COLLECTing ideas
10 years, 6 months & 9 days ago

2nd Sep 2014 14:27
Alright guys, you know the drill.
Post your ideas and we'll talk about them and use them for the club!
****(Not to mention you are rewarded for each legitimate suggestion)****
- my goals -
10 years, 11 months & 24 days ago

18th Mar 2014 09:11
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Pet Goals
1. Icecream Chibs - Miyann
2. Light Fairy Mordo - Alavia
3. Hairy Chibs - Soshua ???
4. Valentine Snookle - 12.12.12
5. Toy Sindi - Mataeo (50%)
6. Spring Chibs
7. Hairy Sindi
8. Hairy Nino - Tukiyo
9. Hairy Tasi
Award Goals
1. First Place Gold Beauty Contest ???
2. First Place Gold Ugly Contest ???
3. Plushie Collection
4. Wardrobe Collection
Other Goals
1. Have Tukiyo read 700 books
2. Have Tukiyo play all of the instruments to level 10
3. Have Tukiyo eat all gourmet foods
4. Collect all Premium Hair Treasure Map pieces
5. Max out all Tukiyo's stats.
6. Collect all glowing eggs.
7. 30k forum posts.
It would be much appreciated if you could help me reach my goals by sending me some items and buying from my shop.
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big thanks to:
p3ace - for my toy costume
KAREEM78 - for my hairy costume