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  1. Staff:// Multiple Devices
    4th Nov 2017 01:40
    7 years, 4 months & 8 days ago
  2. Custom Evil Apples
    13th Apr 2017 23:19
    7 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
  3. STAFF - New IP
    5th Apr 2017 06:52
    7 years, 11 months & 6 days ago
  4. Evil Apples Adopts
    6th Sep 2016 09:58
    8 years, 6 months & 4 days ago
  5. QB Wardrobe Items
    3rd Sep 2016 00:32
    8 years, 6 months & 8 days ago
    16th Jun 2016 10:09
    8 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  7. Chibs Army Goals
    5th Sep 2015 00:40
    9 years, 6 months & 7 days ago
  8. Note To Staff
    8th Aug 2015 18:02
    9 years, 7 months & 4 days ago
  9. NTS
    13th Jun 2015 03:20
    9 years & 9 months ago
  10. All of my graphics --- I think
    17th Sep 2014 08:42
    10 years, 5 months & 26 days ago
New Pet Goals
10 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
6th Sep 2014 21:01

Listed in no particular order - However, *** next to the ones I really want.

*Minipet Ercuw/Vlad*** (haven't decided which I like more)

*Plushie Zola*** (Looking to buy a maker in a few days.)

*Underwater/Starry Chibs

*Negative Lati

*Devil Rofling***

*Baby Vlad

*Minipet Lorius

*Sketch Lorius

Hmmm.... These are going to take a while.


OC Interview - Kadriel!
10 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
6th Sep 2014 01:00



1. What is your name?
Kadriel. And I swear, if you try to cough and say Codfish, I will cut off your boo-

(Frost: OKAY! Moving on! @ _@ )

2. Do you know why you were named that?
No. Should it really matter? That is my name, you don???t like it, you can suck my -

3. Are you single or taken?
Depends on when you talk to me. I???d go with single though.

4. Have any abilities or powers?
I can smite just about anything. *raises eyebrow* And I have other telepathic abilities.

5. Flaws?
Apparently being really rude and crass. Whatever.

6. What's your eye color?

7. How about hair color?
Lighter Cyan.

8. Have you have any family-members?
The stupid redhead??? Uh, Ariel? No??? Arkayel? No??? Arayel. Yes, her.

9. Oh? How about pets?
Unless you count hellhounds as pets, then no.

10. Something you don't like.
What do I like is more of the question.

11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Smite creatures just for the heck of it.

12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
Yup. It was boring, but apparently watching them hobble around all broken and bloody was supposed to be morbid.

13. Ever... killed anyone before?
I blew a group of demons to smithereens. And then I blew up some inferior planet just because I didn???t like the way it shined??? Probably killed off an entire species. *shrugs*

14. What kind of species are you (Human, Prototype, Hybrid, Animal, Werewolf, Witch, etc...)?
Angel, I suppose. Apparently I act more like a demon.

15. Name your worst habits?
Being rude??? And crude. I don???t really have a filter on my mouth, and people complain that I am way to derogatory in my language.

16. Do you look up to anyone?
I have to look up to see out ???Heavenly Father???, but no. I don???t really look up to anyone.

17. Are you Gay, Straight, Bisexual, Pansexual, etc.?
Well, Frost, being the gay shipper he is, pairs me with guys all the time. So I guess that would make me gay, but who knows.

18. Do you GO TO SCHOOL ?
I???m thousands of years old. Why the <bleep> would I go to school?

19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
<bleep> NO.

20. Do you have fangirls/fanboys?
Arayel and Frost??? They???re pervs and like to watch me get it on with other guys. -_-

21. What are you most afraid of?
Afraid? Me? That is utterly preposterous. *looks to the side a bit*

22. What do you usually wear?
SCREW CLOTHES. I only wear my cloud around my hips, and that is only because Frost won???t let me walk around in the nude. -_-

23. What's one food that tempts you?
I don???t need to eat food, but I do like slushes.

24. Am I annoying you?

25. Well, it's still not over.
You stupid <censor>. Can we just get this damn thing over with?

26. What class are you? Low class, middle class, high class?
High Class. And angel only deserves the best.

27. How many friends do you have?
Friends???? Is that supposed to be a joke?

28. What are your thoughts on pie?
Dean likes pie??? *blushes a bit*

(Frost: Did??? Did you just blush?!Wink
(Kadriel: No. Shut up.)
(Frost: ???. I think you did.)

30. Favorite drink?
Slushes??? Preferably a large slush with nerds, flavored with Blue Cococnut, Miami Sunrise, Polynesian Punch, Cotton Candy, Vanilla, and Hi-C.

31. What's your favorite place?
In hell.

32. Are you interested in anyone?

33. Who do you hate most in the world?
You. But the rest of the universe is a pretty close second.

34. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
Ocean. Sharks are fun to fight with.

35. What's your type?
??? Do I really have to answer that?

(Frost: It???s Jensen, isn???t it? Don???t even lie.)

36. Any fetishes?
Well, I really, really do enjoy having ---

(Frost: MOVING ON.)

37. Seme or uke?
Depends. Who am I <censor>ing?

38. Camping or indoors?
You can hear the screams for miles outdoors???. So indoors.

39. Are you still wanting the quiz to end?
Yes. I???m about ready to smite you just for the heck of it.

40. Well, it's over!
Thank Father. *gets up and storms off*


And, by request of my favorite ice Queen, A short story about how Kadriel would act around Credy, her OC.

Iaxe and Styches - Styches' Story
10 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
6th Sep 2014 00:16

Will add Iaxe's back story later on.

Once upon a time, there was a beloved stuffed plush cat. Her human called her Styches. They were as close as a child and their favorite child could be. And every night, her human would pray for Styches to be a real cat. It was like the Velveteen Rabbit story.

But Styches never became real. However, she obtained a soul of her own. And while she could never move or speak to her human, as soon as the child was out of the room, the plush cat would sit up and stare longingly after her.

When the child reached the ripe age of fourteen, she abandoned Styches on the side of the road on a rainy day. The plushie cat didn't know what to do. It had been not even a week or two earlier that she had watched Toy Story 3 with her human...

And even though she was just a plush cat, she was smart enough to know that even if she made her way back home, she would find that she really had no home to return to.

So Styches began to wander the world. Children would see her, picker her up, and play with her, but not one of them took her home. She began to live a very lonely existence, and her once pure heart began to darken until there was no light in it. Even her button eyes lost the sparkle that used to shine in them.

After many, many years of her solitary wandering, Styches accepted that she couldn???t move anymore. She was ripped in many places, and her stuffing was falling out. The unfailing love of a child that had once granted her life was fading, and the raggedy plush cat was resigned that she would meet her end soon.

Until she met the angel feline, who was much like her, only he was real. He settled down next to her weary body, and asked her if she wanted to be a real creature. But Styches declined. She had nothing to live for.

???That is pathetic,??? a new, huskier voice said. It wasn???t anything like Antoccino???s soft voice. Styches looked up, and saw the devil cat in front of her. He was sneering down at her, and she felt herself bristle at his expression. ???You would turn down the chance to live just because you lost your human? You think that being a child???s plaything is your only purpose in life????

Styches didn???t say anything to the devil, but instead slowly stood back up. Her legs shook from exhaustion, and her body trembled in pain, but her eyes had a fierce glint in them; a shine that had long since been missing. She accepted Antoccino???s offer to become a real creature, and soon, although she retained her plush-looking form, she was a living, breathing cat.

And she lived just to prove to the devil that she could indeed live without a purpose. Originally, she had planned to do it just to spite him, whether or not he was watching, but much to her surprise, the devil, who???s name was actually Iaxe, stuck around. It didn???t take long for things between them to get rolling.

It was like something out of a fairy tale, only more??? Realistic. He was persistent, always bothering her just to see which of her buttons that he could push. And slowly, as they learned about each other, of course, they began to fall in love.

Antoccino, Iaxe???s brother, knew from the start that they would be together, so when he caught them snuggling one day, he wasn???t surprised at all. In fact, he went to curl up with his own mates, a small smile on his face, because he knew that his devilish brother had finally found the one thing that would keep him from being completely destructive.

It wasn???t long before Enrine came into the picture. She was the apple of her daddy???s eye, and her mother???s baby girl. Her big silver eyes melted just about everyone???s hearts, even though half the time, the shy baby looked like she was glaring.

But everything was perfect for the small family. Iaxe settled down, Styches learned that she did have a purpose, a purpose that she found in her mate and baby, and Enrine??? Well, she just had to grow up before deciding anything.

And they all lived happily ever after.

Various Grpahics of them:






Them Together:


About My Pets
10 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
27th Aug 2014 09:33


About my pets~

The mother hen. He???s affectionate, caring, and a cuddle addict. His family consists of Frostion, Winchesters, and Chibifrost. Iaxe is his brother. He is NEVER for trade.

The sassy, flamingly so, leader of the group. He is my namesake. This boy does what he wants, when he wants, and doesn???t like to take no for an answer. His family consists of Antoccino, Winchesters, and Chibifrost. He is NEVER for trade.

He???s full of bravado, but is extremely loyal. He would do anything for those that he cares about. But he avoids ???chick flick??? moments as best as he can, and he doesn???t like any show of PDA. The closest thing he will do is twine his tail with one of his mates when he thinks that no one else is looking. He is NEVER for trade.

The cute, bubbly baby of the group. With his big head and tiny paws, he is always stumbling around and looking for a good time. His biological father is Frostion. He is NEVER for trade.

Surprisingly, he isn???t as much of a devil as he seems to be. No, he is not a misunderstood sulking devil. No, he is proud of what he is, and he revels in it. But his one weakness is Styches, who is his mate. For her, he would do anything. He is NEVER for trade.

She's Styches' and Iaxe's baby girl. She is rather shy and softspoken, and doesn't really interact with a lot of the other pets. However, she is like the Hinata to Chibifrost's Naruto, and she admires him from afar. She is NEVER for trade.

She is calm and collected, and is by far the most level-headed of the entire group. However, she is not very friendly towards anyone except Iaxe. She is not outright rude, mainly just distant and emotionally cut off from them. She is NEVER for trade.

The OTP member of the group. He is the one who ships different members together and ranks them from highest OTP to lowest OTP, and even NOTP. He probably isn???t for trad, unless you have an amazing pet that might just wow me.

The frostfire fattie of the group. She eats a lot, but never feels like it is enough. But everyone loves her anyways, because she is a big sweetheart. She is for trade.

He???s the arrogant, hateful, distrusting member of the group. He is the rude, sarcastic, genuinely unlikable one. Kadriel will go out of his way to bite someone???s head off, just because he can. He also has a strange aversion to pants??? He is named after my OC, and he is NEVER for trade.

She???s nearly the polar opposite of Kadriel. She is friendly, but prefers to stay with her brother. She constantly pranks him, sometimes going as far as to superglue pants onto him while he is asleep. She is named after my OC, and she is NEVER for trade.

Frostion and Antoccino - Their Story and Graphics
10 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
14th Aug 2014 22:50

If you have any dislike or anything towards homosexual pairings, I would suggest for you to not read this.

This is such a small drabble of a story. xD

---A and F: Their Story---

Antoccino used to be the average, run of the mill Brown Chibs, but one day, he discovered a Snow Chibs who was so full of life. That Chibs was called Frostion.

Very quickly, the two fell into an easy patter of friendship, and over the changing of time, the two fell in love. How they had been raised, love was love, no matter what genders it was between.

The two became mates, and life was happy for them. Until the day that Frostion became a Frost Fire chibs. It was due to a mutation in his genes, and in the middle of the night, his flames caught their home on fire.

In all the smoke and confusion, Frostion got out, but it was only once he realized that he was alone that the reality hit him.

Antoccino didn't get out of their home.

But, because Antoccino's love for Frostion was so strong, he did not die --- completely. He was reborn as an Angel Chibs, and would forever be by his mate's side --- both as his guardian angel, and love of his life.

Chibifrost is their child, but only Frostion is his biological father.





  1. Staff:// Multiple Devices
    4th Nov 2017 01:40
    7 years, 4 months & 8 days ago
  2. Custom Evil Apples
    13th Apr 2017 23:19
    7 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
  3. STAFF - New IP
    5th Apr 2017 06:52
    7 years, 11 months & 6 days ago
  4. Evil Apples Adopts
    6th Sep 2016 09:58
    8 years, 6 months & 4 days ago
  5. QB Wardrobe Items
    3rd Sep 2016 00:32
    8 years, 6 months & 8 days ago
    16th Jun 2016 10:09
    8 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  7. Chibs Army Goals
    5th Sep 2015 00:40
    9 years, 6 months & 7 days ago
  8. Note To Staff
    8th Aug 2015 18:02
    9 years, 7 months & 4 days ago
  9. NTS
    13th Jun 2015 03:20
    9 years & 9 months ago
  10. All of my graphics --- I think
    17th Sep 2014 08:42
    10 years, 5 months & 26 days ago