Missions Completed
7 years & 11 months ago

10th Apr 2017 00:58
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Red Lorius Plushie) 4/06/2017
Fates (Insideout Yuni Potion) 4/14/2017
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted White Lorius Plushie) 6/11/2017
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Yellow Lorius Plushie) 7/05/2017
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie) 9/20/2017
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie) 12/11/2017
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted White Lorius Plushie) 3/09/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Black Lorius Plushie) 3/29/2018
Blitzen's Grotto (Ice Viotto Potion) 4/02/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted White Lorius Plushie) 4/20/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Snow Lorius Plushie) 5/23/2018
Blitzen's Grotto (Enchanted Pink Viotto Plushie) 6/05/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie) 6/27/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Black Lorius Plushie) 7/23/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Minipet Lorius Plushie) 8/10/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie) 8/29/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Minipet Lorius Plushie) 9/16/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Black Lorius Plushie) 10/6/2018
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie) 10/24/2018
The Clam (Olive Kronk Potion) 1/23/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Aqua Lorius Plushie) 1/28/2019
Theatre (Blue Phanty Potion) 2/07/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie) 2/25/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Minipet Lorius Plushie) 4/01/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Purple Lorius Potion)
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Purple Lorius Plushie) 6/23/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie) 7/20/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Orange Lorius Potion) 8/20/2019
Pirate Mafia (Enchanted Rainbow Pucu Plushie) 9/16/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Magenta Lorius Potion) 9/22/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Red Lorius Plushie) 10/20/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Blue Lorius Plushie) 12/04/2019
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Blue Lorius Plushie) 1/4/2020
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Beige Lorius Plushie) 1/25/2020
Greedy Gertrude (Lilac Lorius Potion) 2/15/2020
Bumpkin (Enchanted Red Gizmo Plushie) 3/9/2020
Blitzen's Grotto (Teal Viotto Potion) 3/11/2020
Greedy Gertrude (Brown Lorius Potion) 3/17/2020
Pirate Mafia (Beige Pucu Potion) 3/18/2020
Ublish's Lair (Enchanted Baby Huthiq Plushie) 4/21/2020
Beast in the Woods (Pink Astro Potion) 4/28/2020
Troll (Enchanted Navy Oglue Plushie) 5/3/2020
Clam (Blue Kronk Potion) 5/11/2020
Sewer Cleaner (Checkered Basil Potion) 5/21/2020
Penitentiary (Gold Arinya Potion) 5/28/2020
Hector the Collector (Purple Ike Potion) 6/8/2020
Tarquin's Library (Love Poera Potion) 6/24/2020
Priscilla (Aqua Eyru Potion) 7/14/2020
Greedy Gertrude (Enchanted Coral Lorius Plushie) 7/27/2020
Trotter's Movies (Enchanted Party Zoink Plushie) 8/2/2020
Greedy Gertrude (Coral Lorius Potion) 9/27/2020
Circus (Beige Zoosh Potion) 11/10/2020
Rubbish Dump (Enchanted Aqua Rusty Plushie) 12/05/2020
Troll (Grey Oglue Potion) 12/21/2020
Theatre (Ninja Phanty Potion) 12/22/2020
The Fates (Enchanted Ice Yuni Plushie) 12/24/2020
Blitzen's Grotto (Teal Viotto Potion) 7/19/2021
Greedy Gertrude (Coral Lorius Potion) 7/25/2021
Bumpkin (Teal Gizmo Potion)
Trotter's Movies (Enchanted Summer Zoink Plushie) 9/02/2021
Pirate Mafia (Enchanted Green Pucu Plushie)
Fugunzel's Tower (Green Troit Potion)
Greedy Gertrude (Fairy Lorius Potion)