13 years, 1 month & 8 days ago

3rd Feb 2012 19:03
[x] Make Landyon a Chibs.
[x] Turn Landyon into a Gnome Chibs.
[x] Get an Anime Chibs.
[ ] Get a Valentine or Sleepy Figaro.
[x] Get a Seasonal Chibs.
[x] Make Rhynna a Chibs.
People that have helped; Lexi (Lupus2), stickittoome, Punk38, & Gsgurl38 all contributed in some way. If you have as well; comment below & I'll post your username.

I'd also like to thank the wonderful Archeology place, which gave me most of my things to sell & get MP

The above are all old goals I had completed years ago. I have since started over, and no longer have any of these pets anymore

My New Pet Goals:
[x] get a seasonal chibs
[x] turn Cindurs into a Princess Chibs, after my cat named Cinder
[x] turn Iyrene into an Angel a Chibs (named after my grandma who passed away)
[ ] turn Chaurley into a Fancy Chibs
[ ] turn Graylor into a School Chibs
[x] turn Niallers into a Leprechaun Chibs after Niall from 1D
[x] make a Bee Rusty named Sheerios after the Ed Sheeran fandom
[ ] turn Lumiera into a Moonlight Chibs
[ ] have as many different cossied Chibs as possible