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  1. LE Maker Values
    27th Oct 2020 22:29
    4 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
  2. Wryly's Missing Gourmets
    6th Oct 2020 11:38
    4 years, 5 months & 5 days ago
  3. Missing Trading Cards
    17th Jul 2020 22:04
    4 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
  4. Missions Completed
    10th Apr 2017 00:58
    7 years & 11 months ago
LE Maker Values
4 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
27th Oct 2020 22:29

As of October 28, 2020

Arinya - 9mil - 10miil
Astro - 3mil - 4mil
Basil - 40mil
Chibs - 35mil - 40mil
Crikey - 45mil - 50mil
Daisy - 20mil (approximate as prices vary)
Dakota - 10mil - 12mil
Decadal - 200mil - 250mil
Echlin - 12mil - 15mil
Ercuw - 10mil - 12mil
Eyru - 9mil - 11mil
Figaro - 9mil
Gizmo - 4mil
Gobble - 12mil - 15mil
Hump - 15mil - 20mil
Huthiq - 7mil - 8mil
Ike - 12mil - 14mil
Justin - 100mil - 120mil
Kronk - 7mil - 8mil
Kujo - 8mil - 10mil
Lati - 10mil - 11mil
Limax - 20mil - 25mil
Lorius - 18mil - 20mil
Mordo - 20mil
Nino - 7mil - 8mil
Oglue - 7mil - 8mil
Phanty - 5mil
Poera - 8mil - 9mil
Pucu - 30mil - 35mil
Quell - 20mil - 25mil
Raulf - 25mil - 30mil
Rofling - 100mil - 120mil
Rusty - 18mil - 20mil
Sindi - 8mil - 10mil
Snookle - 9mil - 10mil
Straya - 25mil - 30mil
Sybri - 8mil
Tasi - 8mil
Troit - 4mil - 5mil
Ushunda - SS
Viotto - 9mil - 11mil
Vixen - 18mil - 20mil
Vlad - 15mil - 17mil
Wallop - 20mil - 22mil
Willa - 15mil - 17mil
Yuni - 22mil - 25mil
Zoink - 7mil - 8mil
Zola - 90mil - 100mil
Zoosh - 2mil

Wryly's Missing Gourmets
4 years, 5 months & 5 days ago
6th Oct 2020 11:38

Beige Cupcake
Black Bunns
Black Yolk
Blue Bunns
Blue Yolk
Bone Potato
Brown Tentacle
Burnt Potato Chips
Candy Crunch Cereal
Dark Side Pearl
Drake Sugar Cube
Easter Cupcake
Eleka Sugar Cube
Empty Plate
Golem Sugar Cube
Green Bunns
Green Yolk
Grey Bunns
Grey DNA
Grey Yolk
Griffin Sugar Cube
Hippow Easter Egg
Homeless Fairy Sugar Cube
Jelly Potato Chips
Kirin Sugar Cube
Leprechaun Pearl
Lilac Potato
Lilac Sugar Cube
Lobster Dinner
Lush Easter Egg
Magenta Potato
Melted Snow
Merman Sugar Cube
Moonlight Fairy Sugar Cube
Moonlight Ice Cream
Moonlight Pizza
Mummy Gumball
One Hundred Cake
Pingi Easter Egg
Pink Tentacle
Pink Yolk
Plushie Fairy Doughnut
Plushie Fairy Pie
Pot of Gold Cake
Purple Bunns
Purple Yolk
Queen Eleka Pancake
Royal Fairy Sugar Cube
Sand Jelly
Scrooge Easter Egg
Slice of Moonlight Pizza
Slime Potato Chips
Snowman Jelly
Snowman Pancakes
Spam Fairy Cupcake
SPAM Fairy Sugar Cube
Starry Lemon Pie
Sultan Cupcake
Tiny Sultan Pearl
Tree Potato
White Bunns
White Yolk
Yellow Bunns
Yule Log

Missing Trading Cards
4 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
17th Jul 2020 22:04

Acne Trading Card
Agent Trading Card
Bailiff Trading Card
Balloon Trading Card
Cake Trading Card
Caveman Trading Card
City Accountant Trading Card
City Banker Trading Card
City Hobo Trading Card
City Realtor Trading Card
Cracked Trading Card
Cremated Trading Card
Crinkal Trading Card
Cupty Trading Card
Daemon Trading Card
Double Peck Trading Card
Drab Army Trading Card
Drake Trading Card
Eleka Minions Trading Card
Evil Tree Trading Card
Explosive Trading Card
Frostbite Trading Card
Gargoyle Trading Card
Goblar Trading Card
Gross Trading Card
Hero Trading Card
Homeless Fairy Trading Card
Hot Dog Trading Card
Inflate Trading Card
Insomniac Trading Card
Karate Trading Card
Kleptome Trading Card
Light Fairy Trading Card
Lightning Trading Card
Lotus Trading Card
Magic Trading Card
Monsoon Trading Card
Moonlight Fairy Trading Card
Murderer Trading Card
Naunet Trading Card
Nightmare Trading Card
Nocto Trading Card
Operative Trading Card
Party Animal Trading Card
Party Popper Trading Card
Plutonium Trading Card
RIP Trading Card
Runty Trading Card
Rusty Trading Card
Sandman Trading Card
Sewer Fairy Trading Card
Snot Newth Trading Card
Snow Fight Trading Card
Sorcerer Trading Card
Spam Fairy Trading Card
Sultan Trading Card
Team Maple Leaf Trading Card
Terrorantula Trading Card
Test Tube Trading Card
Thunder Trading Card
Tichu Trading Card
Tunes Trading Card
Waste Trading Card
Wee Trading Card
Winter Demon Trading Card

Missions Completed
7 years & 11 months ago
10th Apr 2017 00:58

Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Red Lorius Plushie) 4/06/2017
Fates (Insideout Yuni Potion) 4/14/2017
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted White Lorius Plushie) 6/11/2017
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Yellow Lorius Plushie) 7/05/2017
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie) 9/20/2017
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie) 12/11/2017
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted White Lorius Plushie) 3/09/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Black Lorius Plushie) 3/29/2018
Blitzen's Grotto (Ice Viotto Potion) 4/02/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted White Lorius Plushie) 4/20/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Snow Lorius Plushie) 5/23/2018
Blitzen's Grotto (Enchanted Pink Viotto Plushie) 6/05/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie) 6/27/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Black Lorius Plushie) 7/23/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Minipet Lorius Plushie) 8/10/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie) 8/29/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Minipet Lorius Plushie) 9/16/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Black Lorius Plushie) 10/6/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie) 10/24/2018
The Clam (Olive Kronk Potion) 1/23/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Aqua Lorius Plushie) 1/28/2019
Theatre (Blue Phanty Potion) 2/07/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie) 2/25/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Minipet Lorius Plushie) 4/01/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Purple Lorius Potion)
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Purple Lorius Plushie) 6/23/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie) 7/20/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Orange Lorius Potion) 8/20/2019
Pirate Mafia (Enchanted Rainbow Pucu Plushie) 9/16/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Magenta Lorius Potion) 9/22/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Red Lorius Plushie) 10/20/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Blue Lorius Plushie) 12/04/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Blue Lorius Plushie) 1/4/2020
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Beige Lorius Plushie) 1/25/2020
Greedy Gertrude (Lilac Lorius Potion) 2/15/2020
Bumpkin (Enchanted Red Gizmo Plushie) 3/9/2020
Blitzen's Grotto (Teal Viotto Potion) 3/11/2020
Greedy Gertrude (Brown Lorius Potion) 3/17/2020
Pirate Mafia (Beige Pucu Potion) 3/18/2020
Ublish's Lair (Enchanted Baby Huthiq Plushie) 4/21/2020
Beast in the Woods (Pink Astro Potion) 4/28/2020
Troll (Enchanted Navy Oglue Plushie) 5/3/2020
Clam (Blue Kronk Potion) 5/11/2020
Sewer Cleaner (Checkered Basil Potion) 5/21/2020
Penitentiary (Gold Arinya Potion) 5/28/2020
Hector the Collector (Purple Ike Potion) 6/8/2020
Tarquin's Library (Love Poera Potion) 6/24/2020
Priscilla (Aqua Eyru Potion) 7/14/2020
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Coral Lorius Plushie) 7/27/2020
Trotter's Movies (Enchanted Party Zoink Plushie) 8/2/2020
Greedy Gertrude (Coral Lorius Potion) 9/27/2020
Circus (Beige Zoosh Potion) 11/10/2020
Rubbish Dump (Enchanted Aqua Rusty Plushie) 12/05/2020
Troll (Grey Oglue Potion) 12/21/2020
Theatre (Ninja Phanty Potion) 12/22/2020
The Fates (Enchanted Ice Yuni Plushie) 12/24/2020
Blitzen's Grotto (Teal Viotto Potion) 7/19/2021
Greedy Gertrude (Coral Lorius Potion) 7/25/2021
Bumpkin (Teal Gizmo Potion)
Trotter's Movies (Enchanted Summer Zoink Plushie) 9/02/2021
Pirate Mafia (Enchanted Green Pucu Plushie)
Fugunzel's Tower (Green Troit Potion)
Greedy Gertrude (Fairy Lorius Potion)

  1. LE Maker Values
    27th Oct 2020 22:29
    4 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
  2. Wryly's Missing Gourmets
    6th Oct 2020 11:38
    4 years, 5 months & 5 days ago
  3. Missing Trading Cards
    17th Jul 2020 22:04
    4 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
  4. Missions Completed
    10th Apr 2017 00:58
    7 years & 11 months ago