Memorable moments
12 years, 4 months & 14 days ago

28th Oct 2012 10:59
November 28,2018 1:49 am
You picked up Enchanted Coral Rofling Plushie
October 28,2012 11:00 am
You have found 25 or more Hidden Avatars and you have just received a Personal Computer.(Digital Fairy)
October 28,2012 11:07 am
You have found 50 or more Hidden Avatars and you have just received 1,000MP.(Digital Fairy)
October 31,2012 6:26pm
You have found 75 or more Hidden Avatars and you have just received a Digital Fairy Pearl.
October 28,2012 2:57 pm
Congratulations!! You just found a Blue Moneybag Plate!!!
November 1,2012 3:15pm
You just found a hidden Pumpkin! Here is a small prize for you... A Pumpkin wig!!!
November 1,2012 5:11pm
Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Enchanted Pink Renat Plushie!
November 2,2012 3:27pm
You were in the top 250 highest Pumpkin Hunt Winners. You have been given 1,000,000MP and a Pumpkin Ghost Trading Card!
We hope you enjoyed the 2012 Halloween Events!
November 10,2012 7:12am
_Zephira_ changed into a Darkfairy Daisy!
You have claimed your 750,000MP!!
November 11,2012 1:24pm
You also won a Bonus Prize!! A Computer Geek Trading Card!!!
November 26,2012 3:25pm
Congratulations!You were in the top 500 highest Turkey Hunt winners. You have been given a Cremated Trading Card!
November 16,2013 7:41am
Congratulations! You got a Smiley Gumball!
November 24,2013 7;49pm
You have successfully bought the Recycled Costume and its in your Inventory.
Your balance is currently 0 Recycled Cans. Recycle your empty Marapop cans!
Congratulations! You found the 'Recycled' Hidden Avatar!
March 3,2016 2:10pm
Strummer is now wearing Valentine Costume