Mara Goal Tracker
8 years, 4 months & 4 days ago

7th Nov 2016 18:50
Hello Mara world, recently returned and just need a blog to keep track of the things I would like to accomplish.
As you\'ll soon find out I like to do a little bit of everything but mainly questing I would love to just get my numbers up in general and maybe see some placement one day if I could. I work on my collections but more slowly than questing and missions it seems but it\'s always on my list to do. Right now I suppose my main collection I\'d like to fill out is the treasure maps and the one I\'m closest to is the SETM so hopefully I can complete that soon.
Candy Tree - 928/2000
Cosmonaut - 239/1000
Computer Repair - 110/150
Desert Spy - 183/1000
Haunted House - 191/1000
Leprechaun - 5559/10,000
Simerian Excavator - 222/500
Simerian Explorer 0/1000
Gold trophy (Y/N)
Trotter\'s Movies (Y)
Circus (N)
Hector the Collector (N)
Hospice (N)
Rubbish Dump (N)
Tarquin\'s Library (N)
Ublish\'s Lair (N)
Baspinar\'s Castle 4/50
Biala Mountain 8/50
City of Marada 18/31
Dukka Caves 21/50
Eleka\'s Castle 12/50
Enpiah 8/32
Gigantic Paradise 28/50
Jenoa 4/31
Lush Lake 19/50
Minipet Island 8/50
Nimbus 9/26
Puchalla Village 6/32
Simeria 12/24
Slater Park 18/32
Undying Woods 12/50
Ziranek 24/31
Slate Pyramid 35/50
Temple Tableaus 26/30
Temple of Transubstantiation 4/30
Hidden Avatars 255/500
Stamps 44/100
Photos 90/500
Plates 63/250
Plushies 133/500
Wardrobe 188/500
Deck 27/100
Nest 36/100
Higaiya - Rainbow Echlin
Rheynbow - Rainbow Troit
Granddaughter - Toy Yuni