Maradans Nicknames!
12 years, 8 months & 3 days ago

8th Jul 2012 21:31
These are the nicknames of the people in The Maradans! If you're a member and I haven't listed someone, please tell me so I can add them and their nickname. Thank you!
unknowx = unknowx
lovetwelve = Love/Twelve
lookathis = Look
ferretboy544 = Ferret
Uchiha9 = Mark
wwweRawdiva13 = Diva
troubledouble54 = Trouble
madstar1510 = Mad/Star
Daisy56789 = Daisy
isabelladewdrop = -I remember this person but not her nickname-
plehn26 = Plehn/Kayla
Matthewking123 = Matt/Spike
WantedIdiot = Wanted ?
bugaboo64244 = Bug/Bre
grooviest = Groovy
candycrownanglepearl = Candy
Exact = Exact
andelvygr2004 = Andy
pinkiskool94 = -Don't remember nickname-
KaitEight08 = Kait
bigpotato = Big/Potato
andrea123 = Andrea
oscarmejia777 = Oscar
Constricted = Connor
melissa200 = Melissa
Purfire = Fire
claudia24 = Claudia
amandajd4 = Amanda
Chrissyyy = Chrissy
Discharged = Discharged ?
suhwirbeh = -Forgot nickname-
VanI3 = Van
guitarherorocks = Heather
storm37 = Storm
Mimori06 = Kristen/Mimz
MaraFanz = Mara
Jasmiin = Jasmiin
alicecullen6985 = Alice
lovercham = Lover ?
aceytwinkt89 (Me) = Ace/Acey/Kersten
JosieStar1 = Josie
cdn101 = Cdn
ericschick2003562 = Crissy
britbrit21 = Brit
marawho = Who
LovableZoie = Zoie
Calforniagal98 = Cali
JJROXZ45236 = JJ
Amytiddlesrocks = Amy
TiNkErBeLlGirl21 = Tink/Tinker
moomooer = MooMoo
andrea58 = Anne
brothers123 = Davik
catlady5 = Kat
boozy50- Becca
Pet ID's
12 years, 9 months & 15 days ago

27th May 2012 14:56
Angeliical- Angel Mordo:
Pianismo- Nefarious Mordo:
Shayten- Ice Poera:
Wiisla- White Vixen: