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  1. Known Microwave Recipes & Attempts
    23rd Apr 2014 06:13
    10 years, 10 months & 19 days ago
  2. Giveaway - Graziena the Earth Fairy Vixen
    13th Mar 2014 05:10
    11 years ago
  3. Giveaway - Eliziah the Fire Vixen
    13th Mar 2014 04:54
    11 years & 1 day ago
  4. Pets I've Given Away :-)
    13th Mar 2014 03:11
    11 years & 1 day ago
  5. Kitty Patches
    3rd Feb 2014 13:38
    11 years, 1 month & 7 days ago
Known Microwave Recipes & Attempts
10 years, 10 months & 19 days ago
23rd Apr 2014 06:13

This is based on what I've snooped out around forums. Will update regularly.

Angelic Pear = Angel Book + Pear - 10 seconds

Chocolate Almond Tentacle = Chocolate Almond Cone + Ushunda Tentacle - 4 seconds

Eye Egg = Can of Fish Eyes + Glowing Breakfast Egg - 26 seconds

Flesh Flower - White Daisy + Sirloin Steak - 41 seconds

Juicy Peach boot - Female Furry Boots + Giant Peach - 38 seconds

Mystery Meat = Blooble + Ground Meat - 13 seconds

Radioactive Fish = Radioactive Paint + Fish in Foil - 19 seconds

Spaghetti Ice Cream = Spaghetti Bolognese + Vanilla Ice Cream Cone - 3 seconds

Bleach Smoothie
Bleach + Milk up to 50 seconds
Bleach + Large Milk - up to 20 seconds
Bleach + Small Milk - up to 20 seconds
Bleach + Pumpkin Creme Frappachino up to 12 seconds
Bleach + Pumpkin Shake - up to 5 seconds
Bleach + Vanilla Creme - up to 20 seconds
Bleach + Small Vanilla Creme - up to 20 seconds
Bleach + Large Vanilla Creme - up to 24 seconds

Bleach + Blood Milkshake - up to 1 second
Bleach + Daisy Milk - up to 20 seconds
Bleach + Evil Smoothie - up to 45 seconds and 50-52 seconds
Bleach + Eyeball Smoothie - up to 2 seconds
Bleach + Gravestone Ice Pop - up to 12 seconds
Bleach + Snow Paint - up to 4 seconds
Bleach + White Paint - up to 4 seconds
Bleach + Whipped Ice Cream Cone - for 2 seconds
Bleach + Tub of vanilla ice cream - up to 14 seconds

Foot Fruit
Dakota Foot + Giant Pear - up to 34 seconds, and 40 + 50 seconds
Dakota Foot + Star Fruit - up to 26 seconds
Green Grint Foot + Star Fruit - up to 60 seconds
Severed Foot + Giant Apple- for 60 seconds
Severed Foot + Giant Pear - up to 21 seconds
Severed Food + Pear - up to 14 seconds
Severed Foot + Star Fruit - up to 60 seconds
Severed Foot + Water Apple up to 15 seconds
Severed Foot + Wormy Apple - up to 10 seconds
Football Attack Boot + Giant Peach - up to 15 seconds
Old boot with cream + Giant peach - up to 60 seconds

Meat Pencil
Doyle Pencil + Ground Meat - up to 3 seconds
Bolimo Pencil + Lamb Tenderloin - up to 7 seconds
Knutt Pencil + Ground Meat - up to 14 seconds
Knutt Stick + Lamb Tenderloin - up to 20 seconds

Polka Dot Meat
A Bone of Ham + Glowing Baby Egg - up to 6 seconds and for 10 seconds
Joint of Ham + Glowing Baby Egg - up to 60 seconds
Joint of Ham + Glowing Spotted Egg - up to 4 seconds
Joint of Ham + Groovy Green Wallpaper - for 31 seconds
Joint og Ham + Jump #17 - up to 60 seconds
Joint of Ham + Milk Chocolate Easter Egg - up to 60 seconds
Joint of Ham + Polka Dot Baby Doll - up to 50 seconds & 60 seconds
Veal Leg + Glowing Baby Egg - up to 3 seconds & 20 seconds

Soap Flavoured Gummy
Bar of soap + Blue Raspberry Candycane Gummy - up to 60 seconds
Bar of Soap + Blue Raspberry Gummy Chibs - up to 22 seconds
Blue Soap + Blue Raspberry Gummy Chibs - up to 10 seconds
Blue Soap + Blue Raspberry Gummy Chibs Paws - up to 10 seconds
Blue Soap + Gummi - up to 7 seconds
White Soap + Blue Raspberry Candycane Gummy - up to 17 seconds
White Soap + Blue Raspberry Gummy Chibs Paws - up to 11 seconds

Stone Apple
Glowing Stone Egg + Frozen Red Apple - up to 9 seconds
Gravestone Ice Pop + Apple Gift - up to 11 seconds
Green Grint Foot + Water Apple - up to 15 seconds
Rock Gumball + Giant Red Apple - up to 4 seconds
Stoneage Book & Apple Candle - up to 10 seconds
Stone Cupcake + Apple Candle - up to 10 seconds
Stone Cupcake + Apple Gift - up to 15 seconds
Stone Cupcake + Frozen Green Apple - up to 10 seconds
Stone Cupcake + Frozen Red Apple - up to 10 seconds
Stone Cupcake + Giant Red Apple - up to 15 seconds
Stone Cupcake + Giant Green Apple - up to 10 seconds
Stone Cupcake + Water Apple - up to 15 seconds
Stone Cupcake + Wormy apple - up to 15 seconds
Stone Easter Egg + Giant Red Apple - up to 7 seconds
Stone Easter Egg + Candy Apple - up to 19 seconds
Stone Pumpkin + Apple Candle - up to 5 seconds
Stone Pumpkin + Apple Gift - up to 5 seconds
Stone Pumpkin + Frozen Red Apple - up to 5 seconds
Stone Pumpkin + Frozen Green Apple - up to 5 seconds
Stone Pumpkin + Giant Green Apple - up to 5 seconds
Stone Pumpkin + Giant Red Apple - up to 5 seconds
Stone Pumpkin + Water Apple - up to 5 seconds
Stone Pumpkin + Wormy Apple - up to 5 seconds

Wooden Carrot
Carrot + Drift Wood - up to 22 seconds
Carrot + Wooden Gumball - up to 43 seconds
Carrot + Wooden Pearl - up to 21 seconds
Carrot + Wooden Spoon - up to 14 seconds, and 20, 40 and 50 seconds
Carrot + Wooden temple - up to 5 seconds
Carrot + Glowing Wooden Egg - up to 25 seconds
Giant Carrot + Drift Wood - up to 21 seconds
Giant Carrot + Pirate Wooden Leg 8 secs - tried 8 seconds
Giant Carrot + Wooden Gumball - up to 25 seconds
Giant Carrot + Glowing Wooden Egg - up to 25 seconds
Corrupted Giant Carrot + Wooden Gumball - up to 20 seconds and 25 & 30 seconds

Giveaway - Graziena the Earth Fairy Vixen
11 years ago
13th Mar 2014 05:10

Winning entry decided as this one by ladyeleah32
I love it, and it's getting used in my website!!
There are some others that I like too - next time I have something decent to give away, I'll mail the other people and give them some other prizes Smile

Apply in here.

Please boost my topic too:

You can apply for more than one pet, but the application process for each is slightly different.
Please only apply in this blog for Graziena, no other pets, and please don't apply on the board or in your own blog.

To apply, I want you to do the following:

I'm actually designing a bunch of Earth Fairies for part of a project I'm doing. So maybe you can help me with it. What I need is you to sketch some outfits for males or females, which are made entirely of flower petals, leaves or blades of grass.
Keep in mind these fairies are only a few inches tall, so they only need a few leaves/petals.
PLEASE don't put a lot of time/effort into this - I don't need a masterpiece, just a scribbled idea, it could look like a 3-year old drew it for all I care, as long as I get the idea.
Don't care if it's done by hand or on the computer, and I don't need it coloured properly (although feel free to scribble some vague colours if you feel like it, but it won't add any brownie points)
The idea I like best wins.

NOTE: Please keep all art PG-13, and make sure the characters are covered in all the important places!!

Giveaway ends tomorrow (14 March 2014) and 05:00 AM mara-time

Giveaway - Eliziah the Fire Vixen
11 years & 1 day ago
13th Mar 2014 04:54

Wow, this was difficult picking a winner. I loved so many of them ( and, not gonna lie, bought some of them too - but there were also some I already had, haha!! )
Anyway, I decided on the final winner as emzchick with this awesome lighter:
So excited for it arriving in the post Wide Grin

Apply in here.

Please boost my topic too:

You can apply for more than one pet, but the application process for each is slightly different.
Please only apply in this blog for Eliziah, no other pets, and please don't apply on the board or in your own blog.

To apply, I want you to do the following:

I'm a proper pyromaniac, I love Fire, I think it's so pretty. As such, I have a massive collection of lighters, despite being a non-smoker.
So, I want you to find me a really cool lighter to buy to add to my collection. Google will do, just post me a link, save me the effort!
The one I like best wins!

NOTE: Please keep all links and lighters PG-13 - nothing inappropriate here, just something fun/awesome to own!

Giveaway ends tomorrow (14 March 2014) and 05:00 AM mara-time

Pets I've Given Away :-)
11 years & 1 day ago
13th Mar 2014 03:11

Just a note to myself.
This blog only notes what they were at the time of the giveaway. Obviously people may have changed them since then.

Giveaway 1: 07 September 2012
A random draw where people posted the pet they wanted and names were randomly generated:

Hikaari the Prison Troit - sent to stickittoome
Miiraii the Seasonal Phanty - sent to elisathebuzz

Giveaway 2: 03 April 2013
Another random draw where people posted the pet they wanted and names were randomly generated:

Daemus the 80-statted Gothic Sindi - sent to Taemin
Lemuris the Bee Willa - sent to iPhennix
Merody the Genie Sybri - sent to mirandapandarose
Sehni the Fairy Chibs (has since been renamed, and I made a new pet Sehni the Breeze Nino which I traded) - sent to mirandapandarose
Yolei the Angel Quell - sent to PoetKitty2005
Faize the Minipet Echlin - sent to rawritsjustine14
Lymle the Pink Willa - sent to gotaylor111

And an LE maker sent to Ohderp

Giveaway 3: 12 March 2014
People had to nominate others to receive the pets - but those nominated couldn't have asked for the nominations!

Buiz the Cursed Vlad - sent to Rin11
Myrimus the Summer Sybri - sent to iPhennix
Pewela the Werewolf Vlad - sent to SusanXiao
Piws the Bug Ercuw - sent to lilyrose34
Scythur the Bug Quell - sent to LittleStarr
Zyrcon the Frostfire Ercuw - sent to a10warthog

Giveaway 4: 13 March 2014
In this one, people had to answer a random question, and my favourite answer won - the question was different for each pet. I've posted the questions and answers at the very bottom of this blog, to keep things clean:

Cellestia the Minipet Ercuw - sent to Spookalicious
Eliziah the Fire Vixen - sent to emzchick
Graziena the Earth Fairy Vixen - sent to ladyeleah32
Iridezria the Pixie Snookle, was won by genevievepink, who opted to send the pet to her friend Crystallized
Liesa the Breeze Mordo - sent to yowatzup16
Srixia the Mummy Sindi - sent to tigger626

Other random giveaways:
Jezeriah the Eleka Viotta - sent to yowatzup16
JasmineKotaro the Light Fairy Yuni - sent to pika25
Frehyja the 30-statted Halloween non-LE (for Trick or Treating) - sent to topazpantherlilly
Sokin the Red Oglue - sent to Remade
Pirate Costume - sent to Enkelic to turn Rofling Pirate

Question Competition
Cellestia - question was:
"When I was younger, I used to want to be a Dragon, as I thought they were cool. So tell me. If you could be any mythical animal, which would you be and why?
The winner will be the answer that makes me smile the most."
This was actually the most difficult one of all. So many of you had really endearing stories that really made me smile, or made my heart flutter.
But the one I loved best, for the shear genius of it, was this one by Spookalicious:
"If I could be any mythical creature it would be the chicken from Jack and The Bean Stalk. Come on now, I could make my OWN golden eggs. I'll be clucking (laughing) all the way to the bank."
I couldn't stop laughing for the next five minutes, for the shear genius of it! I now want to be that chicken too, so I can cluck all the way to the bank!

Eliziah - question was:
"I'm a proper pyromaniac, I love Fire, I think it's so pretty. As such, I have a massive collection of lighters, despite being a non-smoker.
So, I want you to find me a really cool lighter to buy to add to my collection. Google will do, just post me a link, save me the effort!
The one I like best wins!"
And the winner was this one, submitted by emzchick, which I absolutely love:

Graziena - question was:
"I'm actually designing a bunch of Earth Fairies for part of a project I'm doing. So maybe you can help me with it. What I need is you to sketch some outfits for males or females, which are made entirely of flower petals, leaves or blades of grass.
Keep in mind these fairies are only a few inches tall, so they only need a few leaves/petals.
The idea I like best wins."
And the winning entry was this awesome design by ladyeleah32:
This will be appearing on my website in the near future, along with my DeviantArt page:

Iridezria - question was:
"Pixies are mischievous creatures, so I want to know: If you were to shrink down to the size of a mouse for a day, and gain the ability to fly; What would be the most mischievous thing you would do?
The thing I find the most mischievous and funny will win."

And the winning answer was genevievepink, who said:
"If I was small and could fly, I would sprinkle flour on people and make it seem as though it is raining flour. I would definitely do this on a cloudy day because it would be hilarious to watch people freak out over flour in their hair and then the actual rain comes and dough in their hair. My life would be made. "
I think that's hilarious, and a very unique idea compared to everyone else, so she wins this one.

Liesa question was:
"Clouds are so pretty, right? I love how they can sometimes make interesting shapes in the sky. I want you to give me a link to a picture of a shape clouds have made, and the one I find "coolest" will win.
You can use images from google for this, you don't need to take the photo yourself, I just want to look at pretty cloud pictures."
And the winning entry was by yowatzup16 with this awesomely cool picture:
I still don't really know what's the sky and what's the clouds!
There were loads of cool entries in this, but this one is my personal favourite.

Srixia - question was:
"Mummies are the source of many horror films. So tell me: if you were to write a horror film, what would be your plot?
I don't need a lot of detail, just a basic plot-line.
(please note, I've seen a lot of horror films, so don't steal a plot from an actual horror film. Also, it doesn't need to feature a mummy)"
The winning answer was tigger626, who said:
"You may know about Carnival of Screams at Alton Towers if you have been (: but since they have no real story to it I made one up. I am not good at plots but here is what I have (:

There once was a place of dreams which now is a place of screams. It started out with laughter and cries but now has only tears with demon lit eyes. The inhabitants inside have grown tried and worn, laughter they crave but there is no more. Their clothes are colourful but their smiles are frowns. The place they live brings old memories down. The air there is stale but the blood is fresh. Death waits for no one who enters the dread. Dare you try? Dare you enter? Because the Carnival of Dreams has become The Carnival of Screams!

The old Carnival of Dreams has claimed its latest batch of unfortunates as bodies has been found plastered in clown makeup.

Some sick kind of joke by an elaborate murder? Or is the old tent really haunted? These are the questions asked by so many of our readers and by all the terrified locals around the Carnival. Many are now to terrified to leave their houses and forbid their children playing out after sunset. There has been many reports of shadows roaming the streets and seen in some children???s bedrooms, these shadows are said to resemble that of the clowns that once lived at the Carnival. Some people say they still live there now and that they are now demons after their revenge after the series of tragic accidents that befell on their big top.

Some of which involve Jack Nife the knife thrower killing every visitor under the big top after a stunt went wrong. Another involved the lion tamer Leo Pride who lost an arm after an audience member provoked his lion, he turned the tables allowing the lion to feast upon the poor man for his insolence of disobeying his orders. Many more have fallen under the tent and many more continue to do so, it seems the blood lust has not been stopped since the murder of the puppet master Axel Judy who???s life was taken by man in distort, as he had his wife and her friend???s lives where taken by Jack.

The bodies being found are that who wander inside of their own accord, as some people do it for dares and others out of curiosity. Each body is coated with clown make-up to the face and each killed in a similar way to the fatal accidents or deaths of the old residents of the Carnival. Locals have now named the Carnival of Dreams the Carnival of Screams.

Will these murders ever stop?"

  1. Known Microwave Recipes & Attempts
    23rd Apr 2014 06:13
    10 years, 10 months & 19 days ago
  2. Giveaway - Graziena the Earth Fairy Vixen
    13th Mar 2014 05:10
    11 years ago
  3. Giveaway - Eliziah the Fire Vixen
    13th Mar 2014 04:54
    11 years & 1 day ago
  4. Pets I've Given Away :-)
    13th Mar 2014 03:11
    11 years & 1 day ago
  5. Kitty Patches
    3rd Feb 2014 13:38
    11 years, 1 month & 7 days ago