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  1. Ann's Birthday
    8th Aug 2013 05:28
    11 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  2. questions
    5th Aug 2013 10:59
    11 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  3. ??? ??? Syndo's Application ??? ???
    3rd Aug 2013 10:42
    11 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  4. Marada's Unicorn Stable adoptables
    2nd Aug 2013 03:55
    11 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
Ann's Birthday
11 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
8th Aug 2013 05:28

Ann's Birthday is on the 18th. Here is what i have sent her so far:

8th Aug
Daisy Cake has been sent to ann49
Gigantic Paradise Cake has been sent to ann49

11 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
5th Aug 2013 10:59


1. What is Your Name?: Katie

2. How old are you?: 17

3. Where are you from?: UK


4. What is your height?: 4 ft 11'

5. Do you have any siblings?: 3 half-sisters

6. What is your eye colour?: Blue.

7. What is your hair colour?: dark brown

8. Do you wear glasses or contacts?: Nope.

9. Are you right handed or left handed?: Right

10. Do you have any piercings?: No but that is because I don't like needles.
11. Do you smoke?: Nope it is too damaging to health.

12. Do you swear?: Yep I'm subscribed to maxmoefoe mate xD

13. Do you get along with your parents?: Yeah we can almost read each other's minds.

14. Your nationality: white-British

15. Your fears: any flying insect with stingers attached

16. Goal you would like to achieve this year: Do well in my A2 mocks and reach 18 Wide Grin

17. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger: lol

18. Best Physical Feature: I don't have a best physical feature.

19. Your bedtime: Whenever I want.

20. What time do you arise in the morning?: Whenever I want. On weekdays at 6:30am.

21. First thoughts waking up?: depends. On weekdays it is to get changed and on weekends it is to lie in another hour or get up and get food.

22. Do you shower daily?: lol no

This Or That?

23. Bright or dark room?: Dark.

24. Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate

25. Dogs or cats?: hamsters.

26. Pepsi or Coke?: coke

27. McDonalds or Burger King?: McDonald's.

28. Ant or Dec?: I don't watch them :3

29. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?: neither

30. Cappuccino or Coffee?: neither

In the last month have you...

31. Drank alcohol?: no

32. Gone to a mall?: no

33. Eaten a box of Oreos?: no

34. Eaten sushi?: no

35. Been on stage?: no

36. Been dumped?: no

37. Gone skinny dipping?: no

38. Stolen Anything?: no

Have you ever...

39. Laughed for no reason?: every day of my life.

40. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?: Yup. Who hasn't?

41. Been in love?: yes

42. Fired a gun?: no my mum hates guns

43. Been drunk?: No

44. Been called a Tease?: No

45. Been beaten up?: yes Sad

46. Shoplifted?: no

What was the last...

47. Furry thing you touched?: my minion hamster

48. Thing you've said?: 'No I don't want to run away with dad.' to my mum.

49. Song you've listened to?: Psy- Right Now

50. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?: er... can't remember

51. Movie you watched?: 2012

52. Thing you were doing before this?: fb

53. Time you cried?: Last night.

54. Song you've sang?: Nickelback- Rockstar

55. Time you looked at the clock?: just now it is 18:50

56. Food and drink you've had?: coke and prawn crackers

57. Flavour of gum you've chewed?: bubblegum

58. Shoes you've worn?: trainers

59. Store you've been in?: Tesco express


60. Planet?: Mercury

61. Age you've been so far?: 14 (pre-GCSE)

62. Season?: summer

63. Number?: 3 and 5. 3 is the number of people living in my house and 5 is our house number.

64. TV show?: House MD

65. Flower?: Fushia


66. How much cash do you have on you?: 60p.

67. What's a word that rhymes with 'door'?: floor

68. What T-Shirt are you wearing?: a black top decorated with gem studded dragonflies

69. What brand of shoes are you wearing?: I'm not right now

70. What did your last text message say?: I don't have a phone. Let that sink in.

71. What were you doing at midnight last night: lets not go there.

72. What's your current desktop picture?: a photo of Southend beach.

73. What's a word that you say a lot?: f**k

74. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?: cornflour blue

75. How is the weather right now?: sunny

76. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: they appear to be much more chilled out.

77. Are you too shy to ask someone out?: hell no.

78. Can you do a headstand (without using a wall)?: I did as a one off ages ago but that was a fluke.

79. Who would you like to see right now?: dunno
80. How many pillows do you sleep with?: 4
81. Would you go on a date with someone online: no

82. How do you want to die?: -

83. What do you want to be when you grow up?: happy.
84. What country would you most like to visit?: Greenland.

85. How many CDs do you own?: 3 or 4.

86. How many things in your past, do you regret?: not a lot.

87. Do you think you are attractive?: Erm.

88. Do you believe in yourself?: No.

89. Do you want to get married?: Hell no.

In a boy/girl...

90. Favourite eye colour?: any

91. Favourite hair colour?: don't care

92. Short or long hair?: any

93. Height?: any

94. Weight? don't care

??? ??? Syndo's Application ??? ???
11 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
3rd Aug 2013 10:42

Hi there! Today I will be applying for your Splatter Tasi, Syndo so allow me to introduce myself. I'm Katie, 17 years old living in the UK. I am currently studying for my A levels in college and I enjoy making pixels, questing, restocking and chatting with friends in my free time. I would say I have a weird personality most of the day I am in my room on the computer or playing on the playstation but my closest friends know that I have a very warped sense of humour and they consider me fun to be around. I am pretty shy and socially awkward and often I hang around the wrong crowd which lands me into trouble. I am on the autistic spectrum and I have high functioning autism also known as aspergers syndrome. Here are some interesting things about me. The first fact is that I like collecting records of things for example the highest waterfall is Angel Falls and the country with the most amount of goats is India. Another interesting fact about me is that I have some experience around horses since I had a friend which owned two Welsh Mountain Ponies. I really enjoyed my time at the stables!

To people that know me I am kind and loyal but if you don't know me you may think that I'm a bit shy and secretive. Most people consider me to be a hard-working person with a good work ethic however I am not the tidiest or the most organised person in the world. I love chaos all around me and I defintely have a creative flair.
Here are some graphics I made for you and I hope you like them.


So I guess now we come to the main part of the application. This account you may realize is very new it was made this week. However, I am an experienced marapets player of 3 and a half years. I first started playing on the 20th February 2010. 2010 was a great year for me btw for lots of rl reasons Wide Grin. Anyway, I would love Syndo to be my own because I think he looks really cute as a splatter pet. I also love that his name is actually pronounceable and I think his name is also cute. If I were to get him I would keep him on my profile and stat him up in the Gym and the Elite Gym to compete in the Olympics for Olympic Points and I would probably look at him on my profile every day and smile because he is that cute and friendly-looking. I would love to be his new owner and would treasure him just like if I had a real dog. (I think Tasis look like a mix between a dog and a polar bear).
I wanted to put something unique into my app so here I have put a scene about a baby Tasi and one of his adventures. Once upon a time, there was a baby Tasi called Munchip. Munchip was a bit of an adventurer and he was the first out of all of his litter mates to roam off and explore the world. This is a story about when Munchip found himself lost and he had to find his way home. It was a beautiful summer morning the kind where there was not a cloud in sight and the sky was a pretty pale blue. So, Munchip's owners decided to do a bit of gardening out in their backyard but they left their back door open. Munchip couldn't resist! He bounced right out of the door and at last he was in the garden. This was the first time he felt the sensation of grass on his feet or wind gently caressing him. Munchip was just done chasing a butterfly when he heard the meowing of next door's Chibs. As we all know, Chibs hate Tasis so it was no wonder this particular Chibs named Monty led this poor baby astray.
''Psst...over here'' the Chibs hissed,
''What do you want?'' Munchip asked,
''There's a hole in the fence. You like to explore, right?'' slyly asked Monty.
''Why yes. It is boring being cooped up inside.''
''Wriggle through that hole'' the naughty Chibs said ''go on you are small enough then you can explore the world!''
The young Tasi wriggled through the hole and escaped the back garden! The chibs ran away and the tasi was left all on his own after chasing Monty down the street. What was worse, Munchip couldn't find his way home. He settled down on the street corner and began to cry when all of a sudden he saw a bed inside a van. He walked up the ramp on the back of the van and crawled into the bed.
''Just 5 minutes dose..'' Munchip promised himself as he drifted away to the land of dreams.
Two hours later, a jolt like an earthquake woke the startled Tasi up. He found that he was in darker surroundings and that he was moving. Oh no.. he was moving! Why was this happening? What happened was that the van with the bed inside was actually a delivery van which had stopped to load furniture to transport a family's belongings to the other side of the country. Poor Munchip was in shock. He was only supposed to fall asleep for 5 minutes now he didn't even know whether it was day or night.

Thank you for considering me and for the opportunity.

  1. Ann's Birthday
    8th Aug 2013 05:28
    11 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  2. questions
    5th Aug 2013 10:59
    11 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  3. ??? ??? Syndo's Application ??? ???
    3rd Aug 2013 10:42
    11 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  4. Marada's Unicorn Stable adoptables
    2nd Aug 2013 03:55
    11 years, 7 months & 10 days ago