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14:49:18 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
Amber/Amb | turbulent 25 | any pronouns
Feel free to call me Plants.
I'm a crusty little goblin full of spite.
Click for a little extra!
Howdy :o)
I collect roses (especially
reds!), Zodiac constellations, and most Raulf items in my gallery.
Not trading my pets currently, sorry!
Feel free to mm/mt me about my trades/wl items, or just to chat!
((Name graphic made by Loh!))
((Doll sprite by ill!))
upd8: I switch between my phone and laptop often, both while I'm out and while at my family's home!
  1. Pet Goals
    17th Jul 2015 02:52
    9 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
  2. Poison Pit
    16th Aug 2015 03:12
    9 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
  3. Beast in the Woods: Round 2
    14th Aug 2015 23:49
    9 years, 7 months & 15 days ago
  4. Plants' Selfie Memorial
    8th Oct 2022 17:12
    2 years, 5 months & 21 days ago
  5. Fleet Flea Market Wishlist/Missing Items! 🌻
    28th Jul 2022 08:39
    2 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
Pet Goals
9 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
17th Jul 2015 02:52

[x]Advent Viotto
[x]Anime Kujo
[x]Anime Raulf
[p+c]Anime Willa
[p+c]Arcade Raulf
[x]Autumn Troit
[p+c]Baby Ercuw
[x]Baby Raulf
[p+c]Baby Rusty
[p+c]Baby Zola
[p+c]Candy Raulf
[p+c]Candy Willa
[x]Cartoon Kaala
[x]Chibi Mordo
[x]Chibi Yuni
[x]Chocolate Raulf
[x]Cotton Candy Raulf
[p+c]Cursed Chibs
[x]Daylight Zola
[p+c]Doll Rusty
[x]Dragon Poera
[p+c]Fairy Raulf
[x]Fairy Willa
[p+c]Fairy Vixen
[x]Fire Fairy Raulf
[c]Floral Zola
[p]Genie Raulf
[x]Gothic Arinya
[p]Gothic Chibs
[x]Gothic Fasoro
[x]Gothic Gonk
[p]Gothic Kaala
[p]Gothic Nino
[x]Gothic Raulf
[p]Gothic Straya
[x]Hairy Straya
[x]Halloween Daisy
[x]Halloween Raulf
[c]Invisible Zola
[x]Jinn Raulf
[x]Leprechaun Raulf
[x]Midnight Daisy
[x]Minipet Raulf
[] Minipet Zola
[x]Moonlight Raulf
[p+c]Nightmare Raulf
[x]Nimbus Raulf
[x]Old Raulf
[x]Pampered Quell
[x]Poison Vixen
[p]Poison Limax
[x]Rainy Gizmo
[x]Scout Raulf
[x]Seasonal Nino
[x]Simerian Bolimo
[x]Sleepy Raulf
[p]Splatter Arinya
[x]Splatter Fasoro
[p]Splatter Poera
[x]Splatter Raulf
[x]Splatter Zola
[x]Spring Fasoro
[x]Spring Kujo
[x]Spring Lati
[x]Spring Limax
[x]Spring Lorius
[x]Spring Nino
[x]Spring Raulf
[x]Spring Straya
[x]Spring Viotto
[p+c]Spring Willa
[x]Stone Age Chibs
[x]Thunder Lorius
[x]Underwater Raulf
[x]Valentine Sindi
[x]Vampire Raulf
[x]Voodoo Ercuw
[c]Werewolf Zola


Secondary Goals:
[x]Cupid Walee
[]Goblin Lorius
[x]Gothic Jessup
[]Moonlight Walee(?)
[x]Poison Walee
[x]Spring Azul
[x]Spring Crindol
[x]Spring Equilor
[x]Spring Knutt
[x]Tundra Gonk
[p+c]Winter Willa


Longterm Goals:
-Have all desired Spring Pets
-Have all desired Gothic Pets
-Have all desired Raulf Pets

Poison Pit
9 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
16th Aug 2015 03:12

You dipped Blue Water Balloon into the Poison Pit and...

It disappeared.

You dipped Bear into the Poison Pit and...

It disappeared.

You dipped Butterfly Tattoo into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 216 RP!

You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 2,365 MP!

You dipped Fake Four Dukka Coin into the Poison Pit and...

Sanjiel has gained 1 balance stats

You dipped Fake Three Dukka Coin into the Poison Pit and...

It disappeared.

You dipped Grey Doyle Potion into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 108 BP!

You dipped Nodio into the Poison Pit and...

It disappeared.

You dipped Eleka Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and...

.Radagast. has gained 1 strength stats

You dipped Bronze Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

Rascale. has gained 1 health stats

You dipped Eleka Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 220 RP!

You dipped Pull Along Hamburger into the Poison Pit and...

Espare has gained 1 level stats

You dipped Doll into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 128 BP!

You dipped Rubber Duck into the Poison Pit and...

Kiellas has gained 1 health stats

You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 8 Olympic Pts!

You dipped Blue Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

It's now Poison Pearl!

You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

RWBY has gained 1 stamina stats

You dipped Milk Chocolate Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

Espare has gained 1 health stats

You dipped Dark Chocolate Murfin into the Poison Pit and...

Espare has gained 1 level stats

You dipped Milk Chocolate Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

It disappeared.

You dipped Doll into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 4,142 MP!

You dipped Rubber Duck into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 89 Olympic Pts!

You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 166 BP!

You dipped Orange Chocolate Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

It's now Poison Drink!

You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

It's now Negative Skin!

You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and...

It disappeared.

You dipped MJ #11 into the Poison Pit and...

.Radagast. has gained 1 strength stats

You dipped Blood Donut into the Poison Pit and...

All of your pets have gained 1 stamina stats!

You dipped Apple Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 159 RP!

You dipped Chocolate Chip Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

All of your pets have gained 1 health stats!

You dipped Hawt #18 into the Poison Pit and...

Poem. has gained 1 coordination stats

You dipped Hawt #18 into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 131 BP!

You dipped Doll into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 166 RP!

You dipped Chocolate Chip Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

_Julian_ has gained 3 speed stats

You dipped Chocolate Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 881 RP!

You dipped Chocolate Chip Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It disappeared.

You dipped Chocolate Chip Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

Espare has gained 1 level stats

You dipped Red Xoi Balloon into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 126 BP!

You dipped Eleka Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 166 BP!

You dipped Blue Fasoro Balloon into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 1,131 MP!

You dipped Fake Two Dukka Coin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 198 BP!

You dipped Mahogany Face Makeup Dye into the Poison Pit and...

Sanjiel has gained 1 balance stats

You dipped Low Fat Apple Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

All of your pets have gained 1 level stats!

You dipped Blueberry Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now Poison Cider!

You dipped Yuni Brows Coupon into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 200 BP!

You dipped Strawberry Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It disappeared.

You dipped Strawberry Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

RWBY has gained 1 strength stats

You dipped Undying Stamp into the Poison Pit and...

All of your pets have gained 1 balance stats!

You dipped Apple Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

Sanjiel has gained 1 level stats

You dipped Blueberry Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 246 RP!

You dipped Mini Plum Pies into the Poison Pit and...

LittleKipling has gained 1 strength stats

You dipped Strawberry Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 133 BP!

You dipped Rowan into the Poison Pit and...

It's now Wooden Skin!

You dipped Black Beans into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 139 BP!

(1 stat)

You dipped Rowan into the Poison Pit and...

It disappeared.

You dipped Low Fat Blueberry Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 127 RP!

You dipped Low Fat Blueberry Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

All of your pets have gained 2 stamina stats!

You dipped Blueberry Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

.Radagast. has gained 1 speed stats

You dipped Chocolate Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

LittleKipling has gained 1 stamina stats

You dipped Low Fat Apple Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now Poison Cider!

You dipped Low Fat Honey Bran Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 148 BP!

You dipped Strawberry Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

Poem. has gained 1 balance stats

You dipped Chocolate Chip Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 1,895 MP!

You dipped Apple Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

.Radagast. has gained 1 balance stats

You dipped Test Your Strength Potato into the Poison Pit and...

.Radagast. has gained 1 speed stats

You dipped Low Fat Apple Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 166 BP!

You dipped Apple Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 5 Olympic Pts!

You dipped Blueberry Bagel into the Poison Pit and...

RWBY has gained 1 coordination stats

You dipped Apple Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 1,899 MP!

You dipped Sweet Bagel into the Poison Pit and...

Sanjiel has gained 1 health stats

You dipped Chocolate Chip Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 111 RP!

You dipped Chocolate Chip Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

All of your pets have gained 1 coordination stats!

You dipped Strawberry Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It disappeared.


You dipped Chocolate Chip Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

Espare has gained 1 defence stats

You dipped Blueberry Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now Poison Pancake!

You dipped Low Fat Apple Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 125 RP!

Beast in the Woods: Round 2
9 years, 7 months & 15 days ago
14th Aug 2015 23:49


Levels 1 & 2: About 100k MP
Level 3: 16,387 MP
Level 4: 1,194 MP
Level 5: 139,968 MP
Level 6: 19,996 MP
Level 7: 0 MP
Level 8: 19,721 MP
Level 9: 19,864 MP
Level 10: 18,999 MP
Level 11: 47,393 MP
Level 12: 34,480 MP
Level 13: 74,018 MP
Level 14: 14,846 MP
Level 15: 500,883 MP
Level 16: N/A
Level 17: 134,975 MP
Level 18: 13,541 MP
Level 19: 152,877 MP
Level 20: 6,774 MP
Level 21: 18,398 MP
Level 22: 22,265 MP
Level 23: 22,588 MP
Level 24: 12,936 MP
Level 25: 696 MP
Level 26: 11,948 MP
Level 27: 14,689 MP
Level 28: 21,480 MP
Level 29: 20,000(ish) MP
Level 30: 52,885 MP

Total: 1,513,801+ MP

Prize List:

Level 1: Beast In The Box - 1 MP
Level 2: 250 MP
Level 3: Lost Warriors Helm - 790 MP
Level 4: 500 MP
Level 5: Bloody Beasts Fang - 13,964 MP
Level 6: 750 MP
Level 7: 1,000 MP
Level 8: Forever Late Pocket Watch - N/A
Level 9: 1,500 MP
Level 10: 2,000 MP
Level 11: 3,750 MP
Level 12: Suspicious Juicy Steak - 29,951 MP
Level 13: 4,500 MP
Level 14: 6,000 MP
Level 15: 7,500 MP
Level 16: 6,000 MP
Level 17: Elegant Waistcoat - N/A
Level 18: 7,000 MP
Level 19: 8,000 MP
Level 20: 10,000 MP
Level 21: Grim Fairy Tales - 99,860 MP
Level 22: 25,000 MP
Level 23: 30,000 MP
Level 24: Beast of The Woods Stamp - 79,850 MP
Level 25: 40,000 MP
Level 26: 50,000 MP
Level 27: Gremble - 128,023 MP
Level 28: 75,000 MP
Level 29: Pampered Costume - N/A
Level 30: 100,000 MP, Grey Astro Potion - N/A

Total so far: 731,189 MP

Fleet Flea Market Wishlist/Missing Items! 🌻
2 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
28th Jul 2022 08:39

-Balloon 💖
-Combat Boots 💖
-Party Jacket 💖
-Pisces Flat Boots 💖
-Rain Storm 💖
-Reindeer Purse 💖
-Scorpio Shirt 💖
-Skeleton Leggings 💖
-Spring Hair Extension 💖
-Starry Tights 💖
-Witch Shoes 💖

  1. Pet Goals
    17th Jul 2015 02:52
    9 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
  2. Poison Pit
    16th Aug 2015 03:12
    9 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
  3. Beast in the Woods: Round 2
    14th Aug 2015 23:49
    9 years, 7 months & 15 days ago
  4. Plants' Selfie Memorial
    8th Oct 2022 17:12
    2 years, 5 months & 21 days ago
  5. Fleet Flea Market Wishlist/Missing Items! 🌻
    28th Jul 2022 08:39
    2 years, 8 months & 2 days ago