Things I Love
8 years, 1 month & 26 days ago

15th Jan 2017 16:04
♥Huge, cute tea mugs ♥Throw blankets ♥Hawaii Five-O
♥Hot tea in the morning ♥Yoga With Adrienne videos
♥Nights out with my girlfriends ♥Long walks with bb boy Wilson in the Spring/Autumn ♥Petting cute dogs ♥Candles
♥Korean face masks ♥Doodling Mandalas ♥Really nice quality gel pens ♥Coloring sheets ♥When my best friend is in town ♥Gratitude lists ♥Guided journals ♥Glitter
♥Vegetarian Chik-n nuggets ♥Matcha green tea with a slice of lemon ♥Music that makes me dance like an awkward fool ♥Rainy/gloomy days ♥Kind/generous Maradans
♥Slowly building friendships ♥Getting some decent sleep
♥The progress I've made in putting my room together
♥Owl Beanie Boo's ♥Thoughtful gestures/gifts ♥Good vibes
♥My growing good health ♥Peach-flavored drinks ♥Silly moments with my parents ♥Hard strawberry lemonade
♥Chinese takeout fried rice + Siracha ♥Steven Universe
♥Adoptables & cute art ♥Spotting a Cardinal on my morning walk ♥Dancing in my kitchen ♥Watching documentaries ♥Pinterest ♥Finding new music that I enjoy
♥Fuzzy socks ♥Being brave ♥Doggy sweaters ♥Hot ginger peach tea ♥New episodes of Bones ♥My Grumpy Cat shirt ♥Super cozy blankets ♥Fresh fruit ♥Having two days off in a row ♥Faux fur rugs so your feet don't freeze on the cold hardwood floor in the morning ♥Making new collages
♥Interesting dreams ♥Seeing my favorite neighborhood dogs ♥Mozzarella sticks and fried zucchini ♥Celebrating a loved one's brithday ♥Cheddar & sour cream Lays chips
♥Adorable artwork ♥Trying new things ♥Videos that are so funny they make me snort ♥Milano cookies ♥Earl Grey hot tea ♥Netflix ♥Adventure Time episodes ♥My little DVD and pretty mug collection ♥Having a productive and feel-good work day ♥Beautiful & vivid sunsets ♥Keeping in better touch with my friends ♥Gourmet-scented candles ♥Having neighbors that keep chickens ♥How mason jars make any drink so much cuter ♥Forecast for a rainy week ♥Talented animals & people ♥Lipstick
♥Feeling more like myself lately ♥Wilson visiting with his "Girlfriend" ♥Wagging tails ♥Pringles ♥Learning to love & appreciate my body & what it can do ♥Lovely spring weather ♥Genuine compliments from customers ♥The neighborhood wood pecker ♥When a meh day turns into a better day ♥Surprise little gifts ♥Being excited to challenge myself ♥Coconut oil
♥Free food ♥Becoming more of a supporter and encourager ♥Cute kawaii shtuff ♥13 Reasons Why on Netflix ♥Time by myself ♥Gorgeous spring weather ♥Cool breezes ♥Watching Futurama with my mom ♥Sleeping in until 9 AM ♥Good vibes ♥Good hair days ♥Good skin days
♥Being in a good mood ♥My fabulous coworkers ♥Fun work gatherings ♥Having something to look forward to ♥Watermelon chillers ♥Seeing the chickens sunbathing
♥Finding a new restaurant to visit ♥Edemame ♥Miso soup
♥Seeing people & dogs out enjoying the beautiful weather ♥LUNA bars ♥Real laughter, giggles, & snorts
♥ Black cats ♥Having the fridge stocked with whole, healthy foods ♥Chamomile tea ♥Taking walks with my dad on a good day ♥My mom's purple hair ♥Looking forward to a manicure ♥CSI Miami ♥Learning to love exercise
♥Funny pictures of cute animals wearing costumes ♥Blooming flowers ♥Sunset-colored tulips ♥Long showers ♥DIY spa days ♥My best friend visiting from Miami soon
♥When my dad has a good day ♥Losing a few pounds through hard work ♥Cardinals ♥New neighborhood dogs
♥Driving myself & alone time in general ♥Having the weekend off ♥Slowly achieving my long-term goals
♥Oversized hoodies & sweaters ♥Making a nice/healthy dinner ♥Books that feel like a comforting hug
♥Becoming a better adult ♥Seeing my lovely friends ♥Wilson cuddling up with a pillow and
♥My pink water bottle ♥Happy surprises ♥Good news ♥Being one step closer to figuring out this whole "adult" thing ♥Hawaii Five O ♥Really awesome genuine compliments from customers ♥Coconut oil
♥Loose-leaf tea + German sugar rocks ♥My crystal necklaces collection ♥Cute socks from Forever 21
♥Making a grumpy stranger smile ♥My dad's pain meds kicking in ♥Makeup remover wipes ♥Mac 'n' cheese
♥The word "periwinkle" ♥Productive days ♥CSI Miami
♥The new garden ♥Finding new music to listen to ♥Biking ♥My weight loss progress ♥Candles ♥Double chocolate donuts ♥Wilson's hairdos ♥Morning yoga