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MARAWEEN-2022 which gives 2 Evil Clown Poera Stamp and 6,666 MP (released October 19, 2022)

FLASH-SALE-2022 which gives 2 Scout Plushie and 5,000 MP (released September 23, 2022)

On my marasite there's some useful information about all kinds of things including how to change the color of links you've already visited, games, vault codes, and much more. My marasite is here: Mara.Page/Dani Please feel free to check it out!

Do you need help with blackout, evil clowns, mineral match, gold mine, reunite or wacky workshop? Feel free to mail me for help. Art made for me by wonderful people :)

  1. ATM Club Contest List
    5th Oct 2018 10:11
    6 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
  2. Raffle Wins
    3rd May 2020 00:18
    4 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
  3. Trading
    16th Mar 2020 01:45
    4 years, 11 months & 26 days ago
  4. ATM: Pass the Present 2024
    15th Dec 2024 10:50
    2 months, 28 days & 1 hr ago
  5. ATM Club Secret Santa Registration 2024
    5th Dec 2024 18:24
    3 months, 6 days & 17 hrs ago
  6. ATM Guessing Game
    22nd Aug 2024 14:45
    6 months, 19 days & 22 hrs ago
  7. ATM: Club TOT 2023
    22nd Oct 2023 07:49
    1 year, 4 months & 22 days ago
  8. ATM: Club Trick Or Treat Registration
    22nd Oct 2023 07:08
    1 year, 4 months & 22 days ago
  9. ATM Community Halloween Story (Oct 2023)
    21st Oct 2023 05:41
    1 year, 4 months & 23 days ago
  10. ATM Pumpkin Carving
    7th Oct 2023 03:50
    1 year, 5 months & 6 days ago
New year, new me!
5 years & 2 months ago
13th Jan 2020 01:31

I've been so wrapped up in all that I've lost and all that's change in the last year or so that I've been making myself totally miserable. Of course that has an impact on my relationship with my fiance Tim, on my friendships, and on pretty much every aspect of my life. I do try to be sunny and happy, but when I let the negative overwhelm me it's easier to be sad and depressed (to say the least lol). So I decided to try to change how I look at things. When I get a negative thought I say to myself "Ok, that happened. It sucked, life goes on. Now, what are 3 positive things that came from that happening?" I'll be 100% honest, finding the positive things isn't always easy, and sometimes the positive things are pretty small, but I'm finding that focusing on the positive that came from the negative, instead of on the negative itself, is making it easier for me to kind of get rid of that negative thought or to look at it in a new light. It may sound corny, it may sound stupid, but so far it's working for me. It's funny but sometime now I get so wrapped up in finding the positive that came from it that I almost (or do) forget what the negative thought was! Hopefully I can make this a permanent habit, and hopefully it continues to make me a more positive person!!

Some jumbled thoughts
5 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
6th Aug 2019 19:37

Ok so I've not been active lately really. I check in a few times a day for a moment or 2 here and there and just don't have the energy to do much more. I do have some thoughts I need to record somewhere, preferably where my fiance can't or won't see them and as he's not into mara this seems like as good a place as any. Right now my life is falling apart, and has been for awhile. I'm trying to hold it together, and while I wait to make the hardest decisions everything I don't have a death grip on is falling apart even more. There's some positives though, and I need to make sure I remember them! Like how scared Tim was to drive the first time, but he bit the bullet and he did it. Everyone in my family was down on him for not having a license already and not knowing how to drive at all, but he grew up in a large city with public transportation and a license and car wasn't a necessity like it is here. Here there's no public transportation at all, not even a taxi cab or uber. So of course he didn't know how to drive, but he learned, he didn't have a single accident, and he got himself his license. I was so proud of him for that, and he was proud of himself. He still shows his license to all his friends, and I can see some of them thinking "big deal" but it is a big deal and it's a good thing. He wakes me up with a kiss in the morning, and goes to work. He works hard, and even though the hours and the 6-7 days a week is killing him he still goes to work. He makes time for me, even if it's not as much time as I'd like or need, and he makes sure he still does the little things that attracted me to him. He does different things than he did in the beginning, but they show his heart is in the right place. He told me once he was scared I'd say no when he asked me to marry him the first time. He whispered in my ear "I love you, marry me?" and I paused. There was absolute silence for a few moments, he said that it seemed to stretch into forever but it was really only a minute or 2 at the most. Then I clearly said, "Yes, I will marry you Tim." He told me that his heart didn't beat the whole time he waited for me to say yes or no. I love him, and I try to please him in every way I can. He worries he'll lose me to my soon to be ex husband, but he won't. As more time goes on I think he sees that though. I worry I'll lose him too. We're trying, and that's all we can do right now. We've had so many losses between us, his dad died, our baby was miscarried, my mom is dying, our oldest cat Cali (who was 14) died Sunday... I've had health issue after health issue, and now I have tumors that are growing scarily fast. He's terrified I'll die from it, meanwhile I'm getting more and more ummmmmmmmm grumpy we'll say, from the pain. We're trying. That's all we can do. I'm trying, that's all I can do. There's been so many major downs, but so many ups too. It's a roller coaster, and we're just hanging on for the ride at this point. I just need to get my thoughts organized some.

  1. ATM Club Contest List
    5th Oct 2018 10:11
    6 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
  2. Raffle Wins
    3rd May 2020 00:18
    4 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
  3. Trading
    16th Mar 2020 01:45
    4 years, 11 months & 26 days ago
  4. ATM: Pass the Present 2024
    15th Dec 2024 10:50
    2 months, 28 days & 1 hr ago
  5. ATM Club Secret Santa Registration 2024
    5th Dec 2024 18:24
    3 months, 6 days & 17 hrs ago
  6. ATM Guessing Game
    22nd Aug 2024 14:45
    6 months, 19 days & 22 hrs ago
  7. ATM: Club TOT 2023
    22nd Oct 2023 07:49
    1 year, 4 months & 22 days ago
  8. ATM: Club Trick Or Treat Registration
    22nd Oct 2023 07:08
    1 year, 4 months & 22 days ago
  9. ATM Community Halloween Story (Oct 2023)
    21st Oct 2023 05:41
    1 year, 4 months & 23 days ago
  10. ATM Pumpkin Carving
    7th Oct 2023 03:50
    1 year, 5 months & 6 days ago