Random drabbles for Azzy
10 years, 6 months & 5 days ago

6th Sep 2014 21:53
Don't judge --- I'm super tired and these are just going to be random drabbles about Azzy and her OC, Credy.
???What did you say your name was????
???C- Creiddylad,??? The boy stammered, his eyes wide open and fearful.
???What sort of name is that???? Kadriel demanded, reclining in his rather comfy chair. His legs were resting on the shota???s back. The boy???s arms trembled from the stress of keeping his upper body up, and his knees ached from where they were pressing into the floor, but the lad dared not to complain.
???I??? I???m sorry?????? The boy apologized. ???You can just call me Credy, though.???
???What if I don???t want to call you Credy???? Kadriel asked in his usual monotone voice, raising an eyebrow at his footrest.
???I-I???m sorry, you can call me whatever you would like?????? Credy looked down, his red eyes filling with tears.
???Oi, boy!??? The Icy Queen Azalea suddenly appeared, and looked with a sadistic fondness at her OC. ???Didn???t I tell you that we had that interview today????
Credy???s eyes went wide in horror, and he moved out from under Kadriel???s feet without a second thought. ???I???m sorry! I really didn???t mean to forget!???
???Did I say you could stop being my footrest???? Kadriel asked, his eyes narrowing only the slightest of bits.
Credy???s eyes darted between the two of them frantically, before they rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed on the floor.
It was silent in the room.
???Well. That was entertaining.??? Kadriel said, sounding not even the least bit entertained.
???I told you, boy, get it done!??? Azalea???s cold voice sent chills down Credy???s spine, and the red eyed boy winced.
???P-please??? I??? I can???t!??? He gasped, the sound coming out as a slight moan. ???I???It hurts??? I???m s-sorry??????
???I said, take it.??? There was a sharp movement, and Credy fought to not cry out. It was so painful??? This shouldn???t even be physically possible.
???Uuuughnnn?????? A tear slipped down Credy???s cheek as his body was forced to the limit. ???S??? sorry, but I can???t!??? He sobbed, trying to move away from the pain.
There was a crash, and the jar of peanut better with the jammed lid shattered into millions of shards around the two of them.
Azalea???s eyes fell on the mess, and her hands went to her hips. ???Well. Since you couldn???t open the jar with your hands and legs, then I suppose you???ll just have to lick it up. I???d start licking."
And Credy did.
???How are you???? Arayel asked, gently ruffling the boy???s hair. ???You look ??????
???S???sorry,??? Credy said, fidgeting and looking down at the floor.
???No need to apologize?????? The girl gave him a small, tender smile. ???You look like you need a good night???s sleep and a hug.??? She paused, and then stretched her arms out. ???Come here you,??? she said, still smiling.
Credy stared at her, having rarely been shown this level of kindness. He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from crying as he threw himself into Arayel???s embrace.
???It???s alright Credy, you can let it out.??? She said soothingly, and as the boys body shook with his tears, Arayel could feel her own heart breaking at how much the lad just needed someone to love him unconditionally.
She hoped that maybe she could be his safe haven, even if it was only for just this short time.
There was a knock at the door, and Azalea herself peeked her head in.
???I??? I have something for him.??? She said, and for once, she didn???t seem to have her intimidating ice queen aura around her.
She held out some icecream, the type that Arayel recognized at Credy???s favorite. He peeked over his shoulder, and when he saw her there, holding his favorite icecream, his eyes lit up.
Arayel smiled at the two.
Maybe, just maybe, everything would be fine.
???Bring me cigarettes, boy,??? Kadriel said, frowning at the red haired shota. Credy nodded, and ran out of the door, going to do as the angel said. Xarve frowned at his father, the rare feeling of anger building in him.
When Credy got back, being empty handed (I mean, honestly, he???s so young, unless he killed someone, he couldn???t have gotten the smokes anyways) , Xarve stopped him. ???You don???t have to do everything he says, you know.??? He said softly, brushing some of his curly burnished blonde hair out of his face.
???I-I???m sorry?????? Credy said, looking down. Xarve frowned, and ruffled the younger boys hair, wanting to cheer him up.
???You don???t need to apologize for everything, okay????
Credy looked at Xarve like he was speaking a different language, and then slowly nodded.
And that was how their friendship started.