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  1. My money making guide
    17th Jan 2012 10:50
    13 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
  2. About Dante_Brand
    14th Jan 2012 12:22
    13 years, 1 month & 28 days ago
My money making guide
13 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
17th Jan 2012 10:50

[[Copyright of Wedidit AKA Fraser]]
Please ask permission before using elsewhere.
You have 10,210MP with you and your bank account has 3,419,600MP.
Getting the first mil;
This is the hardest to do purely because this is at a stage where you can't afford to buy items and resell them.
Admittedly I skipped the first four million and sold an item for five million mp (though it now sell for 11-15 mil but lets ignore that..)
Do quests;
Most people say OMG DON'T GO OVER 9K. But if you keep refusing any quest that goes over 9k then you aren't going to get much done. Don't be afraid to splurge a tad on Elger or Travis truck.
Elger reward with MP and Crystals which can be resold.
Travis truck also does good rewards with the offchance you might even get a trading card and 25k!

Doing missions is a no!;
Not when your below 1 mil. First of all they start off with poor rewards and you might spend 45k on an item to get a 1mp reward. I reccomend trying them even when you hav 2mil.

Post in forums;
Roleplaying is a good way of getting your postcount up and your mp up purely because you will be sending numerous responses. Also be sure to just post on topics that take your fancy but don't spam.

Charity and pot of gold;
Pot of gold often gives out 1mp items but some people have found rare items so you never know you might be lucky!
Charity shop is also good because you can buy items and resell them often for a good profit. However quickly do a pricecheck just to make sure!

You can get so much MP from doing these daily if you are lucky.

790MP just came out of the machine....
Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Blue Fasoro Plushie!

Take advantage of;

Stock market; Be sure to try and make use out of this to get some extra cash but only wait when it's in the green or else you'll make a loss Sad

Giveaways; You could win rare items or pets and with pet auctions you will be sure to make some money!!

Auction sniping; Get cheap items fast and cheaply.

Helping other people; They may be likely to repay you in faovour later on or if it's in the help forum you will also get mp for it! Wink

Making graphics; It doesn't matter about the quality but you can make a lot of MP out of graphics if you are very good.

Reffering other users;
These users make the site more active and if you refer your friends you could get refferal rewards such as;
If you manage to get 20 new members you will get a Kleptome Trading Card

At 100 referrals we will reward you with an random unbuyable Rofling Potion!!

Loyalty prizes;
Being loyal pays off with rewards such as;

When you have been playing Marapets for 15 months or more you will gain 100,000MP

When you have been playing Marapets for 58 months or more you will gain 35,000BP

When you have been playing Marapets for 2 months or more you will 10,000MP


Will add more.
Feel free to contribute!

About Dante_Brand
13 years, 1 month & 28 days ago
14th Jan 2012 12:22

Dante is basically the charachter I overuse so much in stories and roleplays.
Dante means enduring and Brand is German for Fire.
Enduring fire.
His stories always have him as some sort of confused good guy or bad guy. Heck when I was in hospital when I was ten thinking I was seriously ill *I wasn't but w.e* I created this charachter. At the time Dante was just a name and Brand was purely coincidental. I never set out to have such a long lasting charachter.
I wrote about him again when my gran passed away and I still have the story saved on my computer when I was 12 years old.
Now he's here to stay and I hope one day to make him a Fire Ercuw.
There's no story of how He was my dad or w.e he was purely a charachter that got me through so much. That's why I always like to have him there.

  1. My money making guide
    17th Jan 2012 10:50
    13 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
  2. About Dante_Brand
    14th Jan 2012 12:22
    13 years, 1 month & 28 days ago