10, 2018
- Love Hearts will randomly appear anywhere on the page at any time while you are playing Marapets.
- Click them and you may win a prize!
- The top 250 list of winners will also win 1,000,000MP and a Shelley Trading Card.

Chocolate Heart Sandwich - x1 (kinko collection)
Cupid Heart - x1 (in wardrobe)
Frilly Top - x1 (in wardrobe)
Giant Bear - (in wardrobe)
Healing Heart - x1 (kinko collection)
Heart Cheesecake - x1 (kinko collection)
Heart Sweater - (in wardrobe)
Lace Veil - x1 (in wardrobe)
Love Harp - (kinko collection - x10)
Love Stamp - x1 (in collection)
Melting Heart Candle - (kinko collection)
Pride Shirt - x1 (in wardrobe)
Rose Crown - x1 (in wardrobe)
Rose in Mouth - x1 (in wardrobe)
Secret Crush Contact Lenses - (in wardrobe)
Thank You Note - (kinko collection)
Timber Boots - x1 (in wardrobe)

2017 Events
8 years & 29 days ago
12th Feb 2017 17:40

Christmas Event 2017

Carol Singing Event 2017
- December 10, 2017 - December 31, 2017

Baby Grand Piano
Candycane Ornament - x1 (kinko collection)
Candycane Pearl - x1 (kinko collection)
Candycane Yule Log - (kinko collection)
Caroling Angel - (kinko collection)
Coal Drink - (kinko collection)
Coal Stocking - x1 (kinko collection)
Cymbal Songs - (kinko collection)
Festive Brownie - (kinko collection)
Festive Cymbals
Festive Tuba
Festive Violin
Festive Vixen Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Fireplace - (in wardrobe)
Jingle Bell Rock - (kinko collection)
Jingle Bells
Jingle Bells Stamp - (in collection)
Milk and Cookies Glowing Egg - (in collection)
Nutcracker Action Figure - x1 (kinko collection)
Piano Hits - (kinko collection)
Piano Stamp - (in collection)
Rocking Reindeer - x1 (kinko collection)
Sleigh Book - (kinko collection)
Stocking Costume - (in wardrobe)
Stocking Guide - x1 (kinko collection)
Tuba Tunes - (kinko collection)
Violin Classics - (kinko collection)

- December 7, 2017 - January 1, 2018

Broken Angel Wings - (in wardrobe)
Broken Halo - (in wardrobe)
Burnt Presents - x1 (kinko collection)
Coffee Cup - (in wardrobe)
Creepy Eyes Glowing Egg - (in collection)
Creepy Grin - (in wardrobe)
Dark Linzer Cookies - (kinko collection)
Giant Candycane - (in wardrobe)
Hoofprint Book - (kinko collection)
Krampus Claw - (kinko collection)
Krampus Cupcake - x1
Krampus Ear - (kinko collection)
Krampus Hoof - (kinko collection)
Krampus Horns - (in wardrobe)
Krampus Pearl
Krampus Potato - x1
Krampus Sack - x2 (kinko collection)
Krampus Wig - (in wardrobe)
Tired Sweater - (in wardrobe)

Secret Santa Christmas Present Prize 2017
- December 12, 2017, December 25, 2017

A Christmas Story - (kinko collection)
Christmas Macaroons - x1 (kinko collection)
Driving Home for Christmas - (kinko collection)
Holly Pearl - x1 (kinko collection)
Holly Stamp - (in collection)
Linzer Bars
Linzer Cookies - (kinko collection)
Minature Santa Hat - (in wardrobe)
Penguin Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Penguin Stamp - (in collection)
Penguin Summoning Stone - (in wardrobe)
Santa Beard - (in wardrobe)
Seasonal Short Dress - (in wardrobe)
Sheer Santa Top - (in wardrobe)
Sleigh - (in wardrobe)
Snowy Trees - (in wardrobe)

Advent Tree Prize 2017

Firefly Lanterns
Gradiation Bed Head Wig
Knitted Poncho
Mince Pies
Ornament Stamp
Plaid Skirt
Snowboarding Goggles
Spotted Skirt
Striped Poncho
Sweat Pants
Trench Coat
Tres Leches Cake
Warm Boots
Zipper Jacket

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Thanksgiving Murple Prize 2017
- November 22, 2017 - December 11, 2017
- Battle Murple to win prizes.

Autumn Leaves - x2 (in wardrobe)
Bale of Hay - x1 (in wardrobe)
Beige Gobble Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Cornucopia Centrepiece - (in wardrobe)
Cutlery - x2 (in wardrobe)
Dreamcatcher - x1 (in wardrobe)
Drumstick - (in wardrobe)
Finished Thanksgiving - (in wardrobe)
Giant Pumpkin Pie - (in wardrobe)
Gravy Boat Hat - x1 (in wardrobe)
Invisible Gobble Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Kiss the Cook Apron - (in wardrobe)
Lilac Gobble Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Magenta Gobble Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Navy Gobble Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Orange Turkey Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Red Turkey Plushie- (kinko collection) (in collection)
Stuffed Bib - x2 (in wardrobe)
Teal Gobble Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Thanksgiving Pants - x1 (in wardrobe)
Thanksgiving Turkey - (in wardrobe)
Totem Pole - (in wardrobe)
Turkey Book - x1 (kinko collection)
Turkey Onesie - x2 (in wardrobe)
Turkey Slippers - (in wardrobe)
Turkey Stockings - x1 (in wardrobe)
Turkey Sweater - (in wardrobe)
Yellow Turkey Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Maraween Season 2017
- Much happening until October 31st, including Character Trick or Treat, Pumpkin Hunt, the Halloween Snowman, limited edition Account Upgrade items, Elger's Trick or Treat, Beelzebub, Pumpkin of Gold, the Halloween Alien and much more!

Beelzebub 2017 Prize

Beelzebub Stamp - (in collection)
Flaming Shoes - (in wardrobe)
Severed Horn - (kinko collection)

Character Trick or Treat 2017
- October 22, 2017 - November 15, 2017

Bat Bat - x3
Broken Arm Cast - (in wardrobe)
Candycorn Doughnut - (kinko collection)
Collared Dress - (in wardrobe)
Frankenstein Pencil - x4 (kinko collection)
Ghostling - x1
Gothic Harness - (in wardrobe)
Knight Helmet - (in wardrobe)
Plastic Red Spider Ring - x2 (kinko collection)
Scary Eyes Stamp - (in collection)
Spiced Pumpkin Drink - (kinko collection)
Spooky Drum Set
Spootli - x1
Toddler Overalls - (in wardrobe)
Toddler Sweater - (in wardrobe)
Zombie Hand Stamp
Zombie Jerky
Zombie Plushie

Elger's Trick or Treat 2017
- October 16, 2017 - November 13, 2017

Black Trim School Blazer - (in wardrobe)
Halloween Leido Plushie - x2 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Haunted House - (in wardrobe)
Haunted Tree - (in wardrobe)
Little Ghost Story - x2 (kinko collection)
Plain Pitiful Pigtails Wig - (in wardrobe)
Plastic Blue Spider Ring - x2 (kinko collection)
Skull Violin - (kinko collection - x6)
Spider Hat - x1 (in wardrobe)
Spider Web Doughnut - x2 (kinko collection)
White Trim School Blazer - (in wardrobe)
Witch Pencil - x3 (kinko collection)
Wolf Hood - (in wardrobe)

Halloween Alien 2017
- October 15, 2017 - November 15, 2017
- The Halloween Alien has new items that he will put up for Auction for only 1MP.

Armour Top - (in wardrobe)
Cowboy Hat
Ghost Pencil - x1 (kinko collection)
Peacock Feathers
Plastic Glowing Spider Ring - (kinko collection)
Red Riding Hood - (in wardrobe)
Trooper Mask

Halloween Snowman 2017
- October 19, 2017 - November 7, 2017

Crooked Staff - x1 (in wardrobe)
Devil Suit - (in wardrobe)
Gourmet Zombie Meal - (kinko collection)
Gun Holster - x1 (in wardrobe)
Halloween Azul Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Halloween Jacket - x3 (in wardrobe)
Harvest Scythe - x10
Nightmare Glow
Nightmare Top - (in wardrobe)
Pile of Leaves - x6 (kinko collection)
Plastic Yellow Spider Ring - x1 (kinko collection)
Skull Wreath - x4 (in wardrobe)
Spooky Doughnut - (kinko collection)
Spooky Shirt - x8 (in wardrobe)
Vampire Pencil - x8 (kinko collection)

Pumpkin Hunt 2017

- October 18, 2017 - November 21, 2017
- Check out every page for a Pumpkin in a box. When you find it, click it and you may get a prize!
- You may also win a Pastel Costume!
- The 250 different players who collect the most pumpkins will receive 1,500,000MP and a limited edition Carvey Trading Card.
- The next 250 will just get a Carvey Trading Card.
- This year, 10 random players who will collect 100 pumpkins or more will win £10, 15 will receive £5 and 20 players will receive £2 Account Upgrade Credits!

2017 Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Beige Pumpkin - x2 (kinko collection)
Big Ears Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Big Mouth Pumpkin - x2 (kinko collection)
Big Teeth Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Cursed Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Fire Pumpkin - x2 (kinko collection)
Lightning Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Lilac Pumpkin - x6 (kinko collection)
Magenta Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Midnight Pumpkin - x2 (kinko collection)
Moonlight Pumpkin - x2 (kinko collection)
Mummy Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Nightmare Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Nimbus Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Pitiful Pigtails Wig - x2 (in wardrobe)
Police Officer Belt - (in wardrobe)
Police Officer Hat - x1 (in wardrobe)
Police Officer Pants - x2 (in wardrobe)
Police Officer Shirt - (in wardrobe)
Possessed Phonograph - x1 (kinko collection)
Pumpkin Bath Bomb - x2 (kinko collection)
Pumpkin Doughnut - x1 (kinko collection)
Pumpkin Pencil - x1 (kinko collection)
Pumpkin Shirt - x1 (in wardrobe)
Pumpkin Skirt - x3 (in wardrobe)
Scarecrow Stamp - x1 (in collection)
Snaggletooth Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Sparkle Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Spider Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Starry Eyed Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Trick or Treat Pail - x1 (in wardrobe)
Trumpkin - x2 (kinko collection)
Water Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Winter Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)

Pumpkin of Gold 2017
- October 13, 2017 - November 12, 2017
- Only Halloween Treats can be donated.
- You can pick up one item from the Pumpkin of Gold every 10 minutes.
- New prizes will be donated randomly throughout the day.

Candycorn Pencil - (kinko collection)
Devil Wing Hair Clips - (in wardrobe)
Halloween Pucu Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Plastic Spider Ring - x2 (kinko collection)
Skeleton Wing Gloves - (in collection)
Skull Candle - (kinko collection)

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

13th Birthday Gift Hunt
- August 12, 2017 - September 10, 2017
- As you browse and play the site as normal, a 'Birthday Gift' may show up in a box.
- When you find it, click it and you are guaranteed a prize!
- You can win all of these new Gift Bags below, MP and if you're lucky, Account Upgrades Credit!

13 Birthday Cake - x2 (kinko collection)
13 Year Old Cake - (kinko collection)
13th Birthday Candles - x1 (kinko collection)
13th Birthday Party Popper - x1 (kinko collection)
13th Birthday Pearl - x1
13th Birthday Stamp - (in collection)
Baby Photo Book - (kinko collection)
Beige Gift Bag
Birthday Balloons - (in wardrobe)
Black Gift Bag
Blue 13th Birthday Balloon - x1 (kinko collection)
Blue Cake Pop - (kinko collection)
Blue Fidget Spinner - x1 (kinko collection)
Blue Gift Bag
Blueberry 13th Birthday Popsicle - (kinko collection)
Bronze Gift Bag
Brown Gift Bag
Chocolate 13th Birthday Popsicle - x1 (kinko collection)
Fake Party Costume - x1
Gold Gift Bag
Green Cake Pop - (kinko collection)
Green Fidget Spinner - x3 (kinko collection)
Green Gift Bag
Grey Gift Bag
Ice Cream Cake - (kinko collection)
Jason - x1
Kazoo - (kinko collection x1)
Large Hoodie - (in wardrobe)
Magenta Gift Bag
Orange Gift Bag
Party Addow Plushie - x2 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Party Basil Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Party Daisy Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Party Speiro Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Party Vixen Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Party Xoi Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Party Zoink Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Pink 13th Birthday Balloon - x2 (kinko collection)
Pink Cake Pop - (kinko collection)
Pink Gift Bag
Purple Cake Pop - (kinko collection)
Purple Gift Bag
RSVP Card - (kinko collection)
Red Fidget Spinner - x1 (kinko collection)
Red Gift Bag
Silver Gift Bag
Soft Scarf - (in wardrobe)
Strawberry 13th Birthday Popsicle - (kinko collection)
Teal Gift Bag
Vanilla 13th Birthday Popsicle - (kinko collection)
White Fidget Spinner - x1 (kinko collection)
Yellow 13th Birthday Balloon - x1 (kinko collection)
Yellow Fidget Spinner - (kinko collection)
Yellow Gift Bag

13th Birthday Party
- August 12, 2017 - September 10, 2017
- Visit a user's profile and hit the 'Happy Birthday' button and they will be invited to the party.
- The respone of the character will depend on what prize you receive.
- You will receive MP or one of 24 new Pinatas as a prize.
- Hit any of the new Pinatas and you will find one of these new prizes inside

13 Years Stamp - (in collection)
13th Birthday Cookie - (kinko collection)
Alpargatas - (in wardrobe)
Anime Bolimo Balloon - (in wardrobe)
Birthday Bike - x9 (kinko collection)
Birthday Bow - (in wardrobe)
Birthday Pony - x9 (kinko collection)
Birthday Presents - (in wardrobe)
Black Flower Pinata
Black Heart Pinata
Black Moon Pinata
Black Star Pinata
Blue Foil Balloon - x6 (kinko collection)
Blue Party Lei - x5 (kinko collection)
Cake Slice Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Chocolate Donut Milk - x5 (kinko collection)
Cutout Leggings - x2 (in wardrobe)
Green Foil Balloon - x5 (kinko collection)
Green Party Lei - x2 (kinko collection)
Jersey Shirt - (in wardrobe)
Marapets Cap - (in wardrobe)
Orange Flower Pinata
Orange Heart Pinata
Orange Moon Pinata
Orange Star Pinata
Oversized Jean Jacket - (in wardrobe)
Party Clown Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Party Cumulus Summoning Stone - (in wardrobe)
Party Pizza - (kinko collection)
Party Puffnut Summoning Stone - (in wardrobe)
Pink Flower Pinata
Pink Foil Balloon - x5 (kinko collection)
Pink Heart Pinata
Pink Moon Pinata
Pink Party Lei - x5 (kinko collection)
Pink Star Pinata
Rainbow 13th Birthday Lollipop - x5 (kinko collection)
Red Party Lei - x5 (kinko collection)
Surgical Mask - (in wardrobe)
Teal Flower Pinata
Teal Heart Pinata
Teal Moon Pinata
Teal Star Pinata
Teen Party Hits - (kinko collection)
Tie Dye Tank Top - (in wardrobe)
Vanilla Donut Milk - x3 (kinko collection)
White Flower Pinata
White Heart Pinata
White Moon Pinata
White Star Pinata
Yellow Flower Pinata
Yellow Heart Pinata
Yellow Moon Pinata
Yellow Party Lei - x9 (kinko collection)
Yellow Star Pinata

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Valentine\'s Day Hunt 2017
- February 13, 2017 - February 28, 2017
- Love Hearts will randomly appear anywhere on the page at any time while you are playing Marapets.
- Click them and you may win a prize!
- The top 250 list of winners, you will also win 1,000,000MP and a Pembe Trading Card.

Anatomical Heart Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Choker Necklace - (in wardrobe)
Cupid Wings - (in wardrobe)
Fruit Arrangement - x1 (kinko collection)
Heart Bag - (in wardrobe)
Heart Choker Necklace - x2 (in wardrobe)
Heartbreaker Guide - (kinko collection)
Lovebird - x4
Lovesick Azul Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Lovesick Doyle Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Lovesick Newth Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
New Wedding Dress - x1 (in wardrobe)
No Love Top - x1 (in wardrobe)
Old Wedding Dress - x1 (in wardrobe)
Pile of Love Letters - x1 (in wardrobe)
Romantic - x2
Romantic Candles - x1 (kinko collection)
Valentine Bear - (in wardrobe)
Valentine Wings - (in wardrobe)

Valentine\'s Candy Tree 2017
- February 13, 2017 - February 28, 2017
- The Candy Tree has taken a break from his quests and is rewarding everyone who visits him.
- All pets can visit him every 30 minutes but any pet wearing a Love Costume or Valentine Costume can visit every 15 minutes.

Box of Heart Chocolates - (kinko collection)
Falling Petals - x1 (in wardrobe)
Lavender Heart Cake - (kinko collection)
Lemon Heart Cake - x1 (kinko collection)
Raspberry Heart Cake - x1 (kinko collection)
Romantic Guitar - (kinko collection - x2)
Romantic Stamp - (in collection)
Secret Admirer Notes - (kinko collection)
Sweetheart Sundae - (kinko collection)

2016 Events
9 years & 30 days ago
12th Feb 2016 11:19

2016 Winter Event

Christmas Present Prize 2016

- December 11, 2016 - December 25, 2016
- If you wait until December 24th or 25th to open them, you will win double prizes!

Banana Crepe - (kinko collection)
Candycane Sugar Cookies - (kinko collection)
Chestnut Fudge - (kinko collection)
Chocolate Ice Cream Crepe - (kinko collection)
Frost Icy Mix - (kinko collection)
Fruit Crepe - (kinko collection)
Ghostly Candle - x1 (kinko collection)
Gift Wrapped Wreath - x1 (kinko collection)
Giftbox Ornament - x1 (kinko collection)
Jolly Icy Mix - (kinko collection)
Maple Syrup Snow Taffee - (kinko collection)
Partridge - x1
Peanut Butter Crepe - (kinko collection)
Stitched Book - (kinko collection)
Stocking Loot - (kinko collection)
Strawberry Icy Mix - (kinko collection)
Strawberry Jam Crepe - (kinko collection)
Vanilla Ice Cream Crepe - (kinko collection)
Winter Peaks Stamp - (in collection)

Carol Singing 2016 Prize

- December 12, 2016 - December 31, 2016
- You can only visit each person once per day and you will receive MP or an item. All of these item prizes will retire at the end of this event too!
- If your character is wearing an approved Christmas Costume you are guaranteed an item or MP prize at every visit.

Apple Cider Caramels - (kinko collection)
Bloody Yule Log - x1 (kinko collection)
Carol Sheet Music - (kinko collection)
Christmas Drum - (kinko collection - Grade 10)
Coal Dust Powder Candy - x1 (kinko collection)
Crackling Fire Sounds - x1 (kinko collection)
Cranberry Cocktail - (kinko collection)
Dark Chocolate Coal - (kinko collection)
Festive Bells - (kinko collection - Grade 10)
Festive Eggnog - x1 (kinko collection)
Festive Hot Chocolate - x1 (kinko collection)
Festive White Hot Chocolate - x1 (kinko collection)
Gingerbread Book - (kinko collection)
Gingerbread Imposter - (kinko collection)
Holiday Cards - x1 (kinko collection)
Holiday Horn - (kinko collection - Grade 10)
Holy Harp - (kinko collection - Grade 10)
Mini Cranberry Tarts - x1 (kinko collection)
Mistletoe Stamp - x1 (in collection)
Mulled Wine - (kinko collection)
Neopolitan Snowman Ice Cream - x1 (kinko collection)
Nice List - (kinko collection)
Sack of Coal - x1 (kinko collection)
Slices of Fruitcake - x1 (kinko collection)
Snow Guitar - (kinko collection - Grade 10)

Krampus 2016 Prize
- December 8, 2016 - January 1, 2017
- Pets wearing an Advent, Angel, Blitzen, Christmas, Christmas Tree, Elf, Gingerbread, Ice, Polar, Seasonal, Snow, Snowman, Tundra or Winter Costume can visit Krampus every 15 minutes.
- All other pets can visit every 30 minutes

Black Eye Pearl - (kinko collection)
Bloody Manuscript - x1 (kinko collection)
Blue Eye Pearl - (kinko collection)
Brown Eye Pearl - (kinko collection)
Green Eye Pearl - (kinko collection)
Krampling - x1
Krampling Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Krampus Blade - x1
Krampus Greeting Card - x1 (kinko collection)
Krampus Hot Cocoa - x1 (kinko collection)
Krampus Snowglobe - x1 (kinko collection)
Krampus Tales - (kinko collection)
Krampus Teddy Bear - x1 (kinko collection)
Naughty Arinya Plushie - (kinko collection)
Nice Arinya Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Poached Pear - (kinko collection)
Red Eye Pearl - x1 (kinko collection)
Smashed Green Candycane - (kinko collection)
Smashed Red Candycane - (kinko collection)
The Night Before Krampus - (kinko collection)

Advent Tree Prize 2016
- need to have completed Advent Tree Instructions

Advent Tree Stamp - (in collection)
Cargo Jacket - (in wardrobe)
Clam Shell Bandeau - (in wardrobe)
Giant Christmas Tree Plushie
Glitter Clam Shell Bandeau - (in wardrobe)
Icicle Lollipop - (kinko collection)
Matcha Ice Cream - (kinko collection)
Metalic Clam Shell Bandeau - (in wardrobe)
Puffy Jacket - (in wardrobe)
Slouched Sweater - (in wardrobe)
Snow Nino
Snow Sindi
Snow Vixen
Snow Zola

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

2016 Thanksgiving Event
- November 23, 2016 - December 15, 2016
- With Talon frightened that he will be cooked instead, he has hired a replacement Burple until December 15th.
- Visit the Talon Quest page and start a quest.
- You then battle and win against Burple and go back to the quest page to complete it.

Thanksgiving Prizes 2016

Blue Stuffed Gobble Plushie - x2 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Boiled Gobble Egg - x1 (kinko collection)
Crafly - x2
Eyru Cap - x1
Gobble Giblets - x8 (kinko collection)
Gobble Hand Drawn Photo - x4 (in collection)
Gobble Pot Pie - x2 (kinko collection)
Gobble Up Stamp - x1 (in collection)
Green Stuffed Gobble Plushie - x6 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Holy Corn - x2 (kinko collection)
Leaf Dress - x1 (in wardrobe)
Lucky Gobble Foot - x3 (kinko collection)
Pilgram Boy Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Red Stuffed Gobble Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Run Gobble Run - x1 (kinko collection)
Slice of Caramel Pumpkin Pie - x1 (kinko collection)
Slice of Chocolate Swirl Pumpkin Pie - x4 (kinko collection)
Slice of Pumkpin Cheesecake - x6 (kinko collection)
Sycamore - x4
Turkey Pop Up Book - x1 (kinko collection)
Vegan Tofu Thanksgiving Meal - x1 (kinko collection)
Wishbone Bow - x4
Yellow Stuffed Gobble Plushie - x6 (kinko collection) (in collection)

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

2016 Maraween Season
- will end October 31, 2016
- Character Trick or Treat, Pumpkin Hunt, the Halloween Snowman, limited edition Account Upgrade items, Elger's Trick or Treat, Beelzebub, Pumpkin of Gold, the Halloween Alien and much more

Pumpkin Hunt 2016
- October 26, 2016 - November 21, 2016
- As you browse and play the site as normal, check out every page for a Pumpkin in a box. When you find it, click it and you may get a prize.
- You may also win a Pastel Costume.
- The 250 different players who collect the most pumpkins will receive 1,500,000MP and a limited edition Terrorantula Trading Card.
- The next 250 will just get a Terrorantula Trading Card.

2016 Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Black Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Blue Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Blueberry Pumpkin Ice Pop - x1 (kinko collection)
Boo Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Brain Witch Ice Cream - (kinko collection)
Caramel Apple Custard - (kinko collection)
Cherry Pumpkin Ice Pop - (kinko collection)
Classic Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Colon Overscore Parenthesis Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Lolly - (kinko collection)
Dragon - (in wardrobe)
Eyru Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Fancy Pumpkin Cupcake - (kinko collection)
Flat Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Green Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Grey Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Halloween Parfait - (kinko collection)
Halloween Striped Tie - x1 (in wardrobe)
Handmade Chocolate Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Haunted Contact Lenses - x1 (in wardrobe)
Heart Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Judgemental Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
LOL Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Limax Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Lime Pumpkin Ice Pop - x1 (kinko collection)
Marshmallow Pumpkins - (kinko collection)
Milk Chocolate Pumpkin Lolly - x1 (kinko collection)
Mint Chocolate Pumpkin Lolly - x1 (kinko collection)
Not Impressed Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Orange Chocolate Pumpkin Lolly - (kinko collection)
Orange Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Phantom Fasoro - (in wardrobe)
Phantom Quell - (in wardrobe)
Pretty Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Puffy Pumpkin Bread - x1 (kinko collection)
Pumpkin Headphones - (in wardrobe)
Pumpkin Hot Chocolate - x1 (kinko collection)
Pumpkin Ice Pop - (kinko collection)
Pumpkin Loaf - x1 (kinko collection)
Pumpkin Notebook - x1 (kinko collection)
Pumpkin Pie Book - (kinko collection)
Pumpkin Spice Custard - (kinko collection)
Purple Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Red Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Scarecrow Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Short Cape - (in wardrobe)
Short Vampire Cape - (in wardrobe)
Small Face Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Spider Dress - (in wardrobe)
Spider Skirt - (in wardrobe)
Spider Web Pumpkin Soup - x1 (kinko collection)
Sweet Potato Cinnamon Custard - x1 (kinko collection)
Teal Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Traumatised Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
White Chocolate Pumpkin Lolly - (kinko collection)
White Pumpkin - (kinko collection)
Yakubi Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)
Yellow Pumpkin - x1 (kinko collection)

Character Trick or Treat 2016
- October 25, 2016 - November 15, 2016
- You can visit the profile of any player that is currently online, hit the Trick or Treat button and receive a prize every time.
- You can only Trick or Treat each person once per day and you will receive MP or an item.

Bat Purse - x1 (in wardrobe)
Bikini Top - x1 (in wardrobe)
Black Twozzlers - x1 (kinko collection)
Buttertoe - x1 (kinko collection)
Buttertoe Snax - x1 (kinko collection)
Candycorn Custard - x1 (kinko collection)
Dark Chocolate Kitty Head - (kinko collection)
Devil Sword - x1
Flaming Phoenix - (in wardrobe)
Frankenstein Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Grim Reaper Hanging Decoration - x1 (kinko collection)
Haunted Book - x1 (kinko collection)
Molasses Custard - x2 (kinko collection)
Nightmare - x1 (in wardrobe)
Old Werewolf Dentures - x1 (kinko collection)
Scale Shorts - x1 (in wardrobe)
Slig - x3
Slig Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Spooky Kitty Bread - (kinko collection)
Suspenders - (in wardrobe)
Tombstone Stamp - x1 (in collection)
Twox - x1 (kinko collection)
Twozzlers - x1 (kinko collection)
White Chocolate Kitty Head - (kinko collection)
Wiggly Ghost Inflatable - x1 (kinko collection)

Halloween Snowman 2016
- October 24, 2016 - November 7, 2016
- The Snowman has taken Halloween a little too seriously AGAIN this year.
- He is now only asking for Halloween Treats and he is giving out these new prizes.

Apple Snowcone - x1 (kinko collection)
Blackberry Snowcone - x1 (kinko collection)
Bride of Frankenstein Wig - (in wardrobe)
Cola Snowcone - x3 (kinko collection)
Fall Boots - (in wardrobe)
Giant Spider Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Human Voodoo Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Long Cape - (in wardrobe)
Long Vampire Cape - (in wardrobe)
Mint Snowcone - x1 (kinko collection)
Orange Snowcone - (kinko collection)
Peach Snowcone - x1 (kinko collection)
Phantom Chibs - (in wardrobe)
Phantom Lati - (in wardrobe)
Spider Juice - (kinko collection)

Elger's Trick or Treat 2016
- October 20, 2016 - November 13, 2016
- Elger has taken the time off from doing quests during this holiday season.
- Instead, you can visit her with your pet dressed up for Halloween to go Trick or Treating for FREE once every 20 minutes - Vampire Pets can visit once every 15 minutes!

Blood Moon Stamp - (in collection)
Blood Witch Ice Cream - (kinko collection)
Bloody Finger Hot Dog - x1 (kinko collection)
Cobweb Cotton Candy - (kinko collection)
Elger Broom - x1 (kinko collection)
Elger Kitty - (in wardrobe)
Elger Kitty Hat - (in wardrobe)
Elger Kitty Tail - (in wardrobe)
Frog Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Marshmallow Ghosts - (kinko collection)
Skull Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Snail Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Spirit Board - x1 (kinko collection)
Spooky Skeleton Songs - (kinko collection)
Vomit Witch Ice Cream - (kinko collection)
Witch Doll - (kinko collection)

Halloween Alien 2016
- October 20, 2016 - November 15, 2016
- The Halloween Alien has new items that he will put up for Auction for only 1MP.
- If you are really lucky, you may catch a very rare or retired Halloween item!

Alien Glowing Egg - (in collection)
Baby Bat Hair Extensions - (in wardrobe)
Bone Scythe - x1
Brain Desk Lamp - x2 (kinko collection)
Crossed Hair Clip - (in wardrobe)
Old Spider Cream Puff - (kinko collection)

Maraween 2016 Prize
- October 19, 2016 - November 12, 2016
- The Pot of Gold has been magically transformed into the Pumpkin of Gold.
- Until November 12th, only Halloween Treats can be donated.
- You can pick up one item from the Pumpkin of Gold every 10 minutes.
- New prizes will be donated randomly throughout the day.

Bad Trick or Treat Loot - x1 (kinko collection)
Eye Bandage - x1 (in wardrobe)
Eyeball Balloon - x1 (kinko collection)
Giant Gummy Rat - x1 (kinko collection)
Possessed Doll - x1 (kinko collection)
Unholy Tie - x1 (in wardrobe)

Beelzebub 2016 Prize
- There are 6 new prizes for 2016 and Beelzebub will also be giving out limited numbers of retired prizes from previous years.

Beelzebub Candycorn - (kinko collection)
Beelzebub Glowing Egg - (in collection)
Beelzebub Summoning Tome - (kinko collection)
Beelzebub Trident - (in collection)
Cerberus Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Hellhound - (in collection)

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

2016 Undying Festival
- will end October 24, 2016
- Every 10 challenges you complete, you will find a letter.
- There are 34 letters to find.
- work out the phrase below and you'll get a retired limited edition Daisy pet and 500,000MP
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !!!



Autumn Glowing Egg - (in collection)
Daisy Glowing Egg- (in collection)
Daisy Potato - x1 (kinko collection)
Daisy Pinecone Craft - x3 (kinko collection)
Daisy Scarecrow - x2 (kinko collection)
Golden Apple Cider - x3 (kinko collection)
Halloween Daisy Burger - x2 (kinko collection)
Haunted Daisy Plushie - x1 (in collection) (kinko collection)
Haunted Spirit Charm - x2 (kinko collection)
Mango Gelato - x1 (kinko collection)
Pistachio Gelato - x4 (kinko collection)
Silky Cobweb Songs - x1 (kinko collection)
Split Vera Wig - x1 (in wardrobe)
Stracciatella Gelato - x1 (kinko collection)
Strawberry Gelato - (kinko collection)
Tiramisu Gelato - x1 (kinko collection)
Undead Bones - x3 (kinko collection)
Undying Festival 2016 Stamp - x2 (in collection)
Undying Pancakes - x1 (kinko collection)
Vera Wig - x4 (in wardrobe)

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Birthday Event
- August 15, 2016 through September 5, 2016
- 2 events Pinatas via player invites & 'Birthday Gift' clicking icon(receives Party Bags)

Pinata Prizes

Armour Potato Chips - (kinko collection)
Azul Pocket Candy Dispenser -x1 (kinko collection)
Banana 12th Birthday Cupcake - x2 (kinko collection)
Banana Present Gummies - x2 (kinko collection)
Blue Raspberry Present Gummies - x2 (kinko collection)
Blueberry 12th Birthday Cupcake - x1 (kinko collection)
Blueberry Eclair - x2 (kinko collection)
Burnt 12th Birthday Cake - x8 (kinko collection)
Captain Hat - x1 (in wardrobe)
Captain Jacket - (in wardrobe)
Cherry Present Gummies - x5 (kinko collection)
Chibs Pocket Candy Dispenser - x3 (kinko collection)
Chocolate 12th Birthday Cake - x1 (kinko collection)
Chocolate 12th Birthday Cupcake - x3 (kinko collection)
Chocolate Eclair - x2 (kinko collection)
Dark Chocolate Sugar Skull - x2 (kinko collection)
Decadal Pocket Candy Dispenser - x2 (kinko collection)
Diet Dirt Marapop - x2 (kinko collection)
Empty Diet Dirt Marapop - x3
Gold Pirate Hook - (in wardrobe)
Homemade Birthday Cake - x5 (kinko collection)
Ike Pocket Candy Dispenser - x4 (kinko collection)
Jessup Pocket Candy Dispenser - x3 (kinko collection)
Kings Hat - (in wardrobe)
Lime Present Gummies - x2 (kinko collection)
Matcha Eclair - x2 (kinko collection)
Milk Chocolate Sugar Skull - x5 (kinko collection)
Mint Chocolate Sugar Skull - x2 (kinko collection)
Newth Pocket Candy Dispenser - x1 (kinko collection)
Octopus Mask - (in wardrobe)
Orange Chocolate Sugar Skull - x1 (kinko collection)
Parrot - (in wardrobe)
Pirate Boots - (in wardrobe)
Pirate Earring - (in wardrobe)
Pirate Flag - (in wardrobe)
Pirate Head Scarf - (in wardrobe)
Pirate Heels - (in wardrobe)
Pirate Jacket - (in wardrobe)
Pirate Leg - x1 (in wardrobe)
Pirate Locket - (in wardrobe)
Pirate Pants - (in wardrobe)
Pirate Ship - (in wardrobe)
Pirate Shirt - (in wardrobe)
Pirate Skirt - (in wardrobe)
Pirate Top - (in wardrobe)
Pirate Wig - (in wardrobe)
Silver Pirate Hook - (in wardrobe)
Skull Smoke - (in wardrobe)
Strawberry 12th Birthday Cake -1 (kinko collection)
Strawberry 12th Birthday Cupcake - x2 (kinko collection)
Strawberry Eclair - x2 (kinko collection)
Treasure Hunt - (in wardrobe)
Vanilla 12th Birthday Cake - x2 (kinko collection)
Vanilla 12th Birthday Cupcake - x4 (kinko collection)
Vanilla Eclair - x1 (kinko collection)
White Chocolate 12th Birthday Cupcake - x2 (kinko collection)
White Chocolate Sugar Skull - x3 (kinko collection)
Zoink Pocket Candy Dispenser - x3 (kinko collection)

Party Bag Prizes

12th Birthday Cake
Anime Potato Chips - (kinko collection)
Blue Clacker - x1 (kinko collection)
Blue Hand Clapper - x1 (kinko collection)
Blue Party Bag
Blue Party Doh - x1 (kinko collection)
Blue Spinning Toy - x1 (kinko collection)
Blue Sticky Hand - x1 (kinko collection)
Blue Toy Watergun - x2 (kinko collection)
Bone Potato Chips - (kinko collection)
Chocolate Cream Donut - (kinko collection)
Chocolate Potato Chips
Green Clacker - x1 (kinko collection)
Green Hand Clapper - x2 (kinko collection)
Green Party Bag
Green Party Doh - x1 (kinko collection)
Green Sticky Hand - x1 (kinko collection)
Green Toy Watergun - x1 (kinko collection)
Lemon Cream Donut - x2 (kinko collection)
Matcha Cream Donut - (kinko collection)
Ombre Stella Wig
Orange Party Bag
Party Bubbles - x1 (kinko collection)
Party Hat Keychain - x1 (kinko collection)
Party Sticker Sheet - x1 (kinko collection)
Pink Party Bag
Purple Party Bag
Red Clacker - x1 (kinko collection)
Red Hand Clapper - x1 (kinko collection)
Red Party Bag
Red Party Doh - (kinko collection)
Red Spinning Toy - (kinko collection)
Red Sticky Hand - x2 (kinko collection)
Stella Wig - (in wardrobe)
Strawberry Cream Donut - (kinko collection)
Yellow Clacker - x1 (kinko collection)
Yellow Hand Clapper - x2 (kinko collection)
Yellow Party Bag
Yellow Party Doh - x1 (kinko collection)
Yellow Toy Watergun - x1 (kinko collection)

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Summer Event
- starts June 1, 2016
- collect Scout Badges
- complete 20 challenges a day to earn badges
- randomly chosen by scout leader


Anlur - x1
Apple Jam Toast - x1 (in kinko collection)
Apricot Jam Toast - x1 (in kinko collection)
Bag Of Scout Popcorn - x1
Bear Scout Plushie - (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Beehive - x1 (in kinko collection)
Bigfoot Conditioner - x1 (in kinko collection)
Bigfoot Hairbrush - x2 (in kinko collection)
Bigfoot Plushie - (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Bigfoot Trading Card
Black Marapop - x3 (in kinko collection)
Blackberry Jam Toast - x4 (in kinko collection)
Blue Marapop - x1 (in kinko collection)
Blueberry Jam Toast - x4 (in kinko collection)
Box Of Scout Cookies - x1 (in kinko collection)
Bug Guide Book - (in kinko collection)
Burnt Marshmallow - x1 (in kinko collection)
Buttered Toast - x1 (in kinko collection)
Campfire Songs - x1 (in kinko collection)
Creative Critter Snacks - (in kinko collection)
Diet Black Marapop - x1 (in kinko collection)
Diet Blue Marapop - x2 (in kinko collection)
Diet Green Marapop - x3 (in kinko collection)
Diet Purple Marapop - x1 (in kinko collection)
Diet Red Marapop - x1 (in kinko collection)
Diet Teal Marapop - x1 (in kinko collection)
Diet White Marapop - x1 (in kinko collection)
Diet Yellow Marapop - x2 (in kinko collection)
Forest Antlers - (in wardrobe)
Forest Book - (in kinko collection)
Fried Egg Toast - x7 (in kinko collection)
Grape Jam Toast - x1 (in kinko collection)
Green Marapop - x1
Grilled Fish on a Stick - (in kinko collection)
Koob Summoning Stone
Matcha Toast - x1 (in kinko collection)
Milk Toast - x3 (in kinko collection)
Minifoot -x1
Mud Ice Cream Treat - x1 (in kinko collection)
Nature Documentary - x1 (in kinko collection)
Nest Hat
Noot Summoning Stone - (in wardrobe)
Old Bigfoot Photo - (in collection)
Purple Marapop - x2 (in kinko collection)
Red Marapop - x3 (in kinko collection)
Roasted Marshmallow - (in kinko collection)
Scout Badge Stamp
Scouts Equipment - x2 (in kinko collection)
Scout Uniform Dress - (in wardrobe)
Scout Uniform Hat - (in wardrobe)
Scout Uniform Shirt - (in wardrobe)
Scout Uniform Shorts
Scouts Honey - (in kinko collection)
Scouts Maple Syrup
Smore - x2 (in kinko collection)
Spooky Campfire Stories - (in kinko collection)
Strawberry Jam Toast - x1 (in kinko collection)
Strawberry Milk Toast - x1 (in kinko collection)
Teal Marapop - x1 (in kinko collection)
Team Acorn Hat - (in wardrobe)
Team Maple Leaf Hat - (in wardrobe)
Tent Stamp
Watermelon Popsicle - (in kinko collection)
White Marapop - x3 (in kinko collection)
Wild Flowers - x2 (in kinko collection)
Yellow Marapop - x2 (in kinko collection)

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

St Patrick's Day Event
- starts 3/17/2016 and ends on 3/25/2016
- When you complete an Leprechaun, you receive a prize from him.
- he will tell you how many minutes you should wait before you will win another bonus prize from him

Button Up Clover Cardigan - (in collection)
Clover Handkerchief Pants - (in collection)
Clover Skirt - (in collection)
Clover Wig - (in collection)
Flat Cap - (in collection)
Frilly Kilt - x1 (in collection)
Frilly Tutu - (in collection)
Green Breakfast - x1 (kinko collection)
Green Puff Socks - x1 (in collection)
I Heart Clover Shades - (in collection)
Leprechaun Jessup Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Leprechaun Knutt Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Long Shoulder Slumped Shirt - (in collection)
Lucky Clover Sequin Vest - (in collection)
Lucky Clover Vest - (in collection)
Lucky Irish Contact Lenses - (in collection)
Party Shades - (in collection)
Plaid Flat Cap - (in collection)
Plastic Shamrock Beads
Rainbow Shamrock Hair Gel - (in collection)
Sequin Shamrock Bowtie - (in collection)
Sequin Shamrock Hair Bow - x1 (in collection)
Shamrock Beads - (in collection)
Shamrock Bopper - (in collection)
Shamrock Bowtie - x1 (in collection)
Shamrock Button Up Shirt - (in collection)
Shamrock Cardigan - x1 (in collection)
Shamrock Hair Bow - (in collection)
Shamrock Hair Gel - (in collection)
Shamrock Hairbrush - (in collection)
Shamrock Pants - (in collection)
Shamrock Pumps - x1 (in collection)
Shamrock Shirt - x1 (in collection)
Shamrock Skirt - x1 (in collection)
Shamrock Socks - x2 (in collection)
Shamrock Striped Tights - x2 (in collection)
Shamrock Tights - (in collection)
Shamrock Tuxedo - (in collection)
Shiny Bob Wig - (in collection)
Short Kilt - x3 (in collection)
Short Plaid Kilt - (in collection)
Shoulder Slumped Shirt - (in collection)
Unlucky Irish Contact Lenses - (in collection)

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Carrotastrophe Event 2016
- starts 3/8/2016 and ends on 3/23/2016
- can randomly win an item when a quest, mission, gym elite gym or flash game is completed

Black Double Layer Ruffle Undies - (in collection)
Black Lacy Dress - (in collection)
Black Ruffle Nightgown - (in collection)
Black Ruffle Top - (in collection)
Black Ruffle Trim Dress - (in collection)
Black Ruffle Trim Sheer Dress - (in collection)
Black Ruffle Undies - (in collection)
Black Split Bra - (in collection)
Clumsy Royal Fairy Doll - x3 (kinko collection)
Crumpled Newspaper - (kinko collection)
Dirty Magazine - x2 (kinko collection)
Drowsy Moonlight Fairy Doll - x1 (kinko collection)
Furious Light Fairy Doll - x5 (kinko collection)
Impatient Greedy Fairy Doll - x1 (kinko collection)
Kitty Bra - (in collection)
Kitty Undies - (in collection)
Lace Up Corset - (in collection)
My Immortal Love Book - x2 (kinko collection)
Old XXXO Magazine - (kinko collection)
Shining Peasant Fairy Doll - x1 (kinko collection)
Sleepy Daylight Fairy Doll - x3 (kinko collection)
Smashed CD - x1 (kinko collection)
Smelly Sock - x1 (kinko collection)
Spoiled Banana - x1 (kinko collection)
Spoiled Carrot - x2 (kinko collection)
Spoiled Milk - (kinko collection)
Spoiled Orange - x1 (kinko collection)
Spoiled Sausage - x1 (kinkocollection)
Spoiled Turnip - (kinko collection)
Sulky Wardrobe Fairy Doll - x2 (kinko collection)
Sweltering Ice Fairy Doll - x3 (kinko collection)
Trash Bag - x2 (kinko collection)
Vintage Equilor Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Vintage Jessup Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Vintage Gobble Plushie - x2 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Vintage Zoink Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
White Double Layer Ruffle Undies - (in collection)
White Lacy Dress - (in collection)
White Ruffle Nightgown - x1 (in collection)
White Ruffle Top - x1 (in collection)
White Ruffle Trim Dress - (in collection)
White Ruffle Trim Sheer Dress - (in collection)
White Ruffle Undies - (in collection)
White Split Bra - (in collection)

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

- starts 2/12/2016 ands ends on 2/28/2016
- cliclk on heart pop up boxes to earn prizes or MP
- top 250 list of winners, you will also win 1,000,000MP and a Bunnysaurus Trading Card

Best Friends Limax Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Bloody Black Rose - (fed kinko)
Bloody Pink Rose - (fed kinko)
Bloody Red Rose - (fed kinko)
Bloody White Rose - x2 (fed kinko)
Bloody Yellow Rose - (fed kinko)
Blue Heart Cookies - (fed kinko)
Chocolate Heart Cookies - (fed kinko)
Chocolate Love Brownie - (fed kinko)
Chocolate Love Cupcake - (fed kinko)
Cookie Heart - x1 (fed kinko)
Devils Food Cake - (fed kinko)
Friends Snookle Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
I Heart You Limax Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
I Heart You Snookle Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
I Wuv You Limax Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Love Letter Cookie - x1 (fed kinko)
Pink Heart Poera Plushie (kinko collection) (in collection)
Pink Heart Raulf Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Purple Heart Cookies - (fed kinko)
Q T Pie Fasoro Plushie (kinko collection) (in collection)
Raspberry Love Brownie - (fed kinko)
Red Heart Poera Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Red Heart Raulf Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Snixie Pillow Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Strawberry Love Brownie - (fed kinko)
True Love Fasoro Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
Ur Ok I Guess Limax Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Valentine Digital Fairy Doll - x1 (kinko collection)
Valentine Emo Limax Plushie - x2 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Valentine Heart Cookies - (fed kinko)
Valentine Light Fairy Doll - x1 (kinko collection)
Vanilla Love Brownie - (fed kinko)
Vanilla Love Cupcake - (fed kinko)
Valentine Peasant and Homeless Fairy Doll - x2 (kinko collection)
White Heart Poera Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
White Heart Raulf Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)
Yellow Heart Cookies - x1 (fed kinko)
You Are Delightful Limax Plushie - (kinko collection) (in collection)
You Are Wonderful Fasoro Plushie - x2 (kinko collection) (in collection)
You Are Wonderful Snookle Plushie - x1 (kinko collection) (in collection)

Easter Egg Hunts
9 years, 11 months & 7 days ago
4th Apr 2015 12:37

Easter Egg Hunt 2018

1 - 'It's not always the fastest who finishes first'
Prize - You won 2 Bunny Teacup & Zombear Easter Egg

2 - 'This is going to your head.'
Prize - You won 2 Bunny Jack in the Box & Nyuchan Easter Egg

3 - 'Try your luck but don't get busted.'
Prize -You won 2 Chocolate Bunny Summoning Stone & Misti Easter Egg

4 - 'Now you really don't want to get busted!'
Prize - You won 2 Dark Chocolate Earless Bunny & Ingi Easter Egg

5 - 'Alterations or pop?'
Prize - You won 2,500MP & Helloth Easter Egg

6 - 'You can't always see what you are looking for.'
Prize - You won 2 White Chocolate Earless Bunny & Quiln Easter Egg

7 - 'This is not heaps of fun.'
Prize - You won 2 Bootleg Sugar Cube & Squink Easter Egg

8 - 'Twinkle Twinkle, little star.'
Prize - You won 2 Milk Chocolate Earless Bunny & Juju Easter Egg

9 - 'You do NOT want to be the clumsy one.'
Prize - You won 2 Yolk Sweater & Lishon Easter Egg

10 - 'Good things come in small packages.'
Prize - You won 5,000MP & Kissy Easter Egg

11 - 'May all your wishes come true.'
Prize - You won 2 Chick Magnet Shirt & Avalon Easter Egg

12 - 'Here today, gone tomorrow!'
Prize - You won 2 Bunny Dress & Pixel Easter Egg

13 - 'You have to be in it to win it.'
Prize - You won 2 Easter Egg Nest & Banalphin Easter Egg

14 - 'This little guy is really on the level.'
Prize - You won 2 Hidden Easter Eggs & Bop Easter Egg

15 - 'One is no use without the other.'
Prize - You won 7,500MP & Yeti Easter Egg

16 - 'You need to dig deep to find anything.'
Prize - You won 2 Pony Tail Hair Extension & Schnoodle Easter Egg

17 - 'To enter fuller is very wise.'
Prize - You won 2 Bunny Hair Clips & Sprig Easter Egg

18 - 'Are you a big softie?'
Prize - You won 2 Bunny Ice Cream & Sniffles Easter Egg

19 - 'Make a dash for the cash.'
Prize - You won 2 Chick Beanie & Maft Easter Egg

20 - 'Every day it's more than before.'
Prize - You won 10,000MP & Lunash Easter Egg

21 - 'The more you have, the more you get.'
Prize - You won 2 Spring Dress & Doon Easter Egg

22 - 'Hope for a change that is the same but different.'
Prize -You won 2 Flower Basket & Experiment 667 Easter Egg

23 - 'It's nothing but a big rip off.'
Prize - You won 2 Ombre Pony Tail Hair Extension & Fwidman Easter Egg

24 - 'It's not good to be different.'
Prize - You won 2 Giant Paintbrush & Tweblud Easter Egg

25 - 'You don't have to be a vexillologist but it helps.'
Prize - You won 15,000MP & Starstruck Easter Egg

26 - 'It's not so easy to level up.'
Prize - You won 2 Splatter Socks & Wax Easter Egg

27 - 'Sometimes it's fine to put all your eggs in one basket.'
Prize - You won 2 Chick Slippers & Weep Easter Egg

28 - 'Boil them, mash them, stick them in a stew???'
Prize - You won 2 April Fools & Pluff Easter Egg

29 - 'Satisfy her sweet tooth for a reward.'
Prize - You won 2 Striped Scarf & Belle Easter Egg

30 - 'Is your pet good at spelling?'
Prize - You won 20,000MP & Bouncer Easter Egg

31 - 'It's all about the hit power.'
Prize - You won 2 Only Yolking & Dapple Easter Egg

32 - 'These never go to waste.'
Prize - You won 2 Bunny Book & Drinas Easter Egg

33 - 'To most, this would seem more like a nightmare.'
Prize - You won 2 Springo & Googlag Easter Egg

34 - 'Pets are never too old to learn.'
Prize - You won 2 Bootleg Easter Bunny Plushie & Hauntling Easter Egg

35 - 'Better than waffles?'
Prize - You won 25,000MP & Mizu Easter Egg

36 - 'Use smarter ethics?'
Prize - You won 2 Joke Glowing Egg & Bablah Easter Egg

37 - 'You need to keep your Marapets in line.'
Prize - You won 2 Joke Stamp & Bitty Easter Egg

38 - 'When you are here, you are here.'
Prize - You won 2 Hot Dog Costume & Pinkal Easter Egg

39 - 'You'll need your claws out for this fight.'
Prize - You won 2 Bootleg Easter Bunny Trading Card & Mia Easter Egg

40 - 'The owls are not what they seem!'
Prize - You won £1 Account Upgrades Credit & Twindly Easter Egg

You can now collect all of your Easter Eggs from your basket in Candyland

You have collected your prizes for the Easter Egg Hunt
Congratulations! You found the 'Easter Egg Hunt 2018' Hidden Avatar

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Easter Egg Hunt 2017

1 - 'Everyone loves the Easter Egg Hunt, An annual Mara tradition, It's starting now so limber up, And take your starting position!'
Prize - You won 2 Blue Bunny Balloon & Blue Chick Easter Egg

2 - 'She can be so sweet, of that there's no doubt, but sometimes she's harsh, as some have found out.'
Prize - You won 2 Easter Egg Key Chain & Zebra Easter Egg

3 - 'A simple game for your favourite pet, Just roll them out and see what you get.
Prize - You won 2 Pink Bunny Balloon & Red Bootleg Easter Egg

4 - 'Bring a shovel and get stuck in, you can't proceed until you win.'
Prize - You won 2 Blue Polka Dot Bunny Plushie & Yellow Camouflage Easter Egg

5 - 'Whatever the size, it's sure to impress so give it some thought and make your best guess.'
Prize - Silver Glitter Easter Egg & You won 2,500MP

6 - 'Be very sneaky and don't make a sound, uncover some treasure from deep in the ground.'
Prize - You won 2 Purple Bunny Balloon & Blue Flower Easter Egg

7 - 'A change for the better? A change for the worse? No change at all can feel like a curse.'
Prize - You won 2 Painted Birdhouse & Pink Striped Easter Egg

8 - 'With luck on your side you can go far. More often than not you won't pass the bar.'
Prize - You won 2 Green Bunny Balloon & Pink Chick Easter Egg

9 - 'No quality here for goodness sake! Just one look and you know it's a fake!'
Prize - You won 2 Pink Polka Dot Bunny Plushie & Speckled Easter Egg

10 - 'He hides away in this awful place, too afraid to show his face.'
Prize - You won 5,000MP & Teal Striped Easter Egg

11 - 'Have a go and try your luck. It's flipping easy and won't get stuck.'
Prize - You won 2 Yellow Bunny Balloon & Yellow Bunny Easter Egg

12 - 'No need to pass by without even stopping, you could just do some window shopping?'
Prize - You won 2 Easter Tea Set & Giraffe Easter Egg

13 - 'If you're lucky some may fall. Some are big and some are small.'
Prize - You won 2 Yellow Polka Dot Bunny Plushie & Blue Camouflage Easter Egg

14 - 'It often has abundant wealth, but you need to pick your prize with stealth.'
Prize - You won 2 Easter Egg Goblet & Geometric Easter Egg

15 - 'Although he's quite a simple guy. His needs can sometimes be quite high.'
Prize - You won 7,500MP & Pretty Yellow Easter Egg

16 - 'Every day, the more you pay, better prizes come your way.'
Prize - You won 2 Bitty Plushie & Yellow Bootleg Easter Egg

17 - 'When you've cracked it you will find, a rainbow of a certain kind.'
Prize - You won 2 Purple Polka Dot Bunny Plushie & Spectrum Easter Egg

18 - 'You may have just what I need, if a price can be agreed.'
Prize - You won 2 Easter Bunny Plushie & Purple Striped Easter Egg

19 - 'They are always hungry, that's for sure, but feeding them is quite a chore.'
Prize - You won 2 Basket of Eggs & Tropical Easter Egg

20 - 'It looks like the Easter Bunny to me, with eggs in a basket for all to see.'
Prize - Green Camouflage Easter Egg

21 - It's never to late so don't let them sit, start a regime and get them fit.
Prize - You won 2 Easter Egg Lollipop & Wild Easter Egg

22 - 'Pick your numbers, there's many to choose and maybe this week you will not lose.'
Prize - You won 2 Halloween Easter Bunny Plushie & Pink Glitter Easter Egg

23 - 'You will not know until you've tried to open the bags and see what's inside.'
Prize - You won 2 Gift of Carrots & Purple Chick Easter Egg

24 - 'Where do you think he'll go today? Try and help his on his way.'
Prize - You won 2 Peanut Butter Bunny Cookie & Scaled Easter Egg

25 - 'You cannot even shut an eye while pesky little critters fly.'
Prize - You won 15,000MP & Grey Flower Easter Egg

26 - 'This can be quite exhilarating but often very nausiating!'
Prize - You won 2 Christmas Easter Bunny Plushie & Pretty Pink Easter Egg

27 - 'Litter bugs act thoughtlessly to leave us with this mess you see.'
Prize - You won 2 Vanilla Bunny Cookie & Gold Glitter Easter Egg

28 - 'Bounce around, it looks like fun, keep on bouncing 'til you're done.'
Prize - You won 2 Fuzzy Ears & Blue Bunny Easter Egg

29 - 'You can use these items twice and turn them in for something nice.'
Prize - You won 2 Easter Beelzebub Plushie & Blue Bootleg Easter Egg

30 - 'If you have a soft spot for these viewing them is sure to please.'
Prize - You won 20,000MP & Stained Glass Easter Egg

31 - 'Sugar levels are going high reaching up to touch the sky.'
Prize - You won 2 Chocolate Bunny Cookie & Yellow Chick Easter Egg

32 - 'He looks so well for one so old residing near the Pot of Gold.'
Prize - You won 2 Carrot Bouquet & You won 2 Carrot Bouquet

33 - 'Digging in this crusty ground, where sometimes nothing can be found.'
Prize - You won 2 Easter Elf Plushie & Purple Bunny Easter Egg

33 - 'Chocolate and candy may taste great, but really does not help your weight.'
Prize - You won 2 All About Eggs & Painted Easter Egg

34 - 'Leaving here would cause non-existence, he really does need your assistance.'
Prize - You won 25,000MP & Bubble Easter Egg

35 - 'Take good aim and throw it right, you might just win a tasty bite.'
Prize - You won 2 Weep & Pink Bunny Easter Egg

36 - 'These sad, lonely pets need care, look around and see what's there.'
Prize - You won 2 Carrot Capers & Blue Glitter Easter Egg

38 - 'Ever since her fall from grace, she's had to live in this bad place.'
Prize - You won 2 Easter 2017 Stamp & Purple Flower Easter Egg

39 - 'Junk and treasure stored away, in keeping for a rainy day.'
Prize - You won 2 Dandylion & Pretty Blue Easter Egg

40 - 'Random items will appear, act fast before they disappear.'
Prize - You won £1 Account Upgrades Credit & 2017 Easter Egg

You can now collect all of your Easter Eggs from your basket in Candyland

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Easter Egg Hunt 2015

1 - 'The Easter Bunny is here again with her annual quest for you. Get smart now and follow the clues and remember to have fun too!'
Prize - You won 2 Easter Bunny Figurine and 500MP & Plushie Fairy Easter Egg

2 - 'Fashion fanatics gather round here's where your rewards are found.'
Prize - 2 Chocolate Foil Bunny and 1,000MP & Homeless Fairy Easter Egg

3 - 'Pop goes the weasel, 1 2 3 4, If you are lucky you'll do even more'
Prize - Cooked Easter Egg and 1,500MP & Glasses Easter Egg

4 - 'You have to love this cute little Sindi It's happy even though it's windy!'
Prize - 2 Bunny Print Shirt and 2,000MP & Haunted House Easter Egg

5 - 'A new day dawns, please don't refuse just run along and pay your dues.'
Prize - 2 Chocolate Almond Chickle and 2,500MP & Stars Easter Egg

6 - 'When your pet's belly is full of fine fare this is the place to check out what's there.'
Prize - 2 Spring Lamb Plushie and 3,000MP & Sundial Easter Egg

7 - 'If you are someone who has lots of clothes it's easy to get things to warm up your toes.'
Prize - 2 Easter Egg Shirt and 3,500MP & Rainbow Fairy Easter Egg

8 - 'These nifty items, their benefits range wide Here you will see the ones you've untied.'
Prize - 2 Yellow Sindi Marshmallow and 4,000MP & Greedy Fairy Easter Egg

9 - 'Win this game, but your chances are slim, your pockets could be full to the brim.'
Prize - 2 Egg Stockings and 4,500MP & Poison Easter Egg

10 - 'The weather's looking fine today until the dark skies make their way.'
Prize - 2 Bunny Cuffs and 5,000MP & Gigantic Fairy Easter Egg

11 - 'Can you beat this funny fellow? Find the right one in all that yellow.'
Prize - 2 Milk Chocolate Chickle and 5,500MP & Mini Fairy Easter Egg

12 - 'One man's trash is another man's treasure Giving can sometimes be quite a pleasure.'
Prize - 2 Easter Xoi Plushie and 6,000MP & Flowers Easter Egg

13 - 'He's down and out but will interrelate with pets who like to who keep up to date.'
Prize - 2 Chocolate Strawberry Chickle and 6,500MP & Jenoa Scratchcard Easter Egg

14 - 'If wishes were horses, beggars would ride, whatever you win is not your's to decide.'
Prize - 2 Egg Socks and 7,000MP & Meat Easter Egg

15 - 'You're taking a chance with your pet never knowing what you'll get.'
Prize - 2 Bitty and 7,500MP & Medicine Easter Egg

16 - 'His claws are sharp so please take care when sending your pet into combat there.'
Prize - 2 Chocolate Cherry Chickle and 8,000MP & Digital Fairy Easter Egg

17 - 'There is no time for your pet to rest if it wants to be better than the rest.'
Prize - 2 Bunny Hop and 8,500MP & Dukka Fairy Easter Egg

18 - 'Now that spring is in the air pets should know just what to wear.'
Prize - 2 Bunny Balloon and 9,000MP & Wardrobe Fairy Easter Egg

19 - 'It's enough to make your stomach churn but pets line up to take their turn.'
Prize - 2 Candy Filled Eggs and 9,500MP & Trash Fairy Easter Egg

20 - 'When your pets are not feeling so great take them here, you should not wait.'
Prize - 2 My Peeps Shirt and 10,000MP & Old Fairy Easter Egg

21 - 'Make some time you'll need it soon bring along a fork and spoon.'
Prize - 2 White Chocolate Chickle and 10,500MP & Obese Fairy Easter Egg

22 - 'Pets don't sleep too well at night when woken with a nasty fright!'
Prize - 2 Egg Tights and 11,000MP & Little Elf Easter Egg

23 - 'Which quest quickly comes to mind? The answer is crystal clear, you'll find.'
Prize - 2 Easter Kaala Plushie and 11,500MP & Factory Outlet Easter Egg

24 - 'You don't have much time to wait so sort it out and put it straight.'
Prize - 2 Blue Sindi Marshmallow and 12,000MP & Pizza Easter Egg

25 - 'It takes the right amount of cooking to make something exotic-looking!'
Prize - 2 Bunny Ears and 12,500MP & Beelzebub Easter Egg

26 - 'It's always fun to poke around in this old and dirty ground.'
Prize - 2 Velvet Rabbit Plushie and 13,000MP & Spices Easter Egg

27 - 'Look around here at your leisure you may have some excess treasure.'
Prize - 2 Dark Chocolate Chickle and 13,500MP & Spells Easter Egg

28 - 'If you help this friend in need he will reward you for your deed.'
Prize - 2 Bunny Hair Clip and 14,000MP & Eye Makeup Easter Egg

29 - 'This place does look icky and yucky but sometimes it's worth getting mucky.'
Prize - 2 Long Egg Socks and 14,500MP & Bakery Easter Egg

30 - 'Even when it's cold outside you can still transform your hide.'
Prize - 2 Easter Egg Bomb and 15,000MP & Decapitating Fairy Easter Egg

31 - 'It's not really about your pet's size it's always going to win a prize.'
Prize - 2 Chocolate Cream Chickle and 15,500MP & Undying Fairy Easter Egg

32 - 'Pick the one you like the best and hope it's better than the rest.'
Prize - 2 Bunny Beanie and 16,000MP & Sultan Easter Egg

33- 'Spinning round is the only way to serve up minis on a tray.'
Prize - 2 Pink Sindi Marshmallow and 16,500MP & Mystery Item Easter Egg

34 - 'You will need to bring a treat to satisfy a tooth that's sweet.'
Prize - 2 Orange Chocolate Chickle and 17,000MP & Mango Easter Egg

35 - 'Leading like a lamb to slaughter your pet may end up somewhat shorter!'
Prize - 2 Easter Egg Hunt Map and 17,500MP & Potions Easter Egg

36 - 'When a high tech shot is made it's good to use or sell or trade.'
Prize - 2 Rose Rhapsody and 18,000MP & Rapunzel Tower Easter Egg

37 - 'You carry on spinning for the chance to keep winning.'
Prize - 2 Egg Bomber Trading Card and 18,500MP & Giant Flowers Easter Egg

38 - 'More and more you click around until the scary monster's found.'
Prize - 2 Mint Chocolate Chickle and 19,000MP & Royal Fairy Easter Egg

39 - 'The more you have, the better your chance of doing a weekly happy dance.'
Prize - 2 Orange Chocolate Chickle and 19,500MP & Talon Easter Egg

40 - 'Keep on climbing, you shouldn't stop or you'll never reach the top.
Prize - 2 Chickle Easter Stamp and 20,000MP & The Clam Easter Egg

2015 events
10 years & 27 days ago
15th Feb 2015 11:47

Christmas Secret Santa Event
- every Secret Santa quest you complete will reward a random Marapets player (currently online) with one of 18 new Christmas Presents
- Open one of these new Christmas Presents and you will win one of these new prizes. If you wait until December 24th or 25th to open them, you will win double prizes


Blue Hump Present
Blue Mordo Present
Blue Sybri Present
Cartoon Kaala Present
Daylight Figaro Present
Fairy Raulf Present
Gold Kujo Present
Gold Vlad Present
Green Addow Present
Green Justin Present
Ice Cream Lati Present
Red Chibs Present
Red Fasoro Present
Red Willa Present
Red Zola Present
Red Zoosh Present
White Decadal Present
White Lorius Present

Inside Presents

Black Flat Sneakers - (in collection)
Black Lace Up Sneakers - (in collection)
Blue Flat Sneakers - (in collection)
Blue Lace Up Sneakers - (in collection)
Christmas Tree Candle - (in kinko collection)
Coolmint Shake - (in kinko collection)
Dark Chocolate Hot Cocoa Mix - (in kinko collection)
Decorated Christmas Tree Candle - (in kinko collection)
Festive Banana Plushie - (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Festive Green Bow Plushie - (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Festive Peach Plushie - (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Festive Pizza Plushie - (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Festive Red Bow Plushie - (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Festive Strawberry Plushie - (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Festive White Bow Plushie - (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Flat Sneakers - (in collection)
Glowing Angelic Egg - (in collection)
Glowing Snowflake Egg - (in collection)
Green Flat Sneakers - (in collection)
Green Lace Up Sneakers - (in collection)
Lace Up Sneakers - (in collection)
Lightbug - x1
Milk Chocolate Hot Cocoa Mix - (in kinko collection)
Mint Shake - (in kinko collection)
Peppermint Hot Cocoa Mix - (in kinko collection)
Peppermint Shake - (in kinko collection)
Pink Flat Sneakers - (in collection)
Pink Lace Up Sneakers - (in collection)
Polka Dot Hair Bow - (in collection)
Pudine Onesie - (in collection)
Purple Flat Sneakers - (in collection)
Purple Lace Up Sneakers - (in collection)
Red Flat Sneakers - (in collection)
Red Lace Up Sneakers - (in collection)
Seasonal Gourd Plushie - (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Seasonal Lemon Plushie - (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Seasonal Potato Plushie - (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Seasonal Tangerine Plushie - x1 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Winter Tiara - (in collection)
Woven Scarf - (in collection)
Yellow Flat Sneakers - (in collection)
Yellow Lace Up Sneakers - (in collection)

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Carol Singing Prizes

Apricot Macaron - x2 (in kinko collection)
Aura Tunes - (in kinko collection)
Bass Guitar
Black Fuzz Mittens - (in collection)
Black Puff Mittens - (in collection)
Blueberry Snowcone - x1 (in kinko collection)
Book of Carols - (in kinko collection)
Cherry Macaron - x1 (in kinko collection)
Cherry Snowcone - x1 (in kinko collection)
Chocolate Macaron - x1 (in kinko collection)
Christmas Mittens - (in collection)
Coconut Macaron - x1 (in kinko collection)
Electric Violin
Faun Flute
Frosty Snow Jams - (in kinko collection)
Gold Wrapped Tunes
Grape Snowcone - x1 (in kinko collection)
Green Fuzz Mittens - (in collection)
Green Wrapped Tunes - (in kinko collection)
Hurdy Gurdy
Iceberg Sirens - (in kinko collection)
Ice Fairy Lament - (in kinko collection)
Lemon Macaron - x1 (in kinko collection)
Lemon Snowcone - x2 (in kinko collection)
Lime Snowcone - x2 (in kinko collection)
Lychee Macaron - x1 (in kinko collection)
Lyre - x1
Matcha Macaron - x1 (in kinko collection)
Mittens - (in collection)
North Pole Opera - (in kinko collection)
Pink Fuzz Mittens - (in collection)
Pistachio Macaron - x1 (in kinko collection)
Puff Mittens - (in collection)
Red Fuzz Mittens - (in collection)
Red Wrapped Tunes - (in kinko collection)
Snare Drum
Snixie Songs - x1 (in kinko collection)
Strawberry Macaron - x1 (in kinko collection)
Tan Fuzz Mittens - (in collection)
Theremin - x1
Watermelon Snowcone - x1 (in kinko collection)
White Fuzz Mittens - (in collection)
White Puff Mittens - (in collection)
White Wrapped Tunes - x1 (in kinko collection)
Winter Melody - x1 (in kinko collection)

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Krampus Prizes

Birch Swatter - x2
Blizzard Snow - (in collection)
Broken Blue Bauble - x2 (in kinko collection)
Broken Green Bauble - x2 (in kinko collection)
Broken Red Bauble - x2 (in kinko collection)
Candycane Crossbow - x3
Candycane Harpoon - x2
Coal Bomb - x5
Glowing Krampus Egg - x1 (in collection)
Headless Arinya Plushie - (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Headless Basil Plushie - (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Headless Crindol Plushie - (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Here Comes Krampus - x1 (in kinko collection)
Krampus Plushie - x1 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Krampus Stamp - x1 (in collection)
Legend of Krampus - x1 (in kinko collection)
Naughty List - x1 (in kinko collection)
Naughty or Nice Book - x1 (in kinko collection)
Muffler Scarf - x1 (in collection)
Powder Snow - (in collection)
Skater Beanie - x1 (in collection)
Skramp - x1
Snowball Catapult - x4

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Thanksgiving Event
- Talon is frightened that he will be cooked instead, he has hired a replacement Gurple until December 15th. Gurple is an original Gobble, too ugly and unpalatable to be eaten. Are you brave enough to fight him in the Battle Arena.

Acorn Flan - x2 (in kinko collection)
Acorn Gumball
Acorn Pearl
Acorn Squash - x2 (in kinko collection)
Autumn Bouquet - x3 (in kinko collection)
Autumn Kujo Plushie
Autumn Leaf Blade - x3
Baked Sweet Potato - x1 (in kinko collection)
Creamy Acorn Soup - x1 (in kinko collection)
Cooked Gurple - x1 (in kinko collection)
Distraught Turkey Plushie
Fallen Leaves Stamp
Flint Corn - x1 (in kinko collection)
Fresh Cranberries - x1 (in kinko collection)
Fried Corn - x3 (in kinko collection)
Fried Corn Stamp - x1 (in collection)
Giving Thanks - x1
Glowing Acorn Egg
Gurple Songs - x1 (in kinko collection)
Gurple Stamp - x1 (in collection)
Jumbo Turkey Leg - x1 (in kinko collection)
Leaflit - x3
Orange Leaf Candy - x1 (in kinko collection)
Orange Maple Leaf Candy - x1 (in kinko collection)
Orange Maple Leaf Plushie - x1 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Red Leaf Candy - x1 (in kinko collection)
Red Maple Leaf Candy - x1 (in kinko collection)
Red Maple Leaf Plushie - x1 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Turkey Trot Pop
Turkey Troubles
Yellow Leaf Candy - x1 (in kinko collection)
Yellow Maple Leaf Candy - x1 (in kinko collection)
Yellow Maple Leaf Plushie - x1 (in kinko collection) (in collection)

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Halloween Event 2015
- Pumpkin Hunt, Elger Trick or Treat, Beelzebub, Character Trick or Treat and Halloween Snowman events to look forward to. We also have two new events for 2015

101 Pumpkin Facts - x2 (in kinko collection)
2015 Pumpkin - x2 (in kinko collection)
Addow Pumpkin - x1 (in kinko collection)
Alien Potato Chips - x2 (in kinko collection)
Astro Pumpkin - x3 (in kinko collection)
Azul Pumpkin - x1 (in kinko collection)
Bandana - x1 (in wardrobe)
Basil Pumpkin - x2 (in kinko collection)
Bat Crop Top - x1 (in wardrobe)
Bat Potato Chips - x2 (in kinko collection)
Beelzebub Pennant - x2 (in kinko collection)
Beelzebub Tail - x1
Black Cat Gumball - x2 (in kinko collection)
Black Cat Hot Chocolate - x3 (in kinko collection)
Black Cat Pearl - x1 (in kinko collection)
Black Cat Stamp - x1 (in collection)
Black Juju
Black Halloweenie
Black Spookfruit Plushie - x4 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Black Spookfruit Sundae - x3 (in kinko collection)
Bloodmoon Lolly - x1 (in kinko collection)
Bloodmoon Mysteries - x2 (in kinko collection)
Bloody Face Tattoo - x1 (in wardrobe)
Bloody Head Tattoo - x1 (in wardrobe)
Bloody Neck Tattoo - x1 (in wardrobe)
Bloody Potato Chips - x1
Blue Halloweenie
Blue Juju
Blue Spookfruit Plushie - x5 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Blue Spookfruit Sundae - x1 (in kinko collection)
Boney Tail - x2 (in wardrobe)
Brown Juju
Bruised Neck Tattoo - x1 (in wardrobe)
Bruised Wrists Tattoo - x1 (in wardrobe)
Butcher Knife - x1 (in wardrobe)
Chibs Tail - x1 (in wardrobe)
Chocolate Ghost Ice Cream Lolly - x2 (in kinko collection)
Cobweb Crop Top - x2 (in wardrobe)
Coffin Purse - x3 (in wardrobe)
Confused Pumpkin Lolly - x4 (in kinko collection)
Crindol Pumpkin- x3 (in kinko collection)
Cursed Blue Glowing Egg - x1 (in collection)
Cursed Green Glowing Egg - (in collection)
Cursed Marapets Glowing Egg - (in collection)
Cursed Pink Glowing Egg - (in collection)
Cursed Pumpkin Glowing Egg - x3 (in collection)
Cursed Purple Glowing Egg - (in collection)
Cursed Red Glowing Egg - x1 (in collection)
Cursed White Glowing Egg - (in collection)
Cursed Yellow Glowing Egg - (in collection)
Cut Arms Tattoo - x1 (in wardrobe)
Cut Legs Tattoo - x2 (in wardrobe)
Decadal Pumpkin - x2 (in kinko collection)
Decadal Tail - x2 (in wardrobe)
Dunce Hat - x4 (in wardrobe)
Egg Hat - x1 (in wardrobe)
Elger Cookbook - x1 (in kinko collection)
Ercuw Pumpkin - x1 (in kinko collection)
Equilor Pumpkin - x4 (in kinko collection)
Evil Pumpkin Lolly - x1 (in kinko collection)
Face Glitter
Fasoro Pumpkin - x4 (in kinko collection)
Flab Pumpkin - x6 (in kinko collection)
Flashy Vest - x1 (in wardrobe)
Funsize Black Candies - x2 (in kinko collection)
Funsize Blue Candies - x3 (in kinko collection)
Funsize Orange Candies - x3 (in kinko collection)
Funsize Pink Candies - x2 (in kinko collection)
Funsize Red Candies - x3 (in kinko collection)
Funsize White Candies - x2 (in kinko collection)
Garter Belt - x1 (in wardrobe)
Gobble Pumpkin - x6 (in kinko collection)
Goblet of Pumpkin Juice - x1 (in kinko collection)
Golden Bat Dagger - x5
Goop Summoning Stone
Green Halloweenie
Green Juju
Green Spookfruit Plushie - x1 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Green Spookfruit Sundae - x2 (in kinko collection)
Grey Halloweenie
Grey Juju
Half and Half Stockings - x4 (in wardrobe)
Half and Half Tights - x10 (in wardrobe)
Halloween Chickle Summoning Stone - x5 (in wardrobe)
Halloween Ian Summoning Stone - x2 (in wardrobe)
Halloween Tunic- x3 ( (in wardrobe)
Haunted Elger Plushie - x3 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Haunting Melodies - x1 (in kinko collection)
Head Shot - x1 (in wardrobe)
Helloth Summoning Stone
Hump Pumpkin - x2 (in kinko collection)
Huthiq Pumpkin - x3 (in kinko collection)
Juju - x1
Juju Plushie - x2 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Kaala Pumpkin - x2 (in kinko collection)
Katana - x11 (in wardrobe)
Knutt Pumpkin - x2 (in kinko collection)
Knutt Tail - x1 (in wardrobe)
Kujo Pumpkin - x6 (in kinko collection)
Leon Tail - x3 (in wardrobe)
Maeven Summoning Stone
Mizu Tail - x2 (in wardrobe)
Mummy Plushie - x1
Murfin Pumpkin - x3 (in kinko collection)
Neapolitan Ghost Ice Cream Lolly - x5 (in kinko collection)
Oglue Pumpkin - x1 (in kinko collection)
Orange Candy Glowing Egg - X2 ( (in collection)
Orange Halloweenie
Orange Spookfruit Plushie - x3 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Orange Spookfruit Sundae - x2 (in kinko collection)
Paffuto Pumpkin - x4 (in kinko collection)
Pastel Costume - x1
Pickled Renat Foot - x2 (in kinko collection)
Pickled Rusty Tongue - x2 (in kinko collection)
Pickled Poera Eyes - x1 (in kinko collection)
Pink Halloweenie
Pink Juju
Pumpking - x6
Pumpkin Carving Knife - x7
Pumpkin Harvest - x3 (in kinko collection)
Pumpkin Of Gold Stamp - x1 (in collection)
Pumpkin of Gold Wand - x9
Pumpkin Of Gold Plushie - x5 (in collection) (in kinko collection)
Purple Halloweenie
Purple Juju
Purple Spookfruit Plushie - x2 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Purple Spookfruit Sundae - x4 (in kinko collection)
Raulf Pumpkin - x3 (in kinko collection)
Red Halloweenie
Red Juju
Red Spookfruit Plushie - x3 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Red Spookfruit Sundae - x1 (in kinko collection)
Renat Pumpkin - x3 (in kinko collection)
Retro Beelzebub Plushie
Sad Pumpkin Lolly - x4 (in kinko collection)
Scythe - x1 (in wardrobe)
Sheer Left Stocking - x7 (in wardrobe)
Sheer Right Stocking - x1 (in wardrobe)
Sheer Stockings - x2 (in wardrobe)
Sheer Vertical Striped Stockings - x1 (in wardrobe)
Shot Heart Tattoo - x1 (in wardrobe)
Silver Bat Dagger - x5
Snookle Tail - x4 (in wardrobe)
Spooks Summoning Stone - x1 (in wardrobe)
Stitched Skin
Stitched Stomach Tattoo - x1 (in wardrobe)
Strawberry Ghost Ice Cream Lolly - x3 (in kinko collection)
Troit Pumpkin - x1 (in kinko collection)
Unicorn Hologram - x1 (in wardrobe)
Vampire Bite Tattoo - x1 (in wardrobe)
Vanilla Ghost Ice Cream Lolly - x5 (in kinko collection)
Vertical Striped Stockings - x2 (in wardrobe)
Vlad Pumpkin - x6 (in kinko collection)
Vlad Tail - x1 (in wardrobe)
Welders Mask - x1 (in wardrobe)
Werewolf Scratch Tattoo - x1 (in wardrobe)
White Halloweenie
White Juju
Willa Pumpkin - x1 (in kinko collection)
Witch Hat
Witch Plushie - x3 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Wooden Vampire Stake - x1
Worried Pumpkin Lolly - x2 (in kinko collection)
Yellow Halloweenie
Yellow Juju
Zig Zag Scar Tattoo - x1 (in wardrobe)
Ziggy Bolt Face Paint - x3 (in wardrobe)
Zola Tail - x3 (in wardrobe)
Zombie Kidlet Stamp

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Undying Festival 2015
- ends October 19, 2015

Autumn Potato Chips
Black Spookfruit - x2 (in kinko collection)
Bleeding Heart Poison - x1
Blue Spookfruit - x1 (in kinko collection)
Bone Biscuits - x1
Bullo - x1
Buttercream - x2
Candy Coffins - x3 (in kinko collection)
Candycorn Patchwork Daisy Plushie - x1 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Chibi Daisy Plushie - x1
Chibs Omurice - x3 (in kinko collection)
Daisy Cheese - x2 (in kinko collection)
Daisy Musk - x4 (in kinko collection)
Daisy Pie - x3 (in kinko collection)
Devil Plushie
Frozen Rose Boomerang - x3
Frozen Rose Sword - x6
Ghost Patchwork Daisy Plushie - x3 (in collection) (in kinko collection)
Ghost Plushie
Giant Blueberry Muffin - x9 (fed kinko)
Giant Chocolate Chip Muffin - x11 (fed kinko)
Giant Chocolate Muffin - x6 (fed kinko)
Giant Mint Chocolate Chip Muffin - x10 (fed kinko)
Giant Muffin - x11 (fed kinko)
Giant White Chocolate Chip Muffin - x12 (fed kinko)
Glowing Pale Bikini Egg
Glowing Summer Arinya Egg
Glowing Summer Decadal Egg
Glowing Summer Fasoro Egg
Glowing Summer Jessup Egg
Glowing Summer Nino Egg - (in collection)
Glowing Summer Sybri Egg
Glowing Summer Troit Egg
Glowing Summer Yuni Egg - (in collection)
Glowing Sunburnt Bikini Egg
Glowing Sunkissed Bikini Egg - (in collection)
Glowing Tanned Bikini Egg - x1 (in collection)
Grass Blade - x6
Grave Robbers Shovel - x13 (in kinko collection)
Green Spookfruit - x2 (in kinko collection)
Halloween Patchwork Daisy Plushie - x1 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Harvest Patchwork Daisy Plushie - x2 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Haunted Comics Issue I - x2 (in kinko collection)
Haunted Comics Issue II - x3 (in kinko collection)
Haunted Comics Issue III - x2 (in kinko collection)
Haunted Comics Issue IV - x4 (in kinko collection)
Haunted Comics Issue V - x1 (in kinko collection)
Lily Bell Staff - x3
Mintcream - x4
Orange Spookfruit - x1
Pumpkin Patchwork Daisy Plushie - x2 (in kinko collection) (in collection)
Pumpkin Spice Maple Donut - x4 (in kinko collection)
Purple Spookfruit - x3 (in kinko collection)
Red Spookfruit - x2 (in kinko collection)
Rose Bow - x5
Sakura Scythe - x4
Sakura Shuriken - x4
Scary Daisy Stories - x1
Silver Lotus Sword - x2
Skull Pearl - x1 (in kinko collection)
Skull Stamp - x1 (in collection)
Spooky Skeleton Boogie - x1
Sunflower Shuriken - x3
Werewolf Plushie - x1

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Marapets PoolParty Event - part 2

- started July 12 , 2015
- To join the party your character must look the part and be using the Pool Party experience.
- you'll randomly find these free prizes, after click on pop up balloon boxes
- Pool Party Raffle will be announced at the end of the party - July 19th

Ball of Summer Yarn - x1
Banana Gummy Feliz - x1
Black Astro Plushie - (in collection) (kinko)
Blue Astro Plushie - x1
Blue Raspberry Gummy Feliz - x1
Blue Water Balloon - x1 (kinko)
Brown Astro Plushie - x1
Coconut Gummy Feliz - x1
Devilkini Beelzebub Plushie
Equilor Bubble Blower - x1
Foxfire Suncream - x1
Gold Water Balloon - x1
Green Astro Plushie - x1
Green Water Balloon - x1
Grey Astro Plushie - x1
Happy Pool Party Stamp
Hot Dawg
Lime Gummy Feliz - x1
No Newths Stamp - x1
Orange Astro Plushie - x1
Orange Gummy Feliz - x1
Orange Water Balloon - x1
Pink Astro Plushie - x1
Pink Water Balloon - x1
Poison Water Balloon - x1 (kinko)
Purple Astro Plushie - x1
Purple Water Balloon - x1
Pool Party
Pools Closed Poster - x1
Pool Rules - x1
Potato Chips
Red Astro Plushie - x1
Rainbow Jelly - (fed kinko)
Red Water Balloon - x1
Sad Pool Party Stamp - x1
Sand Cake - x1
Sea Shell Soda - x1
Strawberry Gummy Feliz - x1
Summer Romance - x1
Whale Plushie - (in collection) (kinko)
White Astro Plushie - x1
Yellow Astro Plushie
Yellow Water Balloon - x1

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Marapets #PoolParty Event - part 1

- started June 6, 2015
- Pool Party will be on the weekend of July 11th and 12th
- could randomly receive a Pool Party Bag with clothing inside or a Summer Basket with gourmet food and drink inside.
- will need at least one entry ticket to take part in the party July 11-12.
- Each ticket will also automatically enter you into a Pool Party Raffle.
- invitations will end July 10th and more prizes will be added to this event between now and then.
- The 250 different players who collect the most tickets will receive 1,000,000MP and a limited edition item and the next 250 will only receive the item, Lord Splishy Splashy Trading Card. Winners will be announced at the Pool Party

Random when completing ticket
Beach Ball Book
Glowing Beach Egg
Glowing Sea Salt Egg
Glowing Sea Water Egg
Glowing Sunset Beach Egg
Sea Star Stamp
Serenade of the Sea
Summer Love
Sunlight Stamp - x1
Tub of Rainbow Yogurt

Pool Party Bags & Summer Baskets
Black Pool Party Bag
Black Summer Basket
Blue Pool Party Bag
Blue Summer Basket
Green Pool Party Bag
Green Summer Basket
Orange Pool Party Bag
Orange Summer Basket
Pink Pool Party Bag
Pink Summer Basket
Purple Pool Party Bag
Purple Summer Basket
Red Pool Party Bag
Red Summer Basket
Yellow Pool Party Bag
Yellow Summer Basket

Gourmet foods
American Cupcake
Banana Bubble Tea - x1
Banana Freezie
Bluberry Cocktail - x1
Blueberry Duo Popsicle
Blueberry Freezie
Blueberry Icicle
Blueberry Shell Candy
Bubble Gum Cocktail
Cherry Cocktail - x2 (fed kinko)
Cherry Duo Popsicle
Cherry Freezie
Cherry Icicle
Cherry Shell Candy
Chocolate Duo Popsicle
Fresh Blueberry Juice x1
Fresh Cherry Juice - x1 (fed kinko)
Fresh Kiwi Juice - x1 (fed kinko)
Fresh Milk - x1 (fed kinko)
Grape Duo Popsicle - x1
Grape Freezie
Grape Icicle
Kiwi Duo Popsicle
Kiwi Shell Candy
Lemon Duo Popsicle
Lemon Icicle x1
Lemon Shell Candy x1
Lime Freezie
Lime Icicle
Mango Bubble Tea - x1 (fed kinko)
Matcha Bubble Tea - x1 (fed kinko)
Orange Duo Popsicle - x1
Orange Icicle
Rainbow Bubble Tea - x1 (fed kinko)
Rainbow Cocktail - x1 (fed kinko)
Rainbow Icicle
Shell Candy
Strawberry Bubble Tea - x1 (fed kinko)
Strawberry Cupcake
Taro Bubble Tea x1 (fed kinko)
Vanilla Bubble Tea - x1 (fed kinko)
Vanilla Duo Popsicle - x1
Vanilla Icicle - x1
Watermelon Duo Popsicle - x1 (fed kinko)
Watermelon Freezie
Watermelon Icicle - x1
Winter Cocktail - x1 (fed kinko)

Swimwear (male & female)
Black Checkered Jammer - (in wardrobe)
Black Polkadot Circle Swimsuit - (in wardrobe)
Black Polkadot Criss Cross Swimsuit
Black Polkadot Ruched Swimsuit
Black Polkadot Ruffle Swimdress
Black Polkadot Ruffle Swimsuit
Black Polkadot Ruffle Top Swimdress
Black Polkadot Speedo
Black Polkadot Swimsuit - (in wardrobe)
Black Polkadot Swim Briefs - (in wardrobe)
Black Polkadot Swim Shorts - (in wardrobe)
Black Polkadot V Neck Swimsuit
Black Strip Swimsuit
Black Stripe Jammer - (in wardrobe)
Black Stripe Speedo (in wardrobe)
Black Stripe Swimsuit
Black Stripe Swim Briefs - (in wardrobe)
Black Strip Swim Shorts - (in wardrobe)
Black Stripe V Neck Swimsuit
Black Sunburst Swimsuit - (in wardrobe)
Black Vertical Stripe Jammer - (in wardrobe)
Black Wave Jammer - (in wardrobe)
Blue Checkered Jammer
Blue Stripe Jammer - (in wardrobe)
Blue Vertical Stripe Jammer - (in wardrobe)
Blue Wave Jammer
Boots Tank Top
Breezy Tank Top - (in wardrobe)
Camouflage Jammer - x1 (in wardrobe)
Camouflage Swim Briefs - (in wardrobe)
Camouflage Swim Shorts - (in wardrobe)
Circle Swimsuit
Criss Cross Swimsuit
Cross Tank Top
Cut Out Swimsuit
Diamond Swimsuit - (in wardrobe)
Flag Tank Top
Floral Cross Tank Top
Galaxy Tank Top - (in wardrobe)
Gingham Speedo - x1 (in wardrobe)
Heartbreaker Tank Top
Illuminot Tank Top
Jammer - (in wardrobe)
Metalic Swim Briefs - (in wardrobe)
Muscle Tank Top
Navy Checkered Jammer - (in wardrobe)
Navy Stripe Jammer - x1 (in wardrobe)
Navy Vertical Stripe Jammer - (in wardrobe)
Navy Wave Jammer - (in wardrobe)
Ombre Wrapped Swimsuit
Pretzel Swimsuit
Rainbow Mankini
Rainbow Stripe Swimsuit
Rainbow Stripe V Neck Swimsuit
Rich Tank Top
Rose Swim Shorts (in wardrobe)
Ruched Swimsuit - x1 (in wardrobe)
Ruffle Swim Dress
Ruffle Swimsuit
Ruffle Top Swim Dress
Sailor Swimsuit
School Swimsuit
Skulls Tank Top - (in wardrobe)
Speedo - (in wardrobe)
Swim Briefs - (in wardrobe)
Swim Shorts (in wardrobe)
Tagged School Swimsuit
Tuxedo Swim Briefs - (in wardrobe)
V Neck Swimsuit - (in wardrobe)
White Checkered Jammer - (in wardrobe)
White Polkadot Circle Swimsuit - (in wardrobe)
White Polkadot Criss Cross Swimsuit - (in wardrobe)
White Polkadot Ruched Swimsuit
White Polkadot Ruffle Swimdress - (in wardrobe)
White Polkadot Ruffle Swimsuit
White Polkadot Ruffle Top Swimsuit
White Polkadot Speedo (in wardrobe)
White Polkadot Swimsuit
White Polkadot Swim Briefs (in wardrobe)
White Polkadot Swim Shorts (in wardrobe)
White Polkadot V Neck Swimsuit
White Strip Swimsuit
White Strip Swim Shorts - (in wardrobe)
White Stripe Jammer
White Stripe Speedo (in wardrobe)
White Stripe Swim Briefs
White Stripe Swim Shorts
White Stripe Swimsuit
White Stripe V Neck Swimsuit
White Vertical Stripe Jammer - (in wardrobe)
White Wave Jammer - (in wardrobe)
Wrapped Swimsuit

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Easter Event 2015

Egg Hunt
Blue Sindi Marshmallow
Bunny Balloon
Bunny Beanie
Bunny Cuffs x2 (in wardrobe)
Bunny Ears
Bunny Hair Clip
Bunny Hop x2 (gave to kinko)
Bunny Print Shirt
Candy Filled Eggs
Chickle Easter Stamp
Chocolate Almond Chickle
Chocolate Cherry Chickle
Chocolate Cream Chickle
Chocolate Foil Bunny
Chocolate Strawberry Chickle
Cooked Easter Egg
Dark Chocolate Chickle
Easter Bunny Figurine
Easter Egg Bomb
Easter Egg Hunt Map
Easter Egg Shirt
Easter Kaala Plushie
Easter Xoi Plushie
Egg Bomber Trading Card
Egg Socks
Egg Stockings
Egg Tights
Long Egg Socks
Milk Chocolate Chickle
Mint Chocolate Chickle
My Peeps Shirt
Orange Chocolate Chickle
Pink Sindi Marshmallow
Rose Rhapsody
Spring Lamb Plushie
Spring Pig Plushie x2 (in collection)
Velvet Rabbit Plushie
White Chocolate Chickle
Yellow Sindi Marshmallow

Capsule Machine
Bunny Leotard
Bunny Shoes
Cross Crop Top
Daisy Crop Top
High Waisted Shorts
Sakura Sonnet
Spring Skater Skirt

Candy Shop
Bag of Apple Jelly Beans
Bag of Blueberry Jelly Beans
Bag of Cherry Jelly Beans
Bag of Grape Jelly Beans
Bag of Liquorice Jelly Beans
Bag of Mystery Jelly Beans
Bag of Peach Jelly Beans
Empty Bag of Jelly Beans

Games Shop
Candy Double Hearts x1 (fed kinko)
Dark Chocolate Double Hearts x1 (fed kinko)
Milk Chocolate Double Hearts x1 (fed kinko)
White Chocolate Double Hearts x1 (fed kinko)

Dark Chocolate Covered Strawberry
Milk Chocolate Covered Strawberry
Nymph Ivy Gloves
Playful Nymph Leaves
Poison Covered Strawberry
Sticky Nymph Leaves
Tantalizing Nymph Leaves
Teasing Nymph Leaves
White Chocolate Coered Strawberry

Account Upgrades Shop

Bad Egg Trading Card
Book of Eggcelent Puns
Cream Egg
Creepy Bunny Mask
Duckling Stamp
Egg Splatter
Eggciting Shirt

Pirate Ship
Basic Hat
Daisy Dance

Canned Food Shop
Handmade Apple Jam
Handmade Apricot Jam
Handmade Blackberry Jam
Handmade Blueberry Jam
Handmade Grape Jam
Handmade Layered Jam
Handmade Strawberry Jam

Pot of Gold
Blueberry Flower Chocolate x6 (fed kinko)
Boiled Egg Carrot x1
Cherry Flower Chocolate x2 (fed kinko)
Chocolate Flower x2 (fed kinko)
Easter Bunny Carols x1 (gave to kinko)
Easter Bunny Necktie (in wardrobe)
Gummy Carrot
Handmade Easter Bunny Plushie
Handmade Chocolate Lati
Lemon Flower Chocolate x1 (fed kinko)
Rainbow Notes x1 (gave to kinko)
Vanilla Flower Chocolate x4 (fed kinko)

Plushie Machine
Enchanted Easter Kaala Plushie
Enchanted Easter Xoi Plushie

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

St Patrick's Day 2015

- Starts March 26, 2015
- Green & Leprechaun pets receive free training at Gym & Elite Gym until April 3rd
- CD will randomly be donated at the Pot of Gold
- The Leprechaun is randomly rewarding anyone who completes his quest with these bonus items until April 3rd

-Pot of Gold-

Pot Of Gold Polka x6 (gave to kinko)

-Leprechaun Quest Rewards-

Clover Honey x1 (gave to kinko)
Four Leaf Clover Plushie x1 (in collection)
Green Eggs x1 (gave to kinko)
Irish Tankard x1 (gave to kinko)
Kale Milk Shake
Leprechaun Hat Book x1
Lucky Coin x2
Lucky Horseshoe Stamp
Potted Clover x1 (gave to kinko)
Three Leaf Clover Plushie

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

Valentine 2015 event

- Starts February, 14 2015
- Love Hearts-- Click them and you may win a prize!
- Find as many as you can over the next 7 days
- the top 250 list of winners, you will also win 1,000,000MP and a new prize!
- Able to win small amounts of MP, BP, RP, an item, or nothing
- will try to get 3 of each, 2 sets to save & 1 set to use

Broken Heart Blues x1 (gave to kinko)
Broken Heart Stamp x1
Candy Heart Plushie x3 (in collection)
Chocolate Dipped Heart Cookie x3 (fed kinko)
Classic Love Stories x1 (gave to kinko)
Cupid Pearl x1
Discarded Roses x6 (fed kinko)
Experiment 667 x2
Hateful Rose x2 (fed kinko)
Heart Candy Necklace x1 (fed kinko)
Heart Flower x1 (fed kinko)
Ian Pillow Plushie x4 (in collection)
Jar of Single Tears x1
Love Sick Decadal Plushie x3 (in collection)
Lovebug x3
Luffley x2
Pink Heart Macaron x1 (fed kinko)
Purple Heart Macaron x2 (fed kinko)
Red Rose Plushie x1 (in collection)
Rejected Proposal Ring x3
Rosewater Tea x3 (fed kinko)
Swirly Love Elixir x2
Thoughtful Feliz Plushie x1
Unhappy Endings x1 (gave to kinko)
Yellow Heart Macaron x1 (fed kinko)

  1. 2018 Events
    13th Feb 2018 17:46
    7 years & 28 days ago
  2. 2017 Events
    12th Feb 2017 17:40
    8 years & 29 days ago
  3. 2016 Events
    12th Feb 2016 11:19
    9 years & 30 days ago
  4. Easter Egg Hunts
    4th Apr 2015 12:37
    9 years, 11 months & 7 days ago
  5. 2015 events
    15th Feb 2015 11:47
    10 years & 27 days ago
  6. microwave
    12th Aug 2014 08:59
    10 years, 7 months & 1 day ago
  7. 2014 Events
    27th Jul 2014 08:08
    10 years, 7 months & 17 days ago
  8. marasite html
    22nd Jul 2014 08:58
    10 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
  9. Missing top links
    18th Jul 2014 04:19
    10 years, 7 months & 26 days ago
  10. **lending battle pets**
    2nd Dec 2013 17:07
    11 years, 3 months & 9 days ago